System Grab Bag

List of Timestamps

This page contains a list of timestamps, provided so you can conveniently convert between many different timestamps at once. If you need more than just the Unix timestamp, the pages are linked so that you can quickly view full conversions.

You can also "anchor" to a timestamp listed or by using the ?anchor= URL parameter and the timestamps will be all relative to a particular timestamp.

The current timestamp is 1729632661 (anchor here) and all timestamps on this page are relative to 1729625652 (reset).

Recent Timestamps

Description Timestamp
1 second ago 1729625651 (anchor here)
2 seconds ago 1729625650 (anchor here)
30 seconds ago 1729625622 (anchor here)
1 minute ago 1729625592 (anchor here)
2 minutes ago 1729625532 (anchor here)
5 minutes ago 1729625352 (anchor here)
10 minutes ago 1729625052 (anchor here)
15 minutes ago 1729624752 (anchor here)
30 minutes ago 1729623852 (anchor here)
1 hour ago 1729622052 (anchor here)
2 hours ago 1729618452 (anchor here)
6 hours ago 1729604052 (anchor here)
12 hours ago 1729582452 (anchor here)
1 day ago 1729539252 (anchor here)
2 days ago 1729452852 (anchor here)
1 week ago 1729020852 (anchor here)
2 weeks ago 1728416052 (anchor here)
3 weeks ago 1727811252 (anchor here)
1 year ago (365 days) 1698089652 (anchor here)

Upcoming Timestamps

Description Timestamp
1 second 1729625653 (anchor here)
2 seconds 1729625654 (anchor here)
30 seconds 1729625682 (anchor here)
1 minute 1729625712 (anchor here)
2 minutes 1729625772 (anchor here)
5 minutes 1729625952 (anchor here)
10 minutes 1729626252 (anchor here)
30 minutes 1729627452 (anchor here)
1 hour 1729629252 (anchor here)
2 hours 1729632852 (anchor here)
6 hours 1729647252 (anchor here)
12 hours 1729668852 (anchor here)
1 day 1729712052 (anchor here)
2 days 1729798452 (anchor here)
1 week 1730230452 (anchor here)
2 weeks 1730835252 (anchor here)
3 weeks 1731440052 (anchor here)
1 year (365 days) 1761161652 (anchor here)