System Grab Bag

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Verify fingerprints against the database. More information:
  • Verify all stored fingerprints for the current user:
  • Verify a specific fingerprint for the current user:
    fprintd-verify --finger {{left-thumb|left-index-finger|left-middle-finger|left-ring-finger|left-little-finger|right-thumb|right-index-finger|right-middle-finger|right-ring-finger|right-little-finger}}
  • Verify fingerprints for a specific user:
    fprint-verify {{username}}
  • Verify a specific fingerprint for a specific user:
    fprintd-verify --finger {{finger_name}} {{username}}
  • Fail the process if a fingerprint doesn't match with ones stored in the database for the current user:
    fprint-verify --g-fatal-warnings
  • Display help:
    fprintd-verify --help


A program for managing partition tables and partitions on a hard disk using a curses UI. More information:
  • Start the partition manipulator with a specific device:
    cfdisk {{/dev/sdX}}
  • Create a new partition table for a specific device and manage it:
    cfdisk --zero {{/dev/sdX}}


Tool for searching files from packages in the official repositories on arch-based systems. See also pacman files, describing the usage of pacman --files. More information:
  • Synchronize the pkgfile database:
    sudo pkgfile --update
  • Search for a package that owns a specific file:
    pkgfile {{filename}}
  • List all files provided by a package:
    pkgfile --list {{package}}
  • List executables provided by a package:
    pkgfile --list --binaries {{package}}
  • Search for a package that owns a specific file using case-insensitive matching:
    pkgfile --ignorecase {{filename}}
  • Search for a package that owns a specific file in the bin or sbin directory:
    pkgfile --binaries {{filename}}
  • Search for a package that owns a specific file, displaying the package version:
    pkgfile --verbose {{filename}}
  • Search for a package that owns a specific file in a specific repository:
    pkgfile --repo {{repository_name}} {{filename}}


Command-line interface for NordVPN. More information:
  • Interactively log into a NordVPN account:
    nordvpn login
  • Display the connection status:
    nordvpn status
  • Connect to the nearest NordVPN server:
    nordvpn connect
  • List all available countries:
    nordvpn countries
  • Connect to a NordVPN server in a specific country:
    nordvpn connect {{Germany}}
  • Connect to a NordVPN server in a specific country and city:
    nordvpn connect {{Germany}} {{Berlin}}
  • Set autoconnect option:
    nordvpn set autoconnect on


An interactive command-line HTTP client featuring autocomplete and syntax highlighting. More information:
  • Launch a session targeting the default URL of http://localhost:8000 or the previous session:
  • Launch a session with a given URL:
    http-prompt {{}}
  • Launch a session with some initial options:
    http-prompt {{localhost:8000/api}} --auth {{username:password}}


Convert different installation packages to other formats. More information:
  • Convert a specific installation file to Debian format (.deb extension):
    sudo alien --to-deb {{path/to/file}}
  • Convert a specific installation file to Red Hat format (.rpm extension):
    sudo alien --to-rpm {{path/to/file}}
  • Convert a specific installation file to a Slackware installation file (.tgz extension):
    sudo alien --to-tgz {{path/to/file}}
  • Convert a specific installation file to Debian format and install on the system:
    sudo alien --to-deb --install {{path/to/file}}


Convert PDF document pages to portable Pixmap (image formats). More information:
  • Specify the range of pages to convert (N-first page, M-last page):
    pdftoppm -f {{N}} -l {{M}} {{path/to/file.pdf}} {{image_name_prefix}}
  • Convert only the first page of a PDF:
    pdftoppm -singlefile {{path/to/file.pdf}} {{image_name_prefix}}
  • Generate a monochrome PBM file (instead of a color PPM file):
    pdftoppm -mono {{path/to/file.pdf}} {{image_name_prefix}}
  • Generate a grayscale PGM file (instead of a color PPM file):
    pdftoppm -gray {{path/to/file.pdf}} {{image_name_prefix}}
  • Generate a PNG file instead a PPM file:
    pdftoppm -png {{path/to/file.pdf}} {{image_name_prefix}}


PHP extension manager for Debian-based OSes. More information:
  • List available PHP versions:
    sudo phpquery -V
  • List available SAPIs for PHP 7.3:
    sudo phpquery -v {{7.3}} -S
  • List enabled extensions for PHP 7.3 with the cli SAPI:
    sudo phpquery -v {{7.3}} -s {{cli}} -M
  • Check if the JSON extension is enabled for PHP 7.3 with the apache2 SAPI:
    sudo phpquery -v {{7.3}} -s {{apache2}} -m {{json}}


Update the translation (in PO format) of a documentation. More information:
  • Update a PO file according to the modification of its origin file:
    po4a-updatepo --format {{text}} --master {{path/to/master.txt}} --po {{path/to/result.po}}
  • Get a list of available formats:
    po4a-updatepo --help-format
  • Update several PO files according to the modification of their origin file:
    po4a-updatepo --format {{text}} --master {{path/to/master.txt}} --po {{path/to/po1.po}} --po {{path/to/po2.po}}


Sophisticated file transfer program. More information:
  • Connect to an FTP server:
    lftp --user {{username}} {{}}
  • Download multiple files (glob expression):
    mget {{path/to/*.png}}
  • Upload multiple files (glob expression):
    mput {{path/to/*.zip}}
  • Delete multiple files on the remote server:
    mrm {{path/to/*.txt}}
  • Rename a file on the remote server:
    mv {{original_filename}} {{new_filename}}
  • Download or update an entire directory:
    mirror {{path/to/remote_dir}} {{path/to/local_output_dir}}
  • Upload or update an entire directory:
    mirror -R {{path/to/local_dir}} {{path/to/remote_output_dir}}


Convert on-the-fly between multiple input and output hard disk image types with optional write cache support. Creates a virtual file system using FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) that contains a virtual representation of the input image. More information:
  • Mount a .raw image file into a DMG container file:
    xmount --in {{raw}} {{path/to/image.dd}} --out {{dmg}} {{mountpoint}}
  • Mount an EWF image file with write-cache support into a VHD file to boot from:
    xmount --cache {{path/to/cache.ovl}} --in {{ewf}} {{path/to/image.E??}} --out {{vhd}} {{mountpoint}}
  • Mount the first partition at sector 2048 into a new .raw image file:
    xmount --offset {{2048}} --in {{raw}} {{path/to/image.dd}} --out {{raw}} {{mountpoint}}


Interact with udisksd to query and manipulate storage devices. More information:
  • Show high-level information about disk drives and block devices:
    udisksctl status
  • Show detailed information about a device:
    udisksctl info --block-device {{/dev/sdX}}
  • Show detailed information about a device partition:
    udisksctl info --block-device {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Mount a device partition and prints the mount point:
    udisksctl mount --block-device {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Unmount a device partition:
    udisksctl unmount --block-device {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Monitor the daemon for events:
    udisksctl monitor


Arch script to fetch and sort mirrorlists. More information:
  • Get all mirrors, sort for download speed and save them:
    sudo reflector --sort {{rate}} --save {{/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist}}
  • Only get German HTTPS mirrors:
    reflector --country {{Germany}} --protocol {{https}}
  • Only get the 10 recently sync'd mirrors:
    reflector --latest {{10}}


Shutdown and reboot the system. More information:
  • Power off (halt) immediately:
    shutdown -h now
  • Reboot immediately:
    shutdown -r now
  • Reboot in 5 minutes:
    shutdown -r +{{5}} &
  • Shutdown at 1:00 pm (Uses 24h clock):
    shutdown -h 13:00
  • Cancel a pending shutdown/reboot operation:
    shutdown -c

toolbox init-container

Initialize a running toolbox container. This command should not be executed by the user, and cannot be run on the host. More information:
  • Initialize a running toolbox:
    toolbox init-container --gid {{gid}} --home {{home}} --home-link --media-link --mnt-link --monitor-host --shell {{shell}} --uid {{uid}} --user {{user}}


Display a cute cow and message on your Linux desktop. The cow is displayed for either a fixed amount of time, or an amount of time calculated from the size of the text. Click on the cow to dismiss it immediately. More information:
  • Display a cow saying "hello, world":
    xcowsay "{{hello, world}}"
  • Display a cow with output from another command:
    ls | xcowsay
  • Display a cow at the specified X and Y coordinates:
    xcowsay --at={{X}},{{Y}}
  • Display a different sized cow:
    xcowsay --cow-size={{small|med|large}}
  • Display a thought bubble instead of a speech bubble:
    xcowsay --think
  • Display a different image instead of the default cow:
    xcowsay --image={{path/to/file}}


Monitor, configure connections, and send special commands to Bluetooth devices. More information:
  • Scan for Bluetooth devices:
    hcitool scan
  • Output the name of a device, returning its MAC address:
    hcitool name {{bdaddr}}
  • Fetch information about a remote Bluetooth device:
    hcitool info {{bdaddr}}
  • Check the link quality to a Bluetooth device:
    hcitool lq {{bdaddr}}
  • Modify the transmit power level:
    hcitool tpl {{bdaddr}} {{0|1}}
  • Display the link policy:
    hcitool lp
  • Request authentication with a specific device:
    hcitool auth {{bdaddr}}
  • Display local devices:
    hcitool dev


Alternative to wget written in Rust. More information:
  • Download the contents of a URL to a file:
    ruget {{}}
  • Download the contents of a URL to a specified [o]utput file:
    ruget --output {{file_name}} {{}}

toolbox enter

Enter a toolbox container for interactive use. See also: toolbox run. More information:
  • Enter a toolbox container using the default image of a specific distribution:
    toolbox enter --distro {{distribution}}
  • Enter a toolbox container using the default image of a specific release of the current distribution:
    toolbox enter --release {{release}}
  • Enter a toolbox container using the default image for Fedora 38:
    toolbox enter --distro {{fedora}} --release {{f38}}


Finds a filesystem by label or UUID. More information:
  • Search block devices by filesystem label:
    findfs LABEL={{label}}
  • Search by filesystem UUID:
    findfs UUID={{uuid}}
  • Search by partition label (GPT or MAC partition table):
    findfs PARTLABEL={{partition_label}}
  • Search by partition UUID (GPT partition table only):
    findfs PARTUUID={{partition_uuid}}


Show last commands executed. More information:
  • Print information about all the commands in the acct (record file):
  • Display commands executed by a given user:
    lastcomm --user {{user}}
  • Display information about a given command executed on the system:
    lastcomm --command {{command}}
  • Display information about commands executed on a given terminal:
    lastcomm --tty {{terminal_name}}


An application launcher and window switcher. More information:
  • Show the list of apps:
    rofi -show drun
  • Show the list of all commands:
    rofi -show run
  • Switch between windows:
    rofi -show window
  • Pipe a list of items to stdin and print the selected item to stdout:
    printf "{{Choice1\nChoice2\nChoice3}}" | rofi -dmenu


Show information about users on a Linux system. More information:
  • Display users in the system:
  • Display users belonging to a specific group:
    lslogins --groups={{groups}}
  • Display user accounts:
    lslogins --user-accs
  • Display last logins:
    lslogins --last
  • Display system accounts:
    lslogins --system-accs
  • Display supplementary groups:
    lslogins --supp-groups


DesktopEntry Execution is a program to generate and execute DesktopEntry files of the Application type. More information:
  • Execute all programs in the autostart folders:
    dex --autostart
  • Execute all programs in the specified folders:
    dex --autostart --search-paths {{path/to/directory1}}:{{path/to/directory2}}:{{path/to/directory3}}:
  • Preview the programs would be executed in a GNOME specific autostart:
    dex --autostart --environment {{GNOME}}
  • Preview the programs would be executed in a regular autostart:
    dex --autostart --dry-run
  • Preview the value of the DesktopEntry property Name:
    dex --property {{Name}} {{path/to/file.desktop}}
  • Create a DesktopEntry for a program in the current directory:
    dex --create {{path/to/file.desktop}}
  • Execute a single program (with Terminal=true in the desktop file) in the given terminal:
    dex --term {{terminal}} {{path/to/file.desktop}}


Displays a summary of historical uptime records. More information:
  • Display a summary of the top 10 historical uptime records:
  • Display the top 25 records:
    uprecords -m {{25}}
  • Display the downtime between reboots instead of the kernel version:
    uprecords -d
  • Show the most recent reboots:
    uprecords -B
  • Don't truncate information:
    uprecords -w


Filesystem snapshot management tool. More information:
  • List snapshot configs:
    snapper list-configs
  • Create snapper config:
    snapper -c {{config}} create-config {{path/to/directory}}
  • Create a snapshot with a description:
    snapper -c {{config}} create -d "{{snapshot_description}}"
  • List snapshots for a config:
    snapper -c {{config}} list
  • Delete a snapshot:
    snapper -c {{config}} delete {{snapshot_number}}
  • Delete a range of snapshots:
    snapper -c {{config}} delete {{snapshot_X}}-{{snapshot_Y}}


Run commands as a specific user and group without asking for password (needs root privileges). More information:
  • Run command as a different user:
    runuser {{user}} -c '{{command}}'
  • Run command as a different user and group:
    runuser {{user}} -g {{group}} -c '{{command}}'
  • Start a login shell as a specific user:
    runuser {{user}} -l
  • Specify a shell for running instead of the default shell (also works for login):
    runuser {{user}} -s {{/bin/sh}}
  • Preserve the entire environment of root (only if --login is not specified):
    runuser {{user}} --preserve-environment -c '{{command}}'


A wrapper for lrunzip to simplify decompression of directories. See also: lrztar, lrzip. More information:
  • Decompress from a file to the current directory:
    lrzuntar {{path/to/archive.tar.lrz}}
  • Decompress from a file to the current directory using a specific number of processor threads:
    lrzuntar -p {{8}} {{path/to/archive.tar.lrz}}
  • Decompress from a file to the current directory and silently overwrite items that already exist:
    lrzuntar -f {{archive.tar.lrz}}
  • Specify the output path:
    lrzuntar -O {{path/to/directory}} {{archive.tar.lrz}}
  • Delete the compressed file after decompression:
    lrzuntar -D {{path/to/archive.tar.lrz}}


Check if a file is of a specific bootable image type. More information:
  • Check if a file is an ARM EFI image:
    grub-file --is-arm-efi {{path/to/file}}
  • Check if a file is an i386 EFI image:
    grub-file --is-i386-efi {{path/to/file}}
  • Check if a file is an x86_64 EFI image:
    grub-file --is-x86_64-efi {{path/to/file}}
  • Check if a file is an ARM image (Linux kernel):
    grub-file --is-arm-linux {{path/to/file}}
  • Check if a file is an x86 image (Linux kernel):
    grub-file --is-x86-linux {{path/to/file}}
  • Check if a file is an x86_64 XNU image (Mac OS X kernel):
    grub-file --is-x86_64-xnu {{path/to/file}}


Bug report tool of Debian distribution. More information:
  • Generate a bug report about a specific package, then send it by e-mail:
    reportbug {{package}}
  • Report a bug that is not about a specific package (general problem, infrastructure, etc.):
    reportbug other
  • Write the bug report to a file instead of sending it by e-mail:
    reportbug -o {{filename}} {{package}}


Parse command-line arguments. More information:
  • Parse optional verbose/version flags with shorthands:
    getopt --options vV --longoptions verbose,version -- --version --verbose
  • Add a --file option with a required argument with shorthand -f:
    getopt --options f: --longoptions file: -- --file=somefile
  • Add a --verbose option with an optional argument with shorthand -v, and pass a non-option parameter arg:
    getopt --options v:: --longoptions verbose:: -- --verbose arg
  • Accept a -r and --verbose flag, a --accept option with an optional argument and add a --target with a required argument option with shorthands:
    getopt --options rv::s::t: --longoptions verbose,source::,target: -- -v --target target


Creates an exfat filesystem inside a partition. More information:
  • Create an exfat filesystem inside partition 1 on device b (sdb1):
    mkfs.exfat {{/dev/sdb1}}
  • Create filesystem with a volume-name:
    mkfs.exfat -n {{volume_name}} {{/dev/sdb1}}
  • Create filesystem with a volume-id:
    mkfs.exfat -i {{volume_id}} {{/dev/sdb1}}


Concatenate files from a squashfs filesystem and print them to stdout. More information:
  • Display the contents of one or more files from a squashfs filesystem:
    sqfscat {{filesystem.squashfs}} {{file1 file2 ...}}


Create a temporary file or directory. Note that examples here all assume $TMPDIR is unset. More information:
  • Create an empty temporary file in /tmp/ and print its absolute path:
  • Create a temporary directory in /tmp/ and print its absolute path:
    mktemp --directory
  • Create an empty temporary file at the specified path, with Xs replaced with random alphanumeric characters, and print its path:
    mktemp "{{path/to/file_XXXXX_name}}"
  • Create an empty temporary file in /tmp/ with the specified name, with Xs replaced with random alphanumeric characters, and print its path:
    mktemp -t "{{file_XXXXX_name}}"


Summarizes accounting information. Part of the acct package. Shows commands called by users, including basic info on CPU time spent processing and I/O rates. More information:
  • Display executable invocations per user (username not displayed):
    sudo sa
  • Display executable invocations per user, showing responsible usernames:
    sudo sa --print-users
  • List resources used recently per user:
    sudo sa --user-summary


Check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem. The partition should be unmounted. More information:
  • Check filesystem, reporting any damaged blocks:
    sudo e2fsck {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Check filesystem and automatically repair any damaged blocks:
    sudo e2fsck -p {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Check filesystem in read only mode:
    sudo e2fsck -c {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Perform an exhaustive, non-destructive read-write test for bad blocks and blacklist them:
    sudo e2fsck -fccky {{/dev/sdXN}}


Synchronize and set the date and time via NTP. More information:
  • Synchronize and set date and time:
    sudo ntpdate {{host}}
  • Query the host without setting the time:
    ntpdate -q {{host}}
  • Use an unprivileged port in case a firewall is blocking privileged ports:
    sudo ntpdate -u {{host}}
  • Force time to be stepped using settimeofday instead of slewed:
    sudo ntpdate -b {{host}}


A simple terminal emulator for the X Window System. More information:
  • Open a terminal:
  • Open a terminal with a specific title:
    st -T {{title}}
  • Open a terminal, execute a given command, and write the output to a file:
    st -o {{path/to/file}} -e {{command argument1 argument2}}
  • Increase/decrease the font size:
    Ctrl + Shift + {{Page Up|Page Down}}
  • Copy/paste from the clipboard:
    Ctrl + Shift + {{C|V}}


Show the most recent login of all users or of a given user. More information:
  • Display the most recent login of all users:
  • Display the lastlog record of the specified user:
    lastlog --user {{username}}
  • Display records older than 7 days:
    lastlog --before {{7}}
  • Display records more recent than 3 days:
    lastlog -time {{3}}


A filesystem based on the copy-on-write (COW) principle for Linux. Some subcommands such as btrfs device have their own usage documentation. More information:
  • Create subvolume:
    sudo btrfs subvolume create {{path/to/subvolume}}
  • List subvolumes:
    sudo btrfs subvolume list {{path/to/mount_point}}
  • Show space usage information:
    sudo btrfs filesystem df {{path/to/mount_point}}
  • Enable quota:
    sudo btrfs quota enable {{path/to/subvolume}}
  • Show quota:
    sudo btrfs qgroup show {{path/to/subvolume}}


A utility to beep the PC speaker. More information:
  • Play a beep:
  • Play a beep that repeats:
    beep -r {{repetitions}}
  • Play a beep at a specified frequency (Hz) and duration (milliseconds):
    beep -f {{frequency}} -l {{duration}}
  • Play each new frequency and duration as a distinct beep:
    beep -f {{frequency}} -l {{duration}} -n -f {{frequency}} -l {{duration}}
  • Play the C major scale:
    beep -f {{262}} -n -f {{294}} -n -f {{330}} -n -f {{349}} -n -f {{392}} -n -f {{440}} -n -f {{494}} -n -f {{523}}


Guided Arch Linux installer with a twist. More information:
  • Start the interactive installer:
  • Start a preset installer:
    archinstall {{minimal|unattended}}


RetroArch is a frontend for emulators, game engines and media players. It is the reference implementation of libretro API. More information:
  • Start in the menu mode:
  • Start in full screen mode:
    retroarch --fullscreen
  • List all compiled features:
    retroarch --features
  • Set the path of a configuration file:
    retroarch --config={{path/to/config_file}}
  • Display help:
    retroarch --help
  • Display version:
    retroarch --version


A traceroute implementation using TCP packets. More information:
  • Trace the route to a host:
    tcptraceroute {{host}}
  • Specify the destination port and packet length in bytes:
    tcptraceroute {{host}} {{destination_port}} {{packet_length}}
  • Specify the local source port and source address:
    tcptraceroute {{host}} -p {{source_port}} -s {{source_address}}
  • Set the first and maximum TTL:
    tcptraceroute {{host}} -f {{first_ttl}} -m {{max_ttl}}
  • Specify the wait time and number of queries per hop:
    tcptraceroute {{host}} -w {{wait_time}} -q {{number_of_queries}}
  • Specify the interface:
    tcptraceroute {{host}} -i {{interface}}


Use the normal cat functionality over networks. More information:
  • Listen for input on the specified port and write it to the specified file:
    ncat -l {{port}} > {{path/to/file}}
  • Accept multiple connections and keep ncat open after they have been closed:
    ncat -lk {{port}}
  • Write output of specified file to the specified host on the specified port:
    ncat {{address}} {{port}} < {{path/to/file}}


Download pictures, videos, captions, and other metadata from Instagram. Note: You will need to provide Instagram login information if you want high-quality media downloads. More information:
  • Download a profile:
    instaloader {{profile_name}}
  • Download highlights:
    instaloader --highlights {{profile_name}}
  • Download posts with geotags (if available), suppressing any user interaction:
    instaloader --quiet --geotags {{profile_name}}
  • Specify a user agent for HTTP requests:
    instaloader --user-agent {{user_agent}} {{profile_name}}
  • Specify login info and download posts (useful for private profiles):
    instaloader --login {{username}} --password {{password}} {{profile_name}}
  • Skip a target if the first downloaded file has been found (useful for updating Instagram archives):
    instaloader --fast-update {{profile_name}}
  • Download stories and IGTV videos (login required):
    instaloader --login {{username}} --password {{password}} --stories --igtv {{profile_name}}
  • Download all types of posts (login required):
    instaloader --login {{username}} --password {{password}} --stories --igtv --highlights {{profile_name}}


Create the user's home directory after creating the user. More information:
  • Create a home directory for a user based on /etc/skel with umask 022:
    sudo mkhomedir_helper {{username}}
  • Create a home directory for a user based on /etc/skel with all permissions for owner (0) and read permission for group (3):
    sudo mkhomedir_helper {{username}} {{037}}
  • Create a home directory for a user based on a custom skeleton:
    sudo mkhomedir_helper {{username}} {{umask}} {{path/to/skeleton_directory}}


Gentoo Linux package manager utility. For equivalent commands in other package managers, see More information:
  • Synchronize all packages:
    emerge --sync
  • Update all packages, including dependencies:
    emerge -uDNav @world
  • Resume a failed updated, skipping the failing package:
    emerge --resume --skipfirst
  • Install a new package, with confirmation:
    emerge -av {{package}}
  • Remove a package, with confirmation:
    emerge -Cav {{package}}
  • Remove orphaned packages (that were installed only as dependencies):
    emerge -avc
  • Search the package database for a keyword:
    emerge -S {{keyword}}


Rename multiple files. NOTE: this page refers to the command from the prename Fedora package. More information:
  • Rename files using a Perl Common Regular Expression (substitute 'foo' with 'bar' wherever found):
    rename {{'s/foo/bar/'}} {{*}}
  • Dry-run - display which renames would occur without performing them:
    rename -n {{'s/foo/bar/'}} {{*}}
  • Force renaming even if the operation would remove existing destination files:
    rename -f {{'s/foo/bar/'}} {{*}}
  • Convert filenames to lower case (use -f in case-insensitive filesystems to prevent "already exists" errors):
    rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' {{*}}
  • Replace whitespace with underscores:
    rename 's/\s+/_/g' {{*}}

qm status

Show virtual machine status. More information:
  • Display the status of a specific virtual machine:
    qm status {{vm_id}}
  • Display detailed status of a specific virtual machine:
    qm status --verbose {{true}} {{vm_id}}


Create a basic Debian system. More information:
  • Create a Debian stable release system inside the debian-root directory:
    sudo debootstrap stable {{path/to/debian-root/}}
  • Create a minimal system including only required packages:
    sudo debootstrap --variant=minbase stable {{path/to/debian-root/}}
  • Create an Ubuntu 20.04 system inside the focal-root directory with a local mirror:
    sudo debootstrap focal {{path/to/focal-root/}} {{file:///path/to/mirror/}}
  • Switch to a bootstrapped system:
    sudo chroot {{path/to/root}}
  • List available releases:
    ls /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/


Convert a PO file back to documentation format. The provided PO file should be the translation of the POT file which was produced by po4a-gettextize. More information:
  • Convert a translated PO file back to a document:
    po4a-translate --format {{text}} --master {{path/to/master.doc}} --po {{path/to/result.po}} --localized {{path/to/translated.txt}}
  • Get a list of available formats:
    po4a-translate --help-format


The official calculator for the GNOME desktop environment. More information:
  • Launch the GNOME Calculator GUI:
  • Solve the specified equation without launching the desktop application:
    gnome-calculator --solve {{2^5 * 2 + 5}}
  • Display the version:
    gnome-calculator --version


Curlie is a frontend to curl that adds the ease of use of httpie. More information:
  • Send a GET request:
    curlie {{}}
  • Send a POST request:
    curlie post {{}} {{name=john}} {{age:=25}}
  • Send a GET request with query parameters (e.g. first_param=5&second_param=true):
    curlie get {{}} {{first_param==5}} {{second_param==true}}
  • Send a GET request with a custom header:
    curlie get {{}} {{header-name:header-value}}


An alternative to rm and trash-cli written in Rust. More information:
  • Move a specific file to the trash:
    trash {{path/to/file}}
  • Move specific files to the trash:
    trash {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}
  • List items in the trash:
    trash list
  • Restore a specific file from the trash:
    trash restore {{file}}
  • Remove a specific file from the trash:
    trash empty {{file}}
  • Restore all files from the trash:
    trash restore --all
  • Remove all files from the trash:
    trash empty --all


Gentoo Linux utility to compile and install kernels. More information:
  • Automatically compile and install a generic kernel:
    sudo genkernel all
  • Build and install the bzImage|initramfs|kernel|ramdisk only:
    sudo genkernel {{bzImage|initramfs|kernel|ramdisk}}
  • Apply changes to the kernel configuration before compiling and installing:
    sudo genkernel --menuconfig all
  • Generate a kernel with a custom name:
    sudo genkernel --kernname={{custom_name}} all
  • Use a kernel source outside the default directory /usr/src/linux:
    sudo genkernel --kerneldir={{path/to/directory}} all


Searches for rootkits and malware. More information:
  • Check a system for rootkits and malware:
    sudo rkhunter --check
  • Update rkhunter:
    sudo rkhunter --update
  • Print all available tests:
    sudo rkhunter --list
  • Display version:
    sudo rkhunter --versioncheck
  • Display help:
    sudo rkhunter --help


KDE's archiving tool. More information:
  • Extract a specific archive into the current directory:
    ark --batch {{path/to/archive}}
  • Extract an archive into a specific directory:
    ark --batch --destination {{path/to/directory}} {{path/to/archive}}
  • Create an archive if it does not exist and add specific files to it:
    ark --add-to {{path/to/archive}} {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}


Python script that shows a network traffic graph in the terminal. More information:
  • Show graph for a specific interface:
    speedometer -r {{eth0}} -t {{eth0}}


Windows media creation tool. More information:
  • Format a USB then create a bootable Windows installation drive:
    woeusb --device {{path/to/windows.iso}} {{/dev/sdX}}
  • Copy Windows files to an existing partition of a USB storage device and make it bootable, without erasing the current data:
    woeusb --partition {{path/to/windows.iso}} {{/dev/sdXN}}


Light-weight system monitor for X. More information:
  • Launch with default, built-in config:
  • Create a new default config:
    conky -C > ~/.conkyrc
  • Launch Conky with a given config file:
    conky -c {{path/to/config}}
  • Start in the background (daemonize):
    conky -d
  • Align Conky on the desktop:
    conky -a {{top|bottom|middle}}_{{left|right|middle}}
  • Pause for 5 seconds at startup before launching:
    conky -p {{5}}


Navigate directory trees interactively. See also: broot. More information:
  • Start and navigate the current directory tree interactively:
  • Start displaying the size of files and directories:
    br --sizes
  • Start displaying permissions:
    br --permissions
  • Start displaying directories only:
    br --only-folders
  • Start displaying hidden files and directories:
    br --hidden

pkgctl diff

Compare package files using different modes. See also: pkgctl. More information:
  • Compare package files in tar content [l]ist different mode (default):
    pkgctl diff --list {{path/to/file|pkgname}}
  • Compare package files in [d]iffoscope different mode:
    pkgctl diff --diffoscope {{path/to/file|pkgname}}
  • Compare package files in .PKGINFO different mode:
    pkgctl diff --pkginfo {{path/to/file|pkgname}}
  • Compare package files in .BUILDINFO different mode:
    pkgctl diff --buildinfo {{path/to/file|pkgname}}


Edit files in MATE desktop environment. More information:
  • Start the editor:
  • Open specific documents:
    pluma {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}
  • Open documents using a specific encoding:
    pluma --encoding {{WINDOWS-1252}} {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}
  • Print all supported encodings:
    pluma --list-encodings
  • Open document and go to a specific line:
    pluma +{{10}} {{path/to/file}}

btrfs scrub

Scrub btrfs filesystems to verify data integrity. It is recommended to run a scrub once a month. More information:
  • Start a scrub:
    sudo btrfs scrub start {{path/to/btrfs_mount}}
  • Show the status of an ongoing or last completed scrub:
    sudo btrfs scrub status {{path/to/btrfs_mount}}
  • Cancel an ongoing scrub:
    sudo btrfs scrub cancel {{path/to/btrfs_mount}}
  • Resume a previously cancelled scrub:
    sudo btrfs scrub resume {{path/to/btrfs_mount}}
  • Start a scrub, but wait until the scrub finishes before exiting:
    sudo btrfs scrub start -B {{path/to/btrfs_mount}}
  • Start a scrub in quiet mode (does not print errors or statistics):
    sudo btrfs scrub start -q {{path/to/btrfs_mount}}


Create, update or extract PHP archives (PHAR). More information:
  • Add space-separated files or directories to a Phar file:
    phar add -f {{path/to/phar_file}} {{files_or_directories}}
  • Display the contents of a Phar file:
    phar list -f {{path/to/phar_file}}
  • Delete the specified file or directory from a Phar file:
    phar delete -f {{path/to/phar_file}} -e {{file_or_directory}}
  • Display full usage information and available hashing/compression algorithms:
    phar help
  • Compress or uncompress files and directories in a Phar file:
    phar compress -f {{path/to/phar_file}} -c {{algorithm}}
  • Get information about a Phar file:
    phar info -f {{path/to/phar_file}}
  • Sign a Phar file with a specific hash algorithm:
    phar sign -f {{path/to/phar_file}} -h {{algorithm}}
  • Sign a Phar file with an OpenSSL private key:
    phar sign -f {{path/to/phar_file}} -h openssl -y {{path/to/private_key}}


Generates themes for Telegram based the colors generated by pywal/wal. More information:
  • Generate with wal's palette and the current wallpaper (feh only):
  • Generate with wal's palette and a specified background image:
    wal-telegram --background={{path/to/image}}
  • Generate with wal's palette and a colored background based on the palette:
    wal-telegram --tiled
  • Apply a gaussian blur on the background image:
    wal-telegram -g
  • Specify a location for the generated theme (default is $XDG_CACHE_HOME/wal-telegram or ~/.cache/wal-telegram):
    wal-telegram --destination={{path/to/destination}}
  • Restart the telegram app after generation:
    wal-telegram --restart


Submit a batch job to the SLURM scheduler. More information:
  • Submit a batch job:
    sbatch {{path/to/}}
  • Submit a batch job with a custom name:
    sbatch --job-name={{myjob}} {{path/to/}}
  • Submit a batch job with a time limit of 30 minutes:
    sbatch --time={{00:30:00}} {{path/to/}}
  • Submit a job and request multiple nodes:
    sbatch --nodes={{3}} {{path/to/}}


Delay for a specified amount of time. More information:
  • Delay in seconds:
    sleep {{seconds}}
  • Delay in [m]inutes. (Other units [d]ay, [h]our, [s]econd, [inf]inity can also be used):
    sleep {{minutes}}m
  • Delay for 1 [d]ay 3 [h]ours:
    sleep 1d 3h
  • Execute a specific command after 20 [m]inutes delay:
    sleep 20m && {{command}}

btrfs inspect-internal

Query internal information of a btrfs filesystem. More information:
  • Print superblock's information:
    sudo btrfs inspect-internal dump-super {{path/to/partition}}
  • Print superblock's and all of its copies' information:
    sudo btrfs inspect-internal dump-super --all {{path/to/partition}}
  • Print filesystem's metadata information:
    sudo btrfs inspect-internal dump-tree {{path/to/partition}}
  • Print list of files in inode n-th:
    sudo btrfs inspect-internal inode-resolve {{n}} {{path/to/btrfs_mount}}
  • Print list of files at a given logical address:
    sudo btrfs inspect-internal logical-resolve {{logical_address}} {{path/to/btrfs_mount}}
  • Print stats of root, extent, csum and fs trees:
    sudo btrfs inspect-internal tree-stats {{path/to/partition}}


Remote Desktop Protocol client. It can be used to connect the remote computer using the RDP protocol. More information:
  • Connect to a remote computer (default port is 3389):
    rdesktop -u {{username}} -p {{password}} {{host:port}}
  • Simple Examples:
    rdesktop -u Administrator -p passwd123
  • Connect to a remote computer with full screen (press Ctrl + Alt + Enter to exist):
    rdesktop -u {{username}} -p {{password}} -f {{host:port}}
  • Use the customed resolution (use the letter 'x' between the number):
    rdesktop -u {{username}} -p {{password}} -g 1366x768 {{host:port}}
  • Connect to a remote computer using domain user:
    rdesktop -u {{username}} -p {{password}} -d {{domainname}} {{host:port}}
  • Use the 16-bit color (speed up):
    rdesktop -u {{username}} -p {{password}} -a 16 {{host:port}}


Control the system time and date. More information:
  • Check the current system clock time:
  • Set the local time of the system clock directly:
    timedatectl set-time "{{yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss}}"
  • List available timezones:
    timedatectl list-timezones
  • Set the system timezone:
    timedatectl set-timezone {{timezone}}
  • Enable Network Time Protocol (NTP) synchronization:
    timedatectl set-ntp on
  • Change the hardware clock time standard to localtime:
    timedatectl set-local-rtc 1


Run MailCap Programs. Run mailcap view, see, edit, compose, print - execute programs via entries in the mailcap file (or any of its aliases) will use the given action to process each mime-type/file. More information:
  • Individual actions/programs on run-mailcap can be invoked with action flag:
    run-mailcap --action=ACTION [--option[=value]]
  • In simple language:
    run-mailcap --action=ACTION {{filename}}
  • Turn on extra information:
    run-mailcap --action=ACTION --debug {{filename}}
  • Ignore any "copiousoutput" directive and forward output to stdout:
    run-mailcap --action=ACTION --nopager {{filename}}
  • Display the found command without actually executing it:
    run-mailcap --action=ACTION --norun {{filename}}


Graphical file manager for XFCE desktop environments. More information:
  • Open a new window showing the current directory:
  • Open the bulk rename utility:
    thunar --bulk-rename
  • Close all open thunar windows:
    thunar --quit


Convert and copy a file. More information:
  • Make a bootable USB drive from an isohybrid file (such like archlinux-xxx.iso) and show the progress:
    dd if={{path/to/file.iso}} of={{/dev/usb_drive}} status=progress
  • Clone a drive to another drive with 4 MiB block, ignore error and show the progress:
    dd if={{/dev/source_drive}} of={{/dev/dest_drive}} bs={{4M}} conv={{noerror}} status=progress
  • Generate a file of 100 random bytes by using kernel random driver:
    dd if=/dev/urandom of={{path/to/random_file}} bs={{100}} count={{1}}
  • Benchmark the write performance of a disk:
    dd if=/dev/zero of={{path/to/file_1GB}} bs={{1024}} count={{1000000}}
  • Generate a system backup into an IMG file and show the progress:
    dd if={{/dev/drive_device}} of={{path/to/file.img}} status=progress
  • Restore a drive from an IMG file and show the progress:
    dd if={{path/to/file.img}} of={{/dev/drive_device}} status=progress
  • Check the progress of an ongoing dd operation (run this command from another shell):
    kill -USR1 $(pgrep ^dd)


The Let's Encrypt Agent for automatically obtaining and renewing TLS certificates. Successor to letsencrypt. More information:
  • Obtain a new certificate via webroot authorization, but do not install it automatically:
    sudo certbot certonly --webroot --webroot-path {{path/to/webroot}} --domain {{}}
  • Obtain a new certificate via nginx authorization, installing the new certificate automatically:
    sudo certbot --nginx --domain {{}}
  • Obtain a new certificate via apache authorization, installing the new certificate automatically:
    sudo certbot --apache --domain {{}}
  • Renew all Let's Encrypt certificates that expire in 30 days or less (don't forget to restart any servers that use them afterwards):
    sudo certbot renew
  • Simulate the obtaining of a new certificate, but don't actually save any new certificates to disk:
    sudo certbot --webroot --webroot-path {{path/to/webroot}} --domain {{}} --dry-run
  • Obtain an untrusted test certificate instead:
    sudo certbot --webroot --webroot-path {{path/to/webroot}} --domain {{}} --test-cert


Analyze and debug system manager. Show timing details about the boot process of units (services, mount points, devices, sockets). More information:
  • List all running units, ordered by the time they took to initialize:
    systemd-analyze blame
  • Print a tree of the time-critical chain of units:
    systemd-analyze critical-chain
  • Create an SVG file showing when each system service started, highlighting the time that they spent on initialization:
    systemd-analyze plot > {{path/to/file.svg}}
  • Plot a dependency graph and convert it to an SVG file:
    systemd-analyze dot | dot -T{{svg}} > {{path/to/file.svg}}
  • Show security scores of running units:
    systemd-analyze security


