System Grab Bag

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A tool for shutting down, restarting or logging off a machine. More information:
  • Shutdown the current machine:
    shutdown /s
  • Shutdown the current machine force-closing all apps:
    shutdown /s /f
  • Restart the current machine immediately:
    shutdown /r /t 0
  • Hibernate the current machine:
    shutdown /h
  • Log off the current machine:
    shutdown /l
  • Specify a timeout in seconds to wait before shutting down:
    shutdown /s /t {{8}}
  • Abort a shutdown sequence whose timeout is yet to expire:
    shutdown /a
  • Shutdown a remote machine:
    shutdown /m {{\\hostname}}


Prompt user to select a choice and return the selected choice index. More information:
  • Prompt the current user to select a Y or N choice:
  • Prompt the current user to select a [c]hoice from a specific set:
    choice /c {{AB}}
  • Prompt the current user to select a choice with a specific [m]essage:
    choice /m "{{message}}"
  • Prompt the current user to select a [c]ase-[s]ensitive [c]hoice from a specific set:
    choice /cs /c {{Ab}}
  • Prompt the current user to select a choice and prefer the [d]efault choice in a specific [t]ime:
    choice /t {{5}} /d {{N}}
  • Display help:
    choice /?


Return information about one or more users on a specified system. The remote system must be running the Finger service. More information:
  • Display information about a specific user:
    finger {{user}}@{{host}}
  • Display information about all users on the specified host:
    finger @{{host}}
  • Display information in a longer format:
    finger {{user}}@{{host}} -l
  • Display help information:
    finger /?


Open files in their respective default programs. This command can only be used through PowerShell. More information:
  • Open a file in its default program:
    Invoke-Item -Path {{path\to\file}}
  • Open all files inside a directory:
    Invoke-Item -Path {{path\to\directory}}\*
  • Open all PNGs inside a directory:
    Invoke-Item -Path {{path\to\directory}}\*.png
  • Open all files inside a directory containing a specific keyword:
    Invoke-Item -Path {{path\to\directory}}\* -Include {{*keyword*}}
  • Open all files inside a directory except those containing a specific keyword:
    Invoke-Item -Path {{path\to\directory}}\* -Exclude {{*keyword*}}
  • Perform a dry run to determine which files will be opened inside a directory through Invoke-Item:
    Invoke-Item -Path {{path\to\directory}}\* -WhatIf

reg add

Add new keys and their values to the registry. More information:
  • Add a new registry key:
    reg add {{key_name}}
  • Add a new value under a specific key:
    reg add {{key_name}} /v {{value}}
  • Add a new value with specific data:
    reg add {{key_name}} /d {{data}}
  • Add a new value to a key with a specific data type:
    reg add {{key_name}} /t {{type}}
  • Forcefully overwrite the existing registry value without a prompt:
    reg add {{key_name}} /f

choco source

Manage sources for packages with Chocolatey. More information:
  • List currently available sources:
    choco source list
  • Add a new package source:
    choco source add --name {{name}} --source {{url}}
  • Add a new package source with credentials:
    choco source add --name {{name}} --source {{url}} --user {{username}} --password {{password}}
  • Add a new package source with a client certificate:
    choco source add --name {{name}} --source {{url}} --cert {{path\to\certificate_file}}
  • Enable a package source:
    choco source enable --name {{name}}
  • Disable a package source:
    choco source disable --name {{name}}
  • Remove a package source:
    choco source remove --name {{name}}


Resolves the wildcard characters in a path, and displays the path contents. This command can only be used through PowerShell. More information:
  • Resolve the home folder path:
    Resolve-Path {{~}}
  • Resolve a UNC path:
    Resolve-Path -Path "\\{{hostname}}\{{path\to\file}}"
  • Get relative paths:
    Resolve-Path -Path {{path\to\file_or_directory}} -Relative


Displays active TCP connections, ports on which the computer is listening, network adapter statistics, the IP routing table, IPv4 statistics and IPv6 statistics. More information:
  • Display active TCP connections:
  • Display all active TCP connections and the TCP and UDP ports on which the computer is listening:
    netstat -a
  • Display network adapter statistics, such as the number of bytes and packets sent and received:
    netstat -e
  • Display active TCP connections and express addresses and port numbers numerically:
    netstat -n
  • Display active TCP connections and include the process ID (PID) for each connection:
    netstat -o
  • Display the contents of the IP routing table:
    netstat -r
  • Display statistics by protocol:
    netstat -s
  • Display a list of currently open ports and related IP addresses:
    netstat -an


Attempt to repair or decrypt a damaged BitLocker-encrypted volume. More information:
  • Attempt to repair a specified volume:
    repair-bde {{C:}}
  • Attempt to repair a specified volume and output to another volume:
    repair-bde {{C:}} {{D:}}
  • Attempt to repair a specified volume using the provided recovery key file:
    repair-bde {{C:}} -RecoveryKey {{path\to\file.bek}}
  • Attempt to repair a specified volume using the provided numerical recovery password:
    repair-bde {{C:}} -RecoveryPassword {{password}}
  • Attempt to repair a specified volume using the provided password:
    repair-bde {{C:}} -Password {{password}}
  • Attempt to repair a specified volume using the provided key package:
    repair-bde {{C:}} -KeyPackage {{path\to\directory}}
  • Log all output to a specific file:
    repair-bde {{C:}} -LogFile {{path\to\file}}
  • Display all available options:
    repair-bde /?


Measures the time it takes to run script blocks and cmdlets. This command can only be used through PowerShell. More information:
  • Measure the time it takes to run a command:
    Measure-Command { {{command}} }
  • Pipe input to Measure-Command (objects that are piped to Measure-Command are available to the script block that is passed to the Expression parameter):
    10, 20, 50 | Measure-Command -Expression { for ($i=0; $i -lt $_; $i++) {$i} }


Changes the system time on the computer to a time that you specify. This command can only be used through PowerShell. More information:
  • Add three days to the system date:
    Set-Date -Date (Get-Date).AddDays({{3}})
  • Set the system clock back 10 minutes:
    Set-Date -Adjust -0:10:0 -DisplayHint Time
  • Add 90 minutes to the system clock:
    $90mins = New-TimeSpan -Minutes {{90}}; Set-Date -Adjust $90mins


Find a specified string in one or more files. More information:
  • Find lines that contain a specified string:
    find "{{string}}" {{path\to\file_or_directory}}
  • Display lines that do not contain the specified string:
    find "{{string}}" {{path\to\file_or_directory}} /v
  • Display the count of lines that contain the specified string:
    find "{{string}}" {{path\to\file_or_directory}} /c
  • Display line numbers with the list of lines:
    find "{{string}}" {{path\to\file_or_directory}} /n


Mount Network File System (NFS) network shares. More information:
  • Mount a share to the "Z" drive letter:
    mount \\{{computer_name}}\{{share_name}} {{Z:}}
  • Mount a share to the next available drive letter:
    mount \\{{computer_name}}\{{share_name}} *
  • Mount a share with a read timeout in seconds (defaults to 0.8, can be 0.9 or 1 to 60):
    mount -o timeout={{seconds}} \\{{computer_name}}\{{share_name}} {{Z:}}
  • Mount a share and retry up to 10 times if it fails:
    mount -o retry={{retries}} \\{{computer_name}}\{{share_name}} {{Z:}}
  • Mount a share with forced case sensitivity:
    mount -o casesensitive \\{{computer_name}}\{{share_name}} {{Z:}}
  • Mount a share as an anonymous user:
    mount -o anon \\{{computer_name}}\{{share_name}} {{Z:}}
  • Mount a share using a specific mount type:
    mount -o mtype={{soft|hard}} \\{{computer_name}}\{{share_name}} {{Z:}}

reg compare

Compare keys and their values in the registry. More information:
  • Compare all values under a specific key with a second key:
    reg compare {{first_key_name}} {{second_key_name}}
  • Compare a specific value under two keys:
    reg compare {{first_key_name}} {{second_key_name}} /v {{value}}
  • Compare all sub keys and values for two keys:
    reg compare {{first_key_name}} {{second_key_name}} /s
  • Only output the matches between the specified keys:
    reg compare {{first_key_name}} {{second_key_name}} /os
  • Output the differences and matches between the specified keys:
    reg compare {{first_key_name}} {{second_key_name}} /oa


