System Grab Bag

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This analyzes photo libraries for Memories, People, and scene or object based search. It should not be invoked manually. More information:
  • Start the daemon:


This command is an alias of GNU chmod.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux chmod


This command is an alias of GNU stat.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux stat


Compare differences between two fonts. More information:
  • Output differences to a specific text file:
    ftxdiff --output {{path/to/fontdiff_file.txt}} {{path/to/font_file1.ttc}} {{path/to/font_file2.ttc}}
  • Include glyph names in output:
    ftxdiff --include-glyph-names
  • Include unicode names in output:
    ftxdiff --include-unicode-names


This command is an alias of GNU cut.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux cut


This command is an alias of GNU ptx.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux ptx


Shutdown and reboot the system. More information:
  • Power off (halt) immediately:
    shutdown -h now
  • Sleep immediately:
    shutdown -s now
  • Reboot immediately:
    shutdown -r now
  • Reboot in 5 minutes:
    shutdown -r "+{{5}}"
  • Power off (halt) at 1:00 pm (Uses 24h clock):
    shutdown -h {{1300}}
  • Reboot on May 10th 2042 at 11:30 am (Input format: YYMMDDHHMM):
    shutdown -r {{4205101130}}


This command is an alias of GNU sha512sum.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux sha512sum


This command is an alias of GNU yes.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux yes


Display status information about the current classes, jobs, and printers. More information:
  • Show a long listing of printers, classes, and jobs:
    lpstat -l
  • Force encryption when connecting to the CUPS server:
    lpstat -E
  • Show the ranking of print jobs:
    lpstat -R
  • Show whether or not the CUPS server is running:
    lpstat -r
  • Show all status information:
    lpstat -t


Set volume boot capability and startup disk options. More information:
  • Bless a volume with only Mac OS X or Darwin, and create the BootX and boot.efi files as needed:
    bless --folder {{/Volumes/Mac OS X/System/Library/CoreServices}} --bootinfo --bootefi
  • Set a volume containing either Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X to be the active volume:
    bless --mount {{/Volumes/Mac OS}} --setBoot
  • Set the system to NetBoot and broadcast for an available server:
    bless --netboot --server {{bsdp://}}
  • Gather information about the currently selected volume (as determined by the firmware), suitable for piping to a program capable of parsing Property Lists:
    bless --info --plist


This command is an alias of GNU chroot.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux chroot


Tool that tracks file opens on your system. More information:
  • Print all file opens as they occur:
    sudo opensnoop
  • Track all file opens by a process by name:
    sudo opensnoop -n "{{process_name}}"
  • Track all file opens by a process by PID:
    sudo opensnoop -p {{PID}}
  • Track which processes open a specified file:
    sudo opensnoop -f {{path/to/file}}


Utility to work with extended filesystem attributes. More information:
  • List key:value extended attributes for a given file:
    xattr -l {{file}}
  • Write an attribute for a given file:
    xattr -w {{attribute_key}} {{attribute_value}} {{file}}
  • Delete an attribute from a given file:
    xattr -d {{}} {{file}}
  • Delete all extended attributes from a given file:
    xattr -c {{file}}
  • Recursively delete an attribute in a given directory:
    xattr -rd {{attribute_key}} {{directory}}


The LLVM Low-Level Debugger. More information:
  • Debug an executable:
    lldb "{{executable}}"
  • Attach lldb to a running process with a given PID:
    lldb -p {{pid}}
  • Wait for a new process to launch with a given name, and attach to it:
    lldb -w -n "{{process_name}}"


Set default applications for document types and URL schemes on macOS. More information:
  • Set Safari as the default handler for HTML documents:
    duti -s {{}} {{public.html}} all
  • Set VLC as the default viewer for files with .m4v extensions:
    duti -s {{org.videolan.vlc}} {{m4v}} viewer
  • Set Finder as the default handler for the ftp:// URL scheme:
    duti -s {{}} "{{ftp}}"
  • Display information about the default application for a given extension:
    duti -x {{ext}}
  • Display the default handler for a given UTI:
    duti -d {{uti}}
  • Display all handlers of a given UTI:
    duti -l {{uti}}


Compile MPGL to mdoc. More information:
  • Compile an MPGL file to a viewable man page:
    xml2man {{path/to/command_file.mxml}}
  • Compile an MPGL file to a specific output file:
    xml2man {{path/to/service_file.mxml}} {{path/to/service_file.7}}
  • Compile an MPGL file to a specific output file, overwriting if it already exists:
    xml2man -f {{path/to/function_file.mxml}} {{path/to/function_file.3}}


Command-line audio player. More information:
  • Play a sound file (waits until playback ends):
    afplay {{path/to/file}}
  • Play a sound file at 2x speed (playback rate):
    afplay --rate {{2}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Play a sound file at half speed:
    afplay --rate {{0.5}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Play the first N seconds of a sound file:
    afplay --time {{seconds}} {{path/to/file}}


This command is an alias of GNU rexec.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux rexec


This command is an alias of GNU fmt.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux fmt


Get and set the brightness level of all internal and certain external displays. More information:
  • Show current brightness:
    brightness -l
  • Set the brightness to 100%:
    brightness {{1}}
  • Set the brightness to 50%:
    brightness {{0.5}}


This command is an alias of GNU env.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux env


This command is an alias of GNU hostid.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux hostid


This command is an alias of GNU csplit.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux csplit


This manages security contexts and cryptographic operations. Works with secd for keychain access. It should not be invoked manually. More information:
  • Start the daemon:


Dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects. More information:
  • Create a Podfile for the current project with the default contents:
    pod init
  • Download and install all pods defined in the Podfile (that haven't been installed before):
    pod install
  • List all available pods:
    pod list
  • Show the outdated pods (of those currently installed):
    pod outdated
  • Update all currently installed pods to their newest version:
    pod update
  • Update a specific (previously installed) pod to its newest version:
    pod update {{pod_name}}
  • Remove CocoaPods from a Xcode project:
    pod deintegrate {{xcode_project}}


Update macOS App Store apps. More information:
  • List all available updates:
    softwareupdate --list
  • Download and install all updates:
    softwareupdate --install --all
  • Download and install all recommended updates:
    softwareupdate --install --req
  • Download and install a specific app:
    softwareupdate --install {{update_name}}


This command is an alias of GNU tr.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux tr


This command is an alias of GNU head.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux head


Convert and copy a file. More information:
  • Make a bootable USB drive from an isohybrid file (such like archlinux-xxx.iso) and show the progress:
    dd if={{path/to/file.iso}} of={{/dev/usb_device}} status=progress
  • Clone a drive to another drive with 4 MB block, ignore error and show the progress:
    dd if={{/dev/source_device}} of={{/dev/dest_device}} bs={{4m}} conv={{noerror}} status=progress
  • Generate a file of 100 random bytes by using kernel random driver:
    dd if=/dev/urandom of={{path/to/random_file}} bs={{100}} count={{1}}
  • Benchmark the write performance of a disk:
    dd if=/dev/zero of={{path/to/1GB_file}} bs={{1024}} count={{1000000}}
  • Generate a system backup into an IMG file and show the progress:
    dd if=/dev/{{drive_device}} of={{path/to/file.img}} status=progress
  • Restore a drive from an IMG file and show the progress:
    dd if={{path/to/file.img}} of={{/dev/drive_device}} status=progress
  • Check the progress of an ongoing dd operation (run this command from another shell):
    kill -USR1 $(pgrep ^dd)


Manually manipulate the routing tables. Necessitates to be root. More information:
  • Add a route to a destination through a gateway:
    sudo route add "{{destination_ip_address}}" "{{gateway_address}}"
  • Add a route to a /24 subnet through a gateway:
    sudo route add "{{subnet_ip_address}}/24" "{{gateway_address}}"
  • Run in test mode (does not do anything, just print):
    sudo route -t add "{{destination_ip_address}}/24" "{{gateway_address}}"
  • Remove all routes:
    sudo route flush
  • Delete a specific route:
    sudo route delete "{{destination_ip_address}}/24"
  • Lookup and display the route for a destination (hostname or IP address):
    sudo route get "{{destination}}"


Configuration tool for Network System Preferences. More information:
  • List available network service providers (Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc):
    networksetup -listallnetworkservices
  • Show network settings for a particular networking device:
    networksetup -getinfo "{{Wi-Fi}}"
  • Get currently connected Wi-Fi network name (Wi-Fi device usually en0 or en1):
    networksetup -getairportnetwork {{en0}}
  • Connect to a particular Wi-Fi network:
    networksetup -setairportnetwork {{en0}} {{Airport Network SSID}} {{password}}


Tool for building Xcode projects. More information:
  • Build a single project without any workspace:
    xctool -project {{YourProject.xcodeproj}} -scheme {{YourScheme}} build
  • Build a project that is part of a workspace:
    xctool -workspace {{YourWorkspace.xcworkspace}} -scheme {{YourScheme}} build
  • Clean, build and execute all the tests:
    xctool -workspace {{YourWorkspace.xcworkspace}} -scheme {{YourScheme}} clean build test