Utility for changing the display brightness. More information:
  • Set display brightness to 50%:
    blight set {{50}} -r
  • Show current display brightness:
    blight show
  • Print maximum display brightness:
    blight max
  • Increase display brightness in %:
    blight inc {{number}} -r
  • Decrease display brightness with internal units:
    blight dec {{number}}


Create online books by writing Markdown files. More information:
  • Create an mdbook project in the current directory:
    mdbook init
  • Create an mdbook project in a specific directory:
    mdbook init {{path/to/directory}}
  • Clean the directory with the generated book:
    mdbook clean
  • Serve a book at http://localhost:3000, auto build when file changes:
    mdbook serve
  • Watch a set of Markdown files and automatically build when a file is changed:
    mdbook watch


PNG image output support for vnStat. More information:
  • Output a summary of the last 2: months, days, and all-time:
    vnstati --summary --iface {{network_interface}} --output {{path/to/output.png}}
  • Output the 10 most traffic-intensive days of all time:
    vnstati --top10 --iface {{network_interface}} --output {{path/to/output.png}}
  • Output monthly traffic statistics from the last 12 months:
    vnstati --months --iface {{network_interface}} --output {{path/to/output.png}}
  • Output hourly traffic statistics from the last 24 hours:
    vnstati --hours --iface {{network_interface}} --output {{path/to/output.png}}


CLI for the powerful and free office suite LibreOffice. More information:
  • Open a space-separated list of files in read-only mode:
    libreoffice --view {{path/to/file1}} {{path/to/file2}}
  • Display the content of specific files:
    libreoffice --cat {{path/to/file1}} {{path/to/file2}}
  • Print files to a specific printer:
    libreoffice --pt {{printer_name}} {{path/to/file1}} {{path/to/file2}}
  • Convert all .doc files in current directory to PDF:
    libreoffice --convert-to {{pdf}} {{*.doc}}


Provides certain LSB (Linux Standard Base) and distribution-specific information. More information:
  • Print all available information:
    lsb_release -a
  • Print a description (usually the full name) of the operating system:
    lsb_release -d
  • Print only the operating system name (ID), suppressing the field name:
    lsb_release -i -s
  • Print the release number and codename of the distribution, suppressing the field names:
    lsb_release -rcs


Edit the Samba user database. For simple user add/remove/password, you can also use smbpasswd. More information:
  • List all Samba users (use verbose flag to show their settings):
    sudo pdbedit --list --verbose
  • Add an existing Unix user to Samba (will prompt for password):
    sudo pdbedit --user {{username}} --create
  • Remove a Samba user:
    sudo pdbedit --user {{username}} --delete
  • Reset a Samba user's failed password counter:
    sudo pdbedit --user {{username}} --bad-password-count-reset


Speed test for choosing a fast network server. More information:
  • Choose the server with the lowest latency:
    sudo netselect {{host_1}} {{host_2}}
  • Display nameserver resolution and statistics:
    sudo netselect -vv {{host_1}} {{host_2}}
  • Define maximum TTL (time to live):
    sudo netselect -m {{10}} {{host_1}} {{host_2}}
  • Print fastest N servers among the hosts:
    sudo netselect -s {{N}} {{host_1}} {{host_2}} {{host_3}}
  • List available options:


An Arch Linux utility to build and install packages from the Arch User Repository. See also pacman. More information:
  • Synchronize and update all packages:
    aurman --sync --refresh --sysupgrade
  • Synchronize and update all packages without show changes of PKGBUILD files:
    aurman --sync --refresh --sysupgrade --noedit
  • Install a new package:
    aurman --sync {{package}}
  • Install a new package without show changes of PKGBUILD files:
    aurman --sync --noedit {{package}}
  • Install a new package without prompting:
    aurman --sync --noedit --noconfirm {{package}}
  • Search the package database for a keyword from the official repositories and AUR:
    aurman --sync --search {{keyword}}
  • Remove a package and its dependencies:
    aurman --remove --recursive --nosave {{package}}
  • Clear the package cache (use two --clean flags to clean all packages):
    aurman --sync --clean


Configure tables, chains and rules of the Linux kernel IPv4 firewall. Use ip6tables to set rules for IPv6 traffic. See also: iptables-save, iptables-restore. More information:
  • View chains, rules, packet/byte counters and line numbers for the filter table:
    sudo iptables --verbose --numeric --list --line-numbers
  • Set chain [P]olicy rule:
    sudo iptables --policy {{chain}} {{rule}}
  • [A]ppend rule to chain policy for IP:
    sudo iptables --append {{chain}} --source {{ip}} --jump {{rule}}
  • [A]ppend rule to chain policy for IP considering [p]rotocol and port:
    sudo iptables --append {{chain}} --source {{ip}} --protocol {{tcp|udp|icmp|...}} --dport {{port}} --jump {{rule}}
  • Add a NAT rule to translate all traffic from the subnet to the host's public IP:
    sudo iptables --table {{nat}} --append {{POSTROUTING}} --source {{}} --jump {{MASQUERADE}}
  • [D]elete chain rule:
    sudo iptables --delete {{chain}} {{rule_line_number}}


Wrapper script around the screenshot utility scrot for the i3 window manager. The default save location is ~/Pictures and can be changed in ~/.config/i3-scrot.conf. More information:
  • Capture a screenshot of the whole screen and save it to the default directory:
  • Capture a screenshot of the active window:
    i3-scrot --window
  • Capture a screenshot of a specific rectangular selection:
    i3-scrot --select
  • Capture a screenshot of the whole screen and copy it to the clipboard:
    i3-scrot --desk-to-clipboard
  • Capture a screenshot of the active window and copy it to the clipboard:
    i3-scrot --window-to-clipboard
  • Capture a screenshot of a specific selection and copy it to the clipboard:
    i3-scrot --select-to-clipboard
  • Capture a screenshot of the active window after a delay of 5 seconds:
    i3-scrot --window {{5}}


An interactive ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem debugger. More information:
  • Open the filesystem in read only mode:
    debugfs {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Open the filesystem in read write mode:
    debugfs -w {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Read commands from a specified file, execute them and then exit:
    debugfs -f {{path/to/cmd_file}} {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • View the filesystem stats in debugfs console:
  • Close the filesystem:
    close -a
  • List all available commands:


Print a summary of system information and resources for debugging purposes. More information:
  • Print a summary of CPU, memory, hard drive and kernel information:
  • Print a full description of CPU, memory, disk, network and process information:
    inxi -Fz
  • Print information about the distribution's repository:
    inxi -r


X11 clipboard manipulation tool, similar to xsel. Handles the X primary and secondary selections, plus the system clipboard (Ctrl + C/Ctrl + V). More information:
  • Copy the output from a command to the X11 primary selection area (clipboard):
    echo 123 | xclip
  • Copy the output from a command to a given X11 selection area:
    echo 123 | xclip -selection {{primary|secondary|clipboard}}
  • Copy the output from a command to the system clipboard, using short notation:
    echo 123 | xclip -sel clip
  • Copy the contents of a file into the system clipboard:
    xclip -sel clip {{input_file.txt}}
  • Copy the contents of a PNG into the system clipboard (can be pasted in other programs correctly):
    xclip -sel clip -t image/png {{input_file.png}}
  • Copy the user input in the console into the system clipboard:
    xclip -i
  • Paste the contents of the X11 primary selection area to the console:
    xclip -o
  • Paste the contents of the system clipboard to the console:
    xclip -o -sel clip


Tool for operating on the trust policy store. More information:
  • List trust policy store items:
    trust list
  • List information about specific items in the trust policy store:
    trust list --filter={{blocklist|ca-anchors|certificates|trust-policy}}
  • Store a specific trust anchor in the trust policy store:
    trust anchor {{path/to/certificate.crt}}
  • Remove a specific anchor from the trust policy store:
    trust anchor --remove {{path/to/certificate.crt}}
  • Extract trust policy from the shared trust policy store:
    trust extract --format=x509-directory --filter=ca-anchors {{path/to/directory}}
  • Display help for a subcommand:
    trust {{subcommand}} --help


Eject cds, floppy disks and tape drives. More information:
  • Display the default device:
    eject -d
  • Eject the default device:
  • Eject a specific device (the default order is cd-rom, scsi, floppy and tape):
    eject {{/dev/cdrom}}
  • Toggle whether a device's tray is open or closed:
    eject -T {{/dev/cdrom}}
  • Eject a cd drive:
    eject -r {{/dev/cdrom}}
  • Eject a floppy drive:
    eject -f {{/mnt/floppy}}
  • Eject a tape drive:
    eject -q {{/mnt/tape}}


Report information about processes, memory, paging, block IO, traps, disks and CPU activity. More information:
  • Display virtual memory statistics:
  • Display reports every 2 seconds for 5 times:
    vmstat {{2}} {{5}}


Package and compress (archive) files into zip file. See also: unzip. More information:
  • Add files/directories to a specific archive:
    zip -r {{path/to/}} {{path/to/file_or_directory1 path/to/file_or_directory2 ...}}
  • Remove files/directories from a specific archive:
    zip --delete {{path/to/}} {{path/to/file_or_directory1 path/to/file_or_directory2 ...}}
  • Archive files/directories e[x]cluding specified ones:
    zip {{path/to/}} {{path/to/file_or_directory1 path/to/file_or_directory2 ...}} --exclude {{path/to/excluded_files_or_directories}}
  • Archive files/directories with a specific compression level (0 - the lowest, 9 - the highest):
    zip -r -{{0-9}} {{path/to/}} {{path/to/file_or_directory1 path/to/file_or_directory2 ...}}
  • Create an encrypted archive with a specific password:
    zip -r --encrypt {{path/to/}} {{path/to/file_or_directory1 path/to/file_or_directory2 ...}}
  • Archive files/directories to a multi-part [s]plit zip file (e.g. 3 GB parts):
    zip -r -s {{3g}} {{path/to/}} {{path/to/file_or_directory1 path/to/file_or_directory2 ...}}
  • Print a specific archive contents:
    zip -sf {{path/to/}}


Access Google contacts from mutt or the command-line. More information:
  • Allow goobook to access Google contacts using OAuth2:
    goobook authenticate
  • Dump all contacts to XML (stdout):
    goobook dump_contacts


Run a player or a program as desktop background. More information:
  • Run a video using mpv:
    xwinwrap -b -nf -ov -- {{mpv}} -wid {{wid}} --loop --no-audio --no-resume-playback --panscan={{1.0}} {{path/to/video.mp4}}
  • Run a video in fullscreen using mpv:
    xwinwrap -b -nf -fs -ov -- {{mpv}} -wid {{wid}} --loop --no-audio --no-resume-playback --panscan={{1.0}} {{path/to/video.mp4}}
  • Run a video using mpv with 80% opacity:
    xwinwrap -b -nf -ov -o 0.8 --- {{mpv}} -wid {{wid}} --loop --no-audio --no-resume-playback --panscan={{1.0}} {{path/to/video.mp4}}
  • Run a video using mpv in a second monitor 1600x900 with 1920 offset on X-axis:
    xwinwrap -g 1600x900+1920 -b -nf -ov -- {{mpv}} -wid {{wid}} --loop --no-audio --no-resume-playback --panscan={{1.0}} {{path/to/video.mkv}}


List file attributes on a Linux filesystem. More information:
  • Display the attributes of the files in the current directory:
  • List the attributes of files in a particular path:
    lsattr {{path}}
  • List file attributes recursively in the current and subsequent directories:
    lsattr -R
  • Show attributes of all the files in the current directory, including hidden ones:
    lsattr -a
  • Display attributes of directories in the current directory:
    lsattr -d


Scan a filesystem for disk usage; create, check and repair quota files. It is best to run quota check with quotas turned off to prevent damage or loss to quota files. More information:
  • Check quotas on all mounted non-NFS filesystems:
    sudo quotacheck --all
  • Force check even if quotas are enabled (this can cause damage or loss to quota files):
    sudo quotacheck --force {{mountpoint}}
  • Check quotas on a given filesystem in debug mode:
    sudo quotacheck --debug {{mountpoint}}
  • Check quotas on a given filesystem, displaying the progress:
    sudo quotacheck --verbose {{mountpoint}}
  • Check user quotas:
    sudo quotacheck --user {{user}} {{mountpoint}}
  • Check group quotas:
    sudo quotacheck --group {{group}} {{mountpoint}}


XBPS utility to (re)install and update packages. See also: xbps. More information:
  • Install a new package:
    xbps-install {{package}}
  • Synchronize and update all packages:
    xbps-install --sync --update


Utility for managing Non-Volatile DIMMs. More information:
  • Create an 'fsdax' mode namespace:
    ndctl create-namespace --mode={{fsdax}}
  • Change the mode of a namespace to 'raw':
    ndctl create-namespace --reconfigure={{namespaceX.Y}} --mode={{raw}}
  • Check a sector mode namespace for consistency, and repair if needed:
    ndctl check-namespace --repair {{namespaceX.Y}}
  • List all namespaces, regions, and buses (including disabled ones):
    ndctl list --namespaces --regions --buses --idle
  • List a specific namespace and include lots of additional information:
    ndctl list -vvv --namespace={{namespaceX.Y}}
  • Run a monitor to watch for SMART health events for NVDIMMs on the 'ACPI.NFIT' bus:
    ndctl monitor --bus={{ACPI.NFIT}}
  • Remove a namespace (when applicable) or reset it to an initial state:
    ndctl destroy-namespace --force {{namespaceX.Y}}


Uname prints information about the machine and operating system it is run on. More information:
  • Print all information:
    uname --all
  • Print the current kernel name:
    uname --kernel-name
  • Print the current network node host name:
    uname --nodename
  • Print the current kernel release:
    uname --kernel-release
  • Print the current kernel version:
    uname --kernel-version
  • Print the current machine hardware name:
    uname --machine
  • Print the current processor type:
    uname --processor
  • Print the current operating system name:
    uname --operating-system


Synchronize local date and time via HTTP headers from web servers. More information:
  • Synchronize date and time:
    sudo htpdate {{host}}
  • Perform simulation of synchronization, without any action:
    htpdate -q {{host}}
  • Compensate the systematic clock drift:
    sudo htpdate -x {{host}}
  • Set time immediate after the synchronization:
    sudo htpdate -s {{host}}

btrfs balance

Balance block groups on a btrfs filesystem. More information:
  • Show the status of a running or paused balance operation:
    sudo btrfs balance status {{path/to/btrfs_filesystem}}
  • Balance all block groups (slow; rewrites all blocks in filesystem):
    sudo btrfs balance start {{path/to/btrfs_filesystem}}
  • Balance data block groups which are less than 15% utilized, running the operation in the background:
    sudo btrfs balance start --bg -dusage={{15}} {{path/to/btrfs_filesystem}}
  • Balance a max of 10 metadata chunks with less than 20% utilization and at least 1 chunk on a given device devid (see btrfs filesystem show):
    sudo btrfs balance start -musage={{20}},limit={{10}},devid={{devid}} {{path/to/btrfs_filesystem}}
  • Convert data blocks to the raid6 and metadata to raid1c3 (see mkfs.btrfs(8) for profiles):
    sudo btrfs balance start -dconvert={{raid6}} -mconvert={{raid1c3}} {{path/to/btrfs_filesystem}}
  • Convert data blocks to raid1, skipping already converted chunks (e.g. after a previous cancelled conversion operation):
    sudo btrfs balance start -dconvert={{raid1}},soft {{path/to/btrfs_filesystem}}
  • Cancel, pause, or resume a running or paused balance operation:
    sudo btrfs balance {{cancel|pause|resume}} {{path/to/btrfs_filesystem}}


Pipewire tool for playing and recording audio files. More information:
  • List all available playback targets:
    pw-cat --playback --list-targets
  • Play a WAV file over the default target:
    pw-cat --playback {{path/to/file.wav}}
  • List all available record targets:
    pw-cat --record --list-targets
  • Record a sample recording at a different volume level:
    pw-cat --record --volume={{0.1}} {{path/to/file.wav}}
  • Record a sample recording using a different sample rate:
    pw-cat --record --rate={{6000}} {{path/to/file.wav}}


Add or remove modules from the Linux kernel. More information:
  • Pretend to load a module into the kernel, but don't actually do it:
    sudo modprobe --dry-run {{module_name}}
  • Load a module into the kernel:
    sudo modprobe {{module_name}}
  • Remove a module from the kernel:
    sudo modprobe --remove {{module_name}}
  • Remove a module and those that depend on it from the kernel:
    sudo modprobe --remove-dependencies {{module_name}}
  • Show a kernel module's dependencies:
    sudo modprobe --show-depends {{module_name}}


DNS lookup utility to display the A or AAAA record linked with a hostname or IP address. More information:
  • Print an A or AAAA record associated with a hostname or IP address:
    ahost {{}}
  • Display some extra debugging output:
    ahost -d {{}}
  • Display the record with a specified type:
    ahost -t {{a|aaaa|u}} {{}}


Get entries from Name Service Switch libraries. More information:
  • Get list of all groups:
    getent group
  • See the members of a group:
    getent group {{group_name}}
  • Get list of all services:
    getent services
  • Find a username by UID:
    getent passwd 1000
  • Perform a reverse DNS lookup:
    getent hosts {{host}}


A proprietary commercial SSL VPN client by BIG-IP Edge. More information:
  • Open a new VPN connection:
    sudo f5fpc --start
  • Open a new VPN connection to a specific host:
    sudo f5fpc --start --host {{}}
  • Specify a username (user will be prompted for a password):
    sudo f5fpc --start --host {{}} --username {{user}}
  • Show the current VPN status:
    sudo f5fpc --info
  • Shutdown the VPN connection:
    sudo f5fpc --stop


Generate IDs, such as snowflakes, UUIDs, and a new GAID. More information:
  • Generate a UUIDv4:
    genid uuid
  • Generate a UUIDv5 using a namespace UUID and a specific name:
    genid uuidv5 {{{ce598faa-8dd0-49ee-8525-9e24fff71dca}}} {{name}}
  • Generate a Discord Snowflake, without a trailing newline (useful in shell scripts):
    genid --script snowflake
  • Generate a Generic Anonymous ID with a specific "real ID":
    genid gaid {{real_id}}
  • Generate a Snowflake with the epoch set to a specific date:
    genid snowflake --epoch={{unix_epoch_time}}


File a bug report on Ubuntu. More information:
  • Report a bug about the whole system:
  • Report a bug about a specific package:
    apport-bug {{package}}
  • Report a bug about a specific executable:
    apport-bug {{path/to/executable}}
  • Report a bug about a specific process:
    apport-bug {{PID}}

qm create

Create or restore a virtual machine on QEMU/KVM Virtual Machine Manager. More information:
  • Create a virtual machine:
    qm create {{100}}
  • Automatically start the machine after creation:
    qm create {{100}} --start 1
  • Specify the type of operating system on the machine:
    qm create {{100}} --ostype {{win10}}
  • Replace an existing machine (requires archiving it):
    qm create {{100}} --archive {{path/to/backup_file.tar}} --force 1
  • Specify a script that is executed automatically depending on the state of the virtual machine:
    qm create {{100}} --hookscript {{path/to/}}


Advanced log file viewer to analyze logs with little to no setup. More information:
  • View logs of a program, specifying log files, directories or URLs:
    lnav {{path/to/log_or_directory|url}}
  • View logs of a specific remote host (SSH passwordless login required):
    lnav {{ssh}} {{user}}@{{}}:{{/var/log/syslog.log}}
  • Validate the format of log files against the configuration and report any errors:
    lnav -C {{path/to/log_directory}}


Format and display manual pages. More information:
  • Display the man page for a command:
    man {{command}}
  • Display the man page for a command from section 7:
    man {{7}} {{command}}
  • List all available sections for a command:
    man --whatis {{command}}
  • Display the path searched for manpages:
    man --path
  • Display the location of a manpage rather than the manpage itself:
    man --where {{command}}
  • Display the man page using a specific locale:
    man --locale={{locale}} {{command}}
  • Search for manpages containing a search string:
    man --apropos "{{search_string}}"


Resolve domain names, IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, DNS resource records, and services. Introspect and reconfigure the DNS resolver. More information:
  • Show DNS settings:
    resolvectl status
  • Resolve the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for one or more domains:
    resolvectl query {{domain1 domain2 ...}}
  • Retrieve the domain of a specified IP address:
    resolvectl query {{ip_address}}
  • Flush all local DNS caches:
    resolvectl flush-caches
  • Display DNS statistics (transactions, cache, and DNSSEC verdicts):
    resolvectl statistics
  • Retrieve an MX record of a domain:
    resolvectl --legend={{no}} --type={{MX}} query {{domain}}
  • Resolve an SRV record, for example _xmpp-server._tcp
    resolvectl service _{{service}}._{{protocol}} {{name}}
  • Retrieve a TLS key:
    resolvectl tlsa tcp {{domain}}:443


A unified storage system. More information:
  • Check cluster health status:
    ceph status
  • Check cluster usage stats:
    ceph df
  • Get the statistics for the placement groups in a cluster:
    ceph pg dump --format {{plain}}
  • Create a storage pool:
    ceph osd pool create {{pool_name}} {{page_number}}
  • Delete a storage pool:
    ceph osd pool delete {{pool_name}}
  • Rename a storage pool:
    ceph osd pool rename {{current_name}} {{new_name}}
  • Self-repair pool storage:
    ceph pg repair {{pool_name}}


Text editor of the KDE Desktop project. See also kate. More information:
  • Open a text file:
    kwrite {{path/to/file}}
  • Open multiple text files:
    kwrite {{file1 file2 ...}}
  • Open a text file with a specific encoding:
    kwrite --encoding={{UTF-8}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Open a text file and navigate to a specific line and column:
    kwrite --line {{line_number}} --column {{column_number}} {{path/to/file}}


Manage abbreviations for the fish shell. User-defined words are replaced with longer phrases after they are entered. More information:
  • Add a new abbreviation:
    abbr --add {{abbreviation_name}} {{command}} {{command_arguments}}
  • Rename an existing abbreviation:
    abbr --rename {{old_name}} {{new_name}}
  • Erase an existing abbreviation:
    abbr --erase {{abbreviation_name}}
  • Import the abbreviations defined on another host over SSH:
    ssh {{host_name}} abbr --show | source


Dump and load btmp, utmp and wtmp accounting files. More information:
  • Dump the /var/log/wtmp file to stdout as plain text:
    utmpdump {{/var/log/wtmp}}
  • Load a previously dumped file into /var/log/wtmp:
    utmpdump -r {{dumpfile}} > {{/var/log/wtmp}}


Free basic raster image editor in GNOME desktop environment. More information:
  • Start Drawing:
  • Open specific files:
    drawing {{path/to/image1 path/to/image2 ...}}
  • Open specific files in a new window:
    drawing --new-window {{path/to/image1 path/to/image2 ...}}


Set capabilities of specified file. See also: tldr getcap. More information:
  • Set capability cap_net_raw (to use RAW and PACKET sockets) for a given file:
    setcap '{{cap_net_raw}}' {{path/to/file}}
  • Set multiple capabilities on a file (ep behind the capability means "effective permitted"):
    setcap '{{cap_dac_read_search,cap_sys_tty_config+ep}}' {{path/to/file}}
  • Remove all capabilities from a file:
    setcap -r {{path/to/file}}
  • Verify that the specified capabilities are currently associated with the specified file:
    setcap -v '{{cap_net_raw}}' {{path/to/file}}
  • The optional -n {{rootuid}} argument can be used to set the file capability for use only in a user namespace with this root user ID owner:
    setcap -n {{rootuid}} '{{cap_net_admin}}' {{path/to/file}}

qm guest cmd

Execute QEMU Guest Agent commands. More information:
  • Execute a specific QEMU Guest Agent command:
    qm guest cmd {{virtual_machine_id}} {{fsfreeze-freeze|fsfreeze-status|fsfreeze-thaw|fstrim|get-fsinfo|...}}


Manage locks from shell scripts. It can be used to ensure that only one process of a command is running. More information:
  • Run a command with a file lock as soon as the lock is not required by others:
    flock {{path/to/lock.lock}} --command "{{command}}"
  • Run a command with a file lock, and exit if the lock doesn't exist:
    flock {{path/to/lock.lock}} --nonblock --command "{{command}}"
  • Run a command with a file lock, and exit with a specific error code if the lock doesn't exist:
    flock {{path/to/lock.lock}} --nonblock --conflict-exit-code {{error_code}} -c "{{command}}"


Trivial File Transfer Protocol client. More information:
  • Connect to a TFTP server specifying its IP address and port:
    tftp {{server_ip}} {{port}}
  • Connect to a TFTP server and execute a TFTP [c]ommand:
    tftp {{server_ip}} -c {{command}}
  • Connect to a TFTP server using IPv6 and force originating port to be in [R]ange:
    tftp {{server_ip}} -6 -R {{port}}:{{port}}
  • Set the transfer mode to binary or ascii through the tftp client:
    mode {{binary|ascii}}
  • Download file from a server through the tftp client:
    get {{file}}
  • Upload file to a server through the tftp client:
    put {{file}}
  • Exit the tftp client:


Free and open source disk encryption software. More information:
  • Create a new volume through a text user interface and use /dev/urandom as a source of random data:
    veracrypt --text --create --random-source={{/dev/urandom}}
  • Decrypt a volume interactively through a text user interface and mount it to a directory:
    veracrypt --text {{path/to/volume}} {{path/to/mount_point}}
  • Decrypt a partition using a keyfile and mount it to a directory:
    veracrypt --keyfiles={{path/to/keyfile}} {{/dev/sdXN}} {{path/to/mount_point}}
  • Dismount a volume on the directory it is mounted to:
    veracrypt --dismount {{path/to/mounted_point}}


Create a package which can be used with pacman. Uses the PKGBUILD file in the current working directory by default. More information:
  • Make a package:
  • Make a package and install its dependencies:
    makepkg --syncdeps
  • Make a package, install its dependencies then install it to the system:
    makepkg --syncdeps --install
  • Make a package, but skip checking the source's hashes:
    makepkg --skipchecksums
  • Clean up work directories after a successful build:
    makepkg --clean
  • Verify the hashes of the sources:
    makepkg --verifysource
  • Generate and save the source information into .SRCINFO:
    makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO

qm reboot

Reboot a virtual machine by shutting it down, and starting it again after applying pending changes. More information:
  • Reboot a virtual machine:
    qm reboot {{vm_id}}
  • Reboot a virtual machine after wait for at most 10 seconds:
    qm reboot --timeout {{10}} {{vm_id}}


Manage the network configuration using NetworkManager. More information:
  • View documentation for running nmcli as a NetworkManager secret/polkit agent:
    tldr nmcli agent
  • View documentation for managing network connections:
    tldr nmcli connection
  • View documentation for managing network interfaces and establishing new Wi-Fi connections:
    tldr nmcli device
  • View documentation for managing general settings of NetworkManager:
    tldr nmcli general
  • View documentation for NetworkManager's activity monitor:
    tldr nmcli monitor
  • View documentation for enabling/disabling and checking the status of networking:
    tldr nmcli networking
  • View documentation for managing radio switches:
    tldr nmcli radio


A large file compression program. See also lrunzip, lrztar, lrzuntar. More information:
  • Compress a file with LZMA - slow compression, fast decompression:
    lrzip {{filename}}
  • Compress a file with BZIP2 - good middle ground for compression/speed:
    lrzip -b {{filename}}
  • Compress with ZPAQ - extreme compression, but very slow:
    lrzip -z {{filename}}
  • Compress with LZO - light compression, extremely fast decompression:
    lrzip -l {{filename}}
  • Compress a file and password protect/encrypt it:
    lrzip -e {{filename}}
  • Override the number of processor threads to use:
    lrzip -p {{8}} {{filename}}


SNMP query tool. More information:
  • Query the system information of a remote host using SNMPv1 and a community string:
    snmpwalk -v1 -c {{community}} {{ip}}
  • Query system information on a remote host by OID using SNMPv2 on a specified port:
    snmpwalk -v2c -c {{community}} {{ip}}:{{port}} {{oid}}
  • Query system information on a remote host by OID using SNMPv3 and authentication without encryption:
    snmpwalk -v3 -l {{authNoPriv}} -u {{username}} -a {{MD5|SHA}} -A {{passphrase}} {{ip}} {{oid}}
  • Query system information on a remote host by OID using SNMPv3, authentication, and encryption:
    snmpwalk -v3 -l {{authPriv}} -u {{username}} -a {{MD5|SHA}} -A {{auth_passphrase}} -x {{DES|AES}} -X {{enc_passphrase}} {{ip}} {{oid}}
  • Query system information on a remote host by OID using SNMPv3 without authentication or encryption:
    snmpwalk -v3 -l {{noAuthNoPriv}} -u {{username}} {{ip}} {{oid}}


An apt like system for Slackware package management. Package sources need to be configured in the slapt-getrc file. More information:
  • Update the list of available packages and versions:
    slapt-get --update
  • Install a package, or update it to the latest available version:
    slapt-get --install {{package}}
  • Remove a package:
    slapt-get --remove {{package}}
  • Upgrade all installed packages to their latest available versions:
    slapt-get --upgrade
  • Locate packages by the package name, disk set, or version:
    slapt-get --search {{query}}
  • Show information about a package:
    slapt-get --show {{package}}


A tool to create IP sets for firewall rules. More information:
  • Create an empty IP set which will contain IP addresses:
    ipset create {{set_name}} hash:ip
  • Destroy a specific IP set:
    ipset destroy {{set_name}}
  • Add an IP address to a specific set:
    ipset add {{set_name}} {{}}
  • Delete a specific IP address from a set:
    ipset del {{set_name}} {{}}
  • Save an IP set:
    ipset save {{set_name}} > {{path/to/ip_set}}


Display the DMI (alternatively known as SMBIOS) table contents in a human-readable format. Requires root privileges. More information:
  • Show all DMI table contents:
    sudo dmidecode
  • Show the BIOS version:
    sudo dmidecode -s bios-version
  • Show the system's serial number:
    sudo dmidecode -s system-serial-number
  • Show BIOS information:
    sudo dmidecode -t bios
  • Show CPU information:
    sudo dmidecode -t processor
  • Show memory information:
    sudo dmidecode -t memory

nmcli radio

Show the status of radio switches or enable/disable them using NetworkManager. This subcommand can also be called with nmcli r. More information:
  • Show status of Wi-Fi:
    nmcli radio wifi
  • Turn Wi-Fi on or off:
    nmcli radio wifi {{on|off}}
  • Show status of WWAN:
    nmcli radio wwan
  • Turn WWAN on or off:
    nmcli radio wwan {{on|off}}
  • Show status of both switches:
    nmcli radio all
  • Turn both switches on or off:
    nmcli radio all {{on|off}}

ip route

IP Routing table management subcommand. More information:
  • Display the routing table:
    ip route {{show|list}}
  • Add a default route using gateway forwarding:
    sudo ip route add default via {{gateway_ip}}
  • Add a default route using eth0:
    sudo ip route add default dev {{eth0}}
  • Add a static route:
    sudo ip route add {{destination_ip}} via {{gateway_ip}} dev {{eth0}}
  • Delete a static route:
    sudo ip route del {{destination_ip}} dev {{eth0}}
  • Change or replace a static route:
    sudo ip route {{change|replace}} {{destination_ip}} via {{gateway_ip}} dev {{eth0}}
  • Show which route will be used by the kernel to reach an IP address:
    ip route get {{destination_ip}}


TreeTime provides routines for ancestral sequence reconstruction and inference of molecular-clock phylogenies. More information:
  • Infer ancestral sequences maximizing the joint or marginal likelihood:
    treetime ancestral
  • Analyze patterns of recurrent mutations aka homoplasies:
    treetime homoplasy
  • Estimate molecular clock parameters and reroot the tree:
    treetime clock
  • Map discrete character such as host or country to the tree:
    treetime mugration


Arch Linux install script to generate output suitable for addition to an fstab file. More information:
  • Display an fstab compatible output based on a volume label:
    genfstab -L {{path/to/mount_point}}
  • Display an fstab compatible output based on a volume UUID:
    genfstab -U {{path/to/mount_point}}
  • A usual way to generate an fstab file, requires root permissions:
    genfstab -U {{/mnt}} >> {{/mnt/etc/fstab}}
  • Append a volume into an fstab file to mount it automatically:
    genfstab -U {{path/to/mount_point}} | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab


Uncompress, extract and list files in squashfs filesystems. More information:
  • Extract a squashfs filesystem to squashfs-root in the current working directory:
    unsquashfs {{filesystem.squashfs}}
  • Extract a squashfs filesystem to the specified directory:
    unsquashfs -dest {{path/to/directory}} {{filesystem.squashfs}}
  • Display the names of files as they are extracted:
    unsquashfs -info {{filesystem.squashfs}}
  • Display the names of files and their attributes as they are extracted:
    unsquashfs -linfo {{filesystem.squashfs}}
  • List files inside the squashfs filesystem (without extracting):
    unsquashfs -ls {{filesystem.squashfs}}
  • List files and their attributes inside the squashfs filesystem (without extracting):
    unsquashfs -lls {{filesystem.squashfs}}


Execute a command on the host from inside a distrobox container. Subcommand of distrobox. See also: tldr distrobox. More information:
  • Execute command on the host system from inside the distrobox container:
    distrobox-host-exec "{{command}}"
  • Execute the ls command on the host system from inside the container:
    distrobox-host-exec ls


A text-based calendar and scheduling application for the command-line. More information:
  • Start calcurse on interactive mode:
  • Print the appointments and events for the current day and exit:
    calcurse --appointment
  • Remove all local calcurse items and import remote objects:
    calcurse-caldav --init=keep-remote
  • Remove all remote objects and push local calcurse items:
    calcurse-caldav --init=keep-local
  • Copy local objects to the CalDAV server and vice versa:
    calcurse-caldav --init=two-way


A utility to automate building of slackbuilds. SlackBuild sources need to be configured in the slapt-srcrc file. More information:
  • Update the list of available slackbuilds and versions:
    slapt-src --update
  • List all available slackbuilds:
    slapt-src --list
  • Fetch, build and install the specified slackbuild(s):
    slapt-src --install {{slackbuild_name}}
  • Locate slackbuilds by their name or description:
    slapt-src --search {{search_term}}
  • Display information about a slackbuild:
    slapt-src --show {{slackbuild_name}}


Rxvt-unicode. A customizable terminal emulator. More information:
  • Open a new urxvt window:
  • Run in a specific directory:
    urxvt -cd {{path/to/directory}}
  • Run a command in a new urxvt window:
    urxvt -e {{command}}
  • Run a command and keep the window open:
    urxvt --hold -e {{command}}
  • Run a command within the sh shell:
    urxvt -e {{sh}} -c {{command}}


Update the checksums of the sources in a PKGBUILD. Unless a preexisting hashing algorithm is used, SHA256 will be used. More information:
  • Update the checksums in a PKGBUILD:
  • Display Version:
    updpkgsums -v
  • Display help:
    updpkgsums -h

qm snapshot

Create virtual machine snapshots. More information:
  • Create a snapshot of a specific virtual machine:
    qm snapshot {{vm_id}} {{snapshot_name}}
  • Create a snapshot with a specific description:
    qm snapshot {{vm_id}} {{snapshot_name}} --description {{description}}
  • Create a snapshot including the vmstate:
    qm snapshot {{vm_id}} {{snapshot_name}} --description {{description}} --vmstate 1


Search files in MATE desktop environment. More information:
  • Search files containing a specific string in their name in a specific directory:
    mate-search-tool --named={{string}} --path={{path/to/directory}}
  • Search files without waiting a user confirmation:
    mate-search-tool --start --named={{string}} --path={{path/to/directory}}
  • Search files with name matching a specific regular expression:
    mate-search-tool --start --regex={{string}} --path={{path/to/directory}}
  • Set a sorting order in search results:
    mate-search-tool --start --named={{string}} --path={{path/to/directory}} --sortby={{name|folder|size|type|date}}
  • Set a descending sorting order:
    mate-search-tool --start --named={{string}} --path={{path/to/directory}} --descending
  • Search files owned by a specific user/group:
    mate-search-tool --start --{{user|group}}={{value}} --path={{path/to/directory}}


Display information about USB buses and devices connected to them. More information:
  • List all the USB devices available:
  • List the USB hierarchy as a tree:
    lsusb -t
  • List verbose information about USB devices:
    lsusb --verbose
  • List detailed information about a USB device:
    lsusb --verbose -s {{bus}}:{{device number}}
  • List devices with a specified vendor and product ID only:
    lsusb -d {{vendor}}:{{product}}


Set up a Linux swap area on a device or in a file. Note: path/to/file can either point to a regular file or a swap partition. More information:
  • Set up a given swap area:
    sudo mkswap {{path/to/file}}
  • Check a partition for bad blocks before creating the swap area:
    sudo mkswap -c {{path/to/file}}
  • Specify a label for the partition (to allow swapon to use the label):
    sudo mkswap -L {{label}} {{/dev/sda1}}


Manipulate the UEFI Boot Manager. More information:
  • List the current settings then bootnums with their name:
  • List the filepaths:
    efibootmgr -v
  • Add UEFI Shell v2 as a boot option:
    sudo efibootmgr -c -d {{/dev/sda1}} -l {{\EFI\tools\Shell.efi}} -L "{{UEFI Shell}}"
  • Change the current boot order:
    sudo efibootmgr -o {{0002,0008,0001,0005}}
  • Delete a boot option:
    sudo efibootmgr -b {{0008}} --delete-bootnum


Package database maintenance utility which enables installation of said package via Pacman. More information:
  • Add all package binaries in the current directory and remove the old database file:
    repo-add --remove {{path/to/database.db.tar.gz}} {{*.pkg.tar.zst}}
  • Add all package binaries in the current directory in silent mode except for warning and error messages:
    repo-add --quiet {{path/to/database.db.tar.gz}} {{*.pkg.tar.zst}}
  • Add all package binaries in the current directory without showing color:
    repo-add --nocolor {{path/to/database.db.tar.gz}} {{*.pkg.tar.zst}}


Run Android applications on any GNU/Linux operating system. More information:
  • Launch Anbox into the app manager:
    anbox launch --package={{org.anbox.appmgr}} --component={{org.anbox.appmgr.AppViewActivity}}


This command is an alias of iptables for the IPv6 firewall.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr iptables