Delete one or more files. More information:
  • Delete one or more space-separated files or patterns:
    del {{file_pattern}}
  • Prompt for confirmation before deleting each file:
    del {{file_pattern}} /p
  • Force the deletion of read-only files:
    del {{file_pattern}} /f
  • Recursively delete file(s) from all subdirectories:
    del {{file_pattern}} /s
  • Do not prompt when deleting files based on a global wildcard:
    del {{file_pattern}} /q
  • Display the help and list available attributes:
    del /?
  • Delete files based on specified attributes:
    del {{file_pattern}} /a {{attribute}}

choco pack

Package a NuGet specification into a nupkg file. More information:
  • Package a NuGet specification to a nupkg file:
    choco pack {{path\to\specification_file}}
  • Package a NuGet specification specifying the version of the resulting file:
    choco pack {{path\to\specification_file}} --version {{version}}
  • Package a NuGet specification to a specific directory:
    choco pack {{path\to\specification_file}} --output-directory {{path\to\output_directory}}


Display the MAC addresses of a system. More information:
  • Display the MAC addresses for the current system:
  • Display the details in a specific format:
    getmac /fo {{table|list|csv}}
  • Exclude the header in the output list:
    getmac /nh
  • Display the MAC addresses for a remote machine:
    getmac /s {{hostname}} /u {{username}} /p {{password}}
  • Display the MAC addresses with verbose information:
    getmac /v
  • Display detailed usage information:
    getmac /?


Take ownership of a file or directory. More information:
  • Take ownership of the specified file:
    takeown /f {{path\to\file}}
  • Take ownership of the specified directory:
    takeown /d {{path\to\directory}}
  • Take ownership of the specified directory and all subdirectories:
    takeown /r /d {{path\to\directory}}
  • Change ownership to the Administrator group instead of the current user:
    takeown /a /f {{path\to\file}}

choco search

Search for a local or remote package with Chocolatey. More information:
  • Search for a package:
    choco search {{query}}
  • Search for a package locally:
    choco search {{query}} --local-only
  • Only include exact matches in the results:
    choco search {{query}} --exact
  • Confirm all prompts automatically:
    choco search {{query}} --yes
  • Specify a custom source to search for packages in:
    choco search {{query}} --source {{source_url|alias}}
  • Provide a username and password for authentication:
    choco search {{query}} --user {{username}} --password {{password}}


Calculates the numeric properties of objects, and the characters, words, and lines in string objects, such as files of text. This command can only be used through PowerShell. More information:
  • Count the files and folders in a directory:
    Get-ChildItem | Measure-Object
  • Pipe input to Measure-Command (objects that are piped to Measure-Command are available to the script block that is passed to the Expression parameter):
    "One", "Two", "Three", "Four" | Set-Content -Path "{{path\to\file}}"; Get-Content "{{path\to\file}}"; | Measure-Object -Character -Line -Word


Copy input content to the Windows clipboard. More information:
  • Pipe command-line output to the Windows clipboard:
    {{dir}} | clip
  • Copy the contents of a file to the Windows clipboard:
    clip < {{path\to\file.ext}}
  • Copy text with a trailing newline to the Windows clipboard:
    echo {{some text}} | clip
  • Copy text without a trailing newline to the Windows clipboard:
    echo | set /p="some text" | clip


Calculate a hash for a file. This command can only be used through PowerShell. More information:
  • Calculate a hash for a specified file using the SHA256 algorithm:
    Get-FileHash {{path\to\file}}
  • Calculate a hash for a specified file using a specified algorithm:
    Get-FileHash {{path\to\file}} -Algorithm {{SHA1|SHA384|SHA256|SHA512|MD5}}


Open a file or URL from within Windows Subsystem for Linux in the user's default Windows GUI application. More information:
  • Open the current directory in Windows Explorer:
    wsl-open {{.}}
  • Open a URL in the user's default web browser in Windows:
    wsl-open {{}}
  • Open a specific file in the user's default application in Windows:
    wsl-open {{path\to\file}}
  • Set wsl-open as the shell's web browser (open links with wsl-open):
    wsl-open -w
  • Display help:
    wsl-open -h


Communicate with the Service Control Manager and services. More information:
  • Show the status of a service (no service name will list all services):
    sc queryex {{service_name}}
  • Start a service asynchronously:
    sc start {{service_name}}
  • Stop a service asynchronously:
    sc stop {{service_name}}
  • Set the type of a service:
    sc config {{service_name}} type= {{service_type}}


This command is an alias of chromium. More information:
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr chromium


Check file system and volume metadata for errors. More information:
  • Specify the drive letter (followed by a colon), mount point, or volume name to check:
    chkdsk {{volume}}
  • Fix errors on a specific volume:
    chkdsk {{volume}} /f
  • Dismount a specific volume before checking:
    chkdsk {{volume}} /x
  • Change the log file size to the specified size (only for NTFS):
    chkdsk /l{{size}}


Display operating system configuration for a local or remote machine. More information:
  • Display system configuration for the local machine:
  • Display system configuration in a specified output format:
    systeminfo /fo {{table|list|csv}}
  • Display system configuration for a remote machine:
    systeminfo /s {{remote_name}} /u {{username}} /p {{password}}
  • Display detailed usage information:
    systeminfo /?

choco apikey

Manage API keys for Chocolatey sources. More information:
  • Display a list of sources and their API keys:
    choco apikey
  • Display a specific source and its API key:
    choco apikey --source "{{source_url}}"
  • Set an API key for a source:
    choco apikey --source "{{source_url}}" --key "{{api_key}}"
  • Remove an API key for a source:
    choco apikey --source "{{source_url}}" --remove


Manage the Windows Subsystem for Linux. More information:
  • Start a Linux shell (in the default distribution):
    wsl {{shell_command}}
  • Run a Linux command without using a shell:
    wsl --exec {{command}} {{command_arguments}}
  • Specify a particular distribution:
    wsl --distribution {{distribution}} {{shell_command}}
  • List available distributions:
    wsl --list
  • Export a distribution to a .tar file:
    wsl --export {{distribution}} {{path\to\distro_file.tar}}
  • Import a distribution from a .tar file:
    wsl --import {{distribution}} {{path\to\install_location}} {{path/to/distro_file.tar}}
  • Change the version of wsl used for the specified distribution:
    wsl --set-version {{distribution}} {{version}}
  • Shut down Windows Subsystem for Linux:
    wsl --shutdown


A ping tool that includes TCP ping, latency and bandwidth measurement. More information:
  • Ping a host using ICMP:
    psping {{hostname}}
  • Ping a host over a TCP port:
    psping {{hostname}}:{{port}}
  • Specify the number of pings and perform it quietly:
    psping {{hostname}} -n {{pings}} -q
  • Ping the target over TCP 50 times and produce a histogram of the results:
    psping {{hostname}}:{{port}} -q -n {{50}} -h
  • Display usage information:
    psping /?


List programs via RPC on remote computers. More information:
  • List all programs registered on the local computer:
  • List all programs registered on a remote computer:
    rpcinfo /p {{computer_name}}
  • Call a specific program on a remote computer using TCP:
    rpcinfo /t {{computer_name}} {{program_name}}
  • Call a specific program on a remote computer using UDP:
    rpcinfo /u {{computer_name}} {{program_name}}

choco pin

Pin a package at a specific version with Chocolatey. Pinned packages are skipped automatically when upgrading. More information:
  • Display a list of pinned packages and their versions:
    choco pin list
  • Pin a package at its current version:
    choco pin add --name {{package}}
  • Pin a package at a specific version:
    choco pin add --name {{package}} --version {{version}}
  • Remove a pin for a specific package:
    choco pin remove --name {{package}}


Display a graphical tree of the directory structure for a path. More information:
  • Display the tree for the current directory:
  • Display the tree for a specific directory:
    tree {{path\to\directory}}
  • Display the tree for a directory including files:
    tree {{path\to\directory}} /f
  • Display the tree using ASCII characters instead of extended characters:
    tree {{path\to\directory}} /a


The Windows File Explorer. More information:
  • Open Windows Explorer:
  • Open Windows Explorer in the current directory:
    explorer .
  • Open Windows Explorer in a specific directory:
    explorer {{path\to\directory}}

choco list

Display a list of packages with Chocolatey. More information:
  • Display all available packages:
    choco list
  • Display all locally installed packages:
    choco list --local-only
  • Display a list including local programs:
    choco list --include-programs
  • Display only approved packages:
    choco list --approved-only
  • Specify a custom source to display packages from:
    choco list --source {{source_url|alias}}
  • Provide a username and password for authentication:
    choco list --user {{username}} --password {{password}}


Execute a command-line process on a remote machine. This is an advanced command and it might potentially be dangerous. More information:
  • Execute a command using cmd in a remote shell:
    psexec \\{{remote_host}} cmd
  • Execute a command on a remote host (pre-authenticated):
    psexec \\{{remote_host}} -u {{user_name}} -p {{password}}
  • Execute a command remotely and output the result to a file:
    psexec \\{{remote_host}} cmd /c {{command}} -an ^>{{path\to\file.txt}}
  • Execute a program to interact with users:
    psexec \\{{remote_host}} -d -i {{program_name}}
  • Display the IP configuration of the remote host:
    psexec \\{{remote_host}} ipconfig /all


A tool to check and apply Windows Group Policy settings. More information:
  • Check and apply updated Group Policy settings:
  • Specify the target Group Policy settings to check for update:
    gpupdate /target:{{computer|user}}
  • Force all Group Policy settings to be reapplied:
    gpupdate /force
  • Display detailed usage information:
    gpupdate /?