Print details about the current machine and the operating system running on it. Note: for additional information about the operating system, try the sw_vers command. More information:
  • Print kernel name:
  • Print system architecture and processor information:
    uname -mp
  • Print kernel name, kernel release and kernel version:
    uname -srv
  • Print system hostname:
    uname -n
  • Print all available system information:
    uname -a


Notification server. It should not be invoked manually. More information:
  • Start the daemon:
  • Log debug messages to the default log file (/var/log/notifyd.log):
    notifyd -d
  • Log debug messages to an alternate log file:
    notifyd -d -log_file {{path/to/log_file}}


This command is an alias of GNU users.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux users


A command-line interface to Spotify. More information:
  • Find a song by name and play it:
    spotify play {{song_name}}
  • Find a playlist by name and play it:
    spotify play list {{playlist_name}}
  • Pause (or resume) playback:
    spotify pause
  • Skip to the next song in a playlist:
    spotify next
  • Change volume:
    spotify vol {{up|down|value}}
  • Show the playback status and song details:
    spotify status


Calculate MD5 cryptographic checksums. More information:
  • Calculate the MD5 checksum for a file:
    md5 {{path/to/file}}
  • Calculate MD5 checksums for multiple files:
    md5 {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}
  • Output only the md5 checksum (no filename):
    md5 -q {{path/to/file}}
  • Print a checksum of the given string:
    md5 -s "{{string}}"


This command is an alias of GNU mknod.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux mknod


Send the contents of the clipboard to stdout. Comparable to pressing Cmd + V on the keyboard. More information:
  • Write the contents of the clipboard to a file:
    pbpaste > {{path/to/file}}
  • Use the contents of the clipboard as input to a command:
    pbpaste | grep foo


This command is an alias of GNU expr.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux expr


This command is an alias of GNU df.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux df


This command is an alias of GNU rsh.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux rsh


Generate random permutations. More information:
  • Randomize the order of lines in a file and output the result:
    shuf {{filename}}
  • Only output the first 5 entries of the result:
    shuf --head-count={{5}} {{filename}}
  • Write output to another file:
    shuf {{filename}} --output={{output_filename}}
  • Generate random numbers in range 1-10:
    shuf --input-range={{1-10}}


Utility to create and manage disk images. More information:
  • Mount an image:
    hdiutil attach {{path/to/image_file}}
  • Unmount an image:
    hdiutil detach /Volumes/{{volume_file}}
  • List mounted images:
    hdiutil info
  • Create an ISO image from the contents of a directory:
    hdiutil makehybrid -o {{path/to/output_file}} {{path/to/directory}}


This command is an alias of GNU readlink.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux readlink


XPC helper for performing system context actions for the WiFiVelocity framework. It should not be invoked manually. More information:
  • Start the daemon:


This command is an alias of GNU cp.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux cp


Information about running processes. More information:
  • List all running processes:
    ps aux
  • List all running processes including the full command string:
    ps auxww
  • Search for a process that matches a string:
    ps aux | grep {{string}}
  • Get the parent PID of a process:
    ps -o ppid= -p {{pid}}
  • Sort processes by memory usage:
    ps -m
  • Sort processes by CPU usage:
    ps -r


This command is an alias of GNU mv.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux mv


A system daemon providing the LocalAuthentication framework. It should not be invoked manually. See also: coreautha. More information:
  • Start the agent:


Display the last part of a file. See also: head. More information:
  • Show last 'count' lines in file:
    tail -n {{8}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Print a file from a specific line number:
    tail -n +{{8}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Print a specific count of bytes from the end of a given file:
    tail -c {{8}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Print the last lines of a given file and keep reading file until Ctrl + C:
    tail -f {{path/to/file}}
  • Keep reading file until Ctrl + C, even if the file is inaccessible:
    tail -F {{path/to/file}}
  • Show last 'count' lines in 'file' and refresh every 'seconds' seconds:
    tail -n {{8}} -s {{10}} -f {{path/to/file}}


This command is an alias of GNU md5sum.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux md5sum


Change the appearance of a C/C++ program by inserting or deleting whitespace. More information:
  • Format C/C++ source according to the Berkeley style:
    indent {{path/to/source_file.c}} {{path/to/indented_file.c}} -nbad -nbap -bc -br -c33 -cd33 -cdb -ce -ci4 -cli0 -di16 -fc1 -fcb -i4 -ip -l75 -lp -npcs -nprs -psl -sc -nsob -ts8
  • Format C/C++ source according to the style of Kernighan & Ritchie (K&R):
    indent {{path/to/source_file.c}} {{path/to/indented_file.c}} -nbad -bap -nbc -br -c33 -cd33 -ncdb -ce -ci4 -cli0 -cs -d0 -di1 -nfc1 -nfcb -i4 -nip -l75 -lp -npcs -nprs -npsl -nsc -nsob


Encode and decode using Base64 representation. More information:
  • Encode a file:
    base64 --input={{plain_file}}
  • Decode a file:
    base64 --decode --input={{base64_file}}
  • Encode from stdin:
    echo -n "{{plain_text}}" | base64
  • Decode from stdin:
    echo -n {{base64_text}} | base64 --decode


Tell how long the system has been running and other information. More information:
  • Print current time, uptime, number of logged-in users and other information:


This command is an alias of GNU uname.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux uname


Enables Translation features. It should not be invoked manually.
  • Start the daemon:


Run AppleScript or JavaScript for Automation (JXA). More information:
  • Run an AppleScript command:
    osascript -e "{{say 'Hello world'}}"
  • Run multiple AppleScript commands:
    osascript -e "{{say 'Hello'}}" -e "{{say 'world'}}"
  • Run a compiled (*.scpt), bundled (*.scptd), or plaintext (*.applescript) AppleScript file:
    osascript {{path/to/apple.scpt}}
  • Get the bundle identifier of an application (useful for open -b):
    osascript -e 'id of app "{{Application}}"'
  • Run a JavaScript command:
    osascript -l JavaScript -e "{{console.log('Hello world');}}"
  • Run a JavaScript file:
    osascript -l JavaScript {{path/to/script.js}}


Portable GNU assembler. Primarily intended to assemble output from gcc to be used by ld. More information:
  • Assemble a file, writing the output to a.out:
    as {{path/to/file.s}}
  • Assemble the output to a given file:
    as {{path/to/file.s}} -o {{path/to/output_file.o}}
  • Generate output faster by skipping whitespace and comment preprocessing. (Should only be used for trusted compilers):
    as -f {{path/to/file.s}}
  • Include a given path to the list of directories to search for files specified in .include directives:
    as -I {{path/to/directory}} {{path/to/file.s}}


Access kernel state information. More information:
  • Show all available variables and their values:
    sysctl -a
  • Show Apple model identifier:
    sysctl -n hw.model
  • Show CPU model:
    sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string
  • Show available CPU features (MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, AES, etc):
    sysctl -n machdep.cpu.features
  • Set a changeable kernel state variable:
    sysctl -w {{section.tunable}}={{value}}


Service that synchronizes system time (e.g. using NTP). It should not be invoked manually. More information:
  • Start the daemon:


This command is an alias of GNU wc.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux wc


This command is an alias of GNU sort.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux sort


General-purpose text editor for macOS. More information:
  • Start TextMate:
  • Open specific files:
    mate {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}
  • Specify the filetype of a file:
    mate --type {{filetype}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Open and wait until finished editing a specific file:
    mate --wait {{path/to/file}}
  • Open a file with the cursor at a specific line and column:
    mate --line {{line_number}}:{{column_number}} {{path/to/file}}


Configure macOS power management settings, as one might do in System Preferences > Energy Saver. Commands that modify settings must begin with sudo. More information:
  • Display the current power management settings:
    pmset -g
  • Display the current power source and battery levels:
    pmset -g batt
  • Put display to sleep immediately:
    pmset displaysleepnow
  • Set display to never sleep when on charger power:
    sudo pmset -c displaysleep 0
  • Set display to sleep after 15 minutes when on battery power:
    sudo pmset -b displaysleep 15
  • Schedule computer to automatically wake up every weekday at 9 AM:
    sudo pmset repeat wake MTWRF 09:00:00
  • Restore to system defaults:
    sudo pmset -a displaysleep 10 disksleep 10 sleep 30 womp 1


Command-line utility for printing events and tasks from the macOS calendar database. More information:
  • Show events later today:
    icalBuddy --includeOnlyEventsFromNowOn eventsToday
  • Show uncompleted tasks:
    icalBuddy uncompletedTasks
  • Show a formatted list separated by calendar for all events today:
    icalBuddy --formatOutput --separateByCalendar eventsToday
  • Show tasks for a specified number of days:
    icalBuddy --includeOnlyEventsFromNowOn "tasksDueBefore:today+{{8}}"
  • Show events in a time range:
    icalBuddy eventsFrom:{{start_date}} to:{{end_date}}