Package management Utility. Wrapper for the apt package manager. More information:
  • Install a package, or update it to the latest available version:
    sudo nala install {{package}}
  • Remove a package:
    sudo nala remove {{package}}
  • Remove a package and its configuration files:
    nala purge {{package}}
  • Search package names and descriptions using a word, regex (default) or glob:
    nala search "{{pattern}}"
  • Update the list of available packages and upgrade the system:
    sudo nala upgrade
  • Remove all unused packages and dependencies from your system:
    sudo nala autoremove
  • Fetch fast mirrors to improve download speeds:
    sudo nala fetch
  • Display the history of all transactions:
    nala history


A tool to modify CPU frequency settings. The frequency value should range between the output of command cpufreq-info -l. More information:
  • Set the CPU frequency policy of CPU 1 to "userspace":
    sudo cpufreq-set -c {{1}} -g {{userspace}}
  • Set the current minimum CPU frequency of CPU 1:
    sudo cpufreq-set -c {{1}} --min {{min_frequency}}
  • Set the current maximum CPU frequency of CPU 1:
    sudo cpufreq-set -c {{1}} --max {{max_frequency}}
  • Set the current work frequency of CPU 1:
    sudo cpufreq-set -c {{1}} -f {{work_frequency}}


Manages apt repository definitions. More information:
  • Add a new apt repository:
    apt-add-repository {{repository_spec}}
  • Remove an apt repository:
    apt-add-repository --remove {{repository_spec}}
  • Update the package cache after adding a repository:
    apt-add-repository --update {{repository_spec}}
  • Enable source packages:
    apt-add-repository --enable-source {{repository_spec}}


Create IPC (Inter-process Communication) resources. More information:
  • Create a shared memory segment:
    ipcmk --shmem {{segment_size_in_bytes}}
  • Create a semaphore:
    ipcmk --semaphore {{element_size}}
  • Create a message queue:
    ipcmk --queue
  • Create a shared memory segment with specific permissions (default is 0644):
    ipcmk --shmem {{segment_size_in_bytes}} {{octal_permissions}}


Create or update the database used by locate. It is usually run daily by cron. More information:
  • Refresh database content:
    sudo updatedb
  • Display file names as soon as they are found:
    sudo updatedb --verbose

btrfs check

Check or repair a btrfs filesystem. More information:
  • Check a btrfs filesystem:
    sudo btrfs check {{path/to/partition}}
  • Check and repair a btrfs filesystem (dangerous):
    sudo btrfs check --repair {{path/to/partition}}
  • Show the progress of the check:
    sudo btrfs check --progress {{path/to/partition}}
  • Verify the checksum of each data block (if the filesystem is good):
    sudo btrfs check --check-data-csum {{path/to/partition}}
  • Use the n-th superblock (n can be 0, 1 or 2):
    sudo btrfs check --super {{n}} {{path/to/partition}}
  • Rebuild the checksum tree:
    sudo btrfs check --repair --init-csum-tree {{path/to/partition}}
  • Rebuild the extent tree:
    sudo btrfs check --repair --init-extent-tree {{path/to/partition}}


RPM Package Build tool. More information:
  • Build binary and source packages:
    rpmbuild -ba {{path/to/spec_file}}
  • Build a binary package without source package:
    rpmbuild -bb {{path/to/spec_file}}
  • Specify additional variables when building a package:
    rpmbuild -bb {{path/to/spec_file}} --define "{{variable1}} {{value1}}" --define "{{variable2}} {{value2}}"


A GUI based application mainly used in web application penetration testing. More information:
  • Start Burp Suite:
  • Start Burp Suite using the default configuration:
    burpsuite --use-defaults
  • Open a specific project file:
    burpsuite --project-file={{path/to/file}}
  • Load a specific configuration file:
    burpsuite --config-file={{path/to/file}}
  • Start without extensions:
    burpsuite --disable-extensions


Get or set the hostname of the computer. More information:
  • Get the hostname of the computer:
  • Set the hostname of the computer:
    sudo hostnamectl set-hostname "{{hostname}}"
  • Set a pretty hostname for the computer:
    sudo hostnamectl set-hostname --static "{{}}" && sudo hostnamectl set-hostname --pretty "{{hostname}}"
  • Reset hostname to its default value:
    sudo hostnamectl set-hostname --pretty ""


A tool to quickly manage two displays. More information:
  • Enable only the primary monitor:
    mons -o
  • Enable only the secondary monitor:
    mons -s
  • Duplicate the primary monitor onto the secondary monitor, using the resolution of the primary monitor:
    mons -d
  • Mirror the primary monitor onto the secondary monitor, using the resolution of the secondary monitor:
    mons -m


Manage the systemd login manager. More information:
  • Print all current sessions:
    loginctl list-sessions
  • Print all properties of a specific session:
    loginctl show-session {{session_id}} --all
  • Print all properties of a specific user:
    loginctl show-user {{username}}
  • Print a specific property of a user:
    loginctl show-user {{username}} --property={{property_name}}
  • Execute a loginctl operation on a remote host:
    loginctl list-users -H {{hostname}}


A large file decompression program. See also lrzip, lrztar, lrzuntar. More information:
  • Decompress a file:
    lrunzip {{filename.lrz}}
  • Decompress a file using a specific number of processor threads:
    lrunzip -p {{8}} {{filename.lrz}}
  • Decompress a file and silently overwrite files if they exist:
    lrunzip -f {{filename.lrz}}
  • Keep broken or damaged files instead of deleting them when decompressing:
    lrunzip -K {{filename.lrz}}
  • Specify output file name and/or path:
    lrunzip -o {{outfilename}} {{filename.lrz}}


Allow sub-processes to live beyond the shell that they are attached to. See also the jobs command. More information:
  • Disown the current job:
  • Disown a specific job:
    disown %{{job_number}}
  • Disown all jobs:
    disown -a
  • Keep job (do not disown it), but mark it so that no future SIGHUP is received on shell exit:
    disown -h %{{job_number}}


This command is an alias of apport-bug. More information:
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr apport-bug


Find your filesystem. More information:
  • List all mounted filesystems:
  • Search for a device:
    findmnt {{/dev/sdb1}}
  • Search for a mountpoint:
    findmnt {{/}}
  • Find filesystems in specific type:
    findmnt -t {{ext4}}
  • Find filesystems with specific label:
    findmnt LABEL={{BigStorage}}


Finds duplicate filesystem extents and optionally schedule them for deduplication. An extent is small part of a file inside the filesystem. On some filesystems one extent can be referenced multiple times, when parts of the content of the files are identical. More information:
  • Search for duplicate extents in a directory and show them:
    duperemove -r {{path/to/directory}}
  • Deduplicate duplicate extents on a Btrfs or XFS (experimental) filesystem:
    duperemove -r -d {{path/to/directory}}
  • Use a hash file to store extent hashes (less memory usage and can be reused on subsequent runs):
    duperemove -r -d --hashfile={{path/to/hashfile}} {{path/to/directory}}
  • Limit I/O threads (for hashing and dedupe stage) and CPU threads (for duplicate extent finding stage):
    duperemove -r -d --hashfile={{path/to/hashfile}} --io-threads={{N}} --cpu-threads={{N}} {{path/to/directory}}


Manage Bluetooth devices. More information:
  • Enter the bluetoothctl shell:
  • List all known devices:
    bluetoothctl devices
  • Power the Bluetooth controller on or off:
    bluetoothctl power {{on|off}}
  • Pair with a device:
    bluetoothctl pair {{mac_address}}
  • Remove a device:
    bluetoothctl remove {{mac_address}}
  • Connect to a paired device:
    bluetoothctl connect {{mac_address}}
  • Disconnect from a paired device:
    bluetoothctl disconnect {{mac_address}}
  • Display help:
    bluetoothctl help


Run a program in a different SELinux security context. With neither context nor command, print the current security context. More information:
  • Determine the current domain:
  • Specify the domain to run a command in:
    runcon -t {{domain}}_t {{command}}
  • Specify the context role to run a command with:
    runcon -r {{role}}_r {{command}}
  • Specify the full context to run a command with:
    runcon {{user}}_u:{{role}}_r:{{domain}}_t {{command}}


Remove shell variables or functions. More information:
  • Remove the variable foo, or if the variable doesn't exist, remove the function foo:
    unset {{foo}}
  • Remove the variables foo and bar:
    unset -v {{foo}} {{bar}}
  • Remove the function my_func:
    unset -f {{my_func}}


Manage the runlevel of services on CentOS 6. More information:
  • List services with runlevel:
    chkconfig --list
  • Show a service's runlevel:
    chkconfig --list {{ntpd}}
  • Enable service at boot:
    chkconfig {{sshd}} on
  • Enable service at boot for runlevels 2, 3, 4, and 5:
    chkconfig --level {{2345}} {{sshd}} on
  • Disable service at boot:
    chkconfig {{ntpd}} off
  • Disable service at boot for runlevel 3:
    chkconfig --level {{3}} {{ntpd}} off


Screenshot utility. More information:
  • Capture a screenshot and save it to the given path:
    maim {{path/to/screenshot.png}}
  • Capture a screenshot of the selected region:
    maim --select {{path/to/screenshot.png}}
  • Capture a screenshot of the selected region and save it in the clipboard (requires xclip):
    maim --select | xclip -selection clipboard -target image/png
  • Capture a screenshot of the current active window (requires xdotool):
    maim --window $(xdotool getactivewindow) {{path/to/screenshot.png}}

toolbox run

Run a command in an existing toolbox container. See also: toolbox enter. More information:
  • Run a command inside a specific toolbox container:
    toolbox run --container {{container_name}} {{command}}
  • Run a command inside a toolbox container for a specific release of a distribution:
    toolbox run --distro {{distribution}} --release {{release}} {{command}}
  • Run emacs inside a toolbox container using the default image for Fedora 38:
    toolbox run --distro {{fedora}} --release {{f38}} {{emacs}}


Displays information about ELF files. More information:
  • Display all information about the ELF file:
    readelf -all {{path/to/binary}}
  • Display all the headers present in the ELF file:
    readelf --headers {{path/to/binary}}
  • Display the entries in symbol table section of the ELF file, if it has one:
    readelf --symbols {{path/to/binary}}
  • Display the information contained in the ELF header at the start of the file:
    readelf --file-header {{path/to/binary}}


Console MPEG audio player. More information:
  • Play the specified mp3 files:
    mpg123 {{path/to/file1.mp3 path/to/file2.mp3 ...}}
  • Play the mp3 from stdin:
    cat {{file.mp3}} | mpg123 -
  • Jump forward to the next song:
  • Jump back to the beginning for the song:
  • Stop or replay the current file:
  • Fast forward:
  • Quit:


Discards device sectors on storage devices. Useful for SSDs. More information:
  • Discard all sectors on a device, removing all data:
    blkdiscard /dev/{{device}}
  • Securely discard all blocks on a device, removing all data:
    blkdiscard --secure /dev/{{device}}
  • Discard the first 100 MB of a device:
    blkdiscard --length {{100MB}} /dev/{{device}}


Portable GNU assembler. Primarily intended to assemble output from gcc to be used by ld. More information:
  • Assemble a file, writing the output to a.out:
    as {{file.s}}
  • Assemble the output to a given file:
    as {{file.s}} -o {{out.o}}
  • Generate output faster by skipping whitespace and comment preprocessing. (Should only be used for trusted compilers):
    as -f {{file.s}}
  • Include a given path to the list of directories to search for files specified in .include directives:
    as -I {{path/to/directory}} {{file.s}}


Remove a user account or remove a user from a group. See also: users, useradd, usermod. More information:
  • Remove a user:
    sudo userdel {{username}}
  • Remove a user in other root directory:
    sudo userdel --root {{path/to/other/root}} {{username}}
  • Remove a user along with the home directory and mail spool:
    sudo userdel --remove {{username}}


List and change kernel runtime variables. More information:
  • Show all available variables and their values:
    sysctl -a
  • Set a changeable kernel state variable:
    sysctl -w {{section.tunable}}={{value}}
  • Get currently open file handlers:
    sysctl fs.file-nr
  • Get limit for simultaneous open files:
    sysctl fs.file-max
  • Apply changes from /etc/sysctl.conf:
    sysctl -p


Used to register new users with a given home server when registration has been disabled. More information:
  • Create a user interactively:
    register_new_matrix_user --config {{path/to/homeserver.yaml}}
  • Create an admin user interactively:
    register_new_matrix_user --config {{path/to/homeserver.yaml}} --admin
  • Create an admin user non-interactively (not recommended):
    register_new_matrix_user --config {{path/to/homeserver.yaml}} --user {{username}} --password {{password}} --admin


Inhibit various desktop functions while a command runs. More information:
  • Inhibit power management:
    kde-inhibit --power {{command}} {{command_arguments}}
  • Inhibit screen saver:
    kde-inhibit --screenSaver {{command}} {{command_arguments}}
  • Launch VLC, and inhibit color correction (night mode) while it's running:
    kde-inhibit --colorCorrect {{vlc}}


Packet analysis tool, CLI version of Wireshark. More information:
  • Monitor everything on localhost:
  • Only capture packets matching a specific capture filter:
    tshark -f '{{udp port 53}}'
  • Only show packets matching a specific output filter:
    tshark -Y '{{http.request.method == "GET"}}'
  • Decode a TCP port using a specific protocol (e.g. HTTP):
    tshark -d tcp.port=={{8888}},{{http}}
  • Specify the format of captured output:
    tshark -T {{json|text|ps|…}}
  • Select specific fields to output:
    tshark -T {{fields|ek|json|pdml}} -e {{http.request.method}} -e {{ip.src}}
  • Write captured packet to a file:
    tshark -w {{path/to/file}}
  • Analyze packets from a file:
    tshark -r {{path/to/file.pcap}}


Show ASCII character aliases. More information:
  • Show ASCII aliases of a character:
    ascii {{a}}
  • Show ASCII aliases in short, script-friendly mode:
    ascii -t {{a}}
  • Show ASCII aliases of multiple characters:
    ascii -s {{tldr}}
  • Show ASCII table in decimal:
    ascii -d
  • Show ASCII table in hexadecimal:
    ascii -x
  • Show ASCII table in octal:
    ascii -o
  • Show ASCII table in binary:
    ascii -b
  • Show options summary and complete ASCII table:


Interactively connect to a wireless network. More information:
  • Set up a wireless connection interactively:
  • Interactively set up a connection to a network and obscure the password:
    wifi-menu --obscure
  • Display help:
    wifi-menu --help


Quickly set up WireGuard tunnels based on config files. More information:
  • Set up a VPN tunnel:
    wg-quick up {{interface_name}}
  • Delete a VPN tunnel:
    wg-quick down {{interface_name}}


A framework that allows for dynamic building of kernel modules. More information:
  • List currently installed modules:
    dkms status
  • Rebuild all modules for the currently running kernel:
    dkms autoinstall
  • Install version 1.2.1 of the acpi_call module for the currently running kernel:
    dkms install -m {{acpi_call}} -v {{1.2.1}}
  • Remove version 1.2.1 of the acpi_call module from all kernels:
    dkms remove -m {{acpi_call}} -v {{1.2.1}} --all


Uncomplicated Firewall. Frontend for iptables aiming to make configuration of a firewall easier. More information:
  • Enable ufw:
    ufw enable
  • Disable ufw:
    ufw disable
  • Show ufw rules, along with their numbers:
    ufw status numbered
  • Allow incoming traffic on port 5432 on this host with a comment identifying the service:
    ufw allow {{5432}} comment "{{Service}}"
  • Allow only TCP traffic from to any address on this host, on port 22:
    ufw allow proto {{tcp}} from {{}} to {{any}} port {{22}}
  • Deny traffic on port 80 on this host:
    ufw deny {{80}}
  • Deny all UDP traffic to ports in range 8412:8500:
    ufw deny proto {{udp}} from {{any}} to {{any}} port {{8412:8500}}
  • Delete a particular rule. The rule number can be retrieved from the ufw status numbered command:
    ufw delete {{rule_number}}


An alias to a run-mailcap's action compose. Originally run-mailcap is used to mime-type/file. More information:
  • Compose action can be used to compose any existing file or new on default mailcap edit tool:
    compose {{filename}}
  • With run-mailcap:
    run-mailcap --action=compose {{filename}}


Compute decimal Archimedes' constant Pi. More information:
  • Display 100 decimal digits of Archimedes' constant Pi:
  • Display a specified number of decimal digits of Archimedes' constant Pi:
    pi {{number}}
  • Display help:
    pi --help
  • Display version:
    pi --version
  • Display recommended readings:
    pi --bibliography


Manage physical volumes, volume groups, and logical volumes using the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) interactive shell. More information:
  • Start the Logical Volume Manager interactive shell:
    sudo lvm
  • List the Logical Volume Manager commands:
    sudo lvm help
  • Initialize a drive or partition to be used as a physical volume:
    sudo lvm pvcreate {{/dev/sdXY}}
  • Display information about physical volumes:
    sudo lvm pvdisplay
  • Create a volume group called vg1 from the physical volume on /dev/sdXY:
    sudo lvm vgcreate {{vg1}} {{/dev/sdXY}}
  • Display information about volume groups:
    sudo lvm vgdisplay
  • Create a logical volume with size 10G from volume group vg1:
    sudo lvm lvcreate -L {{10G}} {{vg1}}
  • Display information about logical volumes:
    sudo lvm lvdisplay


Enable/disable a system's CPUs. More information:
  • Disable CPUs via a list of CPU ID numbers:
    chcpu -d {{1,3}}
  • Enable a set of CPUs via a range of CPU ID numbers:
    chcpu -e {{1-10}}


Advanced power management for Linux. See also tlp-stat. More information:
  • Apply settings (according to the actual power source):
    sudo tlp start
  • Apply battery settings (ignoring the actual power source):
    sudo tlp bat
  • Apply AC settings (ignoring the actual power source):
    sudo tlp ac


A VNC server that will enable VNC on an existing display server. By default, the server will automatically terminate once all clients disconnect from it. More information:
  • Launch a VNC server that allows multiple clients to connect:
    x11vnc -shared
  • Launch a VNC server in view-only mode, and which won't terminate once the last client disconnects:
    x11vnc -forever -viewonly
  • Launch a VNC server on a specific display and screen (both starting at index zero):
    x11vnc -display :{{display}}.{{screen}}
  • Launch a VNC server on the third display's default screen:
    x11vnc -display :{{2}}
  • Launch a VNC server on the first display's second screen:
    x11vnc -display :{{0}}.{{1}}


Print the country where an IPv4 address or hostname is located. More information:
  • Print a country where an IPv4 address or host is located:
    acountry {{}}
  • Print extra [d]ebugging output:
    acountry -d {{}}
  • Print more [v]erbose information:
    acountry -v {{}}


A convenient tool for maintaining symbolic links to determine default commands. More information:
  • Add a symbolic link:
    sudo update-alternatives --install {{path/to/symlink}} {{command_name}} {{path/to/command_binary}} {{priority}}
  • Configure a symbolic link for java:
    sudo update-alternatives --config {{java}}
  • Remove a symbolic link:
    sudo update-alternatives --remove {{java}} {{/opt/java/jdk1.8.0_102/bin/java}}
  • Display information about a specified command:
    update-alternatives --display {{java}}
  • Display all commands and their current selection:
    update-alternatives --get-selections


A libwebcam command-line tool to manage dynamic controls in uvcvideo. More information:
  • List all available cameras:
    uvcdynctrl -l
  • Specify the device to use (defaults to video0):
    uvcdynctrl -d {{device_name}}
  • List available controls:
    uvcdynctrl -c
  • Set a new control value (for negative values, add -- before {{-value}}):
    uvcdynctrl -s {{control_name}} {{value}}
  • Get the current control value:
    uvcdynctrl -g {{control_name}}
  • Save the state of the current controls to a file:
    uvcdynctrl -W {{filename}}
  • Load the state of the controls from a file:
    uvcdynctrl -L {{filename}}


A file transfer tool. More information:
  • Send a file or directories:
    qrcp send {{path/to/file_or_directory path/to/file_directory ...}}
  • Receive files:
    qrcp receive
  • Compress content before transferring:
    qrcp send --zip {{path/to/file_or_directory}}
  • Specify a [p]ort to use:
    qrcp {{send|receive}} --port {{port_number}}
  • Specify the network [i]nterface to use:
    qrcp {{send|receive}} --interface interface
  • Keep the server alive:
    qrcp {{send|receive}} --keep-alive


Manage your default applications. More information:
  • Open a URL in the default application:
    handlr open {{}}
  • Open a PDF in the default PDF viewer:
    handlr open {{path/to/file.pdf}}
  • Set imv as the default application for PNG files:
    handlr set {{.png}} {{imv.desktop}}
  • Set MPV as the default application for all audio files:
    handlr set {{'audio/*'}} {{mpv.desktop}}
  • List all default apps:
    handlr list
  • Print the default application for PNG files:
    handlr get {{.png}}


Show KDE dialog boxes from within shell scripts. More information:
  • Open a dialog box displaying a specific message:
    kdialog --msgbox "{{message}}" "{{optional_detailed_message}}"
  • Open a question dialog with a yes and no button, returning 0 and 1, respectively:
    kdialog --yesno "{{message}}"
  • Open a warning dialog with a yes, no, and cancel button, returning 0, 1, or 2 respectively:
    kdialog --warningyesnocancel "{{message}}"
  • Open an input dialog box and print the input to stdout when OK is pressed:
    kdialog --inputbox "{{message}}" "{{optional_default_text}}"
  • Open a dialog to prompt for a specific password and print it to stdout:
    kdialog --password "{{message}}"
  • Open a dialog containing a specific dropdown menu and print the selected item to stdout:
    kdialog --combobx "{{message}}" "{{item1}}" "{{item2}}" "{{...}}"
  • Open a file chooser dialog and print the selected file's path to stdout:
    kdialog --getopenfilename
  • Open a progressbar dialog and print a DBUS reference for communication to stdout:
    kdialog --progressbar "{{message}}"


The PulseAudio sound system daemon and manager. More information:
  • Check if PulseAudio is running (a non-zero exit code means it is not running):
    pulseaudio --check
  • Start the PulseAudio daemon in the background:
    pulseaudio --start
  • Kill the running PulseAudio daemon:
    pulseaudio --kill
  • List available modules:
    pulseaudio --dump-modules
  • Load a module into the currently running daemon with the specified arguments:
    pulseaudio --load="{{module_name}} {{arguments}}"


Reserve or deallocate disk space to files. The utility allocates space without zeroing. More information:
  • Reserve a file taking up 700 MiB of disk space:
    fallocate --length {{700M}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Shrink an already allocated file by 200 MiB:
    fallocate --collapse-range --length {{200M}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Shrink 20 MB of space after 100 MiB in a file:
    fallocate --collapse-range --offset {{100M}} --length {{20M}} {{path/to/file}}


System restore utility. More information:
  • List snapshots:
    sudo timeshift --list
  • Create a new snapshot (if scheduled):
    sudo timeshift --check
  • Create a new snapshot (even if not scheduled):
    sudo timeshift --create
  • Restore a snapshot (selecting which snapshot to restore interactively):
    sudo timeshift --restore
  • Restore a specific snapshot:
    sudo timeshift --restore --snapshot '{{snapshot}}'
  • Delete a specific snapshot:
    sudo timeshift --delete --snapshot '{{snapshot}}'


Tetris like game. More information:
  • Start a new game:
  • Navigate the piece horizontally:
    {{A|D}} OR {{Left|Right}} arrow key
  • Turn the piece:
    {{W|Up arrow key}}
  • Hard drop the piece:
    {{S|Down arrow key}}


Set the size, orientation and/or reflection of the outputs for a screen. More information:
  • Display the current state of the system (known screens, resolutions, ...):
    xrandr --query
  • Disable disconnected outputs and enable connected ones with default settings:
    xrandr --auto
  • Change the resolution and update frequency of DisplayPort 1 to 1920x1080, 60Hz:
    xrandr --output {{DP1}} --mode {{1920x1080}} --rate {{60}}
  • Set the resolution of HDMI2 to 1280x1024 and put it on the right of DP1:
    xrandr --output {{HDMI2}} --mode {{1280x1024}} --right-of {{DP1}}
  • Disable the VGA1 output:
    xrandr --output {{VGA1}} --off
  • Set the brightness for LVDS1 to 50%:
    xrandr --output {{LVDS1}} --brightness {{0.5}}


Clone of the game Tetris in the terminal. More information:
  • Start a Tetris game:
  • Navigate the piece horizontally:
    {{Left|Right}} arrow key
  • Rotate the piece clockwise or counterclockwise:
  • Hold a piece (only one allowed at a time):
  • Soft drop the piece:
    Down arrow key
  • Hard drop the piece:
  • Pause/unpause the game:
  • Quit the game:

guix package

Install, upgrade and remove Guix packages, or rollback to previous configurations. More information:
  • Install a new package:
    guix package -i {{package}}
  • Remove a package:
    guix package -r {{package}}
  • Search the package database for a regular expression:
    guix package -s "{{search_pattern}}"
  • List installed packages:
    guix package -I
  • List generations:
    guix package -l
  • Roll back to the previous generation:
    guix package --roll-back


Makes a fast tree from genomes. Does not make a phylogeny. More information:
  • Fastest method in mashtree to create a tree from fastq and/or fasta files using multiple threads, piping into a newick file:
    mashtree --numcpus {{12}} {{*.fastq.gz}} {{*.fasta}} > {{mashtree.dnd}}
  • Most accurate method in mashtree to create a tree from fastq and/or fasta files using multiple threads, piping into a newick file:
    mashtree --mindepth {{0}} --numcpus {{12}} {{*.fastq.gz}} {{*.fasta}} > {{mashtree.dnd}}
  • Most accurate method to create a tree with confidence values (note that any options for mashtree itself has to be on the right side of the --): --reps {{100}} --numcpus {{12}} {{*.fastq.gz}} -- --min-depth {{0}} > {{mashtree.bootstrap.dnd}}

qm sendkey

Send QEMU monitor encoding key event to a virtual machine. More information:
  • Send the specified key event to a specific virtual machine:
    qm sendkey {{vm_id}} {{key}}
  • Allow root user to send key event and ignore locks:
    qm sendkey --skiplock {{true}} {{vm_id}} {{key}}


A wrapper used to select between Qt development binary versions. More information:
  • List available Qt versions from the configuration files:
    qtchooser --list-versions
  • Print environment information:
    qtchooser --print-env
  • Run the specified tool using the specified Qt version:
    qtchooser --run-tool={{tool}} --qt={{version_name}}
  • Add a Qt version entry to be able to choose from:
    qtchooser --install {{version_name}} {{path/to/qmake}}
  • Display all available options:
    qtchooser --help


Recover deleted files from ext3 or ext4 partitions by parsing the journal. See also date for Unix time information and umount for unmounting partitions. More information:
  • Restore all deleted files inside partition N on device X:
    sudo extundelete {{/dev/sdXN}} --restore-all
  • Restore a file from a path relative to root (Do not start the path with /):
    extundelete {{/dev/sdXN}} --restore-file {{path/to/file}}
  • Restore a directory from a path relative to root (Do not start the path with /):
    extundelete {{/dev/sdXN}} --restore-directory {{path/to/directory}}
  • Restore all files deleted after January 1st, 2020 (in Unix time):
    extundelete {{/dev/sdXN}} --restore-all --after {{1577840400}}


Run a new command in a running process' namespace. Particularly useful for docker images or chroot jails. More information:
  • Run a specific command using the same namespaces as an existing process:
    nsenter --target {{pid}} --all {{command}} {{command_arguments}}
  • Run a specific command in an existing process's network namespace:
    nsenter --target {{pid}} --net {{command}} {{command_arguments}}
  • Run a specific command in an existing process's PID namespace:
    nsenter --target {{pid}} --pid {{command}} {{command_arguments}}
  • Run a specific command in an existing process's IPC namespace:
    nsenter --target {{pid}} --ipc {{command}} {{command_arguments}}
  • Run a specific command in an existing process's UTS, time, and IPC namespaces:
    nsenter --target {{pid}} --uts --time --ipc -- {{command}} {{command_arguments}}
  • Run a specific command in an existing process's namespace by referencing procfs:
    nsenter --pid=/proc/{{pid}}/pid/net -- {{command}} {{command_arguments}}


Manipulate the Linux kernel keyring. More information:
  • List keys in a specific keyring:
    keyctl list {{target_keyring}}
  • List current keys in the user default session:
    keyctl list {{@us}}
  • Store a key in a specific keyring:
    keyctl add {{type_keyring}} {{key_name}} {{key_value}} {{target_keyring}}
  • Store a key with its value from stdin:
    echo -n {{key_value}} | keyctl padd {{type_keyring}} {{key_name}} {{target_keyring}}
  • Put a timeout on a key:
    keyctl timeout {{key_name}} {{timeout_in_seconds}}
  • Read a key and format it as a hex-dump if not printable:
    keyctl read {{key_name}}
  • Read a key and format as-is:
    keyctl pipe {{key_name}}
  • Revoke a key and prevent any further action on it:
    keyctl revoke {{key_name}}

ip neighbour

Neighbour/ARP tables management IP subcommand. More information:
  • Display the neighbour/ARP table entries:
    ip neighbour
  • Remove entries in the neighbour table on device eth0:
    sudo ip neighbour flush dev {{eth0}}
  • Perform a neighbour lookup and return a neighbour entry:
    ip neighbour get {{lookup_ip}} dev {{eth0}}
  • Add or delete an ARP entry for the neighbour IP address to eth0:
    sudo ip neighbour {{add|del}} {{ip_address}} lladdr {{mac_address}} dev {{eth0}} nud reachable
  • Change or replace an ARP entry for the neighbour IP address to eth0:
    sudo ip neighbour {{change|replace}} {{ip_address}} lladdr {{new_mac_address}} dev {{eth0}}

dconf reset

Reset key values in dconf databases. See also: dconf. More information:
  • Reset a specific key value:
    dconf read {{/path/to/key}}
  • Reset a specific directory:
    dconf read -d {{/path/to/directory/}}


Add and configure wlan interfaces. More information:
  • Scan for available networks:
    wpa_cli scan
  • Show scan results:
    wpa_cli scan_results
  • Add a network:
    wpa_cli add_network {{number}}
  • Set a network's SSID:
    wpa_cli set_network {{number}} ssid "{{SSID}}"
  • Enable network:
    wpa_cli enable_network {{number}}
  • Save config:
    wpa_cli save_config


Display a list of missing language packages on Ubuntu. More information:
  • Display a list of missing language packages based on installed software and enabled locales:
  • List packages for a specific locale:
    check-language-support --language {{en}}
  • Display installed packages as well as missing ones:
    check-language-support --show-installed


Control the system locale and keyboard layout settings. More information:
  • Show the current settings of the system locale and keyboard mapping:
  • List available locales:
    localectl list-locales
  • Set a system locale variable:
    localectl set-locale {{LANG}}={{en_US.UTF-8}}
  • List available keymaps:
    localectl list-keymaps
  • Set the system keyboard mapping for the console and X11:
    localectl set-keymap {{us}}


Generate unique identifiers (UUIDs). See also uuid. More information:
  • Create a random UUIDv4:
    uuidgen --random
  • Create a UUIDv1 based on the current time:
    uuidgen --time
  • Create a UUIDv5 of the name with a specified namespace prefix:
    uuidgen --sha1 --namespace {{@dns|@url|@oid|@x500}} --name {{object_name}}


Opens a file or URL in the user's preferred application. More information:
  • Open the current directory in the default file explorer:
    xdg-open .
  • Open a URL in the default browser:
    xdg-open {{}}
  • Open an image in the default image viewer:
    xdg-open {{path/to/image}}
  • Open a PDF in the default PDF viewer:
    xdg-open {{path/to/pdf}}
  • Display help:
    xdg-open --help


Command-line tool to query KScreen's status. More information:
  • Show all outputs and configuration files to attach to a bug report:
    kscreen-console bug
  • Show paths to KScreen configuration files:
    kscreen-console config
  • Show KScreen output information and configuration:
    kscreen-console outputs
  • Monitor for changes:
    kscreen-console monitor
  • Show the current KScreen configuration as JSON:
    kscreen-console json
  • Display help:
    kscreen-console --help
  • Display help including Qt specific command-line options:
    kscreen-console --help-all


XBPS utility to remove packages. See also: xbps. More information:
  • Remove a package:
    xbps-remove {{package}}
  • Remove a package and its dependencies:
    xbps-remove --recursive {{package}}
  • Remove orphan packages (installed as dependencies but no longer required by any package):
    xbps-remove --remove-orphans
  • Remove obsolete packages from the cache:
    xbps-remove --clean-cache


A VPN client for the Cisco 3000 VPN Concentrator. More information:
  • Connect with a defined configuration file:
    sudo vpnc {{config_file}}
  • Terminate the previously created connection:
    sudo vpnc-disconnect


Manages files and directories in Cinnamon desktop environment. More information:
  • Open the current user home directory:
  • Open specific directories in separate windows:
    nemo {{path/to/directory1 path/to/directory2 ...}}
  • Open specific directories in tabs:
    nemo --tabs {{path/to/directory1 path/to/directory2 ...}}
  • Open a directory with a specific window size:
    nemo --geometry={{600}}x{{400}} {{path/to/directory}}
  • Close all windows:
    nemo --quit


Download files from Part of the megatools suite. More information:
  • Download files from a link into the current directory:
    megatools-dl {{}}
  • Download files from a link into a specific directory:
    megatools-dl --path {{path/to/directory}} {{}}
  • Interactively choose which files to download:
    megatools-dl --choose-files {{}}
  • Limit the download speed in KiB/s:
    megatools-dl --limit-speed {{speed}} {{}}


Increase the size of a logical volume. See also: lvm. More information:
  • Increase a volume's size to 120 GB:
    lvextend --size {{120G}} {{logical_volume}}
  • Increase a volume's size by 40 GB as well as the underlying filesystem:
    lvextend --size +{{40G}} -r {{logical_volume}}
  • Increase a volume's size to 100% of the free physical volume space:
    lvextend --size {{100}}%FREE {{logical_volume}}


An AUR package manager for Ubuntu. More information:
  • Search the package database for a package name:
    pacstall --search {{query}}
  • Install a package:
    pacstall --install {{package}}
  • Remove a package:
    pacstall --remove {{package}}
  • Add a repository to the database (only GitHub and GitLab are supported):
    pacstall --add-repo {{remote_repository_location}}
  • Update pacstall's scripts:
    pacstall --update
  • Update all packages:
    pacstall --upgrade
  • Display information about a package:
    pacstall --query-info {{package}}
  • List all installed packages:
    pacstall --list


Search for files in apt packages, including ones not yet installed. More information:
  • Update the metadata database:
    sudo apt update
  • Search for packages that contain the specified file or path:
    apt-file {{search|find}} {{partial_path/to/file}}
  • List the contents of a specific package:
    apt-file {{show|list}} {{package}}
  • Search for packages that match the regular_expression:
    apt-file {{search|find}} --regexp {{regular_expression}}

qm guest exec-status

Print the status of the given pid started by the guest-agent on QEMU/KVM Virtual Machine Manager. More information:
  • Print the status of a specific PID:
    qm guest exec-status {{vm_id}} {{pid}}


Resolve hostnames to their IP addresses and vice versa. More information:
  • Resolve a hostname to an IP address:
    resolveip {{}}
  • Resolve an IP address to a hostname:
    resolveip {{}}
  • Silent mode. Produces less output:
    resolveip --silent {{}}

ip link

Manage network interfaces. More information:
  • Show information about all network interfaces:
    ip link
  • Show information about a specific network interface:
    ip link show {{ethN}}
  • Bring a network interface up or down:
    ip link set {{ethN}} {{up|down}}
  • Give a meaningful name to a network interface:
    ip link set {{ethN}} alias "{{LAN Interface}}"
  • Change the MAC address of a network interface:
    ip link set {{ethN}} address {{ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff}}
  • Change the MTU size for a network interface to use jumbo frames:
    ip link set {{ethN}} mtu {{9000}}

pkgctl auth

Authenticate pkgctl with services like GitLab. More information:
  • Authenticate pkgctl with the GitLab instance:
    pkgctl auth login
  • View authentication status:
    pkgctl auth status


Administrate the Apache HTTP web server. This command comes with Debian based OSes, for RHEL based ones see httpd. More information:
  • Start the Apache daemon. Throw a message if it is already running:
    sudo apache2ctl start
  • Stop the Apache daemon:
    sudo apache2ctl stop
  • Restart the Apache daemon:
    sudo apache2ctl restart
  • Test syntax of the configuration file:
    sudo apache2ctl -t
  • List loaded modules:
    sudo apache2ctl -M


Manage the configuration of WireGuard interfaces. More information:
  • Check status of currently active interfaces:
    sudo wg
  • Generate a new private key:
    wg genkey
  • Generate a public key from a private key:
    wg pubkey < {{path/to/private_key}} > {{path/to/public_key}}
  • Generate a public and private key:
    wg genkey | tee {{path/to/private_key}} | wg pubkey > {{path/to/public_key}}
  • Show the current configuration of a wireguard interface:
    sudo wg showconf {{wg0}}


Console-based modular messaging client. More information:
  • Launch finch:
  • Quit:
    alt + q or ctrl + c
  • Show actions menu:
    alt + a
  • Jump to n-th window:
    alt + {{number_key}}
  • Close current window:
    alt + c
  • Start moving a window, use arrow keys to move, press escape when done:
    alt + m
  • Start resizing a window, use arrow keys to resize, press escape when done:
    alt + r


Launches a VNC (Virtual Network Computing) desktop. More information:
  • Launch a VNC Server on next available display:
  • Launch a VNC Server with specific screen geometry:
    vncserver --geometry {{width}}x{{height}}
  • Kill an instance of VNC Server running on a specific display:
    vncserver --kill :{{display_number}}


Establish and destroy transient mount or auto-mount points. More information:
  • Mount a file system (image or block device) at /run/media/system/LABEL where LABEL is the filesystem label or the device name if there is no label:
    systemd-mount {{path/to/file_or_device}}
  • Mount a file system (image or block device) at a specific location:
    systemd-mount {{path/to/file_or_device}} {{path/to/mount_point}}
  • Show a list of all local, known block devices with file systems that may be mounted:
    systemd-mount --list
  • Create an automount point that mounts the actual file system at the time of first access:
    systemd-mount --automount=yes {{path/to/file_or_device}}
  • Unmount one or more devices:
    systemd-mount --umount {{path/to/mount_point_or_device1}} {{path/to/mount_point_or_device2}}
  • Mount a file system (image or block device) with a specific file system type:
    systemd-mount --type={{file_system_type}} {{path/to/file_or_device}} {{path/to/mount_point}}
  • Mount a file system (image or block device) with additional mount options:
    systemd-mount --options={{mount_options}} {{path/to/file_or_device}} {{path/to/mount_point}}