Find specified text within one or more files. More information:
  • Find space-separated string(s) in all files:
    findstr "{{query}}" *
  • Find space-separated string(s) in a piped command's output:
    {{dir}} | findstr "{{query}}"
  • Find space-separated string(s) in all files recur[s]ively:
    findstr /s "{{query}}" *
  • Find strings using a case-insensitive search:
    findstr /i "{{query}}" *"
  • Find strings in all files using regular expressions:
    findstr /r "{{expression}}" *
  • Find a literal string (containing spaces) in all text files:
    findstr /c:"{{query}}" *.txt
  • Display the line number before each matching line:
    findstr /n "{{query}}" *
  • Display only the filenames that contain a match:
    findstr /m "{{query}}" *


In PowerShell, this command may be an alias of Invoke-WebRequest when the original curl program ( is not properly installed.
  • Check whether curl is properly installed by printing its version number. If this command evaluates into an error, PowerShell may have substituted this command with Invoke-WebRequest:
    curl --version
  • View documentation for the original curl command:
    tldr curl -p common
  • View documentation for the original curl command in older versions of tldr command-line client:
    tldr curl -o common
  • View documentation for PowerShell's Invoke-WebRequest command:
    tldr invoke-webrequest


Copy files and directory trees. More information:
  • Copy the file(s) to the specified destination:
    xcopy {{path\to\file_or_directory}} {{path\to\destination_directory}}
  • List files that will be copied before copying:
    xcopy {{path\to\file_or_directory}} {{path\to\destination_directory}} /p
  • Copy the directory structure only, excluding files:
    xcopy {{path\to\file_or_directory}} {{path\to\destination_directory}} /t
  • Include empty directories when copying:
    xcopy {{path\to\file_or_directory}} {{path\to\destination_directory}} /e
  • Keep the source ACL in the destination:
    xcopy {{path\to\file_or_directory}} {{path\to\destination_directory}} /o
  • Allow resuming when network connection is lost:
    xcopy {{path\to\file_or_directory}} {{path\to\destination_directory}} /z
  • Disable the prompt when the file exists in the destination:
    xcopy {{path\to\file_or_directory}} {{path\to\destination_directory}} /y
  • Display detailed usage information:
    xcopy /?


Clean junk files on the filesystem. More information:
  • Perform the clean-up operation and delete files:
    bleachbit_console.exe --clean
  • Preview the files that will be deleted and other changes that will be made before actually performing the clean-up operation:
    bleachbit_console.exe --preview
  • Display system information:
    bleachbit_console.exe --sysinfo
  • Start the graphical user interface (GUI) version of Bleachbit:
    bleachbit_console.exe --gui
  • Display version:
    bleachbit_console.exe --version


Scans the integrity of Windows system files. More information:
  • Display information about the usage of the command:
  • Scan all system files and, if possible, repair any problems:
    sfc /scannow
  • Scan all system files without attempting to repair any:
    sfc /verifyonly
  • Scan a specific file and, if possible, repair any problems:
    sfc /scanfile={{path\to\file}}
  • Scan a specific file without attempting to repair it:
    sfc /verifyfile={{path\to\file}}
  • When repairing offline, specify the boot directory:
    sfc /offbootdir={{path\to\directory}}
  • When repairing offline, specify the Windows directory:
    sfc /offwindir={{path\to\directory}}


In PowerShell, this command may be an alias of Invoke-WebRequest when the original wget program ( is not properly installed.
  • Check whether wget is properly installed by printing its version number. If this command evaluates into an error, PowerShell may have substituted this command with Invoke-WebRequest:
    curl --version
  • View documentation for the original wget command:
    tldr wget -p common
  • View documentation for the original wget command in older versions of tldr command-line client:
    tldr wget -o common
  • View documentation for PowerShell's Invoke-WebRequest command:
    tldr invoke-webrequest


Sets persistent environment variables. More information:
  • Set an environment variable for the current user:
    setx {{variable}} {{value}}
  • Set an environment variable for the current machine:
    setx {{variable}} {{value}} /M
  • Set an environment variable for a user on a remote machine:
    setx /s {{hostname}} /u {{username}} /p {{password}} {{variable}} {{value}}
  • Set an environment variable from a registry key value:
    setx {{variable}} /k {{registry\key\path}}


Displays information about file system volumes. More information:
  • Display a list of volumes:
    fsutil volume list
  • Display information about a volume's file system:
    fsutil fsInfo volumeInfo {{drive_letter|volume_path}}
  • Display the current state of the file system auto-repair for all volumes:
    fsutil repair state
  • Display the dirty bit state of all volumes:
    fsutil dirty query
  • Set the dirty bit state of a volume:
    fsutil dirty set {{drive_letter|volume_path}}


Compare the differences between two files or sets of files. Use wildcards (*) to compare sets of files. More information:
  • Compare 2 specified files:
    fc {{path\to\file1}} {{path\to\file2}}
  • Perform a case-insensitive comparison:
    fc /c {{path\to\file1}} {{path\to\file2}}
  • Compare files as Unicode text:
    fc /u {{path\to\file1}} {{path\to\file2}}
  • Compare files as ASCII text:
    fc /l {{path\to\file1}} {{path\to\file2}}
  • Compare files as binary:
    fc /b {{path\to\file1}} {{path\to\file2}}
  • Disable tab-to-space expansion:
    fc /t {{path\to\file1}} {{path\to\file2}}
  • Compress whitespace (tabs and spaces) for comparisons:
    fc /w {{path\to\file1}} {{path\to\file2}}


Display a list of currently running processes on a local or remote machine. More information:
  • Display currently running processes:
  • Display running processes in a specified output format:
    tasklist /fo {{table|list|csv}}
  • Display running processes using the specified .exe or .dll file name:
    tasklist /m {{module_pattern}}
  • Display processes running on a remote machine:
    tasklist /s {{remote_name}} /u {{username}} /p {{password}}
  • Display services using each process:
    tasklist /svc


Selects objects from a collection based on their property values. This command can only be used through PowerShell. More information:
  • Filter aliases by its name:
    Get-Alias | Where-Object -{{Property}} {{Name}} -{{eq}} {{name}}
  • Get a list of all services that are currently stopped. The $_ automatic variable represents each object that is passed to the Where-Object cmdlet:
    Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Stopped"}
  • Use multiple conditions:
    Get-Module -ListAvailable | Where-Object { $_.Name -NotLike "Microsoft*" -And $_.Name -NotLike "PS*" }


Displays or sets the system date. More information:
  • Display the current system date and prompt to enter a new date (leave empty to keep unchanged):
  • Display the current system date without prompting for a new date:
    date /t
  • Change the current system date to a specific date:
    date {{month}}-{{day}}-{{year}}


Display and manage the network configuration of Windows. More information:
  • Show a list of network adapters:
  • Show a detailed list of network adapters:
    ipconfig /all
  • Renew the IP addresses for a network adapter:
    ipconfig /renew {{adapter}}
  • Free up the IP addresses for a network adapter:
    ipconfig /release {{adapter}}
  • Show the local DNS cache:
    ipconfig /displaydns
  • Remove all data from the local DNS cache:
    ipconfig /flushdns


Select one or more files to execute a specified command on. More information:
  • Search for files in the current directory:
  • Search for files in a specific directory:
    forfiles /p {{path\to\directory}}
  • Run the specified command for each file:
    forfiles /c "{{command}}"
  • Search for files using a specific glob mask:
    forfiles /m {{glob_pattern}}
  • Search for files recursively:
    forfiles /s
  • Search for files older than 5 days:
    forfiles /d +{{5}}


