System Grab Bag

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Troubleshooting tool for tracing system calls. SunOS equivalent of strace. More information:
  • Start tracing a program by executing it, following all child processes:
    truss -f {{program}}
  • Start tracing a specific process by its PID:
    truss -p {{pid}}
  • Start tracing a program by executing it, showing arguments and environment variables:
    truss -a -e {{program}}
  • Count time, calls, and errors for each system call and report a summary on program exit:
    truss -c -p {{pid}}
  • Trace a process filtering output by system call:
    truss -p {{pid}} -t {{system_call_name}}


List information about running services. More information:
  • List all running services:
  • List services that are not running:
    svcs -vx
  • List information about a service:
    svcs apache
  • Show location of service log file:
    svcs -L apache
  • Display end of a service log file:
    tail $(svcs -L apache)


Administration command for /dev. Maintains the /dev namespace. More information:
  • Scan for new disks:
    devfsadm -c disk
  • Cleanup any dangling /dev links and scan for new device:
    devfsadm -C -v
  • Dry-run - output what would be changed but make no modifications:
    devfsadm -C -v -n


Report active process statistics. More information:
  • Examine all processes and reports statistics sorted by CPU usage:
  • Examine all processes and reports statistics sorted by memory usage:
    prstat -s rss
  • Report total usage summary for each user:
    prstat -t
  • Report microstate process accounting information:
    prstat -m
  • Print out a list of top 5 CPU using processes every second:
    prstat -c -n {{5}} -s cpu {{1}}


Write the kernel messages to stdout. More information:
  • Show kernel messages:
  • Show how much physical memory is available on this system:
    dmesg | grep -i memory
  • Show kernel messages 1 page at a time:
    dmesg | less


Manipulate service instances. More information:
  • Enable a service in the service database:
    svcadm enable {{service_name}}
  • Disable service:
    svcadm disable {{service_name}}
  • Restart a running service:
    svcadm restart {{service_name}}
  • Command service to re-read configuration files:
    svcadm refresh {{service_name}}
  • Clear a service from maintenance state and command it to start:
    svcadm clear {{service_name}}


Import, export, and modify service configurations. More information:
  • Validate configuration file:
    svccfg validate {{path/to/smf_file.xml}}
  • Export service configurations to file:
    svccfg export {{servicename}} > {{path/to/smf_file.xml}}
  • Import/update service configurations from file:
    svccfg import {{path/to/smf_file.xml}}


Network packet sniffer. SunOS equivalent of tcpdump. More information:
  • Capture packets on a specific network interface:
    snoop -d {{e1000g0}}
  • Save captured packets in a file instead of displaying them:
    snoop -o {{path/to/file}}
  • Display verbose protocol layer summary of packets from a file:
    snoop -V -i {{path/to/file}}
  • Capture network packets that come from a hostname and go to a given port:
    snoop to port {{port}} from host {{hostname}}
  • Capture and show a hex-dump of network packets exchanged between two IP addresses:
    snoop -x0 -p4 {{ip1}} {{ip2}}


Get or set the resource controls of running processes, tasks, and projects. More information:
  • Examine process limits and permissions:
    prctl {{pid}}
  • Examine process limits and permissions in machine parsable format:
    prctl -P {{pid}}
  • Get specific limit for a running process:
    prctl -n process.max-file-descriptor {{pid}}

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