Launches a VNC (Virtual Network Computing) client. More information:
  • Launch a VNC client which connects to a host on a given display:
    vncviewer {{host}}:{{display_number}}
  • Launch in full-screen mode:
    vncviewer -FullScreen {{host}}:{{display_number}}
  • Launch a VNC client with a specific screen geometry:
    vncviewer --geometry {{width}}x{{height}} {{host}}:{{display_number}}
  • Launch a VNC client which connects to a host on a given port:
    vncviewer {{host}}::{{port}}


Restore SELinux security context on files/directories according to persistent rules. See also: semanage-fcontext. More information:
  • View the current security context of a file or directory:
    ls -dlZ {{path/to/file_or_directory}}
  • Restore the security context of a file or directory:
    restorecon {{path/to/file_or_directory}}
  • Restore the security context of a directory recursively, and show all changed labels:
    restorecon -R -v {{path/to/directory}}
  • Restore the security context of a directory recursively, using all available threads, and show progress:
    restorecon -R -T {{0}} -p {{path/to/directory}}
  • Preview the label changes that would happen without applying them:
    restorecon -R -n -v {{path/to/directory}}


Arch Linux utility for building packages from the Arch User Repository. More information:
  • Synchronize and update all packages (including AUR):
    yaourt -Syua
  • Install a new package (includes AUR):
    yaourt -S {{package}}
  • Remove a package and its dependencies (includes AUR packages):
    yaourt -Rs {{package}}
  • Search the package database for a keyword (including AUR):
    yaourt -Ss {{query}}
  • List installed packages, versions, and repositories (AUR packages will be listed under the repository name 'local'):
    yaourt -Q


Prints information received from Domain Name System (DNS) servers. More information:
  • Display A (default) record from DNS for hostname(s):
    adig {{}}
  • Display extra [d]ebugging output:
    adig -d {{}}
  • Connect to a specific DNS [s]erver:
    adig -s {{}} {{}}
  • Use a specific TCP port to connect to a DNS server:
    adig -T {{port}} {{}}
  • Use a specific UDP port to connect to a DNS server:
    adig -U {{port}} {{}}


Download Debian packages. More information:
  • Download a binary package:
    dget {{package}}
  • Download and extract a package source from its .dsc file:
    dget {{}}
  • Download a package source tarball from its .dsc file but don't extract it:
    dget -d {{}}


Get configuration values from your Linux system. More information:
  • List [a]ll configuration values available:
    getconf -a
  • List the configuration values for a specific directory:
    getconf -a {{path/to/directory}}
  • Check if your linux system is a 32-bit or 64-bit:
    getconf LONG_BIT
  • Check how many processes the current user can run at once:
    getconf CHILD_MAX
  • List every configuration value and then find patterns with the grep command (i.e every value with MAX in it):
    getconf -a | grep MAX


Troubleshooting tool for tracing system calls. More information:
  • Start tracing a specific process by its PID:
    strace -p {{pid}}
  • Trace a process and filter output by system call:
    strace -p {{pid}} -e {{system_call_name}}
  • Count time, calls, and errors for each system call and report a summary on program exit:
    strace -p {{pid}} -c
  • Show the time spent in every system call:
    strace -p {{pid}} -T
  • Start tracing a program by executing it:
    strace {{program}}
  • Start tracing file operations of a program:
    strace -e trace=file {{program}}

apx subsystems

Manage subsystems in apx. Subsystems are containers that can be created based on pre-existing stacks. More information:
  • Interactively create a new subsystem:
    apx subsystems new
  • List all available subsystems:
    apx subsystems list
  • Reset a specific subsystem to its initial state:
    apx subsystems reset --name {{string}}
  • [f]orce reset a specific subsystem:
    apx subsystems reset --name {{string}} --force
  • Remove a specific subsystem:
    apx subsystems rm --name {{string}}
  • [f]orce remove a specific subsystem:
    apx subsystems rm --name {{string}} --force


Create an interactive slurm job or connect to an existing job. More information:
  • Submit a basic interactive job:
    srun --pty /bin/bash
  • Submit an interactive job with different attributes:
    srun --ntasks-per-node={{num_cores}} --mem-per-cpu={{memory_MB}} --pty /bin/bash
  • Connect to a worker node with a job running:
    srun --jobid={{job_id}} --pty /bin/bash


Scans and decodes barcodes (and QR codes) from a video device. More information:
  • Continuously read barcodes and print them to standard output:
  • Disable output video window while scanning:
    zbarcam --nodisplay
  • Print barcodes without type information:
    zbarcam --raw
  • Define capture device:
    zbarcam /dev/{{video_device}}


Notify the operating system kernel of partition table changes. More information:
  • Notify the operating system kernel of partition table changes:
    sudo partprobe
  • Notify the kernel of partition table changes and show a summary of devices and their partitions:
    sudo partprobe --summary
  • Show a summary of devices and their partitions but don't notify the kernel:
    sudo partprobe --summary --dry-run


Package manager, system updater and a task automator for Vanilla OS. More information:
  • Check for system updates to the host system:
    vso sys-upgrade check
  • Upgrade the host system now:
    vso sys-upgrade upgrade --now
  • Initialize the Pico subsystem (used for package management):
    vso pico-init
  • Install applications inside the subsystem:
    vso install {{package1 package2 ...}}
  • Remove applications from the subsystem:
    vso remove {{package1 package2 ...}}
  • Enter the subsystem's shell:
    vso shell
  • Run an application from the subsystem:
    vso run {{package}}
  • Display VSO configuration:
    vso config show


Lock all consoles and virtual terminals. More information:
  • Lock every console (require current user or root to unlock):
  • Mute kernel messages on console while locked:
    physlock -m
  • Disable SysRq mechanism while locked:
    physlock -s
  • Display a message before the password prompt:
    physlock -p "{{Locked!}}"
  • Fork and detach physlock (useful for suspend or hibernate scripts):
    physlock -d


Tool to perform basic numeric, textual and statistical operations on input textual data files. More information:
  • Get max, min, mean and median of a single column of numbers:
    seq 3 | datamash max 1 min 1 mean 1 median 1
  • Get the mean of a single column of float numbers (floats must use "," and not "."):
    echo -e '1.0\n2.5\n3.1\n4.3\n5.6\n5.7' | tr '.' ',' | datamash mean 1
  • Get the mean of a single column of numbers with a given decimal precision:
    echo -e '1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n5' | datamash -R {{number_of_decimals_wanted}} mean 1
  • Get the mean of a single column of numbers ignoring "Na" and "NaN" (literal) strings:
    echo -e '1\n2\nNa\n3\nNaN' | datamash --narm mean 1

qm suspend

Suspends a virtual machine (VM) in the Proxmox Virtual Environment (PVE). Use --skiplock and --skiplockstorage flags with caution, as they may lead to data corruption in certain situations. More information:
  • Suspend a virtual machine by id:
    qm suspend {{vm_id}} {{integer}}
  • Skip the lock check when suspending the VM:
    qm suspend {{vm_id}} {{integer}} --skiplock
  • Skip the lock check for storage when suspending the VM:
    qm suspend {{vm_id}} {{integer}} --skiplockstorage


Save critical ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem metadata to a file. More information:
  • Write metadata located on device to a specific file:
    e2image {{/dev/sdXN}} {{path/to/image_file}}
  • Print metadata located on device to stdout:
    e2image {{/dev/sdXN}} -
  • Restore the filesystem metadata back to the device:
    e2image -I {{/dev/sdXN}} {{path/to/image_file}}
  • Create a large raw sparse file with metadata at proper offsets:
    e2image -r {{/dev/sdXN}} {{path/to/image_file}}
  • Create a QCOW2 image file instead of a normal or raw image file:
    e2image -Q {{/dev/sdXN}} {{path/to/image_file}}


Track the local installation of a software package, and produce a binary package which can be used with a system's native package manager. More information:
  • Create and install a package with default settings:
    sudo checkinstall --default
  • Create a package but don't install it:
    sudo checkinstall --install={{no}}
  • Create a package without documentation:
    sudo checkinstall --nodoc
  • Create a package and set the name:
    sudo checkinstall --pkgname {{package}}
  • Create a package and specify where to save it:
    sudo checkinstall --pakdir {{path/to/directory}}


Desktop background browser and setter for X Window. More information:
  • View and set the wallpapers from a specific directory:
    nitrogen {{path/to/directory}}
  • Set the wallpaper with automatic size settings:
    nitrogen --set-auto {{path/to/file}}
  • Restore the previous wallpaper:
    nitrogen --restore


AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) CLI. More information:
  • Initialize a serverless application:
    sam init
  • Initialize a serverless application with a specific runtime:
    sam init --runtime {{python3.7}}
  • Package a SAM application:
    sam package
  • Build your Lambda function code:
    sam build
  • Run your serverless application locally:
    sam local start-api
  • Deploy an AWS SAM application:
    sam deploy


Free Remote Desktop Protocol implementation. More information:
  • Connect to a FreeRDP server:
    xfreerdp /u:{{username}} /p:{{password}} /v:{{ip_address}}
  • Connect to a FreeRDP server and activate audio output redirection using sys:alsa device:
    xfreerdp /u:{{username}} /p:{{password}} /v:{{ip_address}} /sound:{{sys:alsa}}
  • Connect to a FreeRDP server with dynamic resolution:
    xfreerdp /v:{{ip_address}} /u:{{username}} /p:{{password}} /dynamic-resolution
  • Connect to a FreeRDP server with clipboard redirection:
    xfreerdp /v:{{ip_address}} /u:{{username}} /p:{{password}} +clipboard
  • Connect to a FreeRDP server ignoring any certificate checks:
    xfreerdp /v:{{ip_address}} /u:{{username}} /p:{{password}} /cert:ignore
  • Connect to a FreeRDP server with a shared directory:
    xfreerdp /v:{{ip_address}} /u:{{username}} /p:{{password}} /drive:{{path/to/directory}},{{share_name}}


List or remove old kernel versions left behind by xbps. The version arguments support shell globs. More information:
  • List all removable kernel versions (or those matching version if the argument is specified):
    vkpurge list {{version}}
  • Remove all unused kernels:
    vkpurge rm all
  • Remove kernel versions matching version:
    vkpurge rm {{version}}


Screen locking utility for Wayland compositors. More information:
  • Lock the screen showing a white background:
  • Lock the screen with a simple color background (rrggbb format):
    swaylock --color {{0000ff}}
  • Lock the screen to a PNG background:
    swaylock --image {{path/to/file.png}}
  • Lock the screen and disable the unlock indicator (removes feedback on keypress):
    swaylock --no-unlock-indicator
  • Lock the screen and don't hide the mouse pointer:
    swaylock --pointer {{default}}
  • Lock the screen to a PNG background tiled over all monitors:
    swaylock --image {{path/to/file.png}} --tiling
  • Lock the screen and show the number of failed login attempts:
    swaylock --show-failed-attempts
  • Load configuration from a file:
    swaylock --config {{path/to/config}}


Generate a pacman mirror list for Manjaro Linux. Every run of shiny-mirrors requires you to synchronize your database and update your system using sudo pacman -Syyu. More information:
  • Get the status of the current mirrors:
    shiny-mirrors status
  • Generate a mirror list using the default behavior:
    sudo shiny-mirrors refresh
  • Display the current configuration file:
    shiny-mirrors config show
  • Switch to a different branch interactively:
    sudo shiny-mirrors config --branch


List information about all namespaces or about the specified namespace. More information:
  • List all namespaces:
  • List namespaces in JSON format:
    lsns --json
  • List namespaces associated with {{pid}}:
    lsns --task {{pid}}
  • List the specified type of namespaces only:
    lsns --type <mnt|net|ipc|user|pid|uts|cgroup|time>
  • List namespaces, only showing the namespace ID, type, PID, and command:
    lsns --output NS,TYPE,PID,COMMAND


Report statistics for devices and partitions. More information:
  • Display a report of CPU and disk statistics since system startup:
  • Display a report of CPU and disk statistics with units converted to megabytes:
    iostat -m
  • Display CPU statistics:
    iostat -c
  • Display disk statistics with disk names (including LVM):
    iostat -N
  • Display extended disk statistics with disk names for device "sda":
    iostat -xN {{sda}}
  • Display incremental reports of CPU and disk statistics every 2 seconds:
    iostat {{2}}


Install and remove services which are System-V style init script links. Init scripts are in the /etc/init.d/. More information:
  • Install a service:
    update-rc.d {{mysql}} defaults
  • Enable a service:
    update-rc.d {{mysql}} enable
  • Disable a service:
    update-rc.d {{mysql}} disable
  • Forcibly remove a service:
    update-rc.d -f {{mysql}} remove


Rank a list of Pacman mirrors by connection and opening speed. Writes the new mirrorlist to stdout. More information:
  • Rank a mirror list:
    rankmirrors {{/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist}}
  • Output only a given number of the top ranking servers:
    rankmirrors -n {{number}} {{/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist}}
  • Be verbose when generating the mirrorlist:
    rankmirrors -v {{/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist}}
  • Test only a specific URL:
    rankmirrors --url {{url}}
  • Output only the response times instead of a full mirrorlist:
    rankmirrors --times {{/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist}}


Simple and elegant image viewer. More information:
  • View an image:
    viewnior {{path/to/image.ext}}
  • View in fullscreen mode:
    viewnior --fullscreen {{path/to/image.ext}}
  • View fullscreen in slideshow mode:
    viewnior --slideshow {{path/to/image.ext}}


Arch Linux install script to install packages to the specified new root directory. More information:
  • Install the base package, Linux kernel and firmware for common hardware:
    pacstrap {{path/to/new/root}} {{base}} {{linux}} {{linux-firmware}}
  • Install the base package, Linux LTS kernel and base-devel build tools:
    pacstrap {{path/to/new/root}} {{base}} {{base-devel}} {{linux-lts}}
  • Install packages without copy the host's mirrorlist to the target:
    pacstrap -M {{path/to/new/root}} {{packages}}
  • Use an alternate configuration file for Pacman:
    pacstrap -C {{path/to/pacman.conf}} {{path/to/new/root}} {{packages}}
  • Install packages using the package cache on the host instead of on the target:
    pacstrap -c {{path/to/new/root}} {{packages}}
  • Install packages without copy the host's pacman keyring to the target:
    pacstrap -G {{path/to/new/root}} {{packages}}
  • Install packages in interactive mode (prompts for confirmation):
    pacstrap -i {{path/to/new/root}} {{packages}}
  • Install packages using package files:
    pacstrap -U {{path/to/new/root}} {{path/to/package1}} {{path/to/package2}}


N-up PDF pages. N-upping means putting multiple pages onto one page by scaling and rotating them into a grid. More information:
  • Create a 2-up PDF:
    pdfxup -o {{path/to/output.pdf}} {{path/to/input.pdf}}
  • Create a PDF with 3 columns and 2 lines per page:
    pdfxup -x {{3}} -y {{2}} -o {{path/to/output.pdf}} {{path/to/input.pdf}}
  • Create a PDF in booklet mode (2-up, and pages are sorted to form a book when folded):
    pdfxup -b -o {{path/to/output.pdf}} {{path/to/input.pdf}}


Query the Chrony NTP daemon. More information:
  • Start chronyc in interactive mode:
  • Display tracking stats for the Chrony daemon:
    chronyc tracking
  • Print the time sources that Chrony is currently using:
    chronyc sources
  • Display stats for sources currently used by chrony daemon as a time source:
    chronyc sourcestats
  • Step the system clock immediately, bypassing any slewing:
    chronyc makestep
  • Display verbose information about each NTP source:
    chronyc ntpdata


Replay undo logs for an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem. This can be used to undo a failed operation by an e2fsprogs program. More information:
  • Display information about a specific undo file:
    e2undo -h {{path/to/undo_file}} {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Perform a dry-run and display the candidate blocks for replaying:
    e2undo -nv {{path/to/undo_file}} {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Perform an undo operation:
    e2undo {{path/to/undo_file}} {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Perform an undo operation and display verbose information:
    e2undo -v {{path/to/undo_file}} {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Write the old contents of the block to an undo file before overwriting a file system block:
    e2undo -z {{path/to/file.e2undo}} {{path/to/undo_file}} {{/dev/sdXN}}


Makes an RPC call to an RPC server and reports what it finds. More information:
  • Show full table of all RPC services registered on localhost:
  • Show concise table of all RPC services registered on localhost:
    rpcinfo -s {{localhost}}
  • Display table of statistics of rpcbind operations on localhost:
    rpcinfo -m
  • Display list of entries of given service name (mountd) and version number (2) on a remote nfs share:
    rpcinfo -l {{remote_nfs_server_ip}} {{mountd}} {{2}}
  • Delete the registration for version 1 of the mountd service for all transports:
    rpcinfo -d {{mountd}} {{1}}


Create a shell archive. More information:
  • Create a shell script that when executed extracts the given files from itself:
    shar --vanilla-operation {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}} > {{path/to/}}
  • Compress the files in the archive:
    shar --compactor {{xz}} {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}} > {{path/to/}}
  • Treat all files as binary (i.e. uuencode everything):
    shar --uuencode {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}} > {{path/to/}}
  • Treat all files as text (i.e. uuencode nothing):
    shar --text-files {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}} > {{path/to/}}
  • Include a name and cut mark in the header comment of the archive:
    shar --archive-name "{{My files}}" --cut-mark {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}} > {{path/to/}}


A lightweight package manager used to install OpenWrt packages. More information:
  • Install a package:
    opkg install {{package}}
  • Remove a package:
    opkg remove {{package}}
  • Update the list of available packages:
    opkg update
  • Upgrade all the installed packages:
    opkg upgrade
  • Upgrade one or more specific package(s):
    opkg upgrade {{package(s)}}
  • Display information for a specific package:
    opkg info {{package}}
  • List all the available packages:
    opkg list


Edit the group file. More information:
  • Edit the group file:
  • Display version:
    vigr --version


Manage gnome extensions from the terminal. More information:
  • Display the version:
    gnome-extensions version
  • List all the installed extensions:
    gnome-extensions list
  • Display information about a specific extension:
    gnome-extensions info "{{extension_id}}"
  • Display help for a subcommand (like list):
    gnome-extensions help {{subcommand}}
  • Enable a specific extension:
    gnome-extensions enable "{{extension_id}}"
  • Disable a specific extension:
    gnome-extension disable "{{extension_id}}"
  • Uninstall a specific extension:
    gnome-extension uninstall "{{extension_id}}"


Copy files and directories. More information:
  • Copy a file to another location:
    cp {{path/to/source_file.ext}} {{path/to/target_file.ext}}
  • Copy a file into another directory, keeping the filename:
    cp {{path/to/source_file.ext}} {{path/to/target_parent_directory}}
  • Recursively copy a directory's contents to another location (if the destination exists, the directory is copied inside it):
    cp -r {{path/to/source_directory}} {{path/to/target_directory}}
  • Copy a directory recursively, in verbose mode (shows files as they are copied):
    cp -vr {{path/to/source_directory}} {{path/to/target_directory}}
  • Copy multiple files at once to a directory:
    cp -t {{path/to/destination_directory}} {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}
  • Copy text files to another location, in interactive mode (prompts user before overwriting):
    cp -i {{*.txt}} {{path/to/target_directory}}
  • Follow symbolic links before copying:
    cp -L {{link}} {{path/to/target_directory}}
  • Use the full path of source files, creating any missing intermediate directories when copying:
    cp --parents {{source/path/to/file}} {{path/to/target_file}}


The Ubuntu release upgrader. More information:
  • Upgrade to the latest release:
    sudo do-release-upgrade
  • Upgrade to the latest development release:
    sudo do-release-upgrade --devel-release
  • Upgrade to the latest proposed release:
    sudo do-release-upgrade --proposed


Manage the pre-formatted manual page database. More information:
  • Purge and process manual pages:
  • Update a single entry:
    mandb --filename {{path/to/file}}
  • Create entries from scratch instead of updating:
    mandb --create
  • Only process user databases:
    mandb --user-db
  • Do not purge obsolete entries:
    mandb --no-purge
  • Check the validity of manual pages:
    mandb --test


A pacman cache cleaning utility. More information:
  • Remove all but the 3 most recent package versions from the pacman cache:
    paccache -r
  • Set the number of package versions to keep:
    paccache -rk {{num_versions}}
  • Perform a dry-run and show the number of candidate packages for deletion:
    paccache -d
  • Move candidate packages to a directory instead of deleting them:
    paccache -m {{path/to/directory}}


Report memory map of a process or processes. More information:
  • Print memory map for a specific process id (PID):
    pmap {{pid}}
  • Show the extended format:
    pmap --extended {{pid}}
  • Show the device format:
    pmap --device {{pid}}
  • Limit results to a memory address range specified by low and high:
    pmap --range {{low}},{{high}}
  • Print memory maps for multiple processes:
    pmap {{pid1 pid2 ...}}


Shows the status of Linux kernel modules. See also modprobe, which loads kernel modules. More information:
  • List all currently loaded kernel modules:


Command line tool for managing cloud instance initialization. More information:
  • Display the status of the most recent cloud-init run:
    cloud-init status
  • Wait for cloud-init to finish running and then report status:
    cloud-init status --wait
  • List available top-level metadata keys to query:
    cloud-init query --list-keys
  • Query cached instance metadata for data:
    cloud-init query {{dot_delimited_variable_path}}
  • Clean logs and artifacts to allow cloud-init to rerun:
    cloud-init clean


Sentinel Application Platform (SNAP) for processing satellite data from the European Space Agency (ESA). More information:
  • Display all updates:
    snap --nosplash --nogui --modules --list --refresh
  • Display help:
    snap --help

apx stacks

Manage stacks in apx. Note: user-created stack configurations are stored in ~/.local/share/apx/stacks. More information:
  • Interactively create a new stack configuration:
    apx stacks new
  • Interactively update a stack configuration:
    apx stacks update {{name}}
  • List all available stack configurations:
    apx stacks list
  • Remove a specified stack configuration:
    apx stacks rm --name {{string}}
  • Import a stack configuration:
    apx stacks import --input {{path/to/stack.yml}}
  • Export the stack configuration (Note: the output flag is optional, it is exported to the current working directory by default):
    apx stacks export --name {{string}} --output {{path/to/output_file}}


Manage plain dm-crypt and LUKS (Linux Unified Key Setup) encrypted volumes. More information:
  • Initialize a LUKS volume (overwrites all data on the partition):
    cryptsetup luksFormat {{/dev/sda1}}
  • Open a LUKS volume and create a decrypted mapping at /dev/mapper/{{target}}:
    cryptsetup luksOpen {{/dev/sda1}} {{target}}
  • Remove an existing mapping:
    cryptsetup luksClose {{target}}
  • Change the LUKS volume's passphrase:
    cryptsetup luksChangeKey {{/dev/sda1}}

qm disk import

Import a disk image to a virtual machine as an unused disk. The supported image formats for qemu-img, such as raw, qcow2, qed, vdi, vmdk, and vhd must be used. More information:
  • Import a VMDK/qcow2/raw disk image using a specific storage name:
    qm importdisk {{vm_id}} {{path/to/disk}} {{storage_name}} --format {{qcow2|raw|vmdk}}


Interact with the Netfilter connection tracking system. Search, list, inspect, modify, and delete connection flows. More information:
  • List all currently tracked connections:
    conntrack --dump
  • Display a real-time event log of connection changes:
    conntrack --event
  • Display a real-time event log of connection changes and associated timestamps:
    conntrack --event -o timestamp
  • Display a real-time event log of connection changes for a specific IP address:
    conntrack --event --orig-src {{ip_address}}
  • Delete all flows for a specific source IP address:
    conntrack --delete --orig-src {{ip_address}}


Open MPI C wrapper compiler. The wrappers are simply thin shells on top of a C compiler, they add the relevant compiler and linker flags to the command-line that are necessary to compile/link Open MPI programs, and then invoke the underlying C compiler to actually perform the command. More information:
  • Compile a source code file into an object file:
    mpicc -c {{path/to/file.c}}
  • Link an object file and make an executable:
    mpicc -o {{executable}} {{path/to/object_file.o}}
  • Compile and link source code in a single command:
    mpicc -o {{executable}} {{path/to/file.c}}


Provides the number of records indexed in each field of a given database, the date of the last update of the database, and the available links from the database to other Entrez databases. More information:
  • Print all database names:
    einfo -dbs
  • Print all information of the protein database in XML format:
    einfo -db {{protein}}
  • Print all fields of the nuccore database:
    einfo -db {{nuccore}} -fields
  • Print all links of the protein database:
    einfo -db {{protein}} -links


Navigate directory trees interactively. See also: br. More information:
  • Install or reinstall the br shell function:
    broot --install


Build a Linux filesystem on a hard disk partition. This command is deprecated in favor of filesystem specific mkfs. utils. More information:
  • Build a Linux ext2 filesystem on a partition:
    mkfs {{path/to/partition}}
  • Build a filesystem of a specified type:
    mkfs -t {{ext4}} {{path/to/partition}}
  • Build a filesystem of a specified type and check for bad blocks:
    mkfs -c -t {{ntfs}} {{path/to/partition}}


The dnstracer command determines where a DNS gets its information from. More information:
  • Find out where your local DNS got the information on
    dnstracer {{}}
  • Start with a [s]pecific DNS that you already know:
    dnstracer -s {{}} {{}}
  • Only query IPv4 servers:
    dnstracer -4 {{}}
  • Retry each request 5 times on failure:
    dnstracer -r {{5}} {{}}
  • Display all steps during execution:
    dnstracer -v {{}}
  • Display an [o]verview of all received answers after execution:
    dnstracer -o {{}}


A tool to stress test CPU, memory, and IO on a Linux system. More information:
  • Spawn 4 workers to stress test CPU:
    stress -c {{4}}
  • Spawn 2 workers to stress test IO and timeout after 5 seconds:
    stress -i {{2}} -t {{5}}
  • Spawn 2 workers to stress test memory (each worker allocates 256M bytes):
    stress -m {{2}} --vm-bytes {{256M}}
  • Spawn 2 workers spinning on write()/unlink() (each worker writes 1G bytes):
    stress -d {{2}} --hdd-bytes {{1GB}}


The X Binary Package System is the package manager used by Void Linux. For equivalent commands in other package managers, see More information:
  • View documentation for installing and updating packages:
    tldr xbps-install
  • View documentation for removing packages:
    tldr xbps-remove
  • View documentation for querying for package and repository information:
    tldr xbps-query


Convert CD images to a set of .iso and .cdr tracks. More information:
  • Convert binary CD into a standard iso9960 image file:
    bchunk {{path/to/image.bin}} {{path/to/image.cue}} {{path/to/output}}
  • Convert with verbose mode:
    bchunk -v {{path/to/image.bin}} {{path/to/image.cue}} {{path/to/output}}
  • Output audio files in WAV format:
    bchunk -w {{path/to/image.bin}} {{path/to/image.cue}} {{path/to/output}}


Default file explorer for GNOME desktop environment. Also known as GNOME Files. More information:
  • Launch Nautilus:
  • Launch Nautilus as root user:
    sudo nautilus
  • Launch Nautilus and display a specific directory:
    nautilus {{path/to/directory}}
  • Launch Nautilus with a specific file or directory selected:
    nautilus --select {{path/to/file_or_directory}}
  • Launch Nautilus in a separated window:
    nautilus --new-window
  • Close all Nautilus instances:
    nautilus --quit
  • Display help:
    nautilus --help


X11 selection and clipboard manipulation tool. More information:
  • Use a command's output as input of the clip[b]oard (equivalent to Ctrl + C):
    echo 123 | xsel -ib
  • Use the contents of a file as input of the clipboard:
    cat {{path/to/file}} | xsel -ib
  • Output the clipboard's contents into the terminal (equivalent to Ctrl + V):
    xsel -ob
  • Output the clipboard's contents into a file:
    xsel -ob > {{path/to/file}}
  • Clear the clipboard:
    xsel -cb
  • Output the X11 primary selection's contents into the terminal (equivalent to a mouse middle-click):
    xsel -op


Change SELinux security context of a file or files/directories. More information:
  • View security context of a file:
    ls -lZ {{path/to/file}}
  • Change the security context of a target file, using a reference file:
    chcon --reference={{reference_file}} {{target_file}}
  • Change the full SELinux security context of a file:
    chcon {{user}}:{{role}}:{{type}}:{{range/level}} {{filename}}
  • Change only the user part of SELinux security context:
    chcon -u {{user}} {{filename}}
  • Change only the role part of SELinux security context:
    chcon -r {{role}} {{filename}}
  • Change only the type part of SELinux security context:
    chcon -t {{type}} {{filename}}
  • Change only the range/level part of SELinux security context:
    chcon -l {{range/level}} {{filename}}


Utility providing full immutability and atomicity by transacting between 2 root partition states (A⟺B). Updates are performed using OCI images, to ensure that the system is always in a consistent state. More information:
  • Add packages to the local image (Note: after executing this command, you need to apply these changes.):
    sudo abroot pkg add {{package}}
  • Remove packages from the local image (Note: after executing this command, you need to apply these changes.):
    sudo abroot pkg remove {{package}}
  • List packages in the local image:
    sudo abroot pkg list
  • Apply changes in the local image (Note: you need to reboot your system for these changes to be applied):
    sudo abroot pkg apply
  • Rollback your system to previous state:
    sudo abroot rollback
  • Edit/View kernel parameters:
    sudo abroot kargs {{edit|show}}
  • Display status:
    sudo abroot status
  • Display help:
    abroot --help


GPU switching utility for Nvidia Optimus laptops. More information:
  • Switch between different GPU modes:
    sudo envycontrol -s {{nvidia|integrated|hybrid}}
  • Specify your display manager manually:
    envycontrol --dm
  • Check current GPU mode:
    sudo envycontrol --query
  • Reset settings:
    sudo envycontrol --reset
  • Display version:
    envycontrol --version
  • Display help:
    envycontrol --help


Swiss Army Knife SMTP, the all-purpose SMTP transaction tester. More information:
  • Deliver a standard test email to [email protected] on port 25 of
    swaks --to {{[email protected]}} --server {{}}
  • Deliver a standard test email, requiring CRAM-MD5 authentication as user [email protected]. An "X-Test" header will be added to the email body:
    swaks --to {{[email protected]}} --from {{[email protected]}} --auth {{CRAM-MD5}} --auth-user {{[email protected]}} --header-X-Test "{{test_email}}"
  • Test a virus scanner using EICAR in an attachment. Don't show the message DATA part:
    swaks -t {{[email protected]}} --attach - --server {{}} --suppress-data {{path/to/eicar.txt}}
  • Test a spam scanner using GTUBE in the body of an email, routed via the MX records for
    swaks --to {{[email protected]}} --body {{path/to/gtube_file}}
  • Deliver a standard test email to [email protected] using the LMTP protocol via a UNIX domain socket file:
    swaks --to {{[email protected]}} --socket {{/var/lda.sock}} --protocol {{LMTP}}


Lightweight Dropbear Secure Shell client. More information:
  • Connect to a remote host:
    dbclient {{user}}@{{host}}
  • Connect to a remote host on [p]ort 2222:
    dbclient {{user}}@{{host}} -p 2222
  • Connect to a remote host using a specific [i]dentity key in dropbear format:
    dbclient -i {{path/to/key_file}} {{user}}@{{host}}
  • Run a command on the remote host with a [t]ty allocation allowing interaction with the remote command:
    dbclient {{user}}@{{host}} -t {{command}} {{argument1 argument2 ...}}
  • Connect and forward [A]gent connections to remote host:
    dbclient -A {{user}}@{{host}}


Utility to control what happens when CTRL+ALT+DEL is pressed. More information:
  • Get current setting:
  • Set CTRL+ALT+DEL to reboot immediately, without any preparation:
    sudo ctrlaltdel hard
  • Set CTRL+ALT+DEL to reboot "normally", giving processes a chance to exit first (send SIGINT to PID1):
    sudo ctrlaltdel soft


Utility to investigate sockets. More information:
  • Show all TCP/UDP/RAW/UNIX sockets:
    ss -a {{-t|-u|-w|-x}}
  • Filter TCP sockets by states, only/exclude:
    ss {{state/exclude}} {{bucket/big/connected/synchronized/...}}
  • Show all TCP sockets connected to the local HTTPS port (443):
    ss -t src :{{443}}
  • Show all TCP sockets listening on the local 8080 port:
    ss -lt src :{{8080}}
  • Show all TCP sockets along with processes connected to a remote ssh port:
    ss -pt dst :{{ssh}}
  • Show all UDP sockets connected on specific source and destination ports:
    ss -u 'sport == :{{source_port}} and dport == :{{destination_port}}'
  • Show all TCP IPv4 sockets locally connected on the subnet
    ss -4t src {{192.168/16}}
  • Kill IPv4 or IPv6 Socket Connection with destination IP and destination port 8080:
    ss --kill dst {{}} dport = {{8080}}


Get or set a process' CPU affinity or start a new process with a defined CPU affinity. More information:
  • Get a running process' CPU affinity by PID:
    taskset --pid --cpu-list {{pid}}
  • Set a running process' CPU affinity by PID:
    taskset --pid --cpu-list {{cpu_id}} {{pid}}
  • Start a new process with affinity for a single CPU:
    taskset --cpu-list {{cpu_id}} {{command}}
  • Start a new process with affinity for multiple non-sequential CPUs:
    taskset --cpu-list {{cpu_id_1}},{{cpu_id_2}},{{cpu_id_3}}
  • Start a new process with affinity for CPUs 1 through 4:
    taskset --cpu-list {{cpu_id_1}}-{{cpu_id_4}}


Display dialogs from the command-line/shell scripts. Return user-inserted values or 1 if error. More information:
  • Display the default question dialog:
    zenity --question
  • Display an info dialog displaying the text "Hello!":
    zenity --info --text="{{Hello!}}"
  • Display a name/password form and output the data separated by ";":
    zenity --forms --add-entry="{{Name}}" --add-password="{{Password}}" --separator="{{;}}"
  • Display a file selection form in which the user can only select directories:
    zenity --file-selection --directory
  • Display a progress bar which updates its message every second and show a progress percent:
    {{(echo "#1"; sleep 1; echo "50"; echo "#2"; sleep 1; echo "100")}} | zenity --progress


Print the free space fragmentation information for ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystems. More information:
  • Check how many free blocks are present as contiguous and aligned free space:
    e2freefrag {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Specify chunk size in kilobytes to print how many free chunks are available:
    e2freefrag -c {{chunk_size_in_kb}} {{/dev/sdXN}}


Tool for creating loopback devices in pipewire. More information:
  • Create a loopback device with the default loopback behavior:
  • Create a loopback device that automatically connects to the speakers:
    pw-loopback -m '{{[FL FR]}}' --capture-props='{{media.class=Audio/Sink}}'
  • Create a loopback device that automatically connects to the microphone:
    pw-loopback -m '{{[FL FR]}}' --playback-props='{{media.class=Audio/Source}}'
  • Create a dummy loopback device that doesn't automatically connect to anything:
    pw-loopback -m '{{[FL FR]}}' --capture-props='{{media.class=Audio/Sink}}' --playback-props='{{media.class=Audio/Source}}'
  • Create a loopback device that automatically connects to the speakers and swaps the left and right channels between the sink and source:
    pw-loopback --capture-props='{{media.class=Audio/Sink audio.position=[FL FR]}}' --playback-props='{{audio.position=[FR FL]}}'
  • Create a loopback device that automatically connects to the microphone and swaps the left and right channels between the sink and source:
    pw-loopback --capture-props='{{audio.position=[FR FL]}}' --playback-props='{{media.class=Audio/Source audio.position=[FL FR]}}'


Manual page viewer for X Window System. More information:
  • Start xman in three-button window:
  • Open the manual page output stored in a given file:
    xman -helpfile {{filename}}
  • Show both manual page and directory:
    xman -bothshown


Find broken library links on the system. This tool is only available on Arch Linux. More information:
  • Scan directories to find and list packages with broken library links that need to be rebuilt:


Run a command in a virtual X server environment. More information:
  • Run the specified command in a virtual X server:
    xvfb-run {{command}}
  • Try to get a free server number, if the default (99) is not available:
    xvfb-run --auto-servernum {{command}}
  • Pass arguments to the Xvfb server:
    xvfb-run --server-args "{{-screen 0 1024x768x24}}" {{command}}


Add and remove applications and update your system. More information:
  • Launch the GNOME Software GUI if it's not already running:
  • Launch the GNOME Software GUI if it's not open, and navigate to the specified page:
    gnome-software --mode {{updates|updated|installed|overview}}
  • Launch the GNOME Software GUI if it's not open and view the details of the specified package:
    gnome-software --details {{package}}
  • Display the version:
    gnome-software --version


Generate a permuted index of words from one or more text files. More information:
  • Generate a permuted index where the first field of each line is an index reference:
    ptx --references {{path/to/file}}
  • Generate a permuted index with automatically generated index references:
    ptx --auto-reference {{path/to/file}}
  • Generate a permuted index with a fixed width:
    ptx --width={{width_in_columns}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Generate a permuted index with a list of filtered words:
    ptx --only-file={{path/to/filter}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Generate a permuted index with SYSV-style behaviors:
    ptx --traditional {{path/to/file}}


This command is an alias of iptables-restore for the IPv6 firewall.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr iptables-restore


Utility to adjust backlight brightness using the RandR extension. More information:
  • Get the current screen brightness as a percentage:
  • Set the screen brightness to 40%:
    xbacklight -set {{40}}
  • Increase current brightness by 25%:
    xbacklight -inc {{25}}
  • Decrease current brightness by 75%:
    xbacklight -dec {{75}}
  • Increase backlight to 100%, over 60 seconds (value given in ms), using 60 steps:
    xbacklight -set {{100}} -time {{60000}} -steps {{60}}


Display dynamic library calls of a process. More information:
  • Print (trace) library calls of a program binary:
    ltrace ./{{program}}
  • Count library calls. Print a handy summary at the bottom:
    ltrace -c {{path/to/program}}
  • Trace calls to malloc and free, omit those done by libc:
    ltrace -e [email protected]* {{path/to/program}}
  • Write to file instead of terminal:
    ltrace -o {{file}} {{path/to/program}}