Preprocess and compile PascalABC.NET source files. More information:
  • Compile the specified source file into an executable with the same name:
    pabcnetcclear {{path\to\source_file.pas}}
  • Compile the specified source file into an executable with the specified name:
    pabcnetcclear /Output:{{path\to\_file.exe}} {{path\to\source_file.pas}}
  • Compile the specified source file into an executable with the same name along with/without debug information:
    pabcnetcclear /Debug:{{0|1}} {{path\to\source_file.pas}}
  • Allow units to be searched in the specified path while compiling the source file into an executable with the same name:
    pabcnetcclear /SearchDir:{{path\to\directory}} {{path\to\source_file.pas}}
  • Compile the specified source file into an executable, defining a symbol:
    pabcnetcclear /Define:{{symbol}} {{path\to\source_file.pas}}


List items in a directory. This command can only be used through PowerShell. More information:
  • List all non-hidden items in the current directory:
  • List only directories in the current directory:
    Get-ChildItem -Directory
  • List only files in the current directory:
    Get-ChildItem -File
  • List items in the current directory, including hidden items:
    Get-ChildItem -Hidden
  • List items in a directory other than the current one:
    Get-ChildItem -Path {{path\to\directory}}


Command-line tools for Octopus Deploy. More information:
  • Create a package:
    octo pack --id={{package}}
  • Push a package to a repository on the Octopus server:
    octo push --package={{package}}
  • Create a release:
    octo create-release --project={{project_name}} --packageversion={{version}}
  • Deploy a release:
    octo deploy-release --project={{project_name}} --packageversion={{version}} --deployto={{environment_name}} --tenant={{deployment_target}}


Install, update, repair, or uninstall Windows programs using MSI and MSP package files. More information:
  • Install a program from its MSI package:
    msiexec /package {{path\to\file.msi}}
  • Install a MSI package from a website:
    msiexec /package {{}}
  • Install a MSP patch file:
    msiexec /update {{path\to\file.msp}}
  • Uninstall a program or patch using their respective MSI or MSP file:
    msiexec /uninstall {{path\to\file}}


A tool to install unofficial Python package binaries on Windows. More information:
  • List all available packages for download:
    pipwin list
  • Search packages:
    pipwin search {{partial_name|name}}
  • Install a package:
    pipwin install {{package}}
  • Uninstall a package:
    pipwin uninstall {{package}}
  • Download a package to a specific directory:
    pipwin download --dest {{path\to\directory}} {{package}}
  • Install packages according to requirements.txt:
    pipwin install --file {{path\to\requirements.txt}}


Gets the current date and time. This command can only be used through PowerShell. More information:
  • Display the current date and time:
  • Display the current date and time with a .NET format specifier:
    Get-Date -Format "{{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}}"
  • Display the current date and time in UTC and ISO 8601 format:
  • Convert a Unix timestamp:
    Get-Date -UnixTimeSeconds {{1577836800}}


Stops one or more running services. This command can only be used through PowerShell. More information:
  • Stop a service on the local computer:
    Stop-Service -Name {{service_name}}
  • Stop a service by using the display name:
    Stop-Service -DisplayName "{{name}}"
  • Stop a service that has dependent services:
    Stop-Service -Name {{service_name}} -Force -Confirm


Manage VirtualBox virtual machines. More information:
  • Start a virtual machine:
    virtualboxvm --startvm {{name|uuid}}
  • Start a virtual machine in fullscreen mode:
    virtualboxvm --startvm {{name|uuid}} --fullscreen
  • Mount the specified DVD image file:
    virtualboxvm --startvm {{name|uuid}} --dvd {{path\to\image_file}}
  • Display a command-line window with debug information:
    virtualboxvm --startvm {{name|uuid}} --debug-command-line
  • Start a virtual machine in a paused state:
    virtualboxvm --startvm {{name|uuid}} --start-paused

choco install

Install one or more packages with Chocolatey. More information:
  • Install one or more space-separated packages:
    choco install {{package1 package2 ...}}
  • Install packages from a custom configuration file:
    choco install {{path\to\packages_file.config}}
  • Install a specific nuspec or nupkg file:
    choco install {{path\to\file}}
  • Install a specific version of a package:
    choco install {{package}} --version {{version}}
  • Allow installing multiple versions of a package:
    choco install {{package}} --allow-multiple
  • Confirm all prompts automatically:
    choco install {{package}} --yes
  • Specify a custom source to receive packages from:
    choco install {{package}} --source {{source_url|alias}}
  • Provide a username and password for authentication:
    choco install {{package}} --user {{username}} --password {{password}}

choco uninstall

Uninstall one or more packages with Chocolatey. More information:
  • Uninstall one or more space-separated packages:
    choco uninstall {{package1 package2 ...}}
  • Uninstall a specific version of a package:
    choco uninstall {{package}} --version {{version}}
  • Confirm all prompts automatically:
    choco uninstall {{package}} --yes
  • Remove all dependencies when uninstalling:
    choco uninstall {{package}} --remove-dependencies
  • Uninstall all packages:
    choco uninstall all


List directory contents. More information:
  • Show the contents of the current directory:
  • Show the contents of a given directory:
    dir {{path\to\directory}}
  • Show the contents of the current directory, including hidden ones:
    dir /A
  • Show the contents of a given directory, including hidden ones:
    dir {{path\to\directory}} /A


The Windows command interpreter. More information:
  • Start an interactive shell session:
  • Execute specific [c]ommands:
    cmd /c {{echo Hello world}}
  • Execute a specific script:
    cmd {{path\to\script.bat}}
  • Execute specific commands and then enter an interactive shell:
    cmd /k {{echo Hello world}}
  • Start an interactive shell session where echo is disabled in command output:
    cmd /q
  • Start an interactive shell session with delayed [v]ariable expansion enabled or disabled:
    cmd /v:{{on|off}}
  • Start an interactive shell session with command [e]xtensions enabled or disabled:
    cmd /e:{{on|off}}
  • Start an interactive shell session with used [u]nicode encoding:
    cmd /u


Display information about installed device drivers. More information:
  • Display a list of all installed device drivers:
  • Display a list of drivers in the specified format:
    driverquery /fo {{table|list|csv}}
  • Display a list of drivers with a column to indicate if they are signed:
    driverquery /si
  • Exclude the header in the output list:
    driverquery /nh
  • Display a list of drivers for a remote machine:
    driverquery /s {{hostname}} /u {{username}} /p {{password}}
  • Display a list of drivers with verbose information:
    driverquery /v
  • Display detailed usage information:
    driverquery /?


Displays information about user sessions and process. More information:
  • Display all user sessions:
    query session
  • Display the current user sessions on a remote computer:
    query session /server:{{hostname}}
  • Display logged in users:
    query user
  • Display all user sessions on a remote computer:
    query session /server:{{hostname}}
  • Display all running processes:
    query process
  • Display running processes by session or user name:
    query process {{session_name|user_name}}


Interactively transfer files between a local and remote FTP server. More information:
  • Connect to a remote FTP server interactively:
    ftp {{host}}
  • Log in as an anonymous user:
    ftp -A {{host}}
  • Disable automatic login upon initial connection:
    ftp -n {{host}}
  • Run a file containing a list of FTP commands:
    ftp -s:{{path\to\file}} {{host}}
  • Download multiple files (glob expression):
    mget {{*.png}}
  • Upload multiple files (glob expression):
    mput {{*.zip}}
  • Delete multiple files on the remote server:
    mdelete {{*.txt}}
  • Display detailed help:
    ftp --help


Display information about NFS filesystems on Windows Server. More information:
  • Display all exported filesystems:
    showmount -e
  • Display all NFS clients and their mounted directories:
    showmount -a
  • Display all NFS mounted directories:
    showmount -d
  • Display all exported filesystems for a remote server:
    showmount -e {{server_address}}


Terminate a process by its process ID or name. More information:
  • Terminate a process by its ID:
    taskkill /pid {{process_id}}
  • Terminate a process by its name:
    taskkill /im {{process_name}}
  • Forcefully terminate a specified process:
    taskkill /pid {{process_id}} /f
  • Terminate a process and its child processes:
    taskkill /im {{process_name}} /t
  • Terminate a process on a remote machine:
    taskkill /pid {{process_id}} /s {{remote_name}}
  • Display information about the usage of the command:
    taskkill /?