This command is an alias of GNU rmdir.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux rmdir


This command is an alias of GNU telnet.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux telnet


Build, run and manage macOS and Linux virtual machines (VMs) on Apple Silicon. More information:
  • Pull a remote VM image:
    tart pull {{}}
  • Clone a VM from a local or remote image source:
    tart clone {{source-vm}} {{vm-name}}
  • Create a new Mac VM from a specific ipsw file:
    tart create --from-ipsw={{latest|path/to/file.ipsw}} {{vm-name}}
  • Run an existing VM:
    tart run {{vm-name}}
  • Run an existing VM with a specific mounted directory:
    tart run --dir={{path/to/directory}}:{{/path/to/local_directory}} {{vm-name}}
  • List VMs:
    tart list
  • Get IP address of a running VM:
    tart ip {{vm-name}}
  • Change a VM's display resolution:
    tart set {{vm-name}} --display {{640}}x{{400}}


Restore (copy) a disk image onto a volume. The command name stands for Apple Software Restore. More information:
  • Restore a disk image to a target volume:
    sudo asr restore --source {{image_file.dmg}} --target {{path/to/volume_file}}
  • Erase the target volume before restoring:
    sudo asr restore --source {{image_file.dmg}} --target {{path/to/volume_file}} --erase
  • Skip verification after restoring:
    sudo asr restore --source {{image_file.dmg}} --target {{path/to/volume_file}} --noverify
  • Clone volumes without the use of an intermediate disk image:
    sudo asr restore --source {{path/to/volume_file}} --target {{path/to/volume_file}}


This command is an alias of GNU mkfifo.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux mkfifo


This command is an alias of GNU tac.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux tac


Copy files and directories. More information:
  • Overwrite contents of destination directory with contents of source directory:
    ditto {{path/to/source_directory}} {{path/to/destination_directory}}
  • Print a line to the Terminal window for every file that's being copied:
    ditto -V {{path/to/source_directory}} {{path/to/destination_directory}}
  • Copy a given file or directory, while retaining the original file permissions:
    ditto -rsrc {{path/to/source_directory}} {{path/to/destination_directory}}

xcodes runtimes

Manage Xcode Simulator runtimes. More information:
  • Display all available Simulator runtimes:
    xcodes runtimes --include-betas
  • Download a Simulator runtime:
    xcodes runtimes download {{runtime-name}}
  • Download and install a Simulator runtime:
    xcodes runtimes install {{runtime-name}}


Show various statistics such as the CPU temperature, fan speeds and battery status. More information:
  • Show all the stats:
  • Show all CPU stats:
    istats cpu
  • Show all fan stats:
    istats fan
  • Scan and print temperatures:
    istats scan


View, export, and configure logging systems. More information:
  • Stream live system logs:
    log stream
  • Stream logs sent to syslog from the process with a specific PID:
    log stream --process {{process_id}}
  • Show logs sent to syslog from a process with a specific name:
    log show --predicate "process == '{{process_name}}'"
  • Export all logs to disk for the past hour:
    sudo log collect --last {{1h}} --output {{path/to/file.logarchive}}


This command is an alias of GNU units.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux units


Run or locate development tools and properties. More information:
  • Find and run a tool from the active developer directory:
    xcrun {{tool}} {{arguments}}
  • Show verbose output:
    xcrun {{tool}} {{arguments}} --verbose
  • Find a tool for a given SDK:
    xcrun --sdk {{sdk_name}}
  • Find a tool for a given toolchain:
    xcrun --toolchain {{name}}
  • Display version:
    xcrun --version
  • Display help:
    xcrun --help


This command is an alias of GNU od.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux od


This command is an alias of GNU ping.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux ping


Merge ._* files with corresponding native files. More information:
  • Merge all ._* files recursively:
    dot_clean {{path/to/directory}}
  • Don't recursively merge all ._* in a directory (flat merge):
    dot_clean -f {{path/to/directory}}
  • Merge and delete all ._* files:
    dot_clean -m {{path/to/directory}}
  • Only delete ._* files if there's a matching native file:
    dot_clean -n {{path/to/directory}}
  • Follow symlinks:
    dot_clean -s {{path/to/directory}}
  • Print verbose output:
    dot_clean -v {{path/to/directory}}


This command is an alias of GNU uptime.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux uptime


This command is an alias of GNU ping6.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux ping6


This command is an alias of GNU fold.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux fold


Runs automount on startup and network configuration change events. It should not be invoked manually. More information:
  • Start the daemon:


Cut out fields from stdin or files. More information:
  • Print a specific character/field range of each line:
    {{command}} | cut -{{c|f}} {{1|1,10|1-10|1-|-10}}
  • Print a range of each line with a specific delimiter:
    {{command}} | cut -d "{{,}}" -{{c}} {{1}}
  • Print a range of each line of a specific file:
    cut -{{c}} {{1}} {{path/to/file}}


A tiling window manager for macOS based on binary space partitioning. More information:
  • Set the layout to bsp:
    yabai -m config layout {{bsp}}
  • Set the window gap to 10pt:
    yabai -m config window_gap {{10}}
  • Enable opacity:
    yabai -m config window_opacity on
  • Disable window shadow:
    yabai -m config window_shadow off
  • Enable status bar:
    yabai -m config status_bar on


Apache HTTP Server control interface for macOS. More information:
  • Start the org.apache.httpd launchd job:
    apachectl start
  • Stop the launchd job:
    apachectl stop
  • Stop, then start launchd job:
    apachectl restart


This command is an alias of GNU rcp.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux rcp


This command is an alias of GNU kill.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux kill


Lexical analyzer generator. Given the specification for a lexical analyzer, generates C code implementing it. More information:
  • Generate an analyzer from a Lex file:
    lex {{analyzer.l}}
  • Specify the output file:
    lex {{analyzer.l}} --outfile {{analyzer.c}}
  • Compile a C file generated by Lex:
    cc {{path/to/lex.yy.c}} --output {{executable}}


This command is an alias of GNU ftp.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux ftp


Works with the Watchdog KEXT to ensure that the system is healthy and running. It should not be invoked manually. More information:
  • Start the daemon:


This command is an alias of GNU pinky.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux pinky


This command is an alias of GNU sha224sum.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux sha224sum


Get the password of the Wi-Fi. More information:
  • Get the password for the Wi-Fi you are currently logged onto:
  • Get the password for the Wi-Fi with a specific SSID:
    wifi-password {{ssid}}
  • Print only the password as output:
    wifi-password -q


Manage the security assessment policy subsystem. Utility for managing Gatekeeper in macOS. More information:
  • Turn off Gatekeeper:
    spctl --master-disable
  • Add a rule to allow an application to run (labeling of rule is optional):
    spctl --add --label {{rule_name}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Turn on Gatekeeper:
    spctl --master-enable
  • List all rules on the system:
    spctl --list


This command is an alias of GNU chcon.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux chcon


Transform XML with XSLT to produce output (usually HTML or XML). More information:
  • Transform an XML file with a specific XSLT stylesheet:
    xsltproc --output {{path/to/output_file.html}} {{path/to/stylesheet_file.xslt}} {{path/to/file.xml}}
  • Pass a value to a parameter in the stylesheet:
    xsltproc --output {{path/to/output_file.html}} --stringparam "{{name}}" "{{value}}" {{path/to/stylesheet_file.xslt}} {{path/to/xml_file.xml}}


This command is an alias of yaa.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr yaa


This command is an alias of GNU factor.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux factor


This command is an alias of GNU sed.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux sed


This command is an alias of GNU printenv.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux printenv


This command is an alias of GNU logger.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux logger


This command is an alias of GNU stty.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux stty


This command is an alias of GNU install.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux install


Eject a GPU safely. More information:
  • Eject all GPUs:
    SafeEjectGPU Eject
  • List all GPUs attached:
    SafeEjectGPU gpus
  • List apps using a GPU:
    SafeEjectGPU gpuid {{GPU_ID}} apps
  • Get the status of a GPU:
    SafeEjectGPU gpuid {{GPU_ID}} status
  • Eject a GPU:
    SafeEjectGPU gpuid {{GPU_ID}} Eject
  • Launch an app on a GPU:
    SafeEjectGPU gpuid {{GPU_ID}} LaunchOnGPU {{path/to/}}


A dependency management tool for Cocoa applications. More information:
  • Download the latest version of all dependencies mentioned in Cartfile, and build them:
    carthage update
  • Update dependencies, but only build for iOS:
    carthage update --platform ios
  • Update dependencies, but don't build any of them:
    carthage update --no-build
  • Download and rebuild the current version of dependencies (without updating them):
    carthage bootstrap
  • Rebuild a specific dependency:
    carthage build {{dependency}}