Simple, minimal lock screen. More information:
  • Lock the screen:
    betterlockscreen --lock
  • Change the lock screen background:
    betterlockscreen -u {{path/to/image.png}}
  • Lock the screen, showing some custom text:
    betterlockscreen -l pixel -t "{{custom lock screen text}}"
  • Lock the screen, with a custom monitor off timeout in seconds:
    betterlockscreen --off {{5}} -l


Manages apt repository definitions. More information:
  • Add a new apt repository:
    add-apt-repository {{repository_spec}}
  • Remove an apt repository:
    add-apt-repository --remove {{repository_spec}}
  • Update the package cache after adding a repository:
    add-apt-repository --update {{repository_spec}}
  • Allow source packages to be downloaded from the repository:
    add-apt-repository --enable-source {{repository_spec}}


Query and modify dconf settings with schema validation. More information:
  • Set the value of a key. Fails if the key doesn't exist or the value is out of range:
    gsettings set {{org.example.schema}} {{example-key}} {{value}}
  • Print the value of a key or the schema-provided default if the key has not been set in dconf:
    gsettings get {{org.example.schema}} {{example-key}}
  • Unset a key, so that its schema default value will be used:
    gsettings reset {{org.example.schema}} {{example-key}}
  • Display all (non-relocatable) schemas, keys, and values:
    gsettings list-recursively
  • Display all keys and values (default if not set) from one schema:
    gsettings list-recursively {{org.example.schema}}
  • Display schema-allowed values for a key (helpful with enum keys):
    gsettings range {{org.example.schema}} {{example-key}}
  • Display the human-readable description of a key:
    gsettings describe {{org.example.schema}} {{example-key}}

qm config

Display the virtual machine configuration with pending configuration changes applied. More information:
  • Display the virtual machine configuration:
    qm config {{vm_id}}
  • Display the current configuration values instead of pending values for the virtual machine:
    qm config --current {{true}} {{vm_id}}
  • Fetch the configuration values from the given snapshot:
    qm config --snapshot {{snapshot_name}} {{vm_id}}


Displays services and hosts exposed on the local network via mDNS/DNS-SD. Avahi is compatible with Bonjour (Zeroconf) found in Apple devices. More information:
  • List services available on the local network along with their addresses and ports, ignoring ones on the local machine:
    avahi-browse --all --resolve --ignore-local
  • Quickly list services in the local network in SSV format for scripts:
    avahi-browse --all --terminate --parsable
  • List domains in the neighbourhood:
    avahi-browse --browse-domains
  • Limit the search to a particular domain:
    avahi-browse --all --domain={{domain}}


Enable devices and files for swapping. Note: path/to/file can either point to a regular file or a swap partition. More information:
  • Show swap information:
  • Enable a given swap area:
    swapon {{path/to/file}}
  • Enable all swap areas specified in /etc/fstab except those with the noauto option:
    swapon --all
  • Enable a swap partition by its label:
    swapon -L {{label}}


Restore the iptables IPv4 configuration. Use ip6tables-restore to do the same for IPv6. More information:
  • Restore the iptables configuration from a file:
    sudo iptables-restore {{path/to/file}}


Download torrents. More information:
  • Add a torrent file or magnet to be downloaded:
    rtorrent {{torrent_or_magnet}}
  • Start the download:
  • View details about downloading torrent:
  • Close rtorrent safely:


Lexical analyzer generator. Given the specification for a lexical analyzer, generates C code implementing it. More information:
  • Generate an analyzer from a Lex file:
    lex {{analyzer.l}}
  • Specify the output file:
    lex {{analyzer.l}} --outfile {{analyzer.c}}
  • Compile a C file generated by Lex:
    cc {{path/to/lex.yy.c}} --output {{executable}}


Generate a pacman mirrorlist for Manjaro Linux. Every run of pacman-mirrors requires you to synchronize your database and update your system using sudo pacman -Syyu. See also: pacman. More information:
  • Generate a mirrorlist using the default settings:
    sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack
  • Get the status of the current mirrors:
    pacman-mirrors --status
  • Display the current branch:
    pacman-mirrors --get-branch
  • Switch to a different branch:
    sudo pacman-mirrors --api --set-branch {{stable|unstable|testing}}
  • Generate a mirrorlist, only using mirrors in your country:
    sudo pacman-mirrors --geoip


Create an X cursor file from a collection of PNGs. If --prefix is omitted, the image files must be located in the current working directory. More information:
  • Create an X cursor file using a config file:
    xcursorgen {{path/to/config.cursor}} {{path/to/output_file}}
  • Create an X cursor file using a config file and specify the path to the image files:
    xcursorgen --prefix {{path/to/image_directory/}} {{path/to/config.cursor}} {{path/to/output_file}}
  • Create an X cursor file using a config file and write the output to stdout:
    xcursorgen {{path/to/config.cursor}}


Manages files and directories in MATE desktop environment. More information:
  • Open the current user home directory:
  • Open specific directories in separate windows:
    caja {{path/to/directory1 path/to/directory2 ...}}
  • Open specific directories in tabs:
    caja --tabs {{path/to/directory1 path/to/directory2 ...}}
  • Open a directory with a specific window size:
    caja --geometry={{600}}x{{400}} {{path/to/directory}}
  • Close all windows:
    caja --quit


Load the kernel keymap for the console. More information:
  • Load a default keymap:
    loadkeys --default
  • Load default keymap when an unusual keymap is loaded and - sign cannot be found:
    loadkeys defmap
  • Create a kernel source table:
    loadkeys --mktable
  • Create a binary keymap:
    loadkeys --bkeymap
  • Search and parse keymap without action:
    loadkeys --parse
  • Load the keymap suppressing all output:
    loadkeys --quiet
  • Load a keymap from the specified file for the console:
    loadkeys --console {{/dev/ttyN}} {{/path/to/file}}
  • Use standard names for keymaps of different locales:
    loadkeys --console {{/dev/ttyN}} {{uk}}


Daemon to manage bluetooth devices. More information:
  • Start the daemon:
  • Start the daemon, logging to stdout:
    bluetoothd --nodetach
  • Start the daemon with a specific configuration file (defaults to /etc/bluetooth/main.conf):
    bluetoothd --configfile {{path/to/file}}
  • Start the daemon with verbose output to stderr:
    bluetoothd --debug
  • Start the daemon with verbose output coming from specific files in the bluetoothd or plugins source:
    bluetoothd --debug={{path/to/file1}}:{{path/to/file2}}:{{path/to/file3}}


LOLCODE interpreter written in C. More information:
  • Run a LOLCODE file:
    lci {{path/to/file}}
  • Display version:
    lci -v
  • Display help:
    lci -h


Manage archives of various formats. More information:
  • List files in a zip archive:
    atool --list {{path/to/}}
  • Unpack a tar.gz archive into a new subdirectory (or current directory if it contains only one file):
    atool --extract {{path/to/archive.tar.gz}}
  • Create a new 7zip archive with two files:
    atool --add {{path/to/archive.7z}} {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}
  • Extract all zip and rar archives in the current directory:
    atool --each --extract {{*.zip *.rar}}

ip route list

This command is an alias of ip route show.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr ip-route-show


Open the default editor. More information:
  • Open a file in the default editor:
    sensible-editor {{path/to/file}}
  • Open a file in the default editor, with the cursor at the end of the file:
    sensible-editor + {{path/to/file}}
  • Open a file in the default editor, with the cursor at the beginning of line 10:
    sensible-editor +10 {{path/to/file}}
  • Open 3 files in vertically split editor windows at the same time:
    sensible-editor -O3 {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 path/to/file3}}

qm start

Start a virtual machine on QEMU/KVM Virtual Machine Manager. More information:
  • Start a specific virtual machine:
    qm start {{100}}
  • Specify the QEMU machine type (i.e. the CPU to emulate):
    qm start {{100}} --machine {{q35}}
  • Start a specific virtual machine with a timeout in 60 seconds:
    qm start {{100}} --timeout {{60}}


Performs the underlining of a text. Each character in a given string must be underlined separately. More information:
  • Display the contents of the file with underlines where applicable:
    ul {{file.txt}}
  • Display the contents of the file with underlines made of dashes -:
    ul -i {{file.txt}}


Change the attributes of a Logical Volume Manager (LVM) volume group. See also: lvm. More information:
  • Change the activation status of logical volumes in all volume groups:
    sudo vgchange --activate {{y|n}}
  • Change the activation status of logical volumes in the specified volume group (determine with vgscan):
    sudo vgchange --activate {{y|n}} {{volume_group}}}


Rename multiple files. NOTE: this page refers to the command from the rename Debian package. More information:
  • Rename files using a Perl Common Regular Expression (substitute 'foo' with 'bar' wherever found):
    rename {{'s/foo/bar/'}} {{*}}
  • Dry-run - display which renames would occur without performing them:
    rename -n {{'s/foo/bar/'}} {{*}}
  • Force renaming even if the operation would remove existing destination files:
    rename -f {{'s/foo/bar/'}} {{*}}
  • Convert filenames to lower case (use -f in case-insensitive filesystems to prevent "already exists" errors):
    rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' {{*}}
  • Replace whitespace with underscores:
    rename 's/\s+/_/g' {{*}}


Shell builtin for viewing information about processes spawned by the current shell. Options other than -l and -p are exclusive to bash. More information:
  • View jobs spawned by the current shell:
  • List jobs and their process IDs:
    jobs -l
  • Display information about jobs with changed status:
    jobs -n
  • Display only process IDs:
    jobs -p
  • Display running processes:
    jobs -r
  • Display stopped processes:
    jobs -s


Read a zipfile and split it into smaller zipfiles. More information:
  • Split zipfile into pieces that are no larger than a particular size [n]:
    zipsplit -n {{size}} {{path/to/}}
  • [p]ause between the creation of each split zipfile:
    zipsplit -p -n {{size}} {{path/to/}}
  • Output the split zipfiles into the archive directory:
    zipsplit -b {{archive}} -n {{size}} {{path/to/}}


Script executor that interacts with other programs that require user input. More information:
  • Execute an expect script from a file:
    expect {{path/to/file}}
  • Execute a specified expect script:
    expect -c "{{commands}}"
  • Enter an interactive REPL (use exit or Ctrl + D to exit):
    expect -i


Program that allows mapping syscall names and numbers. More information:
  • Display syscall number of a specific system call:
    ausyscall {{search_pattern}}
  • Display name of a specific system call number:
    ausyscall {{system_call_number}}
  • Display all system calls for a specific architecture:
    ausyscall {{architecture}} --dump


Display shared library dependencies of a binary. Do not use on an untrusted binary, use objdump for that instead. More information:
  • Display shared library dependencies of a binary:
    ldd {{path/to/binary}}
  • Display all information about dependencies:
    ldd --verbose {{path/to/binary}}
  • Display unused direct dependencies:
    ldd --unused {{path/to/binary}}
  • Report missing data objects and perform data relocations:
    ldd --data-relocs {{path/to/binary}}
  • Report missing data objects and functions, and perform relocations for both:
    ldd --function-relocs {{path/to/binary}}


Manage the "snap" self-contained software packages. Similar to what apt is for .deb. More information:
  • Search for a package:
    snap find {{query}}
  • Install a package:
    snap install {{package}}
  • Update a package:
    snap refresh {{package}}
  • Update a package to another channel (track, risk, or branch):
    snap refresh {{package}} --channel={{channel}}
  • Update all packages:
    snap refresh
  • Display basic information about installed snap software:
    snap list
  • Uninstall a package:
    snap remove {{package}}
  • Check for recent snap changes in the system:
    snap changes


A vim-like modal document viewer, with an integrated command-line. Make sure a backend is installed (poppler, PostScript, or DjVu). More information:
  • Open a file:
    zathura {{path/to/file}}
  • Navigate left/up/down/right:
    <H|J|K|L> or arrow keys
  • Rotate:
  • Invert Colors:
    Ctrl + R
  • Search for text by a given string:
  • Create/delete bookmarks:
    :{{bmark|bdelete}} {{bookmark_name}}
  • List bookmarks:


Dynamic menu. Creates a menu from a text input with each item on a new line. More information:
  • Display a menu of the output of the ls command:
    {{ls}} | dmenu
  • Display a menu with custom items separated by a new line (\n):
    echo -e "{{red}}\n{{green}}\n{{blue}}" | dmenu
  • Let the user choose between multiple items and save the selected one to a file:
    echo -e "{{red}}\n{{green}}\n{{blue}}" | dmenu > {{color.txt}}
  • Launch dmenu on a specific monitor:
    ls | dmenu -m {{1}}
  • Display dmenu at the bottom of the screen:
    ls | dmenu -b

nmcli networking

Manage the networking status of NetworkManager. This subcommand can also be called with nmcli n. More information:
  • Show the networking status of NetworkManager:
    nmcli networking
  • Enable or disable networking and all interfaces managed by NetworkManager:
    nmcli networking {{on|off}}
  • Show the last known connectivity state:
    nmcli networking connectivity
  • Show the current connectivity state:
    nmcli networking connectivity check


Allows configuration of tables, chains and rules provided by the Linux kernel firewall. Nftables replaces iptables. More information:
  • View current configuration:
    sudo nft list ruleset
  • Add a new table with family "inet" and table "filter":
    sudo nft add table {{inet}} {{filter}}
  • Add a new chain to accept all inbound traffic:
    sudo nft add chain {{inet}} {{filter}} {{input}} \{ type {{filter}} hook {{input}} priority {{0}} \; policy {{accept}} \}
  • Add a new rule to accept several TCP ports:
    sudo nft add rule {{inet}} {{filter}} {{input}} {{tcp}} {{dport \{ telnet, ssh, http, https \} accept}}
  • Add a NAT rule to translate all traffic from the subnet to the host's public IP:
    sudo nft add rule {{nat}} {{postrouting}} ip saddr {{}} {{masquerade}}
  • Show rule handles:
    sudo nft --handle --numeric list chain {{family}} {{table}} {{chain}}
  • Delete a rule:
    sudo nft delete rule {{inet}} {{filter}} {{input}} handle {{3}}
  • Save current configuration:
    sudo nft list ruleset > {{/etc/nftables.conf}}


Trace the path to a network host discovering MTU along this path. More information:
  • A preferred way to trace the path to a host:
    tracepath -p {{33434}} {{host}}
  • Specify the initial destination port, useful with non-standard firewall settings:
    tracepath -p {{destination_port}} {{host}}
  • Print both hostnames and numerical IP addresses:
    tracepath -b {{host}}
  • Specify a maximum TTL (number of hops):
    tracepath -m {{max_hops}} {{host}}
  • Specify the initial packet length (defaults to 65535 for IPv4 and 128000 for IPv6):
    tracepath -l {{packet_length}} {{host}}
  • Use only IPv6 addresses:
    tracepath -6 {{host}}


Read and modify serial port information. More information:
  • Print all information about a specific serial device:
    setserial -a {{/dev/cuaN}}
  • Print the configuration summary of a specific serial device (useful for printing during bootup process):
    setserial -b {{device}}
  • Set a specific configuration parameter to a device:
    sudo setserial {{device}} {{parameter}}
  • Print the configuration of a list of devices:
    setserial -g {{device1 device2 ...}}


Display detailed information about all CPUs. More information:
  • Display information for all CPUs:
  • Display information only for the current CPU:
    cpuid -1
  • Display raw hex information with no decoding:
    cpuid -r


The CRUX package manager. More information:
  • Install a package:
    prt-get install {{package}}
  • Install a package with dependency handling:
    prt-get depinst {{package}}
  • Update a package manually:
    prt-get upgrade {{package}}
  • Remove a package:
    prt-get remove {{package}}
  • Upgrade the system from the local ports tree:
    prt-get sysup
  • Search the ports tree:
    prt-get search {{query}}
  • Search for a file in a package:
    prt-get fsearch {{file}}


Control thunderbolt devices. More information:
  • List connected (and authorized) devices:
  • List connected devices, including unauthorized ones:
    boltctl list
  • Authorize a device temporarily:
    boltctl authorize {{device_uuid}}
  • Authorize and remember a device:
    boltctl enroll {{device_uuid}}
  • Revoke a previously authorized device:
    boltctl forget {{device_uuid}}
  • Show more information about a device:
    boltctl info {{device_uuid}}


Fix file SELinux security contexts. More information:
  • If specified with onboot, this fixfiles will record the current date in the /.autorelabel file, so that it can be used later to speed up labeling. If used with restore, the restore will only affect files that were modified today:
    fixfiles -B
  • [F]orce reset of context to match file_context for customizable files:
    fixfiles -F
  • Clear /tmp directory without confirmation:
    fixfiles -f
  • Use the [R]pm database to discover all files within specific packages and restore the file contexts:
    fixfiles -R {{rpm_package1,rpm_package2 ...}}
  • Run a diff on the PREVIOUS_FILECONTEXT file to the [C]urrently installed one, and restore the context of all affected files:
  • Only act on files created after a specific date which will be passed to find --newermt command:
    fixfiles -N {{YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM}}
  • Bind [M]ount filesystems before relabeling them, this allows fixing the context of files or directories that have been mounted over:
    fixfiles -M
  • Modify [v]erbosity from progress to verbose and run restorecon with -v instead of -p:
    fixfiles -v


Query the Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon. More information:
  • Start ntpq in interactive mode:
    ntpq --interactive
  • Print a list of NTP peers:
    ntpq --peers
  • Print a list of NTP peers without resolving hostnames from IP addresses:
    ntpq --numeric --peers
  • Use ntpq in debugging mode:
    ntpq --debug-level
  • Print NTP system variables values:
    ntpq --command={{rv}}


Create block or character device special files. More information:
  • Create a block device:
    sudo mknod {{path/to/device_file}} b {{major_device_number}} {{minor_device_number}}
  • Create a character device:
    sudo mknod {{path/to/device_file}} c {{major_device_number}} {{minor_device_number}}
  • Create a FIFO (queue) device:
    sudo mknod {{path/to/device_file}} p
  • Create a device file with default SELinux security context:
    sudo mknod -Z {{path/to/device_file}} {{type}} {{major_device_number}} {{minor_device_number}}

qm guest passwd

Set the password for a specific user on QEMU/KVM Virtual Machine Manager. More information:
  • Set a password for a specific user in a virtual machine interactively:
    qm guest passwd {{vm_id}} {{username}}
  • Set an already hashed password for a specific user in a virtual machine interactively:
    qm guest passwd {{vm_id}} {{username}} --crypted 1


Debian and Ubuntu package management utility. More information:
  • Synchronize list of packages and versions available. This should be run first, before running subsequent aptitude commands:
    aptitude update
  • Install a new package and its dependencies:
    aptitude install {{package}}
  • Search for a package:
    aptitude search {{package}}
  • Search for an installed package (?installed is an aptitude search term):
    aptitude search '?installed({{package}})'
  • Remove a package and all packages depending on it:
    aptitude remove {{package}}
  • Upgrade installed packages to the newest available versions:
    aptitude upgrade
  • Upgrade installed packages (like aptitude upgrade) including removing obsolete packages and installing additional packages to meet new package dependencies:
    aptitude full-upgrade
  • Put an installed package on hold to prevent it from being automatically upgraded:
    aptitude hold '?installed({{package}})'


Shows battery status or thermal information. More information:
  • Show battery information:
  • Show thermal information:
    acpi -t
  • Show cooling device information:
    acpi -c
  • Show thermal information in Fahrenheit:
    acpi -tf
  • Show all information:
    acpi -V
  • Extract information from /proc instead of /sys:
    acpi -p


Folds long lines for fixed-width output devices. More information:
  • Fold lines in a fixed width:
    fold --width {{width}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Count width in bytes (the default is to count in columns):
    fold --bytes --width {{width_in_bytes}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Break the line after the rightmost blank within the width limit:
    fold --spaces --width {{width}} {{path/to/file}}


Get and set SATA and IDE hard drive parameters. More information:
  • Request the identification info of a given device:
    sudo hdparm -I /dev/{{device}}
  • Get the Advanced Power Management level:
    sudo hdparm -B /dev/{{device}}
  • Set the Advanced Power Management value (values 1-127 permit spin-down, and values 128-254 do not):
    sudo hdparm -B {{1}} /dev/{{device}}
  • Display the device's current power mode status:
    sudo hdparm -C /dev/{{device}}
  • Force a drive to immediately enter standby mode (usually causes a drive to spin down):
    sudo hdparm -y /dev/{{device}}
  • Put the drive into idle (low-power) mode, also setting its standby timeout:
    sudo hdparm -S {{standby_timeout}} {{device}}
  • Test the read speed of a specific device:
    sudo hdparm -tT {{device}}


KDE's terminal emulator. More information:
  • Open the terminal in a specific directory:
    konsole --workdir {{path/to/directory}}
  • [e]xecute a specific command and don't close the window after it exits:
    konsole --noclose -e "{{command}}"
  • Open a new tab:
    konsole --new-tab
  • Open the terminal in the background and bring to the front when Ctrl+Shift+F12 is pressed:
    konsole --background-mode


Protein-Protein BLAST. More information:
  • Align two or more sequences using blastp, with the e-value threshold of 1e-9, pairwise output format, output to screen:
    blastp -query {{query.fa}} -subject {{subject.fa}} -evalue {{1e-9}}
  • Align two or more sequences using blastp-fast:
    blastp -task blastp-fast -query {{query.fa}} -subject {{subject.fa}}
  • Align two or more sequences, custom tabular output format, output to file:
    blastp -query {{query.fa}} -subject {{subject.fa}} -outfmt '{{6 qseqid qlen qstart qend sseqid slen sstart send bitscore evalue pident}}' -out {{output.tsv}}
  • Search protein databases using a protein query, 16 threads to use in the BLAST search, with a maximum number of 10 aligned sequences to keep:
    blastp -query {{query.fa}} -db {{blast_database_name}} -num_threads {{16}} -max_target_seqs {{10}}
  • Search the remote non-redundant protein database using a protein query:
    blastp -query {{query.fa}} -db {{nr}} -remote
  • Display help (use -help for detailed help):
    blastp -h


Power off the system. More information:
  • Power off the system:
  • Halt the system (same as halt):
    poweroff --halt
  • Reboot the system (same as reboot):
    poweroff --reboot
  • Shut down immediately without contacting the system manager:
    poweroff --force --force
  • Write the wtmp shutdown entry without shutting down the system:
    poweroff --wtmp-only


Display eyes on the screen that follow the mouse cursor. More information:
  • Launch xeyes on the local machine's default display:
  • Launch xeyes on a remote machine's display 0, screen 0:
    xeyes -display {{remote_host}}:{{0}}.{{0}}


Generate reports on jobs, users, and clusters from accounting data. More information:
  • Show pipe delimited cluster utilization data:
    sreport --parsable cluster utilization
  • Show number of jobs run:
    sreport job sizes printjobcount
  • Show users with the highest CPU time use:
    sreport user topuser


Run a command (that does not daemonize itself) as a Unix daemon. More information:
  • Run a command as a daemon:
    daemonize {{command}} {{command_arguments}}
  • Write the PID to the specified file:
    daemonize -p {{path/to/pidfile}} {{command}} {{command_arguments}}
  • Use a lock file to ensure that only one instance runs at a time:
    daemonize -l {{path/to/lockfile}} {{command}} {{command_arguments}}
  • Use the specified user account:
    sudo daemonize -u {{user}} {{command}} {{command_arguments}}


Print statistics on how long users have been connected. More information:
  • Print how long the current user has been connected in hours:
  • Print how long users have been connected in hours:
    ac --individual-totals
  • Print how long a particular user has been connected in hours:
    ac --individual-totals {{username}}
  • Print how long a particular user has been connected in hours per day (with total):
    ac --daily-totals --individual-totals {{username}}
  • Also display additional details:
    ac --compatibility


Set up a device to use GRUB with a BIOS configuration. You should use grub-install instead of grub-bios-setup in most cases. More information:
  • Set up a device to boot with GRUB:
    grub-bios-setup {{/dev/sdX}}
  • Install even if problems are detected:
    grub-bios-setup --force {{/dev/sdX}}
  • Install GRUB in a specific directory:
    grub-bios-setup --directory={{/boot/grub}} {{/dev/sdX}}


View information about and modify jobs. More information:
  • Show information for job:
    scontrol show job {{job_id}}
  • Suspend a comma-separated list of running jobs:
    scontrol suspend {{job_id}}
  • Resume a comma-separated list of suspended jobs:
    scontrol resume {{job_id}}
  • Hold a comma-separated list of queued jobs (Use release command to permit the jobs to be scheduled):
    scontrol hold {{job_id}}
  • Release a comma-separated list of suspended job:
    scontrol release {{job_id}}

toolbox rm

Remove one or more toolbox containers. See also: toolbox rmi. More information:
  • Remove a toolbox container:
    toolbox rm {{container_name}}
  • Remove all toolbox containers:
    toolbox rm --all
  • Force the removal of a currently active toolbox container:
    toolbox rm --force {{container_name}}


Inspect users, groups and group memberships on the system. More information:
  • List all known user records:
    userdbctl user
  • Show details of a specific user:
    userdbctl user {{username}}
  • List all known groups:
    userdbctl group
  • Show details of a specific group:
    userdbctl group {{groupname}}
  • List all services currently providing user/group definitions to the system:
    userdbctl services

qm pending

Get the virtual machine configuration with both current and pending values. More information:
  • Get the virtual machine configuration of a specific virtual machine:
    qm pending {{vm_id}}


Shell builtin for retrieving data from stdin. More information:
  • Store data that you type from the keyboard:
    read {{variable}}
  • Store each of the next lines you enter as values of an array:
    read -a {{array}}
  • Specify the number of maximum characters to be read:
    read -n {{character_count}} {{variable}}
  • Use a specific character as a delimiter instead of a new line:
    read -d {{new_delimiter}} {{variable}}
  • Do not let backslash (\) act as an escape character:
    read -r {{variable}}
  • Display a prompt before the input:
    read -p "{{Enter your input here: }}" {{variable}}
  • Do not echo typed characters (silent mode):
    read -s {{variable}}
  • Read stdin and perform an action on every line:
    while read line; do echo "$line"; done


Brute force directories and filenames on servers. More information:
  • Start in GUI mode:
    dirbuster -u {{}}
  • Start in headless (no GUI) mode:
    dirbuster -H -u {{}}
  • Set the file extension list:
    dirbuster -e {{txt,html}}
  • Enable verbose output:
    dirbuster -v
  • Set the report location:
    dirbuster -r {{path/to/report.txt}}


Create or append files and directories to squashfs filesystems. More information:
  • Create or append files and directories to a squashfs filesystem (compressed using gzip by default):
    mksquashfs {{path/to/file_or_directory1 path/to/file_or_directory2 ...}} {{filesystem.squashfs}}
  • Create or append files and directories to a squashfs filesystem, using a specific [comp]ression algorithm:
    mksquashfs {{path/to/file_or_directory1 path/to/file_or_directory2 ...}} {{filesystem.squashfs}} -comp {{gzip|lzo|lz4|xz|zstd|lzma}}
  • Create or append files and directories to a squashfs filesystem, [e]xcluding some of them:
    mksquashfs {{path/to/file_or_directory1 path/to/file_or_directory2 ...}} {{filesystem.squashfs}} -e {{file|directory1 file|directory2 ...}}
  • Create or append files and directories to a squashfs filesystem, [e]xcluding those ending with .gz:
    mksquashfs {{path/to/file_or_directory1 path/to/file_or_directory2 ...}} {{filesystem.squashfs}} -wildcards -e "{{*.gz}}"
  • Create or append files and directories to a squashfs filesystem, [e]xcluding those matching a regular expression:
    mksquashfs {{path/to/file_or_directory1 path/to/file_or_directory2 ...}} {{filesystem.squashfs}} -regex -e "{{regular_expression}}"


Disable PHP extensions on Debian-based OSes. More information:
  • Disable the JSON extension for every SAPI of every PHP version:
    sudo phpdismod {{json}}
  • Disable the JSON extension for PHP 7.3 with the cli SAPI:
    sudo phpdismod -v {{7.3}} -s {{cli}} {{json}}

qm clone

Create a copy of virtual machine on QEMU/KVM Virtual Machine Manager. More information:
  • Copy a virtual machine:
    qm copy {{vm_id}} {{new_vm_id}}
  • Copy a virtual machine using a specific name:
    qm copy {{vm_id}} {{new_vm_id}} --name {{name}}
  • Copy a virtual machine using a specific descriptionn:
    qm copy {{vm_id}} {{new_vm_id}} --description {{description}}
  • Copy a virtual machine creating a full copy of all disks:
    qm copy {{vm_id}} {{new_vm_id}} --full
  • Copy a virtual machine using a specific format for file storage (requires --full):
    qm copy {{vm_id}} {{new_vm_id}} --full --format {{qcow2|raw|vmdk}}
  • Copy a virtual machine then add it to a specific pool:
    qm copy {{vm_id}} {{new_vm_id}} --pool {{pool_name}}


Creates an ext4 filesystem inside a partition. More information:
  • Create an ext4 filesystem inside partition 1 on device b (sdb1):
    sudo mkfs.ext4 {{/dev/sdb1}}
  • Create an ext4 filesystem with a volume-label:
    sudo mkfs.ext4 -L {{volume_label}} {{/dev/sdb1}}


Like cat but more colorful :). More information:
  • Print the contents of a file in pride colors to stdout:
    pridecat {{path/to/file}}
  • Print contents of a file in trans colors:
    pridecat {{path/to/file}} --{{transgender|trans}}
  • Alternate between lesbian and bisexual pride flags:
    pridecat {{path/to/file}} --lesbian --bi
  • Print contents of a file with the background colors changed:
    pridecat {{path/to/file}} -b
  • List directory contents in pride flag colors:
    ls | pridecat --{{flag}}


Lists information about devices. More information:
  • List all storage devices in a tree-like format:
  • Also list empty devices:
    lsblk -a
  • Print the SIZE column in bytes rather than in a human-readable format:
    lsblk -b
  • Output info about filesystems:
    lsblk -f
  • Use ASCII characters for tree formatting:
    lsblk -i
  • Output info about block-device topology:
    lsblk -t
  • Exclude the devices specified by the comma-separated list of major device numbers:
    lsblk -e {{1,7}}
  • Display a customized summary using a comma-separated list of columns:
    lsblk --output {{NAME}},{{SERIAL}},{{MODEL}},{{TRAN}},{{TYPE}},{{SIZE}},{{FSTYPE}},{{MOUNTPOINT}}


A system to integrate the Debian package build system with Git. More information:
  • Convert an existing Debian package to gbp:
    gbp import-dsc {{path/to/package.dsc}}
  • Build the package in the current directory using the default builder (debuild):
    gbp buildpackage -jauto -us -uc
  • Build a package in a pbuilder environment for Debian Bullseye:
    DIST={{bullseye}} ARCH={{amd64}} gbp buildpackage -jauto -us -uc --git-builder={{git-pbuilder}}
  • Specify a package to be a source-only upload in the .changes file (see
    gbp buildpackage -jauto -us -uc --changes-options={{-S}}
  • Import a new upstream release:
    gbp import-orig --pristine-tar {{path/to/package.tar.gz}}


Show/manipulate traffic control settings. More information:
  • Add constant network delay to outbound packages:
    tc qdisc add dev {{eth0}} root netem delay {{delay_in_milliseconds}}ms
  • Add normal distributed network delay to outbound packages:
    tc qdisc add dev {{eth0}} root netem delay {{mean_delay_ms}}ms {{delay_std_ms}}ms
  • Add package corruption/loss/duplication to a portion of packages:
    tc qdisc add dev {{eth0}} root netem {{corruption|loss|duplication}} {{effect_percentage}}%
  • Limit bandwidth, burst rate and max latency:
    tc qdisc add dev eth0 root tbf rate {{max_bandwidth_mb}}mbit burst {{max_burst_rate_kb}}kbit latency {{max_latency_before_drop_ms}}ms
  • Show active traffic control policies:
    tc qdisc show dev {{eth0}}
  • Delete all traffic control rules:
    tc qdisc del dev {{eth0}}
  • Change traffic control rule:
    tc qdisc change dev {{eth0}} root netem {{policy}} {{policy_parameters}}


Create an AP (Access Point) at any channel. More information:
  • Create an open network with no passphrase:
    create_ap {{wlan0}} {{eth0}} {{access_point_ssid}}
  • Use a WPA + WPA2 passphrase:
    create_ap {{wlan0}} {{eth0}} {{access_point_ssid}} {{passphrase}}
  • Create an access point without Internet sharing:
    create_ap -n {{wlan0}} {{access_point_ssid}} {{passphrase}}
  • Create a bridged network with Internet sharing:
    create_ap -m bridge {{wlan0}} {{eth0}} {{access_point_ssid}} {{passphrase}}
  • Create a bridged network with Internet sharing and a pre-configured bridge interface:
    create_ap -m bridge {{wlan0}} {{br0}} {{access_point_ssid}} {{passphrase}}
  • Create an access port for Internet sharing from the same Wi-Fi interface:
    create_ap {{wlan0}} {{wlan0}} {{access_point_ssid}} {{passphrase}}
  • Choose a different Wi-Fi adapter driver:
    create_ap --driver {{wifi_adapter}} {{wlan0}} {{eth0}} {{access_point_ssid}} {{passphrase}}


Display and modify authentication failure record files. More information:
  • List login failures of all users:
    sudo faillock
  • List login failures of the specified user:
    sudo faillock --user {{user}}
  • Reset the failure records of the specified user:
    sudo faillock --user {{user}} --reset


Displays information about PE files. More information:
  • Display all information about a PE file:
    readpe {{path/to/executable}}
  • Display all the headers present in a PE file:
    readpe --all-headers {{path/to/executable}}
  • Display all the sections present in a PE file:
    readpe --all-sections {{path/to/executable}}
  • Display a specific header from a PE file:
    readpe --header {{dos|coff|optional}} {{path/to/executable}}
  • List all imported functions:
    readpe --imports {{path/to/executable}}
  • List all exported functions:
    readpe --exports {{path/to/executable}}


The OpenStack project that provides a way to provision compute instances. More information:
  • List VMs on current tenant:
    nova list
  • List VMs of all tenants (admin user only):
    nova list --all-tenants
  • Boot a VM on a specific host:
    nova boot --nic net-id={{net_id}} --image {{image_id}} --flavor {{flavor}} --availability-zone nova:{{host_name}} {{vm_name}}
  • Start a server:
    nova start {{server}}
  • Stop a server:
    nova stop {{server}}
  • Attach a network interface to a specific VM:
    nova interface-attach --net-id {{net_id}} {{server}}


Get or set process resource soft and hard limits. Given a process ID and one or more resources, prlimit tries to retrieve and/or modify the limits. More information:
  • Display limit values for all current resources for the running parent process:
  • Display limit values for all current resources of a specified process:
    prlimit --pid {{pid number}}
  • Run a command with a custom number of open files limit:
    prlimit --nofile={{10}} {{command}}


Reinitializes the current terminal. Clears the entire terminal screen. More information:
  • Reinitialize the current terminal:
  • Display the terminal type instead:
    reset -q


Export app/service/binary from container to host OS. Subcommand of distrobox. See also: tldr distrobox. More information:
  • Export an app from the container to the host (the desktop entry/icon will show up in your host system's application list):
    distrobox-export --app {{package}} --extra-flags "--foreground"
  • Export a binary from the container to the host:
    distrobox-export --bin {{path/to/binary}} --export-path {{path/to/binary_on_host}}
  • Export a binary from the container to the host (i.e.$HOME/.local/bin) :
    distrobox-export --bin {{path/to/binary}} --export-path {{path/to/export}}
  • Export a service from the container to the host (--sudo will run the service as root inside the container):
    distrobox-export --service {{package}} --extra-flags "--allow-newer-config" --sudo
  • Unexport/delete an exported application:
    distrobox-export --app {{package}} --delete


Enroll fingerprints into the database. More information:
  • Enroll the right index finger for the current user:
  • Enroll a specific finger for the current user:
    fprintd-enroll --finger {{left-thumb|left-index-finger|left-middle-finger|left-ring-finger|left-little-finger|right-thumb|right-index-finger|right-middle-finger|right-ring-finger|right-little-finger}}
  • Enroll the right index finger for a specific user:
    fprintd-enroll {{username}}
  • Enroll a specific finger for a specific user:
    fprintd-enroll --finger {{finger_name}} {{username}}
  • Display help:
    fprintd-enroll --help


Command-line Music Player. Use arrow keys to navigate, <enter/return> to select, and numbers 1-8 switch between different views. More information:
  • Open cmus into the specified directory (this will become your new working directory):
    cmus {{path/to/directory}}
  • Add file/directory to library:
    :add {{path/to/file_or_directory}}
  • Pause/unpause current song:
  • Toggle shuffle mode on/off:
  • Quit cmus:

qm cleanup

Clean up resources on QEMU/KVM Virtual Machine Manager like tap devices, VGPUs, etc. Called after a VM shuts down, crashes, etc. More information:
  • Clean up resources:
    qm cleanup {{vm_id}} {{clean-shutdown}} {{guest-requested}}


Utilities for searching local Gentoo packages. Update local package cache using eix-update. More information:
  • Search for a package:
    eix {{query}}
  • Search for installed packages:
    eix --installed {{query}}
  • Search in package descriptions:
    eix --description "{{description}}"
  • Search by package license:
    eix --license {{license}}
  • Exclude results from search:
    eix --not --license {{license}}


An open source real-time web log analyzer. More information:
  • Analyze one or more log files in interactive mode:
    goaccess {{path/to/logfile1 path/to/file2 ...}}
  • Use a specific log-format (or pre-defined formats like "combined"):
    goaccess {{path/to/logfile}} --log-format={{format}}
  • Analyze a log from stdin:
    tail -f {{path/to/logfile}} | goaccess -
  • Analyze a log and write it to an HTML file in real-time:
    goaccess {{path/to/logfile}} --output {{path/to/file.html}} --real-time-html


Show/manipulate routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels. Some subcommands such as ip address have their own usage documentation. More information:
  • List interfaces with detailed info:
    ip address
  • List interfaces with brief network layer info:
    ip -brief address
  • List interfaces with brief link layer info:
    ip -brief link
  • Display the routing table:
    ip route
  • Show neighbors (ARP table):
    ip neighbour
  • Make an interface up/down:
    ip link set {{interface}} up/down
  • Add/Delete an IP address to an interface:
    ip addr add/del {{ip}}/{{mask}} dev {{interface}}
  • Add a default route:
    ip route add default via {{ip}} dev {{interface}}