A trace route tool combining features of ping and tracert. More information:
  • Ping and trace the route to a host:
    pathping {{hostname}}
  • Do not perform reverse lookup of IP address to hostname:
    pathping {{hostname}} -n
  • Specify the maximum number of hops to search for the target (the default is 30):
    pathping {{hostname}} -h {{max_hops}}
  • Specify the milliseconds to wait between pings (the default is 240):
    pathping {{hostname}} -p {{time}}
  • Specify the number of queries per hop (the default is 100):
    pathping {{hostname}} -q {{queries}}
  • Force IPV4 usage:
    pathping {{hostname}} -4
  • Force IPV6 usage:
    pathping {{hostname}} -6
  • Display detailed usage information:
    pathping /?


Locate Visual Studio 2017 and newer installations. More information:
  • Find the path of vcvarsall.bat to set environment variables:
    vswhere -products * -latest -prerelease -find **\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat
  • Find the directory of the x64 MSVC compiler (cl.exe, etc):
    vswhere -products * -latest -prerelease -find **\Hostx64\x64\*
  • Find the directory of Clang bundled with Visual Studio bundled (clang-cl, clang-tidy, etc):
    vswhere -products * -latest -prerelease -find **\Llvm\bin\*
  • Find the path of MSBuild.exe:
    vswhere -products * -latest -prerelease -find MSBuild\**\Bin\MSBuild.exe


This command is an alias of Invoke-WebRequest in PowerShell.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr invoke-webrequest

netsh interface portproxy

Configure and display the status of various network components. More information:
  • Display the current port forwarding setup:
    netsh interface portproxy show all
  • Set up IPv4 port forwarding (run in elevated console):
    netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenaddress={{}} listenport={{8080}} connectaddress={{}} connectport={{80}}
  • Remove IPv4 port forwarding (run in elevated console):
    netsh interface portproxy delete v4tov4 listenaddress={{}} listenport={{8080}}
  • Display help:
    netsh interface portproxy


Setup the environment variables required for using the Microsoft Visual Studio tools. The path of vcvarsall for a certain Visual Studio installation can be found using vswhere. More information:
  • Setup the environment for native x64:
    vcvarsall x64
  • Setup the environment for cross-compiled native x86 from the x64 host:
    vcvarsall x64_x86
  • Setup the environment for cross-compiled native Arm x64 from the x64 host:
    vcvarsall x64_arm64
  • Setup the environment for native UWP x64:
    vcvarsall x64 uwp


Install, activate, and manage Windows licenses. This command may override, deactivate, and/or remove your current Windows license. Please proceed with caution. More information:
  • [d]isplay the current Windows [l]icense [i]nformation:
    slmgr /dli
  • [d]isplay the ins[t]allation [i]D for the current device. Useful for offline license activation:
    slmgr /dti
  • Display the current license's e[xp]i[r]ation date and time:
    slmgr /xpr
  • [i]nstall a new Windows license [p]roduct [k]ey. Requires Administrator privileges and will override the existing license:
    slmgr /ipk {{product_key}}
  • [a]c[t]ivate the Windows product license [o]nline. Requires Administrator privileges to do so:
    slmgr /ato
  • [a]c[t]ivate the Windows [p]roduct license offline. Requires Administrator privileges and an Confirmation ID provided by Microsoft Product Activation Center:
    slmgr /atp {{confirmation_id}}
  • [c]lear the current license's [p]roduct [k]e[y] from the Windows Registry. This will not deactivate or uninstall the current license, but prevents the key from being stolen by malicious programs in the future:
    slmgr /cpky
  • [u]ninstall the current license (by its [p]roduct [k]ey):
    slmgr /upk


Display or set environment variables for the current instance of CMD. More information:
  • List all current environment variables:
  • Set an environment variable to a specific value:
    set {{name}}={{value}}
  • List environment variables starting with the specified string:
    set {{name}}
  • Prompt the user for a value for the specified variable:
    set /p {{name}}={{prompt_string}}


Display the current working directory or move to a different directory. More information:
  • Display the path of the current directory:
  • Go to root of current drive:
    cd \
  • Go up to the parent of the current directory:
    cd ..
  • Go to a specific directory in the same drive:
    cd {{path\to\directory}}
  • Go to a specific directory in a different [d]rive:
    cd /d {{C}}:{{path\to\directory}}


Display or set the search path for executable files. More information:
  • Display the current path:
  • Set the path to one or more semicolon-separated directories:
    path {{path\to\directory1 path\to\directory2 ...}}
  • Append a new directory to the original path:
    path {{path\to\directory}};%path%
  • Set command prompt to only search the current directory for executables:
    path ;


Conditionally execute a command several times. More information:
  • Execute given commands for the specified set:
    for %{{variable}} in ({{item_a item_b item_c}}) do ({{echo Loop is executed}})
  • Iterate over a given range of numbers:
    for /l %{{variable}} in ({{from}}, {{step}}, {{to}}) do ({{echo Loop is executed}})
  • Iterate over a given list of files:
    for %{{variable}} in ({{path\to\file1.ext path\to\file2.ext ...}}) do ({{echo Loop is executed}})
  • Iterate over a given list of directories:
    for /d %{{variable}} in ({{path\to\directory1.ext path\to\directory2.ext ...}}) do ({{echo Loop is executed}})
  • Perform a given command in every directory:
    for /d %{{variable}} in (*) do (if exist %{{variable}} {{echo Loop is executed}})


Get the content of the item at the specified location. This command can only be used through PowerShell. More information:
  • Display the content of a file:
    Get-Content -Path {{path\to\file}}
  • Display the first few lines of a file:
    Get-Content -Path {{path\to\file}} -TotalCount {{10}}
  • Display the content of the file and keep reading from it until Ctrl + C is pressed:
    Get-Content -Path {{path\to\file}} -Wait


Uncompress one or more Windows Cabinet files. More information:
  • Uncompress a single-file Cabinet file to the specified directory:
    expand {{path\to\}} {{path\to\directory}}
  • Display the list of files in a source Cabinet file:
    expand {{path\to\}} {{path\to\directory}} -d
  • Uncompress all files from the Cabinet file:
    expand {{path\to\}} {{path\to\directory}} -f:*
  • Uncompress a specific file from a Cabinet file:
    expand {{path\to\}} {{path\to\directory}} -f:{{path\to\file}}
  • Ignore the directory structure when uncompressing, and add them to a single directory:
    expand {{path\to\}} {{path\to\directory}} -i


Manage macros, windows commands and command-lines. More information:
  • List available macros:
    doskey /macros
  • Create a new macro:
    doskey {{name}} = "{{command}}"
  • Create a new macro for a specific executable:
    doskey /exename={{executable}} {{name}} = "{{command}}"
  • Remove a macro:
    doskey {{name}} =
  • Display all commands that are stored in memory:
    doskey /history
  • Save macros to a file for portability:
    doskey /macros > {{path\to\macinit_file}}
  • Load macros from a file:
    doskey /macrofile = {{path\to\macinit_file}}


Change the default DOS style prompt in a command window. More information:
  • Reset the prompt to the default setting:
  • Set a specific prompt:
    prompt {{prompt}}
  • Change the prompt to show the current date first:
    prompt $D $P$G
  • Change the prompt to show the current time first:
    prompt $T $P$G
  • Change the prompt by adding a specific text first:
    prompt {{text}} $P$G

choco new

Generate new package specification files with Chocolatey. More information:
  • Create a new package skeleton:
    choco new {{package}}
  • Create a new package with a specific version:
    choco new {{package}} --version {{version}}
  • Create a new package with a specific maintainer name:
    choco new {{package}} --maintainer {{maintainer_name}}
  • Create a new package in a custom output directory:
    choco new {{package}} --output-directory {{path/to/directory}}
  • Create a new package with specific 32-bit and 64-bit installer URLs:
    choco new {{package}} url="{{url}}" url64="{{url}}"


Display or alter the encryption of directories and files on NTFS volumes. More information:
  • Display information about a specific encrypted file or directory:
    cipher /c:{{path\to\file_or_directory}}
  • [e]ncrypt a file or directory (files added later to the directory are also encrypted as the directory is marked):
    cipher /e:{{path\to\file_or_directory}}
  • [d]ecrypt a file or directory:
    cipher /d:{{path\to\file_or_directory}}
  • Securely remove a file or directory:
    cipher /w:{{path\to\file_or_directory}}