This command is an alias of GNU whoami.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux whoami


Command-line interface for the Mac App Store. More information:
  • Sign into the Mac App Store for the first time:
    mas signin "{{[email protected]}}"
  • Show all installed applications and their product identifiers:
    mas list
  • Search for an application, displaying the price alongside the results:
    mas search "{{application}}" --price
  • Install or update an application:
    mas install {{product_identifier}}
  • Install all pending updates:
    mas upgrade


This command is an alias of GNU unexpand.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux unexpand


Set or display the system date. More information:
  • Display the current date using the default locale's format:
    date +%c
  • Display the current date in UTC and ISO 8601 format:
    date -u +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ
  • Display the current date as a Unix timestamp (seconds since the Unix epoch):
    date +%s
  • Display a specific date (represented as a Unix timestamp) using the default format:
    date -r 1473305798


This command is an alias of GNU locate.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux locate


Manipulate firmware variables. More information:
  • [p]rint all the variables stored in the NVRAM:
    nvram -p
  • [p]rint all the variables stored in the NVRAM using [x]ML format:
    nvram -xp
  • Modify the value of a firmware variable:
    sudo nvram {{name}}="{{value}}"
  • [d]elete a firmware variable:
    sudo nvram -d {{name}}
  • [c]lear all the firmware variables:
    sudo nvram -c
  • Set a firmware variable from a specific [x]ML [f]ile:
    sudo nvram -xf {{path/to/file.xml}}


Get information about a file in an HFS+ directory. More information:
  • Display information about a given file:
    GetFileInfo {{path/to/filename}}
  • Display the date and time a given file was created:
    GetFileInfo -d {{path/to/filename}}
  • Display the date and time a given file was last modified:
    GetFileInfo -m {{path/to/filename}}
  • Display the creator of a given file:
    GetFileInfo -c {{path/to/filename}}


Interact with DVD burners. More information:
  • Eject a disk from the drive:
    drutil eject
  • Burn a directory as an ISO9660 filesystem onto a DVD. Don't verify and eject when complete:
    drutil burn -noverify -eject -iso9660


Create and manipulate code signatures for macOS. More information:
  • Sign an application with a certificate:
    codesign --sign "{{My Company Name}}" {{path/to/}}
  • Verify the certificate of an application:
    codesign --verify {{path/to/}}


View and control IP configuration state. More information:
  • List all network interfaces:
    ipconfig getiflist
  • Show the IP address of an interface:
    ipconfig getifaddr {{interface_name}}


This command is an alias of GNU [.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux [


The Plain-Text Editor for macOS. More information:
  • Start CotEditor:
  • Open specific files:
    cot {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}
  • Open a new blank document:
    cot --new
  • Open a specific file and block the terminal until it is closed:
    cot --wait {{path/to/file}}
  • Open a specific file with the cursor at a specific line and column:
    cot --line {{1}} --column {{80}} {{path/to/file}}


Utility to manage local disks and volumes. More information:
  • List all currently available disks, partitions and mounted volumes:
    diskutil list
  • Repair the filesystem data structures of a volume:
    diskutil repairVolume {{/dev/disk_device}}
  • Unmount a volume:
    diskutil unmountDisk {{/dev/disk_device}}
  • Eject a CD/DVD (unmount first):
    diskutil eject {{/dev/disk_device1}}


This command is an alias of GNU sha256sum.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux sha256sum


This command is an alias of GNU printf.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux printf


A zsh builtin to indicate how a given command would be interpreted. More information:
  • Interpret {{command}}, with expansion if defined as an alias (similar to the command -v builtin):
    whence "{{command}}"
  • Display type of {{command}}, with location if defined as a function, or binary (equivalent to the type and command -V builtins):
    whence -v "{{command}}"
  • Same as above, except display content of shell functions instead of location (equivalent to which builtin):
    whence -c "{{command}}"
  • Same as above, but show all occurrences on command path (equivalent to the where builtin):
    whence -ca "{{command}}"
  • Search only the PATH for {{command}}, ignoring builtins, aliases or shell functions (equivalent to the where command):
    whence -p "{{command}}"


Opens files for editing in Xcode. More information:
  • Open file in Xcode:
    xed {{file1}}
  • Open file(s) in Xcode, create if it doesn't exist:
    xed --create {{filename1}}
  • Open a file in Xcode and jump to line number 75:
    xed --line 75 {{filename}}


Create and manipulate YAA archives. More information:
  • Create an archive from a directory:
    yaa archive -d {{path/to/directory}} -o {{path/to/output_file.yaa}}
  • Create an archive from a file:
    yaa archive -i {{path/to/file}} -o {{path/to/output_file.yaa}}
  • Extract an archive to the current directory:
    yaa extract -i {{path/to/archive_file.yaa}}
  • List the contents of an archive:
    yaa list -i {{path/to/archive_file.yaa}}
  • Create an archive with a specific compression algorithm:
    yaa archive -a {{algorithm}} -d {{path/to/directory}} -o {{path/to/output_file.yaa}}
  • Create an archive with an 8 MB block size:
    yaa archive -b {{8m}} -d {{path/to/directory}} -o {{path/to/output_file.yaa}}


List files matching a given query. More information:
  • Find a file by its name:
    mdfind -name {{file}}
  • Find a file by its content:
    mdfind "{{query}}"
  • Find a file containing a string, in a given directory:
    mdfind -onlyin {{directory}} "{{query}}"


Print and concatenate files. More information:
  • Print the contents of a file to stdout:
    cat {{path/to/file}}
  • Concatenate several files into an output file:
    cat {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}} > {{path/to/output_file}}
  • Append several files to an output file:
    cat {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}} >> {{path/to/output_file}}
  • Copy the contents of a file into an output file without buffering:
    cat -u {{/dev/tty12}} > {{/dev/tty13}}
  • Write stdin to a file:
    cat - > {{path/to/file}}
  • Number all output lines:
    cat -n {{path/to/file}}
  • Display non-printable and whitespace characters (with M- prefix if non-ASCII):
    cat -v -t -e {{path/to/file}}


This command is an alias of GNU updatedb.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux updatedb


QuickLook server tool. More information:
  • Display QuickLook for one or multiple files:
    qlmanage -p {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}
  • Compute 300px wide PNG thumbnails of all JPEGs in the current directory and put them in a directory:
    qlmanage {{*.jpg}} -t -s {{300}} {{path/to/directory}}
  • Reset QuickLook:
    qlmanage -r


Prevent macOS from sleeping. More information:
  • Prevent from sleeping for 1 hour (3600 seconds):
    caffeinate -u -t {{3600}}
  • Prevent from sleeping until a command completes:
    caffeinate -s "{{command}}"
  • Prevent from sleeping (use Ctrl + C to exit):
    caffeinate -i
  • Prevent disk from sleeping (use Ctrl + C to exit):
    caffeinate -m


Keeps track of purgeable space and asks clients to purge when space is low. It should not be invoked manually. More information:
  • Start the daemon:


This command is an alias of GNU mktemp.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux mktemp


Switch between different versions of Xcode and the included developer tools. Also used to update the path to Xcode if it is moved after installation. More information:
  • Install Xcode's command-line tools:
    xcode-select --install
  • Select a given path as the active developer directory:
    xcode-select --switch {{path/to/}}
  • Select a given Xcode instance and use its developer directory as the active one:
    xcode-select --switch {{path/to/}}
  • Print the currently selected developer directory:
    xcode-select --print-path
  • Discard any user-specified developer directory so that it will be found via the default search mechanism:
    sudo xcode-select --reset


Sets file attributes on files in an HFS+ directory. More information:
  • Set creation date for specific files:
    setfile -d "{{MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS}}" {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}
  • Set modification date for specific files:
    setfile -m "{{MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS}}" {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}
  • Set modification date for symlink file (not to linked file itself):
    setfile -P -m "{{MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS}}" {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}


This command is an alias of GNU nice.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux nice


Edit text in a scriptable manner. See also: awk, ed. More information:
  • Replace all apple (basic regex) occurrences with mango (basic regex) in all input lines and print the result to stdout:
    {{command}} | sed 's/apple/mango/g'
  • Execute a specific script [f]ile and print the result to stdout:
    {{command}} | sed -f {{path/to/script_file.sed}}
  • Replace all apple (extended regex) occurrences with APPLE (extended regex) in all input lines and print the result to stdout:
    {{command}} | sed -E 's/(apple)/\U\1/g'
  • Print just a first line to stdout:
    {{command}} | sed -n '1p'
  • Replace all apple (basic regex) occurrences with mango (basic regex) in a file and save a backup of the original to file.bak:
    sed -i bak 's/apple/mango/g' {{path/to/file}}


This command is an alias of GNU true.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux true


This command is an alias of GNU dd.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux dd