Spectre and Meltdown mitigation detection tool. More information:
  • Check the currently running kernel for Spectre or Meltdown:
    sudo spectre-meltdown-checker
  • Check the currently running kernel and show an explanation of the actions to take to mitigate a vulnerability:
    sudo spectre-meltdown-checker --explain
  • Check for specific variants (defaults to all):
    sudo spectre-meltdown-checker --variant {{1|2|3|3a|4|l1tf|msbds|mfbds|mlpds|mdsum|taa|mcespc|srbds}}
  • Display output using a specific output format:
    sudo spectre-meltdown-checker --batch {{text|json|nrpe|prometheus|short}}
  • Don't use the /sys interface even if present:
    sudo spectre-meltdown-checker --no-sysfs
  • Check a non-running kernel:
    sudo spectre-meltdown-checker --kernel {{path/to/kernel_file}}


Adjust parameters of an ext2, ext3 or ext4 filesystem. May be used on mounted filesystems. More information:
  • Set the max number of counts before a filesystem is checked to 2:
    tune2fs -c {{2}} {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Set the filesystem label to MY_LABEL:
    tune2fs -L {{'MY_LABEL'}} {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Enable discard and user-specified extended attributes for a filesystem:
    tune2fs -o {{discard,user_xattr}} {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Enable journaling for a filesystem:
    tune2fs -o^{{nobarrier}} {{/dev/sdXN}}


Connect a pipeline or program's output streams with the systemd journal. More information:
  • Write the output of the specified command to the journal (both output streams are captured):
    systemd-cat {{command}}
  • Write the output of a pipeline to the journal (stderr stays connected to the terminal):
    {{command}} | systemd-cat


List all PCI devices. More information:
  • Show a brief list of devices:
  • Display additional info:
    lspci -v
  • Display drivers and modules handling each device:
    lspci -k
  • Show a specific device:
    lspci -s {{00:18.3}}
  • Dump info in a readable form:
    lspci -vm

btrfs filesystem

Manage btrfs filesystems. More information:
  • Show filesystem usage (optionally run as root to show detailed information):
    btrfs filesystem usage {{path/to/btrfs_mount}}
  • Show usage by individual devices:
    sudo btrfs filesystem show {{path/to/btrfs_mount}}
  • Defragment a single file on a btrfs filesystem (avoid while a deduplication agent is running):
    sudo btrfs filesystem defragment -v {{path/to/file}}
  • Defragment a directory recursively (does not cross subvolume boundaries):
    sudo btrfs filesystem defragment -v -r {{path/to/directory}}
  • Force syncing unwritten data blocks to disk(s):
    sudo btrfs filesystem sync {{path/to/btrfs_mount}}
  • Summarize disk usage for the files in a directory recursively:
    sudo btrfs filesystem du --summarize {{path/to/directory}}


Display a summary of existing file quotas for a filesystem. More information:
  • Report stats for all quotas in use:
    sudo repquota -all
  • Report quota stats for all users, even those who aren't using any of their quota:
    sudo repquota -v {{filesystem}}
  • Report on quotas for users only:
    repquota --user {{filesystem}}
  • Report on quotas for groups only:
    sudo repquota --group {{filesystem}}
  • Report on used quota and limits in a human-readable format:
    sudo repquota --human-readable {{filesystem}}
  • Report on all quotas for users and groups in a human-readable format:
    sudo repquota -augs


Simple IRC client. Part of the suckless tools. More information:
  • Connect to the default host ( with the nickname set in the $USER environment variable:
  • Connect to a given host, using a given nickname:
    sic -h {{host}} -n {{nickname}}
  • Connect to a given host, using a given nickname and password:
    sic -h {{host}} -n {{nickname}} -k {{password}}
  • Join a channel:
    :j #{{channel}}<Enter>
  • Send a message to a channel or user:
    :m #{{channel|user}}<Enter>
  • Set default channel or user:
    :s #{{channel|user}}<Enter>


List or process pending systemd password requests. More information:
  • List all currently pending system password requests:
    systemd-tty-ask-password-agent --list
  • Continuously process password requests:
    systemd-tty-ask-password-agent --watch
  • Process all currently pending system password requests by querying the user on the calling TTY:
    systemd-tty-ask-password-agent --query
  • Forward password requests to wall instead of querying the user on the calling TTY:
    systemd-tty-ask-password-agent --wall


Command-line client for rspamd servers. More information:
  • Train the bayesian filter to recognise an email as spam:
    rspamc learn_spam {{path/to/email_file}}
  • Train the bayesian filter to recognise an email as ham:
    rspamc learn_ham {{path/to/email_file}}
  • Generate a manual report on an email:
    rspamc symbols {{path/to/email_file}}
  • Show server statistics:
    rspamc stat


Make a binary package for use with pkgadd on CRUX. More information:
  • Make and download a package:
    pkgmk -d
  • Install the package after making it:
    pkgmk -d -i
  • Upgrade the package after making it:
    pkgmk -d -u
  • Ignore the footprint when making a package:
    pkgmk -d -if
  • Ignore the MD5 sum when making a package:
    pkgmk -d -im
  • Update the package's footprint:
    pkgmk -uf


Change user account and password expiry information. More information:
  • List password information for the user:
    chage --list {{username}}
  • Enable password expiration in 10 days:
    sudo chage --maxdays {{10}} {{username}}
  • Disable password expiration:
    sudo chage --maxdays {{-1}} {{username}}
  • Set account expiration date:
    sudo chage --expiredate {{YYYY-MM-DD}} {{username}}
  • Force user to change password on next log in:
    sudo chage --lastday {{0}} {{username}}

qm importdisk

This command is an alias of qm disk import.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr qm disk import

pacman --remove

Arch Linux package manager utility. See also: pacman. More information:
  • Remove a package and its dependencies:
    sudo pacman --remove --recursive {{package}}
  • Remove a package and both its dependencies and configuration files:
    sudo pacman --remove --recursive --nosave {{package}}
  • Remove a package without prompting:
    sudo pacman --remove --noconfirm {{package}}
  • Remove orphan packages (installed as dependencies but not required by any package):
    sudo pacman --remove --recursive --nosave $(pacman --query --unrequired --deps --quiet)
  • Remove a package and all packages that depend on it:
    sudo pacman --remove --cascade {{package}}
  • List packages that would be affected (does not remove any packages):
    pacman --remove --print {{package}}
  • Display help for this subcommand:
    pacman --remove --help


Interactive spell checking. More information:
  • Start an interactive session:
  • Check for typos in the specified file and interactively apply suggestions:
    ispell {{path/to/file}}
  • Display the version:
    ispell -v


Terminal emulator for LXDE. More information:
  • Open an LXTerminal window:
  • Open an LXTerminal window, run a command, and then exit:
    lxterminal -e "{{command}}"
  • Open an LXTerminal window with multiple tabs:
    lxterminal --tabs={{tab_name1,tab_name2,...}}
  • Open an LXTerminal window with a specific title:
    lxterminal --title={{title_name}}
  • Open an LXTerminal window with a specific working directory:
    lxterminal --working-directory={{path/to/directory}}


A VPN client, for Fortinet's proprietary PPP+SSL VPN solution. More information:
  • Connect to a VPN with a username and password:
    openfortivpn --username={{username}} --password={{password}}
  • Connect to a VPN using a specific configuration file (defaults to /etc/openfortivpn/config):
    sudo openfortivpn --config={{path/to/config}}
  • Connect to a VPN by specifying the host and port:
    openfortivpn {{host}}:{{port}}
  • Trust a given gateway by passing in its certificate's sha256 sum:
    openfortivpn --trusted-cert={{sha256_sum}}


List local system locks. More information:
  • List all local system locks:
  • List locks with defined column headers:
    lslocks --output {{PID}},{{COMMAND}},{{PATH}}
  • List locks producing a raw output (no columns), and without column headers:
    lslocks --raw --noheadings
  • List locks by PID input:
    lslocks --pid {{PID}}
  • List locks with JSON output to stdout:
    lslocks --json


Remove a distrobox container. Subcommand of distrobox. See also: tldr distrobox. More information:
  • Remove a distrobox container (Tip: Stop the container before removing it):
    distrobox-rm {{container_name}}
  • Remove a distrobox container forcefully:
    distrobox-rm {{container_name}} --force


Fix common problems on an NTFS partition. More information:
  • Fix a given NTFS partition:
    sudo ntfsfix {{/dev/sdXN}}


A drop-down terminal for GNOME. More information:
  • Toggle Guake visibility:
  • Toggle fullscreen mode:
  • Open a new tab:
  • Close the terminal:
  • Go to the previous tab:
  • Search the selected text in the browser:


Create a lost+found directory. More information:
  • Create a lost+found directory in the current directory:


Limit, measure, and control resources used by processes. Multiple cgroup types (aka controllers) exist, such as cpu, memory, etc. More information:
  • Execute a process in a given cgroup with given controller:
    cgexec -g {{controller}}:{{cgroup_name}} {{process_name}}


Read KConfig entries for KDE Plasma. More information:
  • Read a key from the global configuration:
    kreadconfig5 --group {{group_name}} --key {{key_name}}
  • Read a key from a specific configuration file:
    kwriteconfig5 --file {{path/to/file}} --group {{group_name}} --key {{key_name}}
  • Check if systemd is used to start the Plasma session:
    kreadconfig5 --file {{startkderc}} --group {{General}} --key {{systemdBoot}}


Stop a distrobox container. Subcommand of distrobox. See also: tldr distrobox. More information:
  • Stop a distrobox container:
    distrobox-stop {{container_name}}
  • Stop a distrobox container non-interactively (without confirmation):
    distrobox-stop --name {{container_name}} --yes


Tools regarding CPU power and tuning options. This command is available as part of the cpupower package, or as part of kernel-tools on Fedora. More information:
  • List CPUs:
    sudo cpupower --cpu {{all}} info
  • Print information about all cores:
    sudo cpupower --cpu {{all}} info
  • Set all CPUs to a power-saving frequency governor:
    sudo cpupower --cpu {{all}} frequency-set --governor {{powersave}}
  • Print CPU 0's available frequency [g]overnors:
    sudo cpupower --cpu {{0}} frequency-info g | grep "analyzing\|governors"
  • Print CPU 4's frequency from the hardware, in a human-readable format:
    sudo cpupower --cpu {{4}} frequency-info --hwfreq --human


Create a Debian chroot. Alternative to debootstrap. More information:
  • Create a Debian Stable directory chroot:
    sudo mmdebstrap stable {{path/to/debian-root/}}
  • Create a Debian Bookworm tarball chroot using a mirror:
    mmdebstrap bookworm {{path/to/debian-bookworm.tar}} {{}}
  • Create a Debian Sid tarball chroot with additional packages:
    mmdebstrap sid {{path/to/debian-sid.tar}} --include={{pkg1,pkg2}}


Change attributes of files or directories. More information:
  • Make a file or directory immutable to changes and deletion, even by superuser:
    chattr +i {{path/to/file_or_directory}}
  • Make a file or directory mutable:
    chattr -i {{path/to/file_or_directory}}
  • Recursively make an entire directory and contents immutable:
    chattr -R +i {{path/to/directory}}


GhostScript is a PDF and PostScript interpreter. More information:
  • To view a file:
    gs -dQUIET -dBATCH {{file.pdf}}
  • Reduce PDF file size to 150 dpi images for reading on a e-book device:
    gs -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook -sOutputFile={{output.pdf}} {{input.pdf}}
  • Convert PDF file (pages 1 through 3) to an image with 150 dpi resolution:
    gs -dQUIET -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=jpeg -r150 -dFirstPage={{1}} -dLastPage={{3}} -sOutputFile={{output_%d.jpg}} {{input.pdf}}
  • Extract pages from a PDF file:
    gs -dQUIET -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile={{output.pdf}} {{input.pdf}}
  • Merge PDF files:
    gs -dQUIET -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile={{output.pdf}} {{input1.pdf}} {{input2.pdf}}
  • Convert from PostScript file to PDF file:
    gs -dQUIET -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile={{output.pdf}} {{}}


A GUI desktop RSS client. More information:
  • Print the count of unread articles:
    feedreader --unreadCount
  • Add a URL for a feed to follow:
    feedreader --addFeed={{feed_url}}
  • Grab a specific article using its URL:
    feedreader --grabArticle={{article_url}}
  • Download all images from a specific article:
    feedreader --url={{feed_url}} --grabImages={{article_path}}
  • Play media from a URL:
    feedreader --playMedia={{article_url}}


Extract information about a Linux kernel module. More information:
  • List all attributes of a kernel module:
    modinfo {{kernel_module}}
  • List the specified attribute only:
    modinfo -F {{author|description|license|parm|filename}} {{kernel_module}}


This command is an alias of iptables-save for the IPv6 firewall.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr iptables-save

pkgctl repo

Manage Git packaging repositories and their configuration for Arch Linux. See also: pkgctl. More information:
  • Clone a package repository (requires setting an SSH key in your Arch Linux GitLab account):
    pkgctl repo clone {{pkgname}}
  • Clone a package repository over HTTPS:
    pkgctl repo clone --protocol=https {{pkgname}}
  • Create a new GitLab package repository and clone it after creation (requires valid GitLab API authentication):
    pkgctl repo create {{pkgbase}}
  • Switch a package repository to a specified version:
    pkgctl repo switch {{version}} {{pkgbase}}
  • Open a package repository's website:
    pkgctl repo web {{pkgbase}}


Display and modify Network Interface Controller (NIC) parameters. More information:
  • Display the current settings for an interface:
    ethtool {{eth0}}
  • Display the driver information for an interface:
    ethtool --driver {{eth0}}
  • Display all supported features for an interface:
    ethtool --show-features {{eth0}}
  • Display the network usage statistics for an interface:
    ethtool --statistics {{eth0}}
  • Blink one or more LEDs on an interface for 10 seconds:
    ethtool --identify {{eth0}} {{10}}
  • Set the link speed, duplex mode, and parameter auto-negotiation for a given interface:
    ethtool -s {{eth0}} speed {{10|100|1000}} duplex {{half|full}} autoneg {{on|off}}


Open the default browser. More information:
  • Open a new window of the default browser:
  • Open a URL in the default browser:
    sensible-browser {{url}}


A convenient tool to show running processes as a tree. More information:
  • Display a tree of processes:
  • Display a tree of processes with PIDs:
    pstree -p
  • Display all process trees rooted at processes owned by specified user:
    pstree {{user}}


Initialize a disk or partition for use as a physical volume. See also: lvm. More information:
  • Initialize the /dev/sda1 volume for use by LVM:
    pvcreate {{/dev/sda1}}
  • Force the creation without any confirmation prompts:
    pvcreate --force {{/dev/sda1}}


SMB enumeration tool. More information:
  • Display SMB shares and permissions on a host, prompting for user's password or NTLM hash:
    smbmap -u {{username}} --prompt -H {{ip}}
  • Display SMB shares and permissions on a host, specifying the domain and passing the password NTLM hash:
    smbmap -u {{username}} --prompt -d {{domain}} -H {{ip}}
  • Display SMB shares and list a single level of directories and files:
    smbmap -u {{username}} --prompt -H {{ip}} -r
  • Display SMB shares and recursively list a defined number of levels of directories and files:
    smbmap -u {{username}} --prompt -H {{ip}} -R --depth {{3}}
  • Display SMB shares and recursively list directories and files, downloading the files matching a regular expression:
    smbmap -u {{username}} --prompt -H {{ip}} -R -A {{pattern}}
  • Display SMB shares and recursively list directories and files, searching for file content matching a regular expression:
    smbmap -u {{username}} --prompt -H {{ip}} -R -F {{pattern}}
  • Execute a shell command on a remote system:
    smbmap -u {{username}} --prompt -H {{ip}} -x {{command}}
  • Upload a file to a remote system:
    smbmap -u {{username}} --prompt -H {{ip}} --upload {{source}} {{destination}}


Introspect and monitor the D-Bus bus. More information:
  • Show all peers on the bus, by their service names:
    busctl list
  • Show process information and credentials of a bus service, a process, or the owner of the bus (if no parameter is specified):
    busctl status {{service|pid}}
  • Dump messages being exchanged. If no service is specified, show all messages on the bus:
    busctl monitor {{service1 service2 ...}}
  • Show an object tree of one or more services (or all services if no service is specified):
    busctl tree {{service1 service2 ...}}
  • Show interfaces, methods, properties and signals of the specified object on the specified service:
    busctl introspect {{service}} {{path/to/object}}
  • Retrieve the current value of one or more object properties:
    busctl get-property {{service}} {{path/to/object}} {{interface_name}} {{property_name}}
  • Invoke a method and show the response:
    busctl call {{service}} {{path/to/object}} {{interface_name}} {{method_name}}


Generate initramfs images to boot the Linux kernel. Dracut uses options from configuration files in /etc/dracut.conf, /etc/dracut.conf.d/*.conf and /usr/lib/dracut/dracut.conf.d/*.conf by default. More information:
  • Generate an initramfs image for the current kernel without overriding any options:
  • Generate an initramfs image for the current kernel and overwrite the existing one:
    dracut --force
  • Generate an initramfs image for a specific kernel:
    dracut --kver {{kernel_version}}
  • Show a list of available modules:
    dracut --list-modules


Look up precomputed neighbors within a database, or find associated records in other databases. It is part of the edirect package. More information:
  • Search pubmed then find related sequences:
    esearch -db pubmed -query "{{selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor}}" | elink -target nuccore
  • Search nucleotide then find related biosamples:
    esearch -db nuccore -query "{{insulin [PROT] AND rodents [ORGN]}}" | elink -target biosample


List all distrobox containers. See also: tldr distrobox. Distrobox containers are listed separately from the rest of normal podman or Docker containers. More information:
  • List all distrobox containers:
  • List all distrobox containers with verbose information:
    distrobox-list --verbose


Sound recorder for ALSA soundcard driver. More information:
  • Record a snippet in "CD" quality (finish with Ctrl-C when done):
    arecord -vv --format=cd {{path/to/file.wav}}
  • Record a snippet in "CD" quality, with a fixed duration of 10 seconds:
    arecord -vv --format=cd --duration={{10}} {{path/to/file.wav}}
  • Record a snippet and save it as an MP3 (finish with Ctrl-C when done):
    arecord -vv --format=cd --file-type raw | lame -r - {{path/to/file.mp3}}
  • List all sound cards and digital audio devices:
    arecord --list-devices
  • Allow interactive interface (e.g. use space-bar or enter to play or pause):
    arecord --interactive


Debian package manager. Some subcommands such as dpkg deb have their own usage documentation. For equivalent commands in other package managers, see More information:
  • Install a package:
    dpkg -i {{path/to/file.deb}}
  • Remove a package:
    dpkg -r {{package}}
  • List installed packages:
    dpkg -l {{pattern}}
  • List a package's contents:
    dpkg -L {{package}}
  • List contents of a local package file:
    dpkg -c {{path/to/file.deb}}
  • Find out which package owns a file:
    dpkg -S {{path/to/file}}


Change Unix-style line endings to macOS-style. Replaces LF with CR. More information:
  • Change the line endings of a file:
    unix2mac {{path/to/file}}
  • Create a copy with macOS-style line endings:
    unix2mac -n {{path/to/unix_file}} {{path/to/mac_file}}


Configure system authentication resources. More information:
  • Display the current configuration (or dry run):
    authconfig --test
  • Configure the server to use a different password hashing algorithm:
    authconfig --update --passalgo={{algorithm}}
  • Enable LDAP authentication:
    authconfig --update --enableldapauth
  • Disable LDAP authentication:
    authconfig --update --disableldapauth
  • Enable Network Information Service (NIS):
    authconfig --update --enablenis
  • Enable Kerberos:
    authconfig --update --enablekrb5
  • Enable Winbind (Active Directory) authentication:
    authconfig --update --enablewinbindauth
  • Enable local authorization:
    authconfig --update --enablelocauthorize


Edit files in Cinnamon desktop environment. More information:
  • Start the editor:
  • Open specific files:
    xed {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}
  • Open files using a specific encoding:
    xed --encoding {{WINDOWS-1252}} {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}
  • Print all supported encodings:
    xed --list-encodings
  • Open a file and go to a specific line:
    xed +{{10}} {{path/to/file}}


Shorthand tool for pw-cat --playback. More information:
  • List all available record targets:
    pw-record --list-targets
  • Record a sample recording using the default target:
    pw-record {{path/to/file.wav}}
  • Record a sample recording at a different volume level:
    pw-record --volume={{0.1}} {{path/to/file.wav}}
  • Record a sample recording using a different sample rate:
    pw-record --rate={{6000}} {{path/to/file.wav}}


Gets the ID of a process using its name. More information:
  • List all process IDs with given name:
    pidof {{bash}}
  • List a single process ID with given name:
    pidof -s {{bash}}
  • List process IDs including scripts with given name:
    pidof -x {{}}
  • Kill all processes with given name:
    kill $(pidof {{name}})


Wrapper script for GnuPG used to manage pacman's keyring. See also: pacman. More information:
  • Initialize the pacman keyring:
    sudo pacman-key --init
  • Add the default Arch Linux keys:
    sudo pacman-key --populate {{archlinux}}
  • List keys from the public keyring:
    pacman-key --list-keys
  • Add the specified keys:
    sudo pacman-key --add {{path/to/keyfile.gpg}}
  • Receive a key from a key server:
    sudo pacman-key --recv-keys "{{uid|name|email}}"
  • Print the fingerprint of a specific key:
    pacman-key --finger "{{uid|name|email}}"
  • Sign an imported key locally:
    sudo pacman-key --lsign-key "{{uid|name|email}}"
  • Remove a specific key:
    sudo pacman-key --delete "{{uid|name|email}}"


Print and concatenate files. More information:
  • Print the contents of a file to stdout:
    cat {{path/to/file}}
  • Concatenate several files into an output file:
    cat {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}} > {{path/to/output_file}}
  • Append several files to an output file:
    cat {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}} >> {{path/to/output_file}}
  • Copy the contents of a file into an output file in [u]nbuffered mode:
    cat -u {{/dev/tty12}} > {{/dev/tty13}}
  • Write stdin to a file:
    cat - > {{path/to/file}}
  • [n]umber all output lines:
    cat -n {{path/to/file}}
  • Display non-printable and whitespace characters (with M- prefix if non-ASCII):
    cat -v -t -e {{path/to/file}}


Display text-based dialog boxes from shell scripts. More information:
  • Display a simple message:
    whiptail --title "{{title}}" --msgbox "{{message}}" {{height_in_chars}} {{width_in_chars}}
  • Display a boolean choice, returning the result through the exit code:
    whiptail --title "{{title}}" --yesno "{{message}}" {{height_in_chars}} {{width_in_chars}}
  • Customise the text on the yes/no buttons:
    whiptail --title "{{title}}" --yes-button "{{text}}" --no-button "{{text}}" --yesno "{{message}}" {{height_in_chars}} {{width_in_chars}}
  • Display a text input box:
    {{result_variable_name}}="$(whiptail --title "{{title}}" --inputbox "{{message}}" {{height_in_chars}} {{width_in_chars}} {{default_text}} 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)"
  • Display a password input box:
    {{result_variable_name}}="$(whiptail --title "{{title}}" --passwordbox "{{message}}" {{height_in_chars}} {{width_in_chars}} 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)"
  • Display a multiple-choice menu:
    {{result_variable_name}}=$(whiptail --title "{{title}}" --menu "{{message}}" {{height_in_chars}} {{width_in_chars}} {{menu_display_height}} "{{value_1}}" "{{display_text_1}}" "{{value_n}}" "{{display_text_n}}" ..... 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)


Scrape Google search results and SERPs and provide instant and concise answers. More information:
  • Make a search using Google:
    tuxi {{search_terms}}
  • Display the search results in [r]aw format (no pretty output, no colors):
    tuxi -r {{search_terms}}
  • Display only search results (silences "Did you mean?", greetings and usage):
    tuxi -q {{search_terms}}
  • Display help:
    tuxi -h

btrfs subvolume

Manage btrfs subvolumes and snapshots. More information:
  • Create a new empty subvolume:
    sudo btrfs subvolume create {{path/to/new_subvolume}}
  • List all subvolumes and snapshots in the specified filesystem:
    sudo btrfs subvolume list {{path/to/btrfs_filesystem}}
  • Delete a subvolume:
    sudo btrfs subvolume delete {{path/to/subvolume}}
  • Create a read-only snapshot of an existing subvolume:
    sudo btrfs subvolume snapshot -r {{path/to/source_subvolume}} {{path/to/target}}
  • Create a read-write snapshot of an existing subvolume:
    sudo btrfs subvolume snapshot {{path/to/source_subvolume}} {{path/to/target}}
  • Show detailed information about a subvolume:
    sudo btrfs subvolume show {{path/to/subvolume}}


Vote for packages in the Arch User Repository. To be able to vote, the file ~/.config/aurvote must exist and contain your AUR credentials. More information:
  • Interactively create the file ~/.config/aurvote containing your AUR username and password:
    aurvote --configure
  • Vote for one or more AUR packages:
    aurvote {{package1 package2 ...}}
  • Unvote one or more AUR packages:
    aurvote --unvote {{package1 package2 ...}}
  • Check if one or more AUR packages have already been voted:
    aurvote --check {{package1 package2 ...}}
  • Show help for aurvote:
    aurvote --help


Control the backlight of your screen. More information:
  • Get the current backlight value in percent:
  • Set the backlight value to 50 percent:
    light -S {{50}}
  • Reduce 20 percent from the current backlight value:
    light -U {{20}}
  • Add 20 percent to the current backlight value:
    light -A {{20}}


A tool for sampling and limiting time and memory usage of a program and its child processes using the proc file system on Linux. More information:
  • Print the time and memory usage of a command:
    runlim {{command}} {{command_arguments}}
  • Log statistics to a file instead of stdout:
    runlim --output-file={{path/to/file}} {{command}} {{command_arguments}}
  • Limit time to an upper bound (in seconds):
    runlim --time-limit={{number}} {{command}} {{command_arguments}}
  • Limit real-time to an upper bound (in seconds):
    runlim --real-time-limit={{number}} {{command}} {{command_arguments}}
  • Limit space to an upper bound (in MB):
    runlim --space-limit={{number}} {{command}} {{command_arguments}}


Manage links between ports in PipeWire. More information:
  • List all audio output and input ports:
    pw-link --output --input
  • Create a link between an output and an input port:
    pw-link {{output_port_name}} {{input_port_name}}
  • Disconnect two ports:
    pw-link --disconnect {{output_port_name}} {{input_port_name}}
  • Display help:
    pw-link -h


Run Windows executables on Unix-based systems. More information:
  • Run a specific program inside the wine environment:
    wine {{command}}
  • Run a specific program in background:
    wine start {{command}}
  • Install/uninstall an MSI package:
    wine msiexec /{{i|x}} {{path/to/package.msi}}
  • Run File Explorer, Notepad, or WordPad:
    wine {{explorer|notepad|write}}
  • Run Registry Editor, Control Panel, or Task Manager:
    wine {{regedit|control|taskmgr}}
  • Run the configuration tool:
    wine winecfg


A console-based network traffic monitor. More information:
  • Display traffic summary for all interfaces:
  • Display traffic summary for a specific network interface:
    vnstat -i {{eth0}}
  • Display live stats for a specific network interface:
    vnstat -l -i {{eth0}}
  • Show traffic statistics on an hourly basis for the last 24 hours using a bar graph:
    vnstat -hg
  • Measure and show average traffic for 30 seconds:
    vnstat -tr {{30}}


Utility to piece together a random first name, last name, street number and address, along with a geographically consistent (ie, they all match the same area) city, state, ZIP code, and area code. More information:
  • Display a random name (male or female) and address:
  • Display a [m]ale (or [f]emale) random name and address:
    rig -{{m|f}}
  • Use data files from a specific directory (default is /usr/share/rig):
    rig -d {{path/to/directory}}
  • Display a specific number of identities:
    rig -c {{number}}
  • Display a specific number of female identities:
    rig -f -c {{number}}


Display information about logical volumes. See also: lvm. More information:
  • Display information about logical volumes:
  • Display all logical volumes:
    lvs -a
  • Change default display to show more details:
    lvs -v
  • Display only specific fields:
    lvs -o {{field_name_1}},{{field_name_2}}
  • Append field to default display:
    lvs -o +{{field_name}}
  • Suppress heading line:
    lvs --noheadings
  • Use a separator to separate fields:
    lvs --separator {{=}}


Tool for enumerating Windows and Samba information from remote systems. More information:
  • Try to enumerate using all methods:
    enum4linux -a {{remote_host}}
  • Enumerate using given login credentials:
    enum4linux -u {{user_name}} -p {{password}} {{remote_host}}
  • List usernames from a given host:
    enum4linux -U {{remote_host}}
  • List shares:
    enum4linux -S {{remote_host}}
  • Get OS information:
    enum4linux -o {{remote_host}}


Command-line tool used to interact with Arch Linux's User Repository, commonly referred to as the AUR. More information:
  • Display AUR packages that match a regular expression:
    auracle search '{{regular_expression}}'
  • Display package information for a space-separated list of AUR packages:
    auracle info {{package1}} {{package2}}
  • Display the PKGBUILD file (build information) for a space-separated list of AUR packages:
    auracle show {{package1}} {{package2}}
  • Display updates for installed AUR packages:
    auracle outdated


Minimal graphical interface for a virtual machine (VM). NOTE: 'domain' refers to the name, UUID or ID for the existing VMs (See: tldr virsh). More information:
  • Launch virt-viewer with a prompt to select running virtual machines:
  • Launch virt-viewer for a specific virtual machine by ID, UUID or name:
    virt-viewer "{{domain}}"
  • Wait for a virtual machine to start and automatically reconnect if it shutdown and restarts:
    virt-viewer --reconnect --wait "{{domain}}"
  • Connect to a specific remote virtual machine over TLS:
    virt-viewer --connect "xen//{{url}}" "{{domain}}"
  • Connect to a specific remote virtual machine over SSH:
    virt-viewer --connect "qemu+ssh//{{username}}@{{url}}/system" "{{domain}}"


Display information about Logical Volume Manager (LVM) volume groups. See also: lvm. More information:
  • Display information about all volume groups:
    sudo vgdisplay
  • Display information about volume group vg1:
    sudo vgdisplay {{vg1}}


High-level tracing language for Linux eBPF. More information:
  • Display bpftrace version:
    bpftrace -V
  • List all available probes:
    sudo bpftrace -l
  • Run a one-liner program (e.g. syscall count by program):
    sudo bpftrace -e '{{tracepoint:raw_syscalls:sys_enter { @[comm] = count(); }}}'
  • Run a program from a file:
    sudo bpftrace {{path/to/file}}
  • Trace a program by PID:
    sudo bpftrace -e '{{tracepoint:raw_syscalls:sys_enter /pid == 123/ { @[comm] = count(); }}}'
  • Do a dry run and display the output in eBPF format:
    sudo bpftrace -d -e '{{one_line_program}}'


Prevent desktop from sleeping. More information:
  • Prevent desktop from sleeping (use Ctrl + C to exit):


Prevent desktop idleness in full-screen mode. More information:
  • Start a caffeine server:
  • Display help:
    caffeine --help
  • Display version:
    caffeine --version


Save the output of a command in a logfile. More information:
  • Execute command with specified argument(s) and save its output to log file:
    logsave {{path/to/logfile}} {{command}}
  • Take input from stdin and save it in a log file:
    logsave {{logfile}} -
  • Append the output to a log file, instead of replacing its current contents:
    logsave -a {{logfile}} {{command}}
  • Show verbose output:
    logsave -v {{logfile}} {{command}}


Text user interface for controlling NetworkManager. Use arrow keys to navigate, enter to select an option. More information:
  • Open the user interface:
  • Show a list of available connections, with the option to activate or deactivate them:
    nmtui connect
  • Connect to a given network:
    nmtui connect {{name|uuid|device|SSID}}
  • Edit/Add/Delete a given network:
    nmtui edit {{name|id}}
  • Set the system hostname:
    nmtui hostname


This command is an alias of nmtui hostname.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr nmtui


Set up and control loop devices. More information:
  • List loop devices with detailed info:
    losetup -a
  • Attach a file to a given loop device:
    sudo losetup /dev/{{loop}} /{{path/to/file}}
  • Attach a file to a new free loop device and scan the device for partitions:
    sudo losetup --show --partscan -f /{{path/to/file}}
  • Attach a file to a read-only loop device:
    sudo losetup --read-only /dev/{{loop}} /{{path/to/file}}
  • Detach all loop devices:
    sudo losetup -D
  • Detach a given loop device:
    sudo losetup -d /dev/{{loop}}


Grab images (Screenshots) from a Wayland compositor. More information:
  • Screenshot all outputs:
  • Screenshot a specific output:
    grim -o {{path/to/output_file}}
  • Screenshot a specific region:
    grim -g "{{<x_position>,<y_position> <width>x<height>}}"
  • Select a specific region and screenshot it, (using slurp):
    grim -g "{{$(slurp)}}"
  • Use a custom filename:
    grim "{{path/to/file.png}}"
  • Screenshot and copy to clipboard:
    grim - | {{clipboard_manager}}


OpenVPN 3 Linux client. More information:
  • Start a new VPN session:
    openvpn3 session-start --config {{path/to/config.conf}}
  • List established sessions:
    openvpn3 sessions-list
  • Disconnect the currently established session started with given configuration:
    openvpn3 session-manage --config {{path/to/config.conf}} --disconnect
  • Import VPN configuration:
    openvpn3 config-import --config {{path/to/config.conf}}
  • List imported configurations:
    openvpn3 configs-list


Create a new user. See also: users, userdel, usermod. More information:
  • Create a new user:
    sudo useradd {{username}}
  • Create a new user with the specified user id:
    sudo useradd --uid {{id}} {{username}}
  • Create a new user with the specified shell:
    sudo useradd --shell {{path/to/shell}} {{username}}
  • Create a new user belonging to additional groups (mind the lack of whitespace):
    sudo useradd --groups {{group1,group2,...}} {{username}}
  • Create a new user with the default home directory:
    sudo useradd --create-home {{username}}
  • Create a new user with the home directory filled by template directory files:
    sudo useradd --skel {{path/to/template_directory}} --create-home {{username}}
  • Create a new system user without the home directory:
    sudo useradd --system {{username}}


Edit text in a scriptable manner. See also: awk, ed. More information:
  • Replace all apple (basic regex) occurrences with mango (basic regex) in all input lines and print the result to stdout:
    {{command}} | sed 's/apple/mango/g'
  • Execute a specific script [f]ile and print the result to stdout:
    {{command}} | sed -f {{path/to/script.sed}}
  • Replace all apple (extended regex) occurrences with APPLE (extended regex) in all input lines and print the result to stdout:
    {{command}} | sed -E 's/(apple)/\U\1/g'
  • Print just a first line to stdout:
    {{command}} | sed -n '1p'
  • Replace all apple (basic regex) occurrences with mango (basic regex) in a specific file and overwrite the original file in place:
    sed -i 's/apple/mango/g' {{path/to/file}}


Display information about volume groups. See also: lvm. More information:
  • Display information about volume groups:
  • Display all volume groups:
    vgs -a
  • Change default display to show more details:
    vgs -v
  • Display only specific fields:
    vgs -o {{field_name_1}},{{field_name_2}}
  • Append field to default display:
    vgs -o +{{field_name}}
  • Suppress heading line:
    vgs --noheadings
  • Use separator to separate fields:
    vgs --separator =


Create ISO files from directories. Also aliased as genisoimage. More information:
  • Create an ISO from a directory:
    mkisofs -o {{filename.iso}} {{path/to/source_directory}}
  • Set the disc label when creating an ISO:
    mkisofs -o {{filename.iso}} -V "{{label_name}}" {{path/to/source_directory}}

pacman --files

Arch Linux package manager utility. See also: pacman, pkgfile. More information:
  • Update the package database:
    sudo pacman --files --refresh
  • Find the package that owns a specific file:
    pacman --files {{filename}}
  • Find the package that owns a specific file, using a regular expression:
    pacman --files --regex '{{regular_expression}}'
  • List only the package names:
    pacman --files --quiet {{filename}}
  • List the files owned by a specific package:
    pacman --files --list {{package}}
  • Display help:
    pacman --files --help


A tool to generate TLP status reports. See also tlp. More information:
  • Generate status report with configuration and all active settings:
    sudo tlp-stat
  • Show battery information:
    sudo tlp-stat -b
  • Show configuration:
    sudo tlp-stat -c


Official ProtonVPN client. More information:
  • Log in to the ProtonVPN account:
    protonvpn-cli login {{username}}
  • Start a kill switch upon connecting to ProtonVPN:
    protonvpn-cli killswitch --on
  • Connect to ProtonVPN interactively:
    protonvpn-cli connect
  • Display connection status:
    protonvpn-cli status
  • Block malware using ProtonVPN NetShield:
    protonvpn-cli netshield --malware
  • Disconnect from ProtonVPN:
    protonvpn-cli disconnect
  • Display the current ProtonVPN configuration:
    protonvpn-cli config --list
  • Display help for a subcommand:
    protonvpn-cli {{subcommand}} --help


The dnsmap command scans a domain for common subdomains e.g. More information:
  • Scan for subdomains using the internal wordlist:
    dnsmap {{}}
  • Specify a list of subdomains to check for:
    dnsmap {{}} -w {{path/to/wordlist.txt}}
  • Store results to a CSV file:
    dnsmap {{}} -c {{path/to/file.csv}}
  • Ignore 2 IPs that are false positives (up to 5 possible):
    dnsmap {{}} -i {{,}}


Tool to access data stored in the clipboard for Wayland. See also: wl-copy. More information:
  • Paste the contents of the clipboard:
  • Write the contents of the clipboard to a file:
    wl-paste > {{path/to/file}}
  • Pipe the contents of the clipboard to a command:
    wl-paste | {{command}}


Configure Secure Boot Machine Owner Keys (MOK). Some operations, such as enabling and disabling Secure Boot or enrolling keys require a reboot. More information:
  • Show if Secure Boot is enabled:
    mokutil --sb-state
  • Enable Secure Boot:
    mokutil --enable-validation
  • Disable Secure Boot:
    mokutil --disable-validation
  • List enrolled keys:
    mokutil --list-enrolled
  • Enroll a new key:
    mokutil --import {{path/to/key.der}}
  • List the keys to be enrolled:
    mokutil --list-new
  • Set shim verbosity:
    mokutil --set-verbosity true