Finds text in strings and files in PowerShell. This command can only be used through PowerShell. You can use Select-String similar to grep in UNIX or findstr.exe in Windows. More information:
  • Search for a pattern within a file:
    Select-String -Path "{{path\to\file}}" -Pattern '{{search_pattern}}'
  • Search for an exact string (disables regular expressions):
    Select-String -SimpleMatch "{{exact_string}}" {{path\to\file}}
  • Search for pattern in all .ext files in current dir:
    Select-String -Path "{{*.ext}}" -Pattern '{{search_pattern}}'
  • Capture the specified number of lines before and after the line that matches the pattern:
    Select-String --Context {{2,3}} "{{search_pattern}}" {{path\to\file}}
  • Search stdin for lines that do not match a pattern:
    Get-Content {{path\to\file}} | Select-String --NotMatch "{{search_pattern}}"

reg copy

Copy keys and their values in the registry. More information:
  • Copy a registry key to a new registry location:
    reg copy {{old_key_name}} {{new_key_name}}
  • Copy a registry key recursively to a new registry location:
    reg copy {{old_key_name}} {{new_key_name}} /s
  • Forcefully copy a registry key without a prompt:
    reg copy {{old_key_name}} {{new_key_name}} /f


Send a message to a specific user or session. More information:
  • Send a message to a specified user or session:
    msg {{username|session_name|session_id}} {{message}}
  • Send a message from stdin:
    echo "{{message}}" | msg {{username|session_name|session_id}}
  • Send a message to a specific server:
    msg /server:{{server_name}} {{username|session_name|session_id}}
  • Send a message to all users of the current machine:
    msg *
  • Set a delay in seconds for a message:
    msg /time:{{10}}

choco outdated

Check for outdated packages with Chocolatey. More information:
  • Display a list of outdated packages in table format:
    choco outdated
  • Ignore pinned packages in the output:
    choco outdated --ignore-pinned
  • Specify a custom source to check packages from:
    choco outdated --source {{source_url|alias}}
  • Provide a username and password for authentication:
    choco outdated --user {{username}} --password {{password}}


The Scoop package manager. More information:
  • Install a package:
    scoop install {{package}}
  • Remove a package:
    scoop uninstall {{package}}
  • Update all installed packages:
    scoop update --all
  • List installed packages:
    scoop list
  • Display information about a package:
    scoop info {{package}}
  • Search for a package:
    scoop search {{package}}
  • Remove old versions of all packages and clear the download cache:
    scoop cleanup --cache --all


System utility to view and modify network-related settings. More information:
  • Start or stop a Windows service synchronously:
    net {{start|stop}} {{service}}
  • Make sure an SMB share is available in the current console:
    net use {{\\smb_shared_folder}} /USER:{{username}}
  • Show the folders currently shared over SMB:
    net share
  • Show who is using your SMB shares (run in elevated console):
    net session
  • Show users in a local security group:
    net localgroup "{{Administrators}}"
  • Add a user to the local security group (run in elevated console):
    net localgroup "{{Administrators}}" {{username}} /add
  • Display help for a subcommand:
    net help {{subcommand}}
  • Display help:
    net help


Install optional Windows features. More information:
  • Enable a specific Windows feature:
    fondue /enable-feature:{{feature}}
  • Hide all output messages to the user:
    fondue /enable-feature:{{feature}} /hide-ux:all
  • Specify a caller process name for error reporting:
    fondue /enable-feature:{{feature}} /caller-name:{{name}}


Compiler for Inno Setup installers. It compiles an Inno Setup scripts into an Windows installer executable. More information:
  • Compile an Inno Setup script:
    iscc {{path\to\file.iss}}
  • Quietly compile an Inno Setup installer:
    iscc /Q {{path\to\file.iss}}
  • Compile a signed Inno Setup installer:
    iscc /S={{name}}={{command}} {{path\to\file.iss}}

scoop bucket

Manage buckets: Git repositories containing files which describe how scoop installs applications. If Scoop doesn't know where the bucket is located its repository location must be specified. More information:
  • List all buckets currently in use:
    scoop bucket list
  • List all known buckets:
    scoop bucket known
  • Add a known bucket by its name:
    scoop bucket add {{name}}
  • Add an unknown bucket by its name and Git repository URL:
    scoop bucket add {{name}} {{}}
  • Remove a bucket by its name:
    scoop bucket rm {{name}}

choco feature

Interact with features with Chocolatey. More information:
  • Display a list of available features:
    choco feature list
  • Enable a feature:
    choco feature enable --name {{name}}
  • Disable a feature:
    choco feature disable --name {{name}}


Robust File and Folder Copy. By default files will only be copied if the source and destination have different time stamps or different file sizes. More information:
  • Copy all .jpg and .bmp files from one directory to another:
    robocopy {{path\to\source_directory}} {{path\to\destination_directory}} {{*.jpg}} {{*.bmp}}
  • Copy all files and subdirectories, including empty ones:
    robocopy {{path\to\source_directory}} {{path\to\destination_directory}} /E
  • Mirror/Sync a directory, deleting anything not in source and include all attributes and permissions:
    robocopy {{path\to\source_directory}} {{path\to\destination_directory}} /MIR /COPYALL
  • Copy all files and subdirectories, excluding source files that are older than destination files:
    robocopy {{path\to\source_directory}} {{path\to\destination_directory}} /E /XO
  • List all files 50 MB or larger instead of copying them:
    robocopy {{path\to\source_directory}} {{path\to\destination_directory}} /MIN:{{52428800}} /L
  • Allow resuming if network connection is lost and limit retries to 5 and wait time to 15 sec:
    robocopy {{path\to\source_directory}} {{path\to\destination_directory}} /Z /R:5 /W:15
  • Display detailed usage information:
    robocopy /?


Interactive shell for detailed information about running processes. More information:
  • Fundamental grammar:
    wmic {{alias}} {{where_clause}} {{verb_clause}}
  • Show brief details about the currently running processes:
    wmic process list brief
  • Show full details about the currently running processes:
    wmic process list full
  • Access specific fields such as process name, process ID and parent process ID:
    wmic process get {{name,processid,parentprocessid}}
  • Display information about a specific process:
    wmic process where {{name="example.exe"}} list full
  • Display specific fields for a specific process:
    wmic process where processid={{pid}} get {{name,commandline}}
  • Kill a process:
    wmic process {{pid}} delete


Receive information about each step in the route between your PC and the target. More information:
  • Trace a route:
    tracert {{IP}}
  • Prevent tracert from resolving IP addresses to hostnames:
    tracert /d {{IP}}
  • Force tracert to use IPv4 only:
    tracert /4 {{IP}}
  • Force tracert to use IPv6 only:
    tracert /6 {{IP}}
  • Specify the maximum number of hops in the search for the target:
    tracert /h {{max_hops}} {{IP}}
  • Display help:
    tracert /?


Display paginated output from stdin or a file. More information:
  • Display paginated output from stdin:
    {{echo test}} | more
  • Display paginated output from one or more files:
    more {{path\to\file}}
  • Convert tabs to the specified number of spaces:
    more {{path\to\file}} /t{{spaces}}
  • Clear the screen before displaying the page:
    more {{path\to\file}} /c
  • Display the output starting at line 5:
    more {{path\to\file}} +{{5}}
  • Enable extended interactive mode (see help for usage):
    more {{path\to\file}} /e
  • Display full usage information:
    more /?