This command is an alias of GNU id.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux id


Print macOS operating system version information. More information:
  • Print all available information (OS name, version number, and build):
  • Print only the version number of the operating system:
    sw_vers -productVersion
  • Print only the build identifier:
    sw_vers -buildVersion


This command is an alias of GNU base32.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux base32


This command is an alias of GNU dircolors.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux dircolors


This command is an alias of GNU cksum.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux cksum


This command is an alias of GNU talk.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux talk


Display the name of the system architecture, or run a command under a different architecture. See also uname. More information:
  • Display the system's architecture:
  • Run a command using x86_64:
    arch -x86_64 "{{command}}"
  • Run a command using arm:
    arch -arm64 "{{command}}"


This command is an alias of GNU awk.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux awk


This command is an alias of GNU chown.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux chown


This command is an alias of GNU tftp.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux tftp


This command is an alias of GNU paste.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux paste


Tool that searches a set of database files containing short descriptions of system commands for keywords. More information:
  • Search for information about keyword:
    whatis {{keyword}}
  • Search for information about multiple keywords:
    whatis {{keyword1}} {{keyword2}}


This command is an alias of GNU echo.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux echo


This retrieves and caches Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) and Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) responses for certificate verification. It should not be invoked manually. More information:
  • Start the daemon:


Reboot the system. More information:
  • Reboot immediately:
    sudo reboot
  • Reboot immediately without gracefully shutting down:
    sudo reboot -q


Prints calendar information. More information:
  • Display a calendar for the current month:
  • Display previous, current and next month:
    cal -3
  • Display a calendar for a specific month (1-12 or name):
    cal -m {{month}}
  • Display a calendar for the current year:
    cal -y
  • Display a calendar for a specific year (4 digits):
    cal {{year}}
  • Display a calendar for a specific month and year:
    cal {{month}} {{year}}
  • Display date of Easter (Western Christian churches) in a given year:
    ncal -e {{year}}


This command is an alias of GNU dirname.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux dirname


This command is an alias of GNU nl.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux nl


This command is an alias of GNU shred.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux shred


Check the integrity of a filesystem or repair it. The filesystem should be unmounted at the time the command is run. It is a wrapper that calls fsck_hfs, fsck_apfs, fsck_msdos, fsck_exfat, and fsck_udf as needed. More information:
  • Check filesystem /dev/sdX, reporting any damaged blocks:
    fsck {{/dev/sdX}}
  • Check filesystem /dev/sdX only if it is clean, reporting any damaged blocks and interactively letting the user choose to repair each one:
    fsck -f {{/dev/sdX}}
  • Check filesystem /dev/sdX only if it is clean, reporting any damaged blocks and automatically repairing them:
    fsck -fy {{/dev/sdX}}
  • Check filesystem /dev/sdX, reporting whether it has been cleanly unmounted:
    fsck -q {{/dev/sdX}}


Rename a file or group of files with a regular expression. More information:
  • Replace from with to in the filenames of the specified files:
    rename 's/{{from}}/{{to}}/' {{*.txt}}


Show who is logged on and what they are doing. Print user login, TTY, remote host, login time, idle time, current process. More information:
  • Show logged-in users information:
  • Show logged-in users information without a header:
    w -h
  • Show information about logged-in users, sorted by their idle time:
    w -i


Write the kernel messages to stdout. More information:
  • Show kernel messages:
  • Show how much physical memory is available on this system:
    dmesg | grep -i memory
  • Show kernel messages 1 page at a time:
    dmesg | less


This command is an alias of GNU traceroute.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux traceroute


This command is an alias of GNU stdbuf.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux stdbuf


This command is an alias of GNU uniq.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux uniq


Query and manipulate Mac OS X Installer packages and receipts. More information:
  • List package IDs for all installed packages:
    pkgutil --pkgs
  • Verify cryptographic signatures of a package file:
    pkgutil --check-signature {{path/to/filename.pkg}}
  • List all the files for an installed package given its ID:
    pkgutil --files {{}}
  • Extract the contents of a package file into a directory:
    pkgutil --expand-full {{path/to/filename.pkg}} {{path/to/directory}}


This command is an alias of GNU rm.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux rm


Cluster SSH tool for macOS. More information:
  • Connect to multiple hosts:
    csshX {{hostname1}} {{hostname2}}
  • Connect to multiple hosts with a given SSH key:
    csshX {{user@hostname1}} {{user@hostname2}} --ssh_args "-i {{path/to/key_file.pem}}"
  • Connect to a pre-defined cluster from /etc/clusters:
    csshX cluster1


Utility for managing kernel extensions (kexts) and kext collections on disk. More information:
  • Find kexts available on the operating system:
    kmutil find
  • Display logging information about the Kernel Management sub-system:
    kmutil log
  • Inspect and display a kext collection's contents according to the options provided:
    kmutil inspect {{options}}
  • Check the consistency of kext collections against each other:
    kmutil check
  • Dump kernelmanagerd state for debugging:
    sudo kmutil dumpstate
  • Load one or more extensions based on the bundle specified at this path in the results:
    kmutil load --bundle-path {{path/to/extension.kext}}


This command is an alias of GNU truncate.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux truncate


AudioUnit validation tool for Mac. More information:
  • List all [a]vailable AudioUnits of any type:
    auvaltool -a
  • List all [a]vailable AudioUnits of any type with their [l]ocation:
    auvaltool -al


This command is an alias of GNU runcon.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux runcon


Create or expand compressed files in a secure xip archive. Only archives signed by Apple are trusted, so this tool should not be used to create archives. More information:
  • Expand the archive into the current working directory:
    xip --expand {{path/to/file.xip}}


Split a file into pieces. More information:
  • Split a file, each split having 10 lines (except the last split):
    split -l {{10}} {{filename}}
  • Split a file by a regular expression. The matching line will be the first line of the next output file:
    split -p {{cat|^[dh]og}} {{filename}}
  • Split a file with 512 bytes in each split (except the last split; use 512k for kilobytes and 512m for megabytes):
    split -b {{512}} {{filename}}
  • Split a file into 5 files. File is split such that each split has same size (except the last split):
    split -n {{5}} {{filename}}


This command is an alias of GNU tar.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux tar


Package manager for macOS. More information:
  • Search for a package:
    port search {{search_term}}
  • Install a package:
    sudo port install {{package}}
  • List installed packages:
    port installed
  • Update port and fetch the latest list of available packages:
    sudo port selfupdate
  • Upgrade outdated packages:
    sudo port upgrade outdated
  • Remove old versions of installed packages:
    sudo port uninstall inactive


Use OpenAI to generate IaC configurations, utilities, queries and more. More information:
  • Generate Terraform for Azure storage account:
    aiac get terraform {{for an azure storage account}}
  • Generate a Dockerfile for nginx:
    aiac get dockerfile {{for a secured nginx}}
  • Generate GitHub action that applies Terraform:
    aiac get github action {{that plans and applies terraform}}
  • Generate a port scanner in Python:
    aiac get python {{code that scans all open ports in my network}}
  • Generate a MongoDB query:
    aiac get mongo {{query that aggregates all documents by created date}}


Manage the System Integrity Protection configuration. More information:
  • Display the System Integrity Protection status:
    csrutil status
  • Disable the System Integrity Protection:
    csrutil disable
  • Enable the System Integrity Protection:
    csrutil enable
  • Display the list of allowed NetBoot sources:
    csrutil netboot list
  • Add an IPv4 address to the list of allowed NetBoot sources:
    csrutil netboot add {{ip}}
  • Reset the System Integrity Protection status and clear the NetBoot list:
    csrutil clear


This command is an alias of GNU who.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux who


This command is an alias of GNU tty.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux tty


This command is an alias of GNU ifconfig.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux ifconfig


Send macOS User Notifications. More information:
  • Send a notification (only the message is required):
    terminal-notifier -group {{tldr-info}} -title {{TLDR}} -message '{{TLDR rocks}}'
  • Display piped data with a sound:
    echo '{{Piped Message Data!}}' | terminal-notifier -sound {{default}}
  • Open a URL when the notification is clicked:
    terminal-notifier -message '{{Check your Apple stock!}}' -open '{{}}'
  • Open an app when the notification is clicked:
    terminal-notifier -message '{{Imported 42 contacts.}}' -activate {{}}


This command is an alias of GNU make.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux make


Listens for incoming VPN connections. It should not be invoked manually. More information:
  • Start the daemon:
  • Run the daemon in the foreground:
    vpnd -x
  • Run the daemon in the foreground and print logs to the terminal:
    vpnd -d
  • Run the daemon in the foreground, print logs to the terminal, and quit after validating arguments:
    vpnd -n
  • Print usage summary and exit:
    vpnd -h
  • Run the daemon for a specific server configuration:
    vpnd -i {{server_id}}