Automatically determine the MIME type of a file. More information:
  • Print the MIME type of a given file:
    mimetype {{path/to/file}}
  • Display only the MIME type, and not the filename:
    mimetype --brief {{path/to/file}}
  • Display a description of the MIME type:
    mimetype --describe {{path/to/file}}
  • Determine the MIME type of stdin (does not check a filename):
    {{command}} | mimetype --stdin
  • Display debug information about how the MIME type was determined:
    mimetype --debug {{path/to/file}}
  • Display all the possible MIME types of a given file in confidence order:
    mimetype --all {{path/to/file}}
  • Explicitly specify the 2-letter language code of the output:
    mimetype --language {{path/to/file}}

apx pkgmanagers

Manage package managers in apx. Note: user-created package manager configurations are stored in ~/.local/share/apx/pkgmanagers. More information:
  • Interactively create a new package manager configuration:
    apx pkgmanagers create
  • List all available package manager confirgurations:
    apx pkgmanagers list
  • Remove a package manager configuration:
    apx pkgmanagers rm --name {{string}}
  • Display information about a specific package manager:
    apx pkgmanagers show {{name}}


List SCSI devices (or hosts) and their attributes. More information:
  • List all SCSI devices:
  • List all SCSI devices with detailed attributes:
    lsscsi -L
  • List all SCSI devices with human-readable disk capacity:
    lsscsi -s


Change the label on an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem. More information:
  • Change the volume label on a specific ext partition:
    e2label {{/dev/sda1}} "{{label_name}}"


Version control for binary files similar to git but optimized for operating system root filesystems. OSTree is the foundation for immutable image-based operating systems such as Fedora Silverblue, Fedora IoT or Fedora CoreOS. More information:
  • Initialize a repository of the files in $PWD with metadata in $PWD/{{path/to/repo}}:
    ostree init --repo {{path/to/repo}}
  • Create a commit (snapshot) of the files:
    ostree commit --repo {{path/to/repo}} --branch {{branch_name}}
  • Show files in commit:
    ostree ls --repo {{path/to/repo}} {{commit_id}}
  • Show metadata of commit:
    ostree show --repo {{path/to/repo}} {{commit_id}}
  • Show list of commits:
    ostree log --repo {{path/to/repo}} {{branch_name}}
  • Show repo summary:
    ostree summary --repo {{path/to/repo}} --view
  • Show available refs (branches):
    ostree refs --repo {{path/to/repo}}


Change Unix-style line endings to DOS-style. Replaces LF with CRLF. More information:
  • Change the line endings of a file:
    unix2dos {{path/to/file}}
  • Create a copy with DOS-style line endings:
    unix2dos -n {{path/to/unix_file}} {{path/to/dos_file}}


Control magnetic tape drive operation (commonly LTO tape). More information:
  • Check the status of a tape drive:
    mt -f {{/dev/nstX}} status
  • Rewind the tape to beginning:
    mt -f {{/dev/nstX}} rewind
  • Move forward a given files, then position the tape on first block of next file:
    mt -f {{/dev/nstX}} fsf {{count}}
  • Rewind the tape, then position the tape at beginning of the given file:
    mt -f {{/dev/nstX}} asf {{count}}
  • Position the tape at the end of valid data:
    mt -f {{/dev/nstX}} eod
  • Rewind the tape and unload/eject it:
    mt -f {{/dev/nstX}} eject
  • Write EOF (End-of-file) mark at the current position:
    mt -f {{/dev/nstX} eof


List detailed information about hardware configurations as root user. More information:
  • Launch the GUI:
    sudo lshw -X
  • List all hardware in tabular format:
    sudo lshw -short
  • List all disks and storage controllers in tabular format:
    sudo lshw -class disk -class storage -short
  • Save all network interfaces to an HTML file:
    sudo lshw -class network -html > {{interfaces.html}}


Save the iptables IPv4 configuration. Use ip6tables-save to to the same for IPv6. More information:
  • Print the iptables configuration:
    sudo iptables-save
  • Print the iptables configuration of a specific [t]able:
    sudo iptables-save --table {{table}}
  • Save the iptables configuration to a [f]ile:
    sudo iptables-save --file {{path/to/file}}


Simplified all-in-one-place system support tool for Debian-based systems. More information:
  • Update the list of available packages and versions:
    wajig update
  • Install a package, or update it to the latest available version:
    wajig install {{package}}
  • Remove a package and its configuration files:
    wajig purge {{package}}
  • Perform an update and then a dist-upgrade:
    wajig daily-upgrade
  • Display the sizes of installed packages:
    wajig sizes
  • List the version and distribution for all installed packages:
    wajig versions
  • List versions of upgradable packages:
    wajig toupgrade
  • Display packages which have some form of dependency on the given package:
    wajig dependents {{package}}


Quiz on simple arithmetic problems. More information:
  • Start an arithmetic quiz:
  • Specify one or more arithmetic [o]peration symbols to get problems on them:
    arithmetic -o {{+|-|x|/}}
  • Specify a range. Addition and multiplication problems would feature numbers between 0 and range, inclusive. Subtraction and division problems would have required result and number to be operated on, between 0 and range:
    arithmetic -r {{7}}


Print the super block and blocks group information for ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystems. Unmount the partition before running this command using umount {{device}}. More information:
  • Display ext2, ext3 and ext4 filesystem information:
    dumpe2fs {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Display the blocks which are reserved as bad in the filesystem:
    dumpe2fs -b {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Force display filesystem information even with unrecognizable feature flags:
    dumpe2fs -f {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Only display the superblock information and not any of the block group descriptor detail information:
    dumpe2fs -h {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Print the detailed group information block numbers in hexadecimal format:
    dumpe2fs -x {{/dev/sdXN}}


List directory contents using one line per file, special characters are represented by backslash escape sequences. Works as ls -C --escape. More information:
  • List all files, including hidden files:
    dir -all
  • List files including their author (-l is required):
    dir -l --author
  • List files excluding those that match a specified blob pattern:
    dir --hide={{pattern}}
  • List subdirectories recursively:
    dir --recursive
  • Display help:
    dir --help


A simple wrapper that runs Winetricks commands for Proton enabled games. More information:
  • Run the protontricks GUI:
    protontricks --gui
  • Run Winetricks for a specific game:
    protontricks {{appid}} {{winetricks_args}}
  • Run a command within a game's installation directory:
    protontricks -c {{command}} {{appid}}
  • [l]ist all installed games:
    protontricks -l
  • [s]earch for a game's App ID by name:
    protontricks -s {{game_name}}
  • Show the protontricks help message:
    protontricks --help


Manage containerd containers and images. More information:
  • List all containers (running and stopped):
    ctr containers list
  • List all images:
    ctr images list
  • Pull an image:
    ctr images pull {{image}}
  • Tag an image:
    ctr images tag {{source_image}}:{{source_tag}} {{target_image}}:{{target_tag}}


Use USB devices remotely. More information:
  • List all local USB devices and their bus ID's:
    usbip list --local
  • Start a usbip daemon on the server:
    systemctl start usbipd
  • Bind a USB device to usbip on the server:
    sudo usbip bind --busid={{bus_id}}
  • Load the kernel module required by usbip on the client:
    sudo modprobe vhci-hcd
  • Attach to the usbip device on the client (bus ID is the same as on the server):
    sudo usbip attach -r {{ip_address}} --busid={{bus_id}}
  • List attached devices:
    usbip port
  • Detach from a device:
    sudo usbip detach --port={{port}}
  • Unbind a device:
    usbip unbind --busid={{bus_id}}


Discard symbols from executables or object files. More information:
  • Replace the input file with its stripped version:
    strip {{path/to/file}}
  • Strip symbols from a file, saving the output to a specific file:
    strip {{path/to/input_file}} -o {{path/to/output_file}}
  • Strip debug symbols only:
    strip --strip-debug {{path/to/file.o}}


Change the passwords for multiple users by using stdin. More information:
  • Change the password for a specific user:
    printf "{{username}}:{{new_password}}" | sudo chpasswd
  • Change the passwords for multiple users (The input text must not contain any spaces.):
    printf "{{username_1}}:{{new_password_1}}\n{{username_2}}:{{new_password_2}}" | sudo chpasswd
  • Change the password for a specific user, and specify it in encrypted form:
    printf "{{username}}:{{new_encrypted_password}}" | sudo chpasswd --encrypted
  • Change the password for a specific user, and use a specific encryption for the stored password:
    printf "{{username}}:{{new_password}}" | sudo chpasswd --crypt-method {{NONE|DES|MD5|SHA256|SHA512}}


Remove files or directories. See also: rmdir. More information:
  • Remove specific files:
    rm {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}
  • Remove specific files ignoring nonexistent ones:
    rm --force {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}
  • Remove specific files interactively prompting before each removal:
    rm --interactive {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}
  • Remove specific files printing info about each removal:
    rm --verbose {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}
  • Remove specific files and directories recursively:
    rm --recursive {{path/to/file_or_directory1 path/to/file_or_directory2 ...}}


An Intel CPU (only i3, i5 and i7) realtime reporting tool. More information:
  • Start i7z (needs to be run in superuser mode):
    sudo i7z


Utility provided by the John the Ripper project to obtain the traditional Unix password file if the system uses shadow passwords. More information:
  • Combine the /etc/shadow and /etc/passwd of the current system:
    sudo unshadow /etc/passwd /etc/shadow
  • Combine two arbitrary shadow and password files:
    sudo unshadow {{path/to/passwd}} {{path/to/shadow}}

pacman --deptest

Check each dependency specified and return a list of dependencies that are not currently satisfied on the system. See also: pacman. More information:
  • Print the package names of the dependencies that aren't installed:
    pacman --deptest {{package1 package2 ...}}
  • Check if the installed package satisfies the given minimum version:
    pacman --deptest "{{bash>=5}}"
  • Check if a later version of a package is installed:
    pacman --deptest "{{bash>5}}"
  • Display help:
    pacman --deptest --help


Directly reboot into a new kernel. More information:
  • Load a new kernel:
    kexec -l {{path/to/kernel}} --initrd={{path/to/initrd}} --command-line={{arguments}}
  • Load a new kernel with current boot parameters:
    kexec -l {{path/to/kernel}} --initrd={{path/to/initrd}} --reuse-cmdline
  • Execute a currently loaded kernel:
    kexec -e
  • Unload current kexec target kernel:
    kexec -u


Arch Linux package manager utility. See also: pacman-database, pacman-deptest, pacman-files, pacman-key, pacman-mirrors, pacman-query, pacman-remove, pacman-sync, pacman-upgrade. For equivalent commands in other package managers, see More information:
  • Synchronize and update all packages:
    sudo pacman -Syu
  • Install a new package:
    sudo pacman -S {{package}}
  • Remove a package and its dependencies:
    sudo pacman -Rs {{package}}
  • Search the database for packages containing a specific file:
    pacman -F "{{file_name}}"
  • List installed packages and versions:
    pacman -Q
  • List only the explicitly installed packages and versions:
    pacman -Qe
  • List orphan packages (installed as dependencies but not actually required by any package):
    pacman -Qtdq
  • Empty the entire pacman cache:
    sudo pacman -Scc


Lists all recognized partitions and their Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). More information:
  • List all partitions:
    sudo blkid
  • List all partitions in a table, including current mountpoints:
    sudo blkid -o list


Show system resource usage, including CPU, memory, IO etc. More information:
  • Show CPU statistics at a 2 second interval for 10 times:
    pidstat {{2}} {{10}}
  • Show page faults and memory utilization:
    pidstat -r
  • Show input/output usage per process id:
    pidstat -d
  • Show information on a specific PID:
    pidstat -p {{PID}}
  • Show memory statistics for all processes whose command name include "fox" or "bird":
    pidstat -C "{{fox|bird}}" -r -p ALL


Checks to see if the current host is a VMware VM or not. More information:
  • Return the current VMware software version (exit status determines whether the system is a VM or not):
  • Return the VMware hardware version:
    vmware-checkvm -h

nmcli connection

Manage connections with NetworkManager. This subcommand can also be called with nmcli c. More information:
  • List all NetworkManager connections (shows name, UUID, type and device):
    nmcli connection
  • Activate a connection:
    nmcli connection up uuid {{uuid}}
  • Deactivate a connection:
    nmcli connection down uuid {{uuid}}
  • Create an auto-configured dual stack connection:
    nmcli connection add ifname {{interface_name}} type {{ethernet}} ipv4.method {{auto}} ipv6.method {{auto}}
  • Create a static IPv6-only connection:
    nmcli connection add ifname {{interface_name}} type {{ethernet}} ip6 {{2001:db8::2/64}} gw6 {{2001:db8::1}} ipv6.dns {{2001:db8::1}} ipv4.method {{ignore}}
  • Create a static IPv4-only connection:
    nmcli connection add ifname {{interface_name}} type {{ethernet}} ip4 {{}} gw4 {{}} ipv4.dns {{}} ipv6.method {{ignore}}
  • Create a VPN connection using OpenVPN from an OVPN file:
    nmcli connection import type {{openvpn}} file {{path/to/vpn_config.ovpn}}


Add user groups to the system. See also: groups, groupdel, groupmod. More information:
  • Create a new group:
    sudo groupadd {{group_name}}
  • Create a new system group:
    sudo groupadd --system {{group_name}}
  • Create a new group with the specific groupid:
    sudo groupadd --gid {{id}} {{group_name}}


This command is an alias of cal. More information:
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr cal


The firewalld command-line client. More information:
  • View the available firewall zones:
    firewall-cmd --get-active-zones
  • View the rules which are currently applied:
    firewall-cmd --list-all
  • Permanently move the interface into the block zone, effectively blocking all communication:
    firewall-cmd --permanent --zone={{block}} --change-interface={{enp1s0}}
  • Permanently open the port for a service in the specified zone (like port 443 when in the public zone):
    firewall-cmd --permanent --zone={{public}} --add-service={{https}}
  • Permanently close the port for a service in the specified zone (like port 80 when in the public zone):
    firewall-cmd --permanent --zone={{public}} --remove-service={{http}}
  • Permanently open two arbitrary ports in the specified zone:
    firewall-cmd --permanent --zone={{public}} --add-port={{25565/tcp}} --add-port={{19132/udp}}
  • Reload firewalld to force rule changes to take effect:
    firewall-cmd --reload


View the jobs queued in the SLURM scheduler. More information:
  • View the queue:
  • View jobs queued by a specific user:
    squeue -u {{username}}
  • View the queue and refresh every 5 seconds:
    squeue -i {{5}}
  • View the queue with expected start times:
    squeue --start


View information about running jobs. More information:
  • Display status information of a comma-separated list of jobs:
    sstat --jobs={{job_id}}
  • Display job ID, average CPU and average virtual memory size of a comma-separated list of jobs, with pipes as column delimiters:
    sstat --parsable --jobs={{job_id}} --format={{JobID}},{{AveCPU}},{{AveVMSize}}
  • Display list of fields available:
    sstat --helpformat


Perform lossless transformation of JPEG files. More information:
  • Mirror an image horizontally or vertically:
    jpegtran -flip {{horizontal|vertical}} {{path/to/image.jpg}} > {{path/to/output.jpg}}
  • Rotate an image 90, 180 or 270 degrees clockwise:
    jpegtran -rotate {{90|180|270}} {{path/to/image.jpg}} > {{path/to/output.jpg}}
  • Transpose the image across the upper-left to lower right axis:
    jpegtran -transpose {{path/to/image.jpg}} > {{path/to/output.jpg}}
  • Transverse the image across the upper right to lower left axis:
    jpegtran -transverse {{path/to/image.jpg}} > {{path/to/output.jpg}}
  • Convert the image to grayscale:
    jpegtran -grayscale {{path/to/image.jpg}} > {{path/to/output.jpg}}
  • Crop the image to a rectangular region of width W and height H from the upper-left corner, saving the output to a specific file:
    jpegtran -crop {{W}}x{{H}} -outfile {{path/to/output.jpg}} {{path/to/image.jpg}}
  • Crop the image to a rectangular region of width W and height H, starting at point X and Y from the upper-left corner:
    jpegtran -crop {{W}}x{{H}}+{{X}}+{{Y}} {{path/to/image.jpg}} > {{path/to/output.jpg}}


Key management utility for the APT Package Manager on Debian and Ubuntu. Note: apt-key is now deprecated (except for the use of apt-key del in maintainer scripts). More information:
  • List trusted keys:
    apt-key list
  • Add a key to the trusted keystore:
    apt-key add {{public_key_file.asc}}
  • Delete a key from the trusted keystore:
    apt-key del {{key_id}}
  • Add a remote key to the trusted keystore:
    wget -qO - {{https://host.tld/filename.key}} | apt-key add -
  • Add a key from keyserver with only key id:
    apt-key adv --keyserver {{}} --recv {{KEYID}}


Utility to interact with the Ftrace Linux kernel internal tracer. This utility only runs as root. More information:
  • Display the status of tracing system:
    trace-cmd stat
  • List available tracers:
    trace-cmd list -t
  • Start tracing with a specific plugin:
    trace-cmd start -p {{timerlat|osnoise|hwlat|blk|mmiotrace|function_graph|wakeup_dl|wakeup_rt|wakeup|function|nop}}
  • View the trace output:
    trace-cmd show
  • Stop the tracing but retain the buffers:
    trace-cmd stop
  • Clear the trace buffers:
    trace-cmd clear
  • Clear the trace buffers and stop tracing:
    trace-cmd reset

qm showcmd

Show command-line which is used to start the VM (debug info). More information:
  • Show command-line for a specific virtual machine:
    qm showcmd {{vm_id}}
  • Put each option on a new line to enhance human readability:
    qm showcmd --pretty {{true}} {{vm_id}}
  • Fetch config values from a specific snapshot:
    qm showcmd --snapshot {{string}} {{vm_id}}

qm disk move

Move a virtual disk from one storage to another within the same Proxmox cluster. More information:
  • Move a virtual disk:
    qm disk move {{vm_id}} {{destination}} {{index}}
  • Delete the previous copy of the virtual disk:
    qm disk move -delete {{vm_id}} {{destination}} {{index}}


A tool that shows information about installed packages. More information:
  • List all installed packages:
    dpkg-query --list
  • List installed packages matching a pattern:
    dpkg-query --list '{{libc6*}}'
  • List all files installed by a package:
    dpkg-query --listfiles {{libc6}}
  • Show information about a package:
    dpkg-query --status {{libc6}}
  • Search for packages that own files matching a pattern:
    dpkg-query --search {{/etc/}}


Halt the system. More information:
  • Halt the system:
  • Power off the system (same as poweroff):
    halt --poweroff
  • Reboot the system (same as reboot):
    halt --reboot
  • Halt immediately without contacting the system manager:
    halt --force --force
  • Write the wtmp shutdown entry without halting the system:
    halt --wtmp-only


A dynamic tiling window manager. More information:
  • Start i3 (Note that a pre-existing window manager must not be open when this command is run.):
  • Open a new terminal window:
    Super + Return
  • Create a new workspace:
    Super + Shift + {{number}}
  • Switch to workspace {{number}}:
    Super + {{number}}
  • Open new window horizontally:
    Super + h
  • Open new window vertically:
    Super + v
  • Open application (type out application name after executing command):
    Super + D


Configure and control fail2ban server. More information:
  • Retrieve current status of the jail service:
    fail2ban-client status {{jail}}
  • Remove the specified IP from the jail service's ban list:
    fail2ban-client set {{jail}} unbanip {{ip}}
  • Verify fail2ban server is alive:
    fail2ban-client ping


Switch primary group membership. More information:
  • Change user's primary group membership:
    newgrp {{group_name}}
  • Reset primary group membership to user's default group in /etc/passwd:


Translate input from gamepads or joysticks into keyboard strokes or mouse actions. More information:
  • Start QJoyPad:
  • Start QJoyPad and look for devices in a specific directory:
    qjoypad --device={{path/to/directory}}
  • Start QJoyPad but don't show a system tray icon:
    qjoypad --notray
  • Start QJoyPad and force the window manager to use a system tray icon:
    qjoypad --force-tray
  • Force a running instance of QJoyPad to update its list of devices and layouts:
    qjoypad --update
  • Load the given layout in an already running instance of QJoyPad, or start QJoyPad using the given layout:
    qjoypad "{{layout}}"


Nucleotide-Nucleotide BLAST. More information:
  • Align two or more sequences using megablast (default), with the e-value threshold of 1e-9, pairwise output format (default):
    blastn -query {{query.fa}} -subject {{subject.fa}} -evalue {{1e-9}}
  • Align two or more sequences using blastn:
    blastn -task blastn -query {{query.fa}} -subject {{subject.fa}}
  • Align two or more sequences, custom tabular output format, output to file:
    blastn -query {{query.fa}} -subject {{subject.fa}} -outfmt {{'6 qseqid qlen qstart qend sseqid slen sstart send bitscore evalue pident'}} -out {{output.tsv}}
  • Search nucleotide databases using a nucleotide query, 16 threads (CPUs) to use in the BLAST search, with a maximum number of 10 aligned sequences to keep:
    blastn -query {{query.fa}} -db {{path/to/blast_db}} -num_threads {{16}} -max_target_seqs {{10}}
  • Search the remote non-redundant nucleotide database using a nucleotide query:
    blastn -query {{query.fa}} -db {{nt}} -remote
  • Display help (use -help for detailed help):
    blastn -h


View information about Slurm nodes and partitions. See also squeue and sbatch, which are also part of the Slurm workload manager. More information:
  • Show a quick summary overview of the cluster:
    sinfo --summarize
  • View the detailed status of all partitions across the entire cluster:
  • View the detailed status of a specific partition:
    sinfo --partition {{partition_name}}
  • View information about idle nodes:
    sinfo --states {{idle}}
  • Summarise dead nodes:
    sinfo --dead
  • List dead nodes and the reasons why:
    sinfo --list-reasons


GTK+ based SSH client for interacting with multiple SSH servers at once. More information:
  • Open a new window and connect to multiple SSH servers:
    mssh {{user@host1}} {{user@host2}} {{...}}
  • Open a new window and connect to a group of servers predefined in ~/.mssh_clusters:
    mssh --alias {{alias_name}}


Used for reading or changing the hardware clock. Usually requires root. More information:
  • Display the current time as reported by the hardware clock:
  • Write the current software clock time to the hardware clock (sometimes used during system setup):
    hwclock --systohc
  • Write the current hardware clock time to the software clock:
    hwclock --hctosys


Go tool for managing Linux filesystem encryption. More information:
  • Prepare the root filesystem for use with fscrypt:
    fscrypt setup
  • Enable filesystem encryption for a directory:
    fscrypt encrypt {{path/to/directory}}
  • Unlock an encrypted directory:
    fscrypt unlock {{path/to/encrypted_directory}}
  • Lock an encrypted directory:
    fscrypt lock {{path/to/encrypted_directory}}


Utility to control different media players. More information:
  • Toggle play:
    playerctl play-pause
  • Next media:
    playerctl next
  • Previous media:
    playerctl previous
  • List all players:
    playerctl --list-all
  • Send a command to a specific player:
    playerctl --player={{player_name}} {{command}}
  • Send a command to all players:
    playerctl --all-players {{command}}
  • Show now playing:
    playerctl metadata --format "Now playing: {{artist}} - {{album}} - {{title}}"


Generate SSH keys in Dropbear format. More information:
  • Generate an SSH key of [t]ype ed25519 and write it to key [f]ile:
    dropbearkey -t {{ed25519}} -f {{path/to/key_file}}
  • Generate an SSH key of [t]ype ecdsa and write it to key [f]ile:
    dropbearkey -t {{ecdsa}} -f {{path/to/key_file}}
  • Generate an SSH key of [t]ype RSA with 4096-bit key [s]ize and write it to key [f]ile:
    dropbearkey -t {{rsa}} -s {{4096}} -f {{path/to/key_file}}
  • Print the private key fingerprint and public key in key [f]ile:
    dropbearkey -y -f {{path/to/key_file}}


Manage Linux containers using the lxd REST API. Any container names or patterns can be prefixed with the name of a remote server. More information:
  • List local containers matching a string. Omit the string to list all local containers:
    lxc list {{match_string}}
  • List images matching a string. Omit the string to list all images:
    lxc image list [{{remote}}:]{{match_string}}
  • Create a new container from an image:
    lxc init [{{remote}}:]{{image}} {{container}}
  • Start a container:
    lxc start [{{remote}}:]{{container}}
  • Stop a container:
    lxc stop [{{remote}}:]{{container}}
  • Show detailed info about a container:
    lxc info [{{remote}}:]{{container}}
  • Take a snapshot of a container:
    lxc snapshot [{{remote}}:]{{container}} {{snapshot}}
  • Execute a specific command inside a container:
    lxc exec [{{remote}}:]{{container}} {{command}}


Roll virtual dice. More information:
  • Roll a single 20 sided dice:
    rolldice d{{20}}
  • Roll two six sided dice and drop the lowest roll:
    rolldice {{2}}d{{6}}s{{1}}
  • Roll two 20 sided dice and add a modifier value:
    rolldice {{2}}d{{20}}{{+5}}
  • Roll a 20 sided dice two times:
    rolldice {{2}}xd{{20}}


Arch Linux utility for building packages from the Arch User Repository (AUR). More information:
  • Synchronize and update all AUR packages:
    trizen -Syua
  • Install a new package:
    trizen -S {{package}}
  • Remove a package and its dependencies:
    trizen -Rs {{package}}
  • Search the package database for a keyword:
    trizen -Ss {{keyword}}
  • Show information about a package:
    trizen -Si {{package}}
  • List installed packages and versions:
    trizen -Qe


Display one-line descriptions from manual pages. More information:
  • Display a description from a man page:
    whatis {{command}}
  • Don't cut the description off at the end of the line:
    whatis --long {{command}}
  • Display descriptions for all commands matching a glob:
    whatis --wildcard {{net*}}
  • Search man page descriptions with a regular expression:
    whatis --regex '{{wish[0-9]\.[0-9]}}'
  • Display descriptions of a specific language (requires manpage-{{locale}} package):
    whatis --locale={{en}} {{command}}


Run programs in transient scope units, service units, or path-, socket-, or timer-triggered service units. More information:
  • Start a transient service:
    sudo systemd-run {{command}} {{argument1 argument2 ...}}
  • Start a transient service under the service manager of the current user (no privileges):
    systemd-run --user {{command}} {{argument1 argument2 ...}}
  • Start a transient service with a custom unit name and description:
    sudo systemd-run --unit={{name}} --description={{string}} {{command}} {{argument1 argument2 ...}}
  • Start a transient service that does not get cleaned up after it terminates with a custom environment variable:
    sudo systemd-run --remain-after-exit --set-env={{name}}={{value}} {{command}} {{argument1 argument2 ...}}
  • Start a transient timer that periodically runs its transient service (see man systemd.time for calendar event format):
    sudo systemd-run --on-calendar={{calendar_event}} {{command}} {{argument1 argument2 ...}}
  • Share the terminal with the program (allowing interactive input/output) and make sure the execution details remain after the program exits:
    systemd-run --remain-after-exit --pty {{command}}
  • Set properties (e.g. CPUQuota, MemoryMax) of the process and wait until it exits:
    systemd-run --property MemoryMax={{memory_in_bytes}} --property CPUQuota={{percentage_of_CPU_time}}% --wait {{command}}
  • Use the program in a shell pipeline:
    {{command1}} | systemd-run --pipe {{command2}} | {{command3}}

btrfs rescue

Try to recover a damaged btrfs filesystem. More information:
  • Rebuild the filesystem metadata tree (very slow):
    sudo btrfs rescue chunk-recover {{path/to/partition}}
  • Fix device size alignment related problems (e.g. unable to mount the filesystem with super total bytes mismatch):
    sudo btrfs rescue fix-device-size {{path/to/partition}}
  • Recover a corrupted superblock from correct copies (recover the root of filesystem tree):
    sudo btrfs rescue super-recover {{path/to/partition}}
  • Recover from an interrupted transactions (fixes log replay problems):
    sudo btrfs rescue zero-log {{path/to/partition}}
  • Create a /dev/btrfs-control control device when mknod is not installed:
    sudo btrfs rescue create-control-device

ip rule

IP routing policy database management. More information:
  • Display the routing policy:
    ip rule {{show|list}}
  • Add a new rule based on packet source addresses:
    sudo ip rule add from {{}}
  • Add a new rule based on packet destination addresses:
    sudo ip rule add to {{}}
  • Delete a rule based on packet source addresses:
    sudo ip rule delete from {{}}
  • Delete a rule based on packet destination addresses:
    sudo ip rule delete to {{}}
  • Flush all deleted rules:
    ip rule flush
  • Save all rules to a file:
    ip rule save > {{path/to/ip_rules.dat}}
  • Restore all rules from a file:
    ip rule restore < {{path/to/ip_rules.dat}}


Convert Debian packages into Arch Linux packages. See also: pacman-upgrade. More information:
  • Update debtap database (before the first run):
    sudo debtap --update
  • Convert the specified package:
    debtap {{path/to/package.deb}}
  • Convert the specified package bypassing all questions, except for editing metadata files:
    debtap --quiet {{path/to/package.deb}}
  • Generate a PKGBUILD file:
    debtap --pkgbuild {{path/to/package.deb}}


Scan images with the Scanner Access Now Easy API. More information:
  • List available scanners to ensure the target device is connected and recognized:
    scanimage -L
  • Scan an image and save it to a file:
    scanimage --format={{pnm|tiff|png|jpeg}} > {{path/to/new_image}}


Monitor bandwidth and capture network related statistics. More information:
  • Display the list of all the interfaces:
    bmon -a
  • Display data transfer rates in bits per second:
    bmon -b
  • Set policy to define which network interface(s) is/are displayed:
    bmon -p {{interface_1,interface_2,interface_3}}
  • Set interval (in seconds) in which rate per counter is calculated:
    bmon -R {{2.0}}


Control the systemd system and service manager. More information:
  • Show all running services:
    systemctl status
  • List failed units:
    systemctl --failed
  • Start/Stop/Restart/Reload a service:
    systemctl {{start|stop|restart|reload}} {{unit}}
  • Show the status of a unit:
    systemctl status {{unit}}
  • Enable/Disable a unit to be started on bootup:
    systemctl {{enable|disable}} {{unit}}
  • Mask/Unmask a unit to prevent enablement and manual activation:
    systemctl {{mask|unmask}} {{unit}}
  • Reload systemd, scanning for new or changed units:
    systemctl daemon-reload
  • Check if a unit is enabled:
    systemctl is-enabled {{unit}}


Postfix mail transfer agent (MTA) control program. See also dovecot, a mail delivery agent (MDA) that integrates with Postfix. More information:
  • Check the configuration:
    sudo postfix check
  • Check the status of the Postfix daemon:
    sudo postfix status
  • Start Postfix:
    sudo postfix start
  • Gracefully stop Postfix:
    sudo postfix stop
  • Flush the mail queue:
    sudo postfix flush
  • Reload the configuration files:
    sudo postfix reload


Command-line sound player for ALSA soundcard driver. More information:
  • Play a specific file (sampling rate, bit depth, etc. will be automatically determined for the file format):
    aplay {{path/to/file}}
  • Play the first 10 seconds of a specific file at 2500 Hz:
    aplay --duration={{10}} --rate={{2500}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Play the raw file as a 22050 Hz, mono, 8-bit, Mu-Law .au file:
    aplay --channels={{1}} --file-type {{raw}} --rate={{22050}} --format={{mu_law}} {{path/to/file}}


Reboot the system. More information:
  • Reboot the system:
  • Power off the system (same as poweroff):
    reboot --poweroff
  • Halt the system (same as halt):
    reboot --halt
  • Reboot immediately without contacting the system manager:
    reboot --force
  • Write the wtmp shutdown entry without rebooting the system:
    reboot --wtmp-only


Prints calendar information, with the current day highlighted. More information:
  • Display a calendar for the current month:
  • Display previous, current and next month:
    cal -3
  • Use Monday as the first day of the week:
    cal --monday
  • Display a calendar for a specific year (4 digits):
    cal {{year}}
  • Display a calendar for a specific month and year:
    cal {{month}} {{year}}


Command-line automation for X11. More information:
  • Retrieve the X-Windows window ID of the running Firefox window(s):
    xdotool search --onlyvisible --name {{firefox}}
  • Click the right mouse button:
    xdotool click {{3}}
  • Get the ID of the currently active window:
    xdotool getactivewindow
  • Focus on the window with ID of 12345:
    xdotool windowfocus --sync {{12345}}
  • Type a message, with a 500ms delay for each letter:
    xdotool type --delay {{500}} "Hello world"
  • Press the enter key:
    xdotool key {{KP_Enter}}


Create a sources.list file for a Debian mirror with the lowest latency. More information:
  • Create sources.list using the lowest latency server:
    sudo netselect-apt
  • Specify Debian branch, stable is used by default:
    sudo netselect-apt {{testing}}
  • Include non-free section:
    sudo netselect-apt --non-free
  • Specify a country for the mirror list lookup:
    sudo netselect-apt -c {{India}}


Creates a ROM filesystem inside a partition. More information:
  • Create a ROM filesystem inside partition 1 on device b (sdb1):
    mkfs.cramfs {{/dev/sdb1}}
  • Create a ROM filesystem with a volume-name:
    mkfs.cramfs -n {{volume_name}} {{/dev/sdb1}}


Silent screencast creator. Saves in .mkv and animated GIF formats. More information:
  • Launch silentcast:
  • Launch silentcast on a specific display:
    silentcast --display={{display}}


Check the integrity of a filesystem or repair it. The filesystem should be unmounted at the time the command is run. More information:
  • Check filesystem /dev/sdXN, reporting any damaged blocks:
    sudo fsck {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Check filesystem /dev/sdXN, reporting any damaged blocks and interactively letting the user choose to repair each one:
    sudo fsck -r {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Check filesystem /dev/sdXN, reporting any damaged blocks and automatically repairing them:
    sudo fsck -a {{/dev/sdXN}}


Uses the current desktop environment's notification system to create a notification. More information:
  • Show a notification with the title "Test" and the content "This is a test":
    notify-send "{{Test}}" "{{This is a test}}"
  • Show a notification with a custom icon:
    notify-send -i {{icon.png}} "{{Test}}" "{{This is a test}}"
  • Show a notification for 5 seconds:
    notify-send -t 5000 "{{Test}}" "{{This is a test}}"
  • Show a notification with an app's icon and name:
    notify-send "{{Test}}" --icon={{google-chrome}} --app-name="{{Google Chrome}}"


An IPv4 route metrics manipulation tool. More information:
  • Set the priority of the specified network interface (a higher number indicates lower priority):
    sudo ifmetric {{interface}} {{value}}
  • Reset the priority of the specified network interface:
    sudo ifmetric {{interface}} {{0}}


Detect execution in a virtualized environment. More information:
  • List detectable virtualization technologies:
    systemd-detect-virt --list
  • Detect virtualization, print the result and return a zero status code when running in a VM or a container, and a non-zero code otherwise:
  • Silently check without printing anything:
    systemd-detect-virt --quiet
  • Only detect container virtualization:
    systemd-detect-virt --container
  • Only detect hardware virtualization:
    systemd-detect-virt --vm


Create a distrobox container. See also: tldr distrobox. The container created will be tightly integrated with the host, allowing sharing of the user's HOME directory, external storage, external USB devices, graphical apps (X11/Wayland), and audio. More information:
  • Create a distrobox container using the Ubuntu image:
    distrobox-create {{container_name}} --image {{ubuntu:latest}}
  • Clone a distrobox container:
    distrobox-create --clone {{container_name}} {{cloned_container_name}}


Rename multiple files. NOTE: this page refers to the command from the util-linux package. For the Perl version, see file-rename or perl-rename. Warning: This command has no safeguards and will overwrite files without prompting. More information:
  • Rename files using simple substitutions (substitute 'foo' with 'bar' wherever found):
    rename {{foo}} {{bar}} {{*}}
  • Dry-run - display which renames would occur without performing them:
    rename -vn {{foo}} {{bar}} {{*}}
  • Do not overwrite existing files:
    rename -o {{foo}} {{bar}} {{*}}
  • Change file extensions:
    rename {{.ext}} {{.bak}} {{*.ext}}
  • Prepend "foo" to all filenames in the current directory:
    rename {{''}} {{'foo'}} {{*}}
  • Rename a group of increasingly numbered files zero-padding the numbers up to 3 digits:
    rename {{foo}} {{foo00}} {{foo?}} && rename {{foo}} {{foo0}} {{foo??}}


Command (aliased as cdrecord on some systems) for recording data to CDs or DVDs. Some invocations of wodim can cause destructive actions, such as erasing all the data on a disc. More information:
  • Display optical drives available to wodim:
    wodim --devices
  • Record ("burn") an audio-only disc:
    wodim dev=/dev/{{optical_drive}} -audio {{track*.cdaudio}}
  • Burn a file to a disc, ejecting the disc once done (some recorders require this):
    wodim -eject dev=/dev/{{optical_drive}} -data {{file.iso}}
  • Burn a file to the disc in an optical drive, potentially writing to multiple discs in succession:
    wodim -tao dev=/dev/{{optical_drive}} -data {{file.iso}}

qm reset

Reset a virtual machine on QEMU/KVM Virtual Machine Manager. More information:
  • Reset a virtual machine:
    qm reset {{vm_id}}
  • Reset a virtual machine and skip lock (only root can use this option):
    qm reset --skiplock {{true}} {{vm_id}}


Perform simple operations and calculations on IP addresses and networks. More information:
  • Show information about an address or network with a given subnet mask:
    ipcalc {{}} {{}}
  • Show information about an address or network in CIDR notation:
    ipcalc {{}}/{{24}}
  • Show the broadcast address of an address or network:
    ipcalc -b {{}}/{{30}}
  • Show the network address of provided IP address and netmask:
    ipcalc -n {{}}/{{24}}
  • Display geographic information about a given IP address:
    ipcalc -g {{}}


Display who is logged in and their processes. More information:
  • Display information about all users who are currently logged in:
  • Display information about a specific user:
    w {{username}}
  • Display information without including the header:
    w --no-header
  • Display information without including the login, JCPU and PCPU columns:
    w --short


A terminal emulator for the X Window System. More information:
  • Open the terminal with a title of Example:
    xterm -T {{Example}}
  • Open the terminal in fullscreen mode:
    xterm -fullscreen
  • Open the terminal with a dark blue background and yellow foreground (font color):
    xterm -bg {{darkblue}} -fg {{yellow}}
  • Open the terminal with 100 characters per line and 35 lines, in screen position x=200px, y=20px:
    xterm -geometry {{100}}x{{35}}+{{200}}+{{20}}
  • Open the terminal using a Serif font and a font size equal to 20:
    xterm -fa {{'Serif'}} -fs {{20}}