A tool for signing Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) files. More information:
  • Sign an RDP file:
    rdpsign {{path\to\file.rdp}}
  • Sign an RDP file using a specific sha256 hash:
    rdpsign {{path\to\file.rdp}} /sha265 {{hash}}
  • Enable quiet output:
    rdpsign {{path\to\file.rdp}} /q
  • Display verbose warnings, messages and statuses:
    rdpsign {{path\to\file.rdp}} /v
  • Test the signing by displaying the output to stdout without updating the file:
    rdpsign {{path\to\file.rdp}} /l


Install, uninstall, or switch between Node.js versions. Supports version numbers like "12.8" or "v16.13.1", and labels like "stable", "system", etc. More information:
  • Install a specific version of Node.js:
    nvm install {{node_version}}
  • Set the default version of Node.js (must be run as Administrator):
    nvm use {{node_version}}
  • List all available Node.js versions and highlight the default one:
    nvm list
  • List all remote Node.js versions:
    nvm ls-remote
  • Uninstall a given Node.js version:
    nvm uninstall {{node_version}}


A file transfer tool for uploading to Azure Cloud Storage Accounts. More information:
  • Log in to an Azure Tenant:
    azopy login
  • Upload a local file:
    azcopy copy '{{path\to\source_file}}' 'https://{{storage_account_name}}{{container_name}}/{{blob_name}}'
  • Upload files with .txt and .jpg extensions:
    azcopy copy '{{path\to\source_directory}}' 'https://{{storage_account_name}}{{container_name}}' --include-pattern '{{*.txt;*.jpg}}'
  • Copy a container directly between two Azure storage accounts:
    azcopy copy 'https://{{source_storage_account_name}}{{container_name}}' 'https://{{destination_storage_account_name}}{{container_name}}'
  • Synchronize a local directory and delete files in the destination if they no longer exist in the source:
    azcopy sync '{{path\to\source_directory}}' 'https://{{storage_account_name}}{{container_name}}' --recursive --delete-destination=true
  • Display detailed usage information:
    azcopy --help


Set the console foreground and background colors. More information:
  • Set the console colors to the default values:
  • List available color values and detailed information:
    color /?
  • Set the console foreground and background to a specific color using hexadecimal numbers (1-9,a-f):
    color {{foreground_code}}{{background_code}}


Compare the contents of two files or sets of files. Use wildcards (*) to compare sets of files. More information:
  • Compare files interactively:
  • Compare two specified files:
    comp {{path\to\file1}} {{path\to\file2}}
  • Compare two sets of files:
    comp {{path\to\directory1}}\* {{path\to\directory2}}\*
  • Display differences in decimal format:
    comp /d {{path\to\file1}} {{path\to\file2}}
  • Display differences in ASCII format:
    comp /a {{path\to\file1}} {{path\to\file2}}
  • Display line numbers for differences:
    comp /l {{path\to\file1}} {{path\to\file2}}
  • Compare files case-insensitively:
    comp /c {{path\to\file1}} {{path\to\file2}}
  • Compare only the first 5 lines of each file:
    comp /n={{5}} {{path\to\file1}} {{path\to\file2}}


Query and control the w32time time synchronization service. More information:
  • Show the current status of time synchronization:
    w32tm /query /status /verbose
  • Show a time offset graph against a time server:
    w32tm /stripchart /computer:{{time_server}}
  • Show an NTP reply from a time server:
    w32tm /stripchart /packetinfo /samples:1 /computer:{{time_server}}
  • Show the state of the currently used time servers:
    w32tm /query /peers
  • Show configuration of the w32time service (run in elevated console):
    w32tm /query /configuration
  • Force time resynchronization immediately (run in elevated console):
    w32tm /resync /force
  • Write w32time debug logs into a file (run in elevated console):
    w32tm /debug /enable /file:{{path\to\debug.log}} /size:{{10000000}} /entries:{{0-300}}


Changes the security descriptor of a specified item, such as a file or a registry key. This command can only be used through PowerShell. More information:
  • Copy a security descriptor from one file to another:
    $OriginAcl = Get-Acl -Path {{path\to\file}}; Set-Acl -Path {{path\to\file}} -AclObject $OriginAcl
  • Use the pipeline operator to pass a descriptor:
    Get-Acl -Path {{path\to\file}} | Set-Acl -Path {{path\to\file}}


Starts one or more stopped services. This command can only be used through PowerShell. More information:
  • Start a service by using its name:
    Start-Service -Name {{service_name}}
  • Display information without starting a service:
    Start-Service -DisplayName *{{name}}* -WhatIf
  • Start a disabled service:
    Set-Service {{service_name}} -StartupType {{manual}}; Start-Service {{service_name}}

reg delete

Delete keys or their values from the registry. More information:
  • Delete a specific registry key:
    reg delete {{key_name}}
  • Delete a value under a specific key:
    reg delete {{key_name}} /v {{value}}
  • Delete all values recursively under the specified key:
    reg delete {{key_name}} /va
  • Forcefully delete all values recursively under a key without a prompt:
    reg delete {{key_name}} /f /va


Create symbolic links. More information:
  • Create a symbolic link to a file:
    mklink {{path\to\link_file}} {{path\to\source_file}}
  • Create a symbolic link to a directory:
    mklink /d {{path\to\link_file}} {{path\to\source_directory}}
  • Create a hard link to a file:
    mklink /h {{path\to\link_file}} {{path\to\source_file}}
  • Create a directory junction:
    mklink /j {{path\to\link_file}} {{path\to\source_file}}

reg query

Display the values of keys and sub keys in the registry. More information:
  • Display all values of a key:
    reg query {{key_name}}
  • Display a specific value of a key:
    reg query {{key_name}} /v {{value}}
  • Display all values of a key and its sub keys:
    reg query {{key_name}} /s
  • Search for keys and values matching a specific pattern:
    reg query {{key_name}} /f "{{query_pattern}}"
  • Display a value of a key matching a specified data type:
    reg query {{key_name}} /t {{type}}


The Chocolatey package manager. Some subcommands such as choco install have their own usage documentation. More information:
  • Execute a Chocolatey command:
    choco {{command}}
  • Call general help:
    choco -?
  • Call help on a specific command:
    choco {{command}} -?
  • Check the Chocolatey version:
    choco --version

choco info

Display detailed information about a package with Chocolatey. More information:
  • Display information on a specific package:
    choco info {{package}}
  • Display information for a local package only:
    choco info {{package}} --local-only
  • Specify a custom source to receive packages information from:
    choco info {{package}} --source {{source_url|alias}}
  • Provide a username and password for authentication:
    choco info {{package}} --user {{username}} --password {{password}}


Tests whether a string is a valid JSON document. This command can only be used through PowerShell. More information:
  • Test if a string from stdin is in JSON format:
    '{{string}}' | Test-Json
  • Test if a string JSON format:
    Test-Json -Json '{{json_to_test}}'
  • Test if a string from stdin matches a specific schema file:
    '{{string}}' | Test-Json -SchemaFile {{path\to\schema_file.json}}


Display or change associations between file extensions and file types. More information:
  • List all associations between file extensions and file types:
  • Display the associated file type for a specific extension:
    assoc {{.txt}}
  • Set the associated file type for a specific extension:
    assoc .{{txt}}={{txtfile}}
  • View the output of assoc one screen at a time:
    assoc | {{more}}


Disk, volume and partition manager. More information:
  • Run diskpart by itself in an administrative command prompt to enter its command-line:
  • List all disks:
    list disk
  • Select a volume:
    select volume {{volume}}
  • Assign a drive letter to the selected volume:
    assign letter {{letter}}
  • Create a new partition:
    create partition primary
  • Activate the selected volume:
  • Exit diskpart:


Unified Write Filter (UWF). Protect drives by redirecting any writes to the drive to a virtual overlay. Writes are discarded upon reboot unless committed by default. More information:
  • Get the current status:
    uwfmgr get-config
  • Set a drive as protected:
    uwfmgr volume protect {{drive_letter}}:
  • Remove a drive from protection list:
    uwfmgr volume unprotect {{drive_letter}}:
  • Enable or disable protection (Applies after reboot):
    uwfmgr filter {{enable|disable}}
  • Commit changes of a file on protected drive:
    uwfmgr file commit {{drive_letter:\path\to\file}}
  • Commit deletion of a file on protected drive:
    uwfmgr file commit-delete {{drive_letter:\path\to\file}}


Outputs input objects as a string. This command can only be used through PowerShell. More information:
  • Print host information as string:
    Get-Alias | Out-String
  • Convert each object to a string rather than concatenating all the objects into a single string:
    Get-Alias | Out-String -Stream
  • Use the Width parameter to prevent truncation:
    @{TestKey = ('x' * 200)} | Out-String -Width {{250}}


Create custom entries in the event log. Event IDs can be any number between 1 and 1000. More information:
  • Create a new event with a given ID (1-1000) in the log:
    eventcreate /t {{success|error|warning|information}} /id {{id}} /d "{{message}}"
  • Create an event in a specific event log:
    eventcreate /l {{log_name}} /t {{type}} /id {{id}} /d "{{message}}"
  • Create an event with a specific source:
    eventcreate /so {{source_name}} /t {{type}} /id {{id}} /d "{{message}}"
  • Create an event in a remote machine's event log:
    eventcreate /s {{hostname}} /u {{username}} /p {{password}} /t {{type}} /id {{id}} /d "{{message}}"


Starts, stops, and suspends a service, and changes its properties. This command can only be used through PowerShell. More information:
  • Change a display name:
    Set-Service -Name {{hostname}} -DisplayName "{{name}}"
  • Change the startup type of services:
    Set-Service -Name {{service_name}} -StartupType {{Automatic}}
  • Change the description of a service:
    Set-Service -Name {{service_name}} -Description "{{description}}"