Configure System Preferences machine settings. More information:
  • Enable remote login (SSH):
    systemsetup -setremotelogin on
  • Specify timezone, NTP Server and enable network time:
    systemsetup -settimezone "{{US/Pacific}}" -setnetworktimeserver {{}} -setusingnetworktime on
  • Make the machine never sleep and automatically restart on power failure or kernel panic:
    systemsetup -setsleep off -setrestartpowerfailure on -setrestartfreeze on
  • List valid startup disks:
    systemsetup -liststartupdisks
  • Specify a new startup disk:
    systemsetup -setstartupdisk {{path/to/directory}}


This command is an alias of GNU realpath.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux realpath


This command is an alias of GNU whois.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux whois


This command is an alias of GNU fgrep.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux fgrep


This command is an alias of GNU nproc.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux nproc


Utility for managing Time Machine backups. Most verbs require root privileges. More information:
  • Set an HFS+ drive as the backup destination:
    sudo tmutil setdestination {{path/to/disk_mount_point}}
  • Set an APF share or SMB share as the backup destination:
    sudo tmutil setdestination "{{protocol://user[:password]@host/share}}"
  • Append the given destination to the list of destinations:
    sudo tmutil setdestination -a {{destination}}
  • Enable automatic backups:
    sudo tmutil enable
  • Disable automatic backups:
    sudo tmutil disable
  • Start a backup, if one is not running already, and release control of the shell:
    sudo tmutil startbackup
  • Start a backup and block until the backup is finished:
    sudo tmutil startbackup -b
  • Stop a backup:
    sudo tmutil stopbackup


Display dynamic real-time information about running processes. More information:
  • Start top, all options are available in the interface:
  • Start top sorting processes by internal memory size (default order - process ID):
    top -o mem
  • Start top sorting processes first by CPU, then by running time:
    top -o cpu -O time
  • Start top displaying only processes owned by given user:
    top -user {{user_name}}
  • Get help about interactive commands:


This command is an alias of GNU seq.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux seq


Administer keychains, keys, certificates and the Security framework. More information:
  • List all available keychains:
    security list-keychains
  • Delete a specific keychain:
    security delete-keychain {{path/to/file.keychain}}
  • Create a keychain:
    security create-keychain -p {{password}} {{path/to/file.keychain}}
  • Set a certificate to use with a website or [s]ervice by its [c]ommon name (fails if several certificates with the same common name exist):
    security set-identity-preference -s {{URL|hostname|service}} -c "{{common_name}}" {{path/to/file.keychain}}
  • Add a certificate from file to a [k]eychain (if -k isn't specified, the default keychain is used):
    security add-certificates -k {{file.keychain}} {{path/to/cert_file.pem}}
  • Add a CA certificate to the per-user Trust Settings:
    security add-trusted-cert -k {{path/to/user-keychain.keychain-db}} {{path/to/ca-cert_file.pem}}
  • Remove a CA certificate from the per-user Trust Settings:
    security remove-trusted-cert {{path/to/ca-cert_file.pem}}


Control Apple's launchd manager for launch daemons (system-wide services) and launch agents (per-user programs). launchd loads XML-based *.plist files placed in the appropriate locations, and runs the corresponding commands according to their defined schedule. More information:
  • Activate a user-specific agent to be loaded into launchd whenever the user logs in:
    launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/{{my_script}}.plist
  • Activate an agent which requires root privileges to run and/or should be loaded whenever any user logs in (note the absence of ~ in the path):
    sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/{{root_script}}.plist
  • Activate a system-wide daemon to be loaded whenever the system boots up (even if no user logs in):
    sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/{{system_daemon}}.plist
  • Show all loaded agents/daemons, with the PID if the process they specify is currently running, and the exit code returned the last time they ran:
    launchctl list
  • Unload a currently loaded agent, e.g. to make changes (note: the plist file is automatically loaded into launchd after a reboot and/or logging in):
    launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/{{my_script}}.plist
  • Manually run a known (loaded) agent/daemon, even if it is not the right time (note: this command uses the agent's label, rather than the filename):
    launchctl start {{script_file}}
  • Manually kill the process associated with a known agent/daemon, if it is running:
    launchctl stop {{script_file}}


Report system hardware and software configuration. More information:
  • Display a report with specific details level (mini [no personal information], basic or full):
    system_profiler -detailLevel {{level}}
  • Display a full system profiler report which can be opened by System
    system_profiler -xml > MyReport.spx
  • Display a hardware overview (Model, CPU, Memory, Serial, etc) and software data (System, Kernel, Name, Uptime, etc):
    system_profiler SPHardwareDataType SPSoftwareDataType
  • Print the system serial number:
    system_profiler SPHardwareDataType|grep "Serial Number (system)" | awk '{ print $4 }'


Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts. More information:
  • Ping the specified host:
    ping "{{hostname}}"
  • Ping a host a specific number of times:
    ping -c {{count}} "{{host}}"
  • Ping host, specifying the interval in seconds between requests (default is 1 second):
    ping -i {{seconds}} "{{host}}"
  • Ping host without trying to lookup symbolic names for addresses:
    ping -n "{{host}}"
  • Ping host and ring the bell when a packet is received (if your terminal supports it):
    ping -a "{{host}}"
  • Ping host and prints the time a packet was received (this option is an Apple addition):
    ping --apple-time "{{host}}"


Output the first part of files. More information:
  • Output the first few lines of a file:
    head --lines {{8}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Output the first few bytes of a file:
    head --bytes {{8}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Output everything but the last few lines of a file:
    head --lines -{{8}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Output everything but the last few bytes of a file:
    head --bytes -{{8}} {{path/to/file}}


This command is an alias of GNU tsort.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux tsort


This command is an alias of GNU basenc.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux basenc


This command is an alias of GNU false.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux false


Display updated information about the network. More information:
  • Monitor TCP and UDP sockets from all interfaces:
  • Monitor TCP sockets from Loopback interfaces:
    nettop -m {{tcp}} -t {{loopback}}
  • Monitor a specific process:
    nettop -p "{{process_id|process_name}}"
  • Display a per-process summary:
    nettop -P
  • Print 10 samples of network information:
    nettop -l {{10}}
  • Monitor changes every 5 seconds:
    nettop -d -s {{5}}
  • While running nettop, list interactive commands:
  • Display help:
    nettop -h


This command is an alias of GNU ls.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux ls


This command is an alias of GNU egrep.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux egrep


A Laravel development environment that allows hosting sites via local tunnels on http://<example>.test. More information:
  • Start the valet daemon:
    valet start
  • Register the current working directory as a path that Valet should search for sites:
    valet park
  • View 'parked' paths:
    valet paths
  • Serve a single site instead of an entire directory:
    valet link {{application_name}}
  • Share a project via an Ngrok tunnel:
    valet share


Command-line tool for macOS to capture both still pictures and video from an attached camera. More information:
  • Take a picture from webcam:
    wacaw {{filename}}
  • Record a video:
    wacaw --video {{filename}} --duration {{10}}
  • Take a picture with custom resolution:
    wacaw --width {{width}} --height {{100}} {{filename}}
  • Copy image just taken to clipboard:
    wacaw --to-clipboard
  • List the devices available:
    wacaw --list-devices


This command is an alias of GNU join.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux join


This command is an alias of GNU nohup.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux nohup


This command is an alias of GNU dir.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux dir


Assists AirPort in connecting to a network using Wireless Protected Setup. It should not be invoked manually. More information:
  • Start the daemon:


Core Audio related daemon. It should not be invoked manually.
  • Start the daemon:


This command is an alias of GNU pathchk.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux pathchk


Change file or directory flags. More information:
  • Set the hidden flag for a file:
    chflags {{hidden}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Unset the hidden flag for a file:
    chflags {{nohidden}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Recursively set the uchg flag for a directory:
    chflags -R {{uchg}} {{path/to/directory}}
  • Recursively unset the uchg flag for a directory:
    chflags -R {{nouchg}} {{path/to/directory}}


Manage the metadata stores used by Spotlight for indexing. More information:
  • Show the indexing status of the startup volume:
    mdutil -s {{/}}
  • Turn on/off the Spotlight indexing for a given volume:
    mdutil -i {{on|off}} {{path/to/volume}}
  • Turn on/off indexing for all volumes:
    mdutil -a -i {{on|off}}
  • Erase the metadata stores and restart the indexing process:
    mdutil -E {{path/to/volume}}


Disk usage: estimate and summarize file and directory space usage. More information:
  • List the sizes of a directory and any subdirectories, in the given unit (KiB/MiB/GiB):
    du -{{k|m|g}} {{path/to/directory}}
  • List the sizes of a directory and any subdirectories, in human-readable form (i.e. auto-selecting the appropriate unit for each size):
    du -h {{path/to/directory}}
  • Show the size of a single directory, in human-readable units:
    du -sh {{path/to/directory}}
  • List the human-readable sizes of a directory and of all the files and directories within it:
    du -ah {{path/to/directory}}
  • List the human-readable sizes of a directory and any subdirectories, up to N levels deep:
    du -h -d {{2}} {{path/to/directory}}
  • List the human-readable size of all .jpg files in subdirectories of the current directory, and show a cumulative total at the end:
    du -ch {{*/*.jpg}}


This command is an alias of GNU sha1sum.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux sha1sum


A system agent providing the LocalAuthentication framework. It should not be invoked manually. See also: coreauthd. More information:
  • Start the agent:


This command is an alias of GNU libtool.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux libtool


This command is an alias of GNU sleep.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux sleep


Set and retrieve FileVault related information. More information:
  • List current FileVault enabled users:
    sudo fdesetup list
  • Get current FileVault status:
    fdesetup status
  • Add FileVault enabled user:
    sudo fdesetup add -usertoadd user1
  • Enable FileVault:
    sudo fdesetup enable
  • Disable FileVault:
    sudo fdesetup disable


Event Monitor service that accepts events from various services, runs them through a simple rules engine, and takes action. The actions can run commands, send email, or SMS messages. More information:
  • Start the daemon:
  • Specify rules for emond to process by giving a path to a file or directory:
    emond -r {{path/to/file_or_directory}}
  • Use a specific configuration file:
    emond -c {{path/to/config_file}}


This command is an alias of GNU unlink.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux unlink


This command is an alias of GNU xargs.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux xargs


This command is an alias of GNU ed.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux ed


This command is an alias of GNU pr.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux pr


Stateless DHCPv6 server. See also: InternetSharing. It should not be invoked manually. More information:
  • Start the daemon:
  • Use a custom configuration:
    dhcp6d {{path/to/config_file}}


Measure the network quality by connecting to the internet. More information:
  • Test the network quality for the default interface:
  • Test the upload and download speeds sequentially instead of in parallel:
    networkQuality -s
  • Test a specified network interface:
    networkQuality -I {{en0}}
  • Test the network quality with verbose output:
    networkQuality -v


This command is an alias of GNU date.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux date


This command is an alias of GNU numfmt.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux numfmt


Wireless network configuration utility. More information:
  • Show current wireless status information:
    airport --getinfo
  • Sniff wireless traffic on channel 1:
    airport sniff {{1}}
  • Scan for available wireless networks:
    airport --scan
  • Disassociate from current airport network:
    sudo airport --disassociate


This command is an alias of GNU time.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux time


An arbitrary precision calculator language. See also: dc. More information:
  • Start an interactive session:
  • Start an interactive session with the standard math library enabled:
    bc --mathlib
  • Calculate an expression:
    bc --expression='{{5 / 3}}'
  • Execute a script:
    bc {{path/to/script.bc}}
  • Calculate an expression with the specified scale:
    bc --expression='scale = {{10}}; {{5 / 3}}'
  • Calculate a sine/cosine/arctangent/natural logarithm/exponential function using mathlib:
    bc --mathlib --expression='{{s|c|a|l|e}}({{1}})'


A user friendly HTTP tool. More information:
  • Send a GET request (default method with no request data):
    http {{}}
  • Send a POST request (default method with request data):
    http {{}} {{hello=World}}
  • Send a POST request with redirected input:
    http {{}} < {{file.json}}
  • Send a PUT request with a given JSON body:
    http PUT {{}} {{hello=world}}
  • Send a DELETE request with a given request header:
    http DELETE {{}} {{API-Key:foo}}
  • Show the whole HTTP exchange (both request and response):
    http -v {{}}
  • Download a file:
    http --download {{}}
  • Follow redirects and show intermediary requests and responses:
    http --follow --all {{}}


Tool for handling Mach-O Universal Binaries. More information:
  • Create a universal file from two single-architecture files:
    lipo {{path/to/binary_file.x86_64}} {{path/to/binary_file.arm64e}} -create -output {{path/to/binary_file}}
  • List all architectures contained in a universal file:
    lipo {{path/to/binary_file}} -archs
  • Display detailed information about a universal file:
    lipo {{path/to/binary_file}} -detailed_info
  • Extract a single-architecture file from a universal file:
    lipo {{path/to/binary_file}} -thin {{arm64e}} -output {{path/to/binary_file.arm64e}}


This command is an alias of GNU sha384sum.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux sha384sum


Audio file metadata parser for OS X. Built-in command of OS X. More information:
  • Display info of a given audio file:
    afinfo {{path/to/file}}
  • Print a one line description of the audio file:
    afinfo --brief {{path/to/file}}
  • Print metadata info and contents of the audio file's InfoDictionary:
    afinfo --info {{path/to/file}}
  • Print output in XML format:
    afinfo --xml {{path/to/file}}
  • Print warnings for the audio file if any:
    afinfo --warnings {{path/to/file}}
  • Display help for full usage:
    afinfo --help


Opens files, directories and applications. More information:
  • Open a file with the associated application:
    open {{file.ext}}
  • Run a graphical macOS [a]pplication:
    open -a "{{Application}}"
  • Run a graphical macOS app based on the [b]undle identifier (refer to osascript for an easy way to get this):
    open -b {{com.domain.application}}
  • Open the current directory in Finder:
    open .
  • [R]eveal a file in Finder:
    open -R {{path/to/file}}
  • Open all the files of a given extension in the current directory with the associated application:
    open {{*.ext}}
  • Open a [n]ew instance of an application specified via [b]undle identifier:
    open -n -b {{com.domain.application}}


This command is an alias of GNU mkdir.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux mkdir


This command is an alias of lipo.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr lipo


This command is an alias of GNU vdir.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux vdir


This command is an alias of GNU sum.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux sum


An automatic mount/unmount daemon for autofs. Started on demand by launchd. It should not be invoked manually. More information:
  • Start the daemon:
  • Log more details to syslog:
    automountd -v


This command is an alias of GNU cat.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux cat


Converts text to speech. More information:
  • Say a phrase aloud:
    say "{{I like to ride my bike.}}"
  • Read a file aloud:
    say --input-file={{filename.txt}}
  • Say a phrase with a custom voice and speech rate:
    say --voice={{voice}} --rate={{words_per_minute}} "{{I'm sorry Dave, I can't let you do that.}}"
  • List the available voices (different voices speak in different languages):
    say --voice="?"
  • Say something in Polish:
    say --voice={{Zosia}} "{{Litwo, ojczyzno moja!}}"
  • Create an audio file of the spoken text:
    say --output-file={{filename.aiff}} "{{Here's to the Crazy Ones.}}"


This command is an alias of GNU sync.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux sync


This command is an alias of GNU rlogin.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux rlogin


This command is an alias of GNU split.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux split


Look for lines in sorted file. More information:
  • Look for lines which begins with the given prefix:
    look {{prefix}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Look for lines ignoring case:
    look --ignore-case {{prefix}} {{path/to/file}}


Return a value for $JAVA_HOME or execute command using this variable. More information:
  • List JVMs based on a specific version:
    java_home --version {{1.5+}}
  • List JVMs based on a specific [arch]itecture:
    java_home --arch {{i386}}
  • List JVMs based on a specific tasks (defaults to CommandLine):
    java_home --datamodel {{Applets|WebStart|BundledApp|JNI|CommandLine}}
  • List JVMs in a XML format:
    java_home --xml
  • Display help:
    java_home --help


This command is an alias of GNU expand.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux expand


This command is an alias of GNU find.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux find


Read and write macOS user configuration for applications. More information:
  • Read system defaults for an application option:
    defaults read "{{application}}" "{{option}}"
  • Read default values for an application option:
    defaults read -app "{{application}}" "{{option}}"
  • Search for a keyword in domain names, keys, and values:
    defaults find "{{keyword}}"
  • Write the default value of an application option:
    defaults write "{{application}}" "{{option}}" {{-type}} {{value}}
  • Speed up Mission Control animations:
    defaults write expose-animation-duration -float 0.1
  • Delete all defaults of an application:
    defaults delete "{{application}}"


Swiss Army Knife for macOS. More information:
  • Get the battery status:
    m battery status
  • Turn off Bluetooth:
    m bluetooth off
  • List available filesystems for formatting:
    m disk filesystems
  • Enable Dock's auto hide feature:
    m dock autohide YES
  • Disable the firewall:
    m firewall disable


Manage custom file and folder icons. More information:
  • Set a custom icon for a specific file or directory:
    fileicon set {{path/to/file_or_directory}} {{path/to/icon_file.png}}
  • Remove a custom icon from a specific file or directory:
    fileicon rm {{path/to/file_or_directory}}
  • Save the custom icon of a file or directory as a .icns file into the current directory:
    fileicon get {{path/to/file_or_directory}}
  • Test if a specific file or directory has a custom icon:
    fileicon test {{path/to/file_or_directory}}