Shows a Markdown file or string in the console in a friendly way using VT100 escape sequences or in a browser using HTML. This command can only be used through PowerShell. More information:
  • Render markdown to console from a file:
    Show-Markdown -Path {{path\to\file}}
  • Render markdown to console from string:
    {{"# Markdown content"}} | Show-Markdown
  • Open Markdown file in a browser:
    Show-Markdown -Path {{path\to\file}} -UseBrowser


Performs conditional processing in batch scripts. More information:
  • Execute the specified commands if the condition is true:
    if {{condition}} ({{echo Condition is true}})
  • Execute the specified commands if the condition is false:
    if not {{condition}} ({{echo Condition is true}})
  • Execute the first specified commands if the condition is true otherwise execute the second specified commands:
    if {{condition}} ({{echo Condition is true}}) else ({{echo Condition is false}})
  • Check whether %errorlevel% is greater than or equal to the specified exit code:
    if errorlevel {{2}} ({{echo Condition is true}})
  • Check whether two strings are equal:
    if %{{variable}}% == {{string}} ({{echo Condition is true}})
  • Check whether two strings are equal without respecting letter case:
    if /i %{{variable}}% == {{string}} ({{echo Condition is true}})
  • Check whether a file exist:
    if exist {{path\to\file}} ({{echo Condition is true}})


Replace files. See also: robocopy, move, copy, and del. More information:
  • Replace the destination file with the one from the source directory:
    replace {{path\to\file_or_directory}} {{path\to\destination_directory}}
  • Add files to the destination directory instead of replacing existing files:
    replace {{path\to\file_or_directory}} {{path\to\destination_directory}} /a
  • Interactively copy multiple files, with a prompt before replacing or adding a destination file:
    replace {{path\to\file_or_directory}} {{path\to\destination_directory}} /p
  • Replace even read only files:
    replace {{path\to\file_or_directory}} {{path\to\destination_directory}} /r
  • Wait for you to insert a disk before it replaces files (originally to allow inserting a floppy disk):
    replace {{path\to\file_or_directory}} {{path\to\destination_directory}} /w
  • Replace all files in subdirectories of the destination:
    replace {{path\to\file_or_directory}} {{path\to\destination_directory}} /s
  • Replace only files in the destination directory which are older than the files in the source directory:
    replace {{path\to\file_or_directory}} {{path\to\destination_directory}} /u
  • Display detailed usage information:
    replace /?


Sorts objects by property values. This command can only be used through PowerShell. More information:
  • Sort the current directory by name:
    Get-ChildItem | Sort-Object
  • Sort the current directory by name descending:
    Get-ChildItem | Sort-Object -Descending
  • Sort items removing duplicates:
    "a", "b", "a" | Sort-Object -Unique
  • Sort the current directory by file length:
    Get-ChildItem | Sort-Object -Property Length
  • Sort processes with the highest memory usage based on their working set (WS) size:
    Get-Process | Sort-Object -Property WS

reg flags

Display or set flags on registry keys. More information:
  • Display current flags for a specific key:
    reg flags {{key_name}} query
  • Display help and available flag types:
    reg flags /?
  • Set specified space-separated flags, and unset unmentioned flags, for a specific key:
    reg flags {{key_name}} set {{flag_names}}
  • Set specified flags for a specific key and its sub keys:
    reg flags {{key_name}} set {{flag_names}} /s


Performs a HTTP/HTTPS request to the Web. This command can only be used through PowerShell. More information:
  • Download the contents of a URL to a file:
    Invoke-WebRequest {{}} -OutFile {{path\to\file}}
  • Send form-encoded data (POST request of type application/x-www-form-urlencoded):
    Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Body @{ name='bob' } {{}}
  • Send a request with an extra header, using a custom HTTP method:
    Invoke-WebRequest -Headers {{@{ X-My-Header = '123' }}} -Method {{PUT}} {{}}
  • Send data in JSON format, specifying the appropriate content-type header:
    Invoke-WebRequest -Body {{'{"name":"bob"}'}} -ContentType 'application/json' {{}}
  • Pass a username and password for server authentication:
    Invoke-WebRequest -Headers @{ Authorization = "Basic "+ [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("myusername:mypassword")) } {{}}


Display the location of files that match the search pattern. Defaults to current work directory and paths in the PATH environment variable. More information:
  • Display the location of file pattern:
    where {{file_pattern}}
  • Display the location of file pattern including file size and date:
    where /T {{file_pattern}}
  • Recursively search for file pattern at specified path:
    where /R {{path\to\directory}} {{file_pattern}}
  • Silently return the error code for the location of the file pattern:
    where /Q {{file_pattern}}


Display details about the current user. More information:
  • Display the username of the current user:
  • Display the groups that the current user is a member of:
    whoami /groups
  • Display the privileges of the current user:
    whoami /priv
  • Display the user principal name (UPN) of the current user:
    whoami /upn
  • Display the logon ID of the current user:
    whoami /logonid
  • Display all information for the current user:
    whoami /all


Display or change attributes of files or directories. More information:
  • Display all set attributes of files in the current directory:
  • Display all set attributes of files in a specific directory:
    attrib {{path\to\directory}}
  • Display all set attributes of files and [d]irectories in the current directory:
    attrib /d
  • Display all set attributes of files in the current directory and [s]ub-directories:
    attrib /s
  • Add the [r]ead-only or [a]rchive or [s]ystem or [h]idden or not content [i]ndexed attribute to files or directories:
    attrib +{{r|a|s|h|i}} {{path\to\file_or_directory1 path\to\file_or_directory2 ...}}
  • Remove a specific attribute of files or directories:
    attrib -{{r|a|s|h|i}} {{path\to\file_or_directory1 path\to\file_or_directory2 ...}}


Saves command output in a file or variable and also sends it down the pipeline. This command can only be used through PowerShell. More information:
  • Output processes to a file and to the console:
    Get-Process | Tee-Object -FilePath {{path\to\file}}
  • Output processes to a variable and Select-Object:
    Get-Process notepad | Tee-Object -Variable {{proc}} | Select-Object processname,handles


Windows Package Manager. More information:
  • Install a package:
    winget install {{package}}
  • Remove a package (Note: remove can also be used instead of uninstall):
    winget uninstall {{package}}
  • Display information about a package:
    winget show {{package}}
  • Search for a package:
    winget search {{package}}
  • Upgrade all packages to the latest versions:
    winget upgrade --all
  • List all packages installed that can be managed with winget:
    winget list --source winget
  • Import packages from a file, or export installed packages to a file:
    winget {{import|export}} {{--import-file|--output}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Validate manifests before submitting a PR to the winget-pkgs repository:
    winget validate {{path/to/manifest}}

choco upgrade

Upgrade one or more packages with Chocolatey. More information:
  • Upgrade one or more space-separated packages:
    choco upgrade {{package1 package2 ...}}
  • Upgrade to a specific version of a package:
    choco upgrade {{package}} --version {{version}}
  • Upgrade all packages:
    choco upgrade all
  • Upgrade all except specified comma-separated packages:
    choco upgrade all --except "{{package1 package2 ...}}"
  • Confirm all prompts automatically:
    choco upgrade {{package}} --yes
  • Specify a custom source to receive packages from:
    choco upgrade {{package}} --source {{source_url|alias}}
  • Provide a username and password for authentication:
    choco upgrade {{package}} --user {{username}} --password {{password}}


Manage connection service profiles. More information:
  • Install a specific profile:
    cmstp "{{path\to\profile_file}}"
  • Install without creating a desktop shortcut:
    cmstp /ns "{{path\to\profile_file}}"
  • Install without checking for dependencies:
    cmstp /nf "{{path\to\profile_file}}"
  • Only install for the current user:
    cmstp /su "{{path\to\profile_file}}"
  • Install for all users (requires administrator privileges):
    cmstp /au "{{path\to\profile_file}}"
  • Install silently without any prompts:
    cmstp /s "{{path\to\profile_file}}"
  • Uninstall a specific profile:
    cmstp /u "{{path\to\profile_file}}"
  • Uninstall silently without a confirmation prompt:
    cmstp /u /s "{{path\to\profile_file}}"

License and Disclaimer

The content on this page is copyright © 2014—present the tldr-pages team and contributors.
This page is used with permission under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

While we do attempt to make sure content is accurate, there isn't a warranty of any kind.