This command is an alias of GNU comm.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux comm


This command is an alias of GNU grep.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux grep


Simple tool for stylishly displaying system information. More information:
  • Show system information:
  • Show system information without colored output:
    archey --nocolor
  • Show system information, using MacPorts instead of Homebrew:
    archey --macports
  • Show system information without IP address check:
    archey --offline


This command is an alias of GNU indent.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux indent


This command is an alias of GNU groups.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux groups


Utility to take screenshots and screen recordings. More information:
  • Take a screenshot and save it to a file:
    screencapture {{path/to/file.png}}
  • Take a screenshot including the mouse cursor:
    screencapture -C {{path/to/file.png}}
  • Take a screenshot and open it in Preview, instead of saving:
    screencapture -P
  • Take a screenshot of a selected rectangular area:
    screencapture -i {{path/to/file.png}}
  • Take a screenshot after a delay:
    screencapture -T {{seconds}} {{path/to/file.png}}
  • Make a screen recording and save it to a file:
    screencapture -v {{path/to/file.mp4}}


This command is an alias of GNU tee.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux tee


Apple Scriptable Image Processing System. Raster/Query images and ColorSync ICC Profiles. More information:
  • Specify an output directory so that originals do not get modified:
    sips --out {{path/to/out_dir}}
  • Resample image at specified size, Image aspect ratio may be altered:
    sips --resampleHeightWidth {{1920}} {{300}} {{image_file.ext}}
  • Resample image so height and width aren't greater than specified size (notice the capital Z):
    sips --resampleHeightWidthMax {{1920}} {{300}} {{image_file.ext}}
  • Resample all images in a directory to fit a width of 960px (honoring aspect ratio):
    sips --resampleWidth {{960}} {{path/to/images}}
  • Convert an image from CMYK to RGB:
    sips --matchTo "/System/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Generic RGB Profile.icc" {{path/to/image.ext}} {{path/to/out_dir}}
  • Remove ColorSync ICC profile from an image:
    sips --deleteProperty profile --deleteColorManagementProperties {{path/to/image_file.ext}}


This command is an alias of GNU touch.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux touch


Download, install and manage multiple Xcode versions. See also: xcodes runtimes. More information:
  • List all installed Xcode versions:
    xcodes installed
  • List all available Xcode versions:
    xcodes list
  • Select an Xcode version by specifying a version number or a path:
    xcodes select {{xcode-version|path/to/}}
  • Download and install a specific Xcode version:
    xcodes install {{xcode-version}}
  • Install the latest Xcode release and select it:
    xcodes install --latest --select
  • Download a specific Xcode version archive to a given directory without installing it:
    xcodes download {{xcode-version}} --directory {{path/to/directory}}


Copy data from stdin to the clipboard. Comparable to pressing Cmd + C on the keyboard. More information:
  • Place the contents of a specific file in the clipboard:
    pbcopy < {{path/to/file}}
  • Place the results of a specific command in the clipboard:
    find . -type t -name "*.png" | pbcopy


This command is an alias of GNU base64.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux base64


This command is an alias of GNU b2sum.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux b2sum


This command is an alias of GNU tail.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux tail


This command is an alias of GNU which.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux which


This command is an alias of GNU libtoolize.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux libtoolize


View, convert, validate, or edit property list ("plist") files. More information:
  • Display the contents of one or more plist files in human-readable format:
    plutil -p {{file1.plist file2.plist ...}}
  • Convert one or more plist files to XML format, overwriting the original files in-place:
    plutil -convert xml1 {{file1.plist file2.plist ...}}
  • Convert one or more plist files to binary format, overwriting the original files in-place:
    plutil -convert binary1 {{file1.plist file2.plist ...}}
  • Convert a plist file to a different format, writing to a new file:
    plutil -convert {{xml1|binary1|json|swift|objc}} {{path/to/file.plist}} -o {{path/to/new_file.plist}}
  • Convert a plist file to a different format, writing to stdout:
    plutil -convert {{xml1|binary1|json|swift|objc}} {{path/to/file.plist}} -o -


Manage system configuration parameters. Necessitates to be root when setting configuration. More information:
  • Display DNS Configuration:
    scutil --dns
  • Display proxy configuration:
    scutil --proxy
  • Get computer name:
    scutil --get ComputerName
  • Set computer name:
    sudo scutil --set ComputerName {{computer_name}}
  • Get hostname:
    scutil --get HostName
  • Set hostname:
    scutil --set HostName {{hostname}}


This command is an alias of GNU chgrp.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux chgrp


This command is an alias of GNU shuf.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux shuf


Build Xcode projects. More information:
  • Build workspace:
    xcodebuild -workspace {{workspace_name.workspace}} -scheme {{scheme_name}} -configuration {{configuration_name}} clean build SYMROOT={{SYMROOT_path}}
  • Build project:
    xcodebuild -target {{target_name}} -configuration {{configuration_name}} clean build SYMROOT={{SYMROOT_path}}
  • Show SDKs:
    xcodebuild -showsdks


This command is an alias of GNU dnsdomainname.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux dnsdomainname


Count lines, words, or bytes. More information:
  • Count lines in file:
    wc -l {{path/to/file}}
  • Count words in file:
    wc -w {{path/to/file}}
  • Count characters (bytes) in file:
    wc -c {{path/to/file}}
  • Count characters in file (taking multi-byte character sets into account):
    wc -m {{path/to/file}}
  • Use stdin to count lines, words and characters (bytes) in that order:
    {{find .}} | wc


The original Unix text editor. See also: awk, sed. More information:
  • Start an interactive editor session with an empty document:
  • Start an interactive editor session with an empty document and a specific [p]rompt:
    ed -p '> '
  • Start an interactive editor session with an empty document and without diagnostics, byte counts and '!' prompt:
    ed -s
  • Edit a specific file (this shows the byte count of the loaded file):
    ed {{path/to/file}}
  • Replace a string with a specific replacement for all lines:


This command is an alias of GNU ln.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux ln


Display the metadata attributes for a file. More information:
  • Display the list of metadata attributes for file:
    mdls {{path/to/file}}
  • Display a specific metadata attribute:
    mdls -name {{attribute}} {{path/to/file}}


Control macOS dark mode. More information:
  • Toggle dark mode (turn it on if it's currently off, off if it's currently on):
  • Turn dark mode on:
    dark-mode on
  • Turn dark mode off:
    dark-mode off
  • Check if dark mode is on:
    dark-mode status


Display file status. More information:
  • Show file properties such as size, permissions, creation and access dates among others:
    stat {{path/to/file}}
  • Same as above but verbose (more similar to Linux's stat):
    stat -x {{path/to/file}}
  • Show only octal file permissions:
    stat -f %Mp%Lp {{path/to/file}}
  • Show owner and group of the file:
    stat -f "%Su %Sg" {{path/to/file}}
  • Show the size of the file in bytes:
    stat -f "%z %N" {{path/to/file}}


This command is an alias of GNU timeout.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux timeout


This command is an alias of GNU pwd.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux pwd


Find filenames quickly. More information:
  • Look for pattern in the database. Note: the database is recomputed periodically (usually weekly or daily):
    locate "{{pattern}}"
  • Look for a file by its exact filename (a pattern containing no globbing characters is interpreted as *pattern*):
    locate */{{filename}}
  • Recompute the database. You need to do it if you want to find recently added files:
    sudo /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb


An SNTP server. It should not be invoked manually. More information:
  • Start the daemon:
  • Overwrite existing state with the local clock (stratum 1), for running a master/primary server, without synchronizing with another (higher stratum) server:
    sntpd -L
  • Use a custom file for the SNTP state:
    sntpd -z {{path/to/state.bin}}


This command is an alias of GNU logname.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux logname


This command is an alias of GNU basename.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux basename


This command is an alias of GNU test.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux test


Used to manipulate text files of various formats. More information:
  • Display information about foo.rtf:
    textutil -info {{path/to/foo.rtf}}
  • Convert foo.rtf into foo.html:
    textutil -convert {{html}} {{path/to/foo.rtf}}
  • Convert rich text to normal text:
    textutil {{path/to/foo.rtf}} -convert {{txt}}
  • Convert foo.txt into foo.rtf, using Times 10 for the font:
    textutil -convert {{rtf}} -font {{Times}} -fontsize {{10}} {{path/to/foo.txt}}
  • Load all RTF files in the current directory, concatenates their contents, and writes the result out as index.html with the HTML title set to "Several Files":
    textutil -cat {{html}} -title "Several Files" -output {{path/to/index.html}} *.rtf


This command is an alias of GNU link.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux link


This command is an alias of GNU hostname.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr -p linux hostname

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The content on this page is copyright © 2014—present the tldr-pages team and contributors.
This page is used with permission under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

While we do attempt to make sure content is accurate, there isn't a warranty of any kind.