The startx script is a front end to xinit that provides a nice user interface for running a single session of the X Window System. More information:
  • Start an X session:
  • Start an X session with a predefined depth value:
    startx -- -depth {{value}}
  • Start an X session with a predefined dpi value:
    startx -- -dpi {{value}}
  • Override the settings in the .xinitrc file and start a new X session:
    startx /{{path/to/window_manager_or_desktop_environment}}


Debian and Ubuntu package management utility. Search for packages using apt-cache. More information:
  • Update the list of available packages and versions (it's recommended to run this before other apt-get commands):
    apt-get update
  • Install a package, or update it to the latest available version:
    apt-get install {{package}}
  • Remove a package:
    apt-get remove {{package}}
  • Remove a package and its configuration files:
    apt-get purge {{package}}
  • Upgrade all installed packages to their newest available versions:
    apt-get upgrade
  • Clean the local repository - removing package files (.deb) from interrupted downloads that can no longer be downloaded:
    apt-get autoclean
  • Remove all packages that are no longer needed:
    apt-get autoremove
  • Upgrade installed packages (like upgrade), but remove obsolete packages and install additional packages to meet new dependencies:
    apt-get dist-upgrade


Get a selection of the screen. More information:
  • Wait for the user to make a selection and output its geometry to stdout:
  • Double click, rather than click and drag, to draw a selection:
    slop -D
  • Highlight the selection rather than outlining it:
    slop -l
  • Specify the output format:
    slop -f {{format_string}}
  • Specify the selection rectangle's color:
    slop -c {{red}},{{green}},{{blue}},{{alpha}}


Report how badly fragmented a particular file might be. More information:
  • Display a report for a specific file:
    filefrag {{path/to/file}}
  • Display a report for space-separated list of files:
    filefrag {{path/to/file1}} {{path/to/file2}}
  • Display a report using a 1024 byte blocksize:
    filefrag -b {{path/to/file}}
  • Sync the file before requesting the mapping:
    filefrag -s {{path/to/files}}
  • Display mapping of extended attributes:
    filefrag -x {{path/to/files}}
  • Display a report with verbose information:
    filefrag -v {{path/to/files}}


System utility to provide power and battery information and statistics. More information:
  • Display power and battery information:
    upower --dump
  • List all power devices:
    upower --enumerate
  • Watch for and print power status changes:
    upower --monitor
  • Watch for and print detailed power status changes:
    upower --monitor-detail
  • Display version:
    upower --version


Client for sending Wake-on-LAN magic packets. More information:
  • Send a WoL packet to a device:
    wol {{mac_address}}
  • Send a WoL packet to a device in another subnet based on its IP:
    wol --ipaddr={{ip_address}} {{mac_address}}
  • Send a WoL packet to a device in another subnet based on its hostname:
    wol --host={{hostname}} {{mac_address}}
  • Send a WoL packet to a specific port on a host:
    wol --port={{port_number}} {{mac_address}}
  • Read hardware addresses, IP addresses/hostnames, optional ports and SecureON passwords from a file:
    wol --file={{path/to/file}}
  • Turn on verbose output:
    wol --verbose {{mac_address}}


Write the kernel messages to stdout. More information:
  • Show kernel messages:
  • Show kernel error messages:
    dmesg --level err
  • Show kernel messages and keep reading new ones, similar to tail -f (available in kernels 3.5.0 and newer):
    dmesg -w
  • Show how much physical memory is available on this system:
    dmesg | grep -i memory
  • Show kernel messages 1 page at a time:
    dmesg | less
  • Show kernel messages with a timestamp (available in kernels 3.5.0 and newer):
    dmesg -T
  • Show kernel messages in human-readable form (available in kernels 3.5.0 and newer):
    dmesg -H
  • Colorize output (available in kernels 3.5.0 and newer):
    dmesg -L


Steganography tool for concealing and extracting messages in text files encoded as tabs and spaces. More information:
  • Extract [m]essage from file:
    stegsnow {{path/to/file.txt}}
  • Extract [C]ompressed and [p]assword protected [m]essage from file:
    stegsnow -C -p {{password}} {{path/to/file.txt}}
  • Determine approximate [S]torage capacity with line [l]ength less than 72 for file:
    stegsnow -S -l 72 {{path/to/file.txt}}
  • Conceal [m]essage in text from file and save to result:
    stegsnow -m '{{message}}' {{path/to/file.txt}} {{path/to/result.txt}}
  • Conceal message [f]ile content [C]ompressed in text from file and save to result:
    stegsnow -C -f '{{path/to/message.txt}}' {{path/to/file.txt}} {{path/to/result.txt}}
  • Conceal [m]essage [C]ompressed and [p]assword protected in text from file and save to result:
    stegsnow -C -p {{password}} -m '{{message}}' {{path/to/file.txt}} {{path/to/result.txt}}


The D-Bus message daemon, allowing multiple programs to exchange messages. More information:
  • Run the daemon with a configuration file:
    dbus-daemon --config-file {{path/to/file}}
  • Run the daemon with the standard per-login-session message bus configuration:
    dbus-daemon --session
  • Run the daemon with the standard systemwide message bus configuration:
    dbus-daemon --system
  • Set the address to listen on and override the configuration value for it:
    dbus-daemon --address {{address}}
  • Output the process ID to stdout:
    dbus-daemon --print-pid
  • Force the message bus to write to the system log for messages:
    dbus-daemon --syslog

qm shutdown

Shutdown a virtual machine on QEMU/KVM Virtual Machine Manager. More information:
  • Shutdown a virtual machine:
    qm shutdown {{VM_ID}}
  • Shutdown a virtual machine after wait for at most 10 seconds:
    qm shutdown --timeout {{10}} {{VM_ID}}
  • Shutdown a virtual machine and do not deactivate storage volumes:
    qm shutdown --keepActive {{true}} {{VM_ID}}
  • Shutdown a virtual machine and skip lock (only root can use this option):
    qm shutdown --skiplock {{true}} {{VM_ID}}
  • Stop and shutdown a virtual machine:
    qm shutdown --forceStop {{true}} {{VM_ID}}


A command-line utility for the GUI package manager pamac. If you can't see the AUR packages, enable it in /etc/pamac.conf or in the GUI. More information:
  • Install a new package:
    pamac install {{package_name}}
  • Remove a package and its no longer required dependencies (orphans):
    pamac remove --orphans {{package_name}}
  • Search the package database for a package:
    pamac search {{package_name}}
  • List installed packages:
    pamac list --installed
  • Check for package updates:
    pamac checkupdates
  • Upgrade all packages:
    pamac upgrade


Show and manipulate wireless devices. More information:
  • Scan for available wireless networks:
    iw dev {{wlp}} scan
  • Join an open wireless network:
    iw dev {{wlp}} connect {{SSID}}
  • Close the current connection:
    iw dev {{wlp}} disconnect
  • Show information about the current connection:
    iw dev {{wlp}} link

qm mtunnel

Used by qmigrate. It should not be invoked manually. More information:
  • Command used by qmigrate during data migration from a VM to another host:
    qm mtunnel


Set file access control lists (ACL). More information:
  • Modify ACL of a file for user with read and write access:
    setfacl -m u:{{username}}:rw {{file}}
  • Modify default ACL of a file for all users:
    setfacl -d -m u::rw {{file}}
  • Remove ACL of a file for a user:
    setfacl -x u:{{username}} {{file}}
  • Remove all ACL entries of a file:
    setfacl -b {{file}}


An AUR helper and pacman wrapper. More information:
  • Interactively search for and install a package:
    paru {{package_name_or_search_term}}
  • Synchronize and update all packages:
  • Upgrade AUR packages:
    paru -Sua
  • Get information about a package:
    paru -Si {{package}}
  • Download PKGBUILD and other package source files from the AUR or ABS:
    paru --getpkgbuild {{package}}
  • Display the PKGBUILD file of a package:
    paru --getpkgbuild --print {{package}}


Perform a new Entrez search using terms in indexed fields. It is part of the edirect package. More information:
  • Search the pubmed database for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor:
    esearch -db pubmed -query "{{selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor}}"
  • Search the protein database using a query and regexp:
    esearch -db {{protein}} -query {{'Escherichia*'}}
  • Search the nucleotide database for sequences whose metadata contain insulin and rodents:
    esearch -db nuccore -query "{{insulin [PROT] AND rodents [ORGN]}}"
  • Display [h]elp:
    esearch -h


Report whether the computer is connected to an external power source. More information:
  • Silently check and return a 0 status code when running on AC power, and a non-zero code otherwise:
  • Additionally print yes or no to stdout:
    systemd-ac-power --verbose


Replacement dock for Plasma desktop. More information:
  • Clear QML cache:
    latte-dock --clear-cache
  • Import and load default layout on startup:
    latte-dock --default-layout
  • Load a specific layout on startup:
    latte-dock --layout {{layout_name}}
  • Import and load a specific layout:
    latte-dock --import-layout {{path/to/file}}


Manage Ubuntu Pro services. More information:
  • Connect your system to the Ubuntu Pro support contract:
    sudo pro attach
  • Display the status of Ubuntu Pro services:
    pro status
  • Check if the system is affected by a specific vulnerability (and apply a fix if possible):
    pro fix {{CVE-number}}
  • Display the number of unsupported packages:
    pro security-status
  • List packages that are no longer available for download:
    pro security-status --unavailable
  • List third-party packages:
    pro security-status --thirdparty


Arrange multiple GNOME terminals in one window. More information:
  • Start terminator window:
  • Start with a fullscreen window:
    terminator -f
  • Split terminals horizontally:
    Ctrl + Shift + O
  • Split terminals vertically:
    Ctrl + Shift + E
  • Open new tab:
    Ctrl + Shift + T


Bind a Unix raw character device. More information:
  • Bind a raw character device to a block device:
    raw /dev/raw/raw{{1}} {{/dev/block_device}}
  • Query an existing binding instead of setting a new one:
    raw /dev/raw/raw{{1}}
  • Query all bound raw devices:
    raw -qa


A screencast tool to display keys pressed. More information:
  • Display keys which are currently being pressed on the screen:
  • Display keys and mouse buttons which are currently being pressed on the screen:
    screenkey --mouse
  • Launch the settings menu of screenkey:
    screenkey --show-settings
  • Launch screenkey at a specific position:
    screenkey --position {{top|center|bottom|fixed}}
  • Change the format of the key modifiers displayed on screen:
    screenkey --mods-mode {{normal|emacs|mac|win|tux}}
  • Change the appearance of screenkey:
    screenkey --bg-color "{{#a1b2c3}}" --font {{Hack}} --font-color {{yellow}} --opacity {{0.8}}
  • Drag and select a window on screen to display screenkey:
    screenkey --position fixed --geometry {{$(slop -n -f '%g')}}


QEMU/KVM Virtual Machine Manager. More information:
  • List all virtual machines:
    qm list
  • Using an ISO file uploaded on the local storage, create a virtual machine with a 4 GB IDE disk on the local-lvm storage and an ID of 100:
    qm create {{100}} -ide0 {{local-lvm:4}} -net0 {{e1000}} -cdrom {{local:iso/proxmox-mailgateway_2.1.iso}}
  • Show the configuration of a virtual machine, specifying its ID:
    qm config {{100}}
  • Start a specific virtual machine:
    qm start {{100}}
  • Send a shutdown request, then wait until the virtual machine is stopped:
    qm shutdown {{100}} && qm wait {{100}}
  • Destroy a virtual machine and remove all related resources:
    qm destroy {{100}} --purge


Simple tool to install .deb files. More information:
  • Install local .deb packages resolving and installing its dependencies:
    gdebi {{path/to/package.deb}}
  • Display the program version:
    gdebi --version
  • Do not show progress information:
    gdebi {{path/to/package.deb}} --quiet
  • Set an APT configuration option:
    gdebi {{path/to/package.deb}} --option={{APT_OPTS}}
  • Use alternative root dir:
    gdebi {{path/to/package.deb}} --root={{path/to/root_dir}}


Display the size of an ISO file. More information:
  • Display the size of an ISO file:
    isosize {{path/to/file.iso}}
  • Display the block count and block size of an ISO file:
    isosize --sectors {{path/to/file.iso}}
  • Display the size of an ISO file divided by a given number (only usable when --sectors is not given):
    isosize --divisor={{number}} {{path/to/file.iso}}


Split a file into pieces. This generates files named "xx00", "xx01", and so on. More information:
  • Split a file at lines 5 and 23:
    csplit {{path/to/file}} {{5}} {{23}}
  • Split a file every 5 lines (this will fail if the total number of lines is not divisible by 5):
    csplit {{path/to/file}} {{5}} {*}
  • Split a file every 5 lines, ignoring exact-division error:
    csplit -k {{path/to/file}} {{5}} {*}
  • Split a file at line 5 and use a custom prefix for the output files:
    csplit {{path/to/file}} {{5}} -f {{prefix}}
  • Split a file at a line matching a regular expression:
    csplit {{path/to/file}} /{{regular_expression}}/


Print system information for a Raspberry Pi. More information:
  • List all available commands:
    vcgencmd commands
  • Print the current CPU temperature:
    vcgencmd measure_temp
  • Print the current voltage:
    vcgencmd measure_volts
  • Print the throttled state of the system as a bit pattern:
    vcgencmd get_throttled
  • Print the bootloader config (only available on Raspberry Pi 4 models):
    vcgencmd bootloader_config
  • Display Help:
    vcgencmd --help


View, setup, and manage Slurm accounts. More information:
  • Show current configuration:
    sacctmgr show configuration
  • Add a cluster to the slurm database:
    sacctmgr add cluster {{cluster_name}}
  • Add an account to the slurm database:
    sacctmgr add account {{account_name}} cluster={{cluster_of_account}}
  • Show details of user/association/cluster/account using a specific format:
    sacctmgr show {{user|association|cluster|account}} format="Account%10" format="GrpTRES%30"

nmcli agent

Run nmcli as a NetworkManager secret agent or polkit agent. This subcommand can also be called with nmcli a. More information:
  • Register nmcli as a secret agent and listen for secret requests:
    nmcli agent secret
  • Register nmcli as a polkit agent and listen for authorization requests:
    nmcli agent polkit
  • Register nmcli as a secret agent and a polkit agent:
    nmcli agent all


Communicate between the browser application and various configuration tools and services like cockpit-bridge. More information:
  • Start with authentication via SSH at with port 22 enabled:
    cockpit-ws --local-ssh
  • Start an HTTP server on a specific port:
    cockpit-ws --port {{port}}
  • Start and bind to a specific IP address (defaults to
    cockpit-ws --address {{ip_address}}
  • Start without TLS:
    cockpit-ws --no-tls
  • Display help:
    cockpit-ws --help


Sets or gets the label of a FAT32 partition. More information:
  • Get the label of a FAT32 partition:
    fatlabel {{/dev/sda1}}
  • Set the label of a FAT32 partition:
    fatlabel {{/dev/sdc3}} "{{new_label}}"

qm guest exec

Execute a specific command via a guest agent. More information:
  • Execute a specific command via a guest agent:
    qm guest exec {{vm_id}} {{command}} {{argument1 argument2 ...}}
  • Execute a specific command via a guest agent asynchronously:
    qm guest exec {{vm_id}} {{argument1 argument2 ...}} --synchronous 0
  • Execute a specific command via a guest agent with a specified timeout of 10 seconds:
    qm guest exec {{vm_id}} {{argument1 argument2...}} --timeout {{10}}
  • Execute a specific command via a guest agent and forward input from STDIN until EOF to the guest agent:
    qm guest exec {{vm_id}} {{argument1 argument2 ...}} --pass-stdin 1


Delete a user from the system. More information:
  • Remove a user:
    sudo deluser {{username}}
  • Remove a user and their home directory:
    sudo deluser --remove-home {{username}}
  • Remove a user and their home, but backup their files into a .tar.gz file in the specified directory:
    sudo deluser --backup-to {{path/to/backup_directory}} --remove-home {{username}}
  • Remove a user, and all files owned by them:
    sudo deluser --remove-all-files {{username}}

semanage fcontext

Manage persistent SELinux security context rules on files/directories. See also: semanage, restorecon. More information:
  • List all file labelling rules:
    sudo semanage fcontext --list
  • List all user-defined file labelling rules without headings:
    sudo semanage fcontext --list --locallist --noheading
  • Add a user-defined rule that labels any path which matches a PCRE regex:
    sudo semanage fcontext --add --type {{samba_share_t}} {{'/mnt/share(/.*)?'}}
  • Delete a user-defined rule using its PCRE regex:
    sudo semanage fcontext --delete {{'/mnt/share(/.*)?'}}
  • Relabel a directory recursively by applying the new rules:
    restorecon -R -v {{path/to/directory}}


CLI for X Window Manager. More information:
  • List all windows, managed by the window manager:
    wmctrl -l
  • Switch to the first window whose (partial) title matches:
    wmctrl -a {{window_title}}
  • Move a window to the current workspace, raise it and give it focus:
    wmctrl -R {{window_title}}
  • Switch to a workspace:
    wmctrl -s {{workspace_number}}
  • Select a window and toggle fullscreen:
    wmctrl -r {{window_title}} -b toggle,fullscreen
  • Select a window a move it to a workspace:
    wmctrl -r {{window_title}} -t {{workspace_number}}


Debian and Ubuntu package query tool. More information:
  • Search for a package in your current sources:
    apt-cache search {{query}}
  • Show information about a package:
    apt-cache show {{package}}
  • Show whether a package is installed and up to date:
    apt-cache policy {{package}}
  • Show dependencies for a package:
    apt-cache depends {{package}}
  • Show packages that depend on a particular package:
    apt-cache rdepends {{package}}


Package management utility for RHEL, Fedora, and CentOS (replaces yum). For equivalent commands in other package managers, see More information:
  • Upgrade installed packages to the newest available versions:
    sudo dnf upgrade
  • Search packages via keywords:
    dnf search {{keyword1 keyword2 ...}}
  • Display details about a package:
    dnf info {{package}}
  • Install a new package (use -y to confirm all prompts automatically):
    sudo dnf install {{package1 package2 ...}}
  • Remove a package:
    sudo dnf remove {{package1 package2 ...}}
  • List installed packages:
    dnf list --installed
  • Find which packages provide a given command:
    dnf provides {{command}}
  • View all past operations:
    dnf history


Defragment an ext4 filesystem. More information:
  • Defragment the filesystem:
    e4defrag {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • See how fragmented a filesystem is:
    e4defrag -c {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Print errors and the fragmentation count before and after each file:
    e4defrag -v {{/dev/sdXN}}


Use any Linux distribution inside your terminal in a container. Install & use packages inside it while tightly integrating with the host OS, sharing storage (home directory) and hardware. It uses Podman or Docker to create your containers. More information:
  • View documentation for creating containers:
    tldr distrobox-create
  • View documentation for listing container's information:
    tldr distrobox-list
  • View documentation for entering the container:
    tldr distrobox-enter
  • View documentation for executing a command on the host from inside a container:
    tldr distrobox-host-exec
  • View documentation for exporting app/service/binary from the container to the host:
    tldr distrobox-export
  • View documentation for upgrading containers:
    tldr distrobox-upgrade
  • View documentation for stopping the containers:
    tldr distrobox-stop
  • View documentation for removing the containers:
    tldr distrobox-rm


Enable PHP extensions on Debian-based OSes. More information:
  • Enable the JSON extension for every SAPI of every PHP version:
    sudo phpenmod {{json}}
  • Enable the JSON extension for PHP 7.3 with the cli SAPI:
    sudo phpenmod -v {{7.3}} -s {{cli}} {{json}}


Command to display the name and capabilities of each specified file. More information:
  • Get capabilities for the given files:
    getcap {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}
  • Get capabilities for all the files recursively under the given directories:
    getcap -r {{path/to/directory1 path/to/directory2 ...}}
  • Displays all searched entries even if no capabilities are set:
    getcap -v {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}


Display information about Bash builtin commands. More information:
  • Display the full list of builtin commands:
  • Print instructions on how to use the while loop construct:
    help while
  • Print instructions on how to use the for loop construct:
    help for
  • Print instructions on how to use [[ ]] for conditional commands:
    help [[ ]]
  • Print instruction on how to use (( )) to evaluate arithmetic expressions:
    help \( \)
  • Print instructions on how to use the cd command:
    help cd


Update XDG user directories. More information:
  • Change XDG's DESKTOP directory to the specified directory (must be absolute):
    xdg-user-dirs-update --set DESKTOP "{{path/to/directory}}"
  • Write the result to the specified dry-run-file instead of the user-dirs.dirs file:
    xdg-user-dirs-update --dummy-output "{{path/to/dry_run_file}}" --set {{xdg_user_directory}} "{{path/to/directory}}"


Steganography tool for JPEG, BMP, WAV and AU file formats. More information:
  • Embed data in a PNG, prompting for a passphrase:
    steghide embed --coverfile {{path/to/image.png}} --embedfile {{path/to/data.txt}}
  • Extract data from a WAV audio file:
    steghide extract --stegofile {{path/to/sound.wav}}
  • Display file information, trying to detect an embedded file:
    steghide info {{path/to/file.jpg}}
  • Embed data in a JPEG image, using maximum compression:
    steghide embed --coverfile {{path/to/image.jpg}} --embedfile {{path/to/data.txt}} --compress {{9}}
  • Get the list of supported encryption algorithms and modes:
    steghide encinfo
  • Embed encrypted data in a JPEG image, e.g. with Blowfish in CBC mode:
    steghide embed --coverfile {{path/to/image.jpg}} --embedfile {{path/to/data.txt}} --encryption {{blowfish|...}} {{cbc|...}}


Command-line image resizer and rotator for JPEG and PNG images. More information:
  • Convert single images and/or whole directories containing valid image formats:
    imgp -x {{1366x1000}} {{path/to/directory}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Scale an image by 75% and overwrite the source image to a target resolution:
    imgp -x {{75}} -w {{path/to/file}}
  • Rotate an image clockwise by 90 degrees:
    imgp -o {{90}} {{path/to/file}}


Control and monitor the ModemManager. More information:
  • List available modems:
    mmcli --list-modems
  • Print information about a modem:
    mmcli --modem={{modem}}
  • Enable a modem:
    mmcli --modem={{modem}} --enable
  • List SMS messages available on the modem:
    sudo mmcli --modem={{modem}} --messaging-list-sms
  • Delete a message from the modem, specifying its path:
    sudo mmcli --modem={{modem}} --messaging-delete-sms={{path/to/message_file}}


Display information about Logical Volume Manager (LVM) logical volumes. See also: lvm. More information:
  • Display information about all logical volumes:
    sudo lvdisplay
  • Display information about all logical volumes in volume group vg1:
    sudo lvdisplay {{vg1}}
  • Display information about logical volume lv1 in volume group vg1:
    sudo lvdisplay {{vg1/lv1}}


Replay a typescript created by the script command to stdout. More information:
  • Replay a typescript at the speed it was recorded:
    scriptreplay {{path/to/timing_file}} {{path/to/typescript}}
  • Replay a typescript at double the original speed:
    scriptreplay {{path/to/timingfile}} {{path/to/typescript}} 2
  • Replay a typescript at half the original speed:
    scriptreplay {{path/to/timingfile}} {{path/to/typescript}} 0.5


Create a self-extracting compressed binary file by prepending self-extracting stubs on a zip file. More information:
  • Create a self-extracting binary file of a zip archive:
    cat unzipsfx {{path/to/}} > {{filename}} && chmod 755 {{filename}}
  • Extract a self-extracting binary in the current directory:
  • Test a self-extracting binary for errors:
    {{./path/to/binary)}} -t
  • Print content of a file in the self-extracting binary without extraction:
    {{./path/to/binary)}} -c {{path/to/filename}}
  • Print comments on zip archive in the self-extracting binary:
    {{./path/to/binary)}} -z


Debian Security Analyzer, a tool to list vulnerabilities on a particular Debian installation. More information:
  • List vulnerable installed packages on the current host:
  • List vulnerable installed packages of a specific suite:
    debsecan --suite {{release_code_name}}
  • List only fixed vulnerabilities:
    debsecan --suite {{release_code_name}} --only-fixed
  • List only fixed vulnerabilities of unstable ("sid") and mail to root:
    debsecan --suite {{sid}} --only-fixed --format {{report}} --mailto {{root}} --update-history
  • Upgrade vulnerable installed packages:
    sudo apt upgrade $(debsecan --only-fixed --format {{packages}})


A minimalistic terminal program, used to access remote devices via a serial, CAN or telnet connection from the console. More information:
  • Open a serial port using the specified baud rate:
    microcom --port {{path/to/serial_port}} --speed {{baud_rate}}
  • Establish a telnet connection to the specified host:
    microcom --telnet {{hostname}}:{{port}}


Update/list the ports tree on a CRUX system. More information:
  • Update the ports tree:
    ports -u
  • List the ports in the current tree:
    ports -l
  • Check the differences between installed packages and the ports tree:
    ports -d


A V8 JavaScript runtime for Linux. More information:
  • Start a REPL (interactive shell):
  • Run a JavaScript file:
    just {{path/to/file.js}}
  • Evaluate JavaScript code by passing it as an argument:
    just eval "{{code}}"
  • Initialize a new project in a directory of the same name:
    just init {{project_name}}
  • Build a JavaScript application into an executable:
    just build {{path/to/file.js}} --static


DNS enumeration tool. More information:
  • Scan a domain and save the results to a SQLite database:
    dnsrecon --domain {{}} --db {{path/to/database.sqlite}}
  • Scan a domain, specifying the nameserver and performing a zone transfer:
    dnsrecon --domain {{}} --name_server {{}} --type axfr
  • Scan a domain, using a brute-force attack and a dictionary of subdomains and hostnames:
    dnsrecon --domain {{}} --dictionary {{path/to/dictionary.txt}} --type brt
  • Scan a domain, performing a reverse lookup of IP ranges from the SPF record and saving the results to a JSON file:
    dnsrecon --domain {{}} -s --json
  • Scan a domain, performing a Google enumeration and saving the results to a CSV file:
    dnsrecon --domain {{}} -g --csv
  • Scan a domain, performing DNS cache snooping:
    dnsrecon --domain {{}} --type snoop --name_server {{}} --dictionary {{path/to/dictionary.txt}}
  • Scan a domain, performing zone walking:
    dnsrecon --domain {{}} --type zonewalk


Code coverage analysis and profiling tool that discovers untested parts of a program. Also displays a copy of source code annotated with execution frequencies of code segments. More information:
  • Generate a coverage report named file.cpp.gcov:
    gcov {{path/to/file.cpp}}
  • Write individual execution counts for every basic block:
    gcov --all-blocks {{path/to/file.cpp}}
  • Write branch frequencies to the output file and print summary information to stdout as a percentage:
    gcov --branch-probabilities {{path/to/file.cpp}}
  • Write branch frequencies as the number of branches taken, rather than the percentage:
    gcov --branch-counts {{path/to/file.cpp}}
  • Do not create a gcov output file:
    gcov --no-output {{path/to/file.cpp}}
  • Write file level as well as function level summaries:
    gcov --function-summaries {{path/to/file.cpp}}


TigerVNC Server for X displays. More information:
  • Start a VNC server using a passwordfile:
    x0vncserver -display {{:0}} -passwordfile {{path/to/file}}
  • Start a VNC server using a specific port:
    x0vncserver -display {{:0}} -rfbport {{port}}


Create, remove, change or inspect home directories using the systemd-homed service. More information:
  • List user accounts and their associated home directories:
    homectl list
  • Create a user account and their associated home directory:
    sudo homectl create {{username}}
  • Remove a specific user and the associated home directory:
    sudo homectl remove {{username}}
  • Change the password for a specific user:
    sudo homectl passwd {{username}}
  • Run a shell or a command with access to a specific home directory:
    sudo homectl with {{username}} -- {{command}} {{command_arguments}}
  • Lock or unlock a specific home directory:
    sudo homectl {{lock|unlock}} {{username}}
  • Change the disk space assigned to a specific home directory to 100 GiB:
    sudo homectl resize {{username}} {{100G}}
  • Display help:
    homectl --help


Check which daemons need to be restarted after library upgrades. More information:
  • List outdated processes:
  • Interactively restart services:
    sudo needrestart
  • List outdated processes in [v]erbose or [q]uiet mode:
    needrestart -{{v|q}}
  • Check if the [k]ernel is outdated:
    needrestart -k
  • Check if the CPU microcode is outdated:
    needrestart -w
  • List outdated processes in [b]atch mode:
    needrestart -b
  • List outdated processed using a specific [c]onfiguration file:
    needrestart -c {{path/to/config}}
  • Display help:
    needrestart --help


Displays the sizes of sections inside binary files. More information:
  • Display the size of sections in a given object or executable file:
    size {{path/to/file}}
  • Display the size of sections in a given object or executable file in [o]ctal:
    size {{-o|--radix=8}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Display the size of sections in a given object or executable file in [d]ecimal:
    size {{-d|--radix=10}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Display the size of sections in a given object or executable file in he[x]adecimal:
    size {{-x|--radix=16}} {{path/to/file}}

qm list

List all virtual machines. More information:
  • List all virtual machines:
    qm list
  • List all virtual machines with a full status about the ones which are currently running:
    qm list --full 1


Zile is a lightweight clone of the Emacs text editor. More information:
  • Start a buffer for temporary notes, which won't be saved:
  • Open a file:
    zile {{path/to/file}}
  • Save a file:
    Ctrl + X, Ctrl + S
  • Quit:
    Ctrl + X, Ctrl + C
  • Open a file at a specified line number:
    zile +{{line_number}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Undo changes:
    Ctrl + X, U

toolbox help

Displays help information about toolbox. More information:
  • Display the toolbox manual:
    toolbox help
  • Display the toolbox manual for a specific subcommand:
    toolbox help {{subcommand}}


KPackage Manager: Install, list, remove Plasma packages. More information:
  • List all known package types that can be installed:
    kpackagetool5 --list-types
  • Install the package from a directory:
    kpackagetool5 --type {{package_type}} --install {{path/to/directory}}
  • Update installed package from a directory:
    kpackagetool5 --type {{package_type}} --upgrade {{path/to/directory}}
  • List installed plasmoids (--global for all users):
    kpackagetool5 --type Plasma/Applet --list --global
  • Remove a plasmoid by name:
    kpackagetool5 --type Plasma/Applet --remove "{{name}}"


Run a command in an environment faking root privileges for file manipulation. More information:
  • Start the default shell as fakeroot:
  • Run a command as fakeroot:
    fakeroot -- {{command}} {{command_arguments}}
  • Run a command as fakeroot and save the environment to a file on exit:
    fakeroot -s {{path/to/file}} -- {{command}} {{command_arguments}}
  • Load a fakeroot environment and run a command as fakeroot:
    fakeroot -i {{path/to/file}} -- {{command}} {{command_arguments}}
  • Run a command keeping the real ownership of files instead of pretending they are owned by root:
    fakeroot --unknown-is-real -- {{command}} {{command_arguments}}
  • Display help:
    fakeroot --help


URL spidering tool for making a cracking wordlist from web content. More information:
  • Create a wordlist file from the given URL up to 2 links depth:
    cewl --depth {{2}} --write {{path/to/wordlist.txt}} {{url}}
  • Output an alphanumeric wordlist from the given URL with words of minimum 5 characters:
    cewl --with-numbers --min_word_length {{5}} {{url}}
  • Output a wordlist from the given URL in debug mode including email addresses:
    cewl --debug --email {{url}}
  • Output a wordlist from the given URL using HTTP Basic or Digest authentication:
    cewl --auth_type {{basic|digest}} --auth_user {{username}} --auth_pass {{password}} {{url}}
  • Output a wordlist from the given URL through a proxy:
    cewl --proxy_host {{host}} --proxy_port {{port}} {{url}}


Securely sandboxes processes to containers using built-in Linux capabilities. More information:
  • Integrate firejail with your desktop environment:
    sudo firecfg
  • Open a restricted Mozilla Firefox:
    firejail {{firefox}}
  • Start a restricted Apache server on a known interface and address:
    firejail --net={{eth0}} --ip={{}} {{/etc/init.d/apache2}} {{start}}
  • List running sandboxes:
    firejail --list
  • List network activity from running sandboxes:
    firejail --netstats
  • Shutdown a running sandbox:
    firejail --shutdown={{7777}}


Parse a partition table and tell the kernel about it. More information:
  • List the partitions on a block device or disk image:
    sudo partx --list {{path/to/device_or_disk_image}}
  • Add all the partitions found in a given block device to the kernel:
    sudo partx --add --verbose {{path/to/device_or_disk_image}}
  • Delete all the partitions found from the kernel (does not alter partitions on disk):
    sudo partx --delete {{path/to/device_or_disk_image}}


Modifies a user account. See also: users, useradd, userdel. More information:
  • Change a username:
    sudo usermod --login {{new_username}} {{username}}
  • Change a user id:
    sudo usermod --uid {{id}} {{username}}
  • Change a user shell:
    sudo usermod --shell {{path/to/shell}} {{username}}
  • Add a user to supplementary groups (mind the lack of whitespace):
    sudo usermod --append --groups {{group1,group2,...}} {{username}}
  • Change a user home directory:
    sudo usermod --move-home --home {{path/to/new_home}} {{username}}


Krita is a sketching and painting program designed for digital artists. See also: gimp. More information:
  • Start Krita:
  • Open specific files:
    krita {{path/to/image1 path/to/image2 ...}}
  • Start without a splash screen:
    krita --nosplash
  • Start with a specific workspace:
    krita --workspace {{Animation}}
  • Start in fullscreen mode:
    krita --fullscreen


Utility programs for dumping and verifying ISO disk images. More information:
  • List all the files included in an ISO image:
    isoinfo -f -i {{path/to/image.iso}}
  • E[x]tract a specific file from an ISO image and send it out stdout:
    isoinfo -i {{path/to/image.iso}} -x {{/PATH/TO/FILE/INSIDE/ISO.EXT}}
  • Show header information for an ISO disk image:
    isoinfo -d -i {{path/to/image.iso}}

dconf write

Write key values in dconf databases. See also: dconf. More information:
  • Write a specific key value:
    dconf write {{/path/to/key}} "{{value}}"
  • Write a specific string key value:
    dconf write {{/path/to/key}} "'{{string}}'"
  • Write a specific integer key value:
    dconf write {{/path/to/key}} "{{5}}"
  • Write a specific boolean key value:
    dconf write {{/path/to/key}} "{{true|false}}"
  • Write a specific array key value:
    dconf write {{/path/to/key}} "[{{'first', 'second', ...}}]"
  • Write a specific empty array key value:
    dconf write {{/path/to/key}} "@as []"

pacman --sync

Arch Linux package manager utility. See also: pacman. More information:
  • Install a new package:
    sudo pacman --sync {{package}}
  • Synchronize and update all packages (add --downloadonly to download the packages and not update them):
    sudo pacman --sync --refresh --sysupgrade
  • Update all packages and install a new one without prompting:
    sudo pacman --sync --refresh --sysupgrade --noconfirm {{package}}
  • Search the package database for a regular expression or keyword:
    pacman --sync --search "{{search_pattern}}"
  • Display information about a package:
    pacman --sync --info {{package}}
  • Overwrite conflicting files during a package update:
    sudo pacman --sync --refresh --sysupgrade --overwrite {{path/to/file}}
  • Synchronize and update all packages, but ignore a specific package (can be used more than once):
    sudo pacman --sync --refresh --sysupgrade --ignore {{package}}
  • Remove not installed packages and unused repositories from the cache (use two --clean flags to clean all packages):
    sudo pacman --sync --clean


This command is an alias of systemd-mount --umount.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr systemd-mount


Manage dconf databases. See also: dconf-read, dconf-reset, dconf-write, gsettings. More information:
  • Print a specific key value:
    dconf read {{/path/to/key}}
  • Print a specific path sub-directories and sub-keys:
    dconf list {{/path/to/directory/}}
  • Write a specific key value:
    dconf write {{/path/to/key}} "{{value}}"
  • Reset a specific key value:
    dconf reset {{/path/to/key}}
  • Watch a specific key/directory for changes:
    dconf watch {{/path/to/key|/path/to/directory/}}
  • Dump a specific directory in INI file format:
    dconf dump {{/path/to/directory/}}


Convert between Dropbear and OpenSSH private key formats. More information:
  • Convert an OpenSSH private key to the Dropbear format:
    dropbearconvert openssh dropbear {{path/to/input_key}} {{path/to/output_key}}
  • Convert a Dropbear private key to the OpenSSH format:
    dropbearconvert dropbear openssh {{path/to/input_key}} {{path/to/output_key}}


Tool for maintenance of the debian/changelog file in a Debian source package. More information:
  • Add a new version for a non-maintainer upload to the changelog:
    debchange --nmu
  • Add a changelog entry to the current version:
    debchange --append
  • Add a changelog entry to close the bug with specified ID:
    debchange --closes {{bug_id}}


List available input devices, query information about a device and change input device settings. More information:
  • List all input devices:
    xinput list
  • Disable an input:
    xinput disable {{id}}
  • Enable an input:
    xinput enable {{id}}
  • Disconnect an input from its master:
    xinput float {{id}}
  • Reattach an input as slave to a master:
    xinput reattach {{id}} {{master_id}}
  • List settings of an input device:
    xinput list-props {{id}}
  • Change a setting of an input device:
    xinput set-prop {{id}} {{setting_id}} {{value}}


Change and manipulate the screen setup. More information:
  • Show display output information:
    kscreen-doctor --outputs
  • Set the rotation of a display output with an ID of 1 to the right:
    kscreen-doctor {{output.1.rotation.right}}
  • Set the scale of a display output with an ID of HDMI-2 to 2 (200%):
    kscreen-doctor {{output.HDMI-2.scale.2}}


Display orphan packages on operating systems using the APT package manager. More information:
  • Display library packages (from the "libs" section of the package repository) which are not required by another package:
  • List orphan packages from the "libs" section as well as orphan packages that have a name that looks like a library name:
    deborphan --guess-all
  • Find packages which are only recommended or suggested (but not required) by another package:
    deborphan --nice-mode


User addition utility. More information:
  • Create a new user with a default home directory and prompt the user to set a password:
    adduser {{username}}
  • Create a new user without a home directory:
    adduser --no-create-home {{username}}
  • Create a new user with a home directory at the specified path:
    adduser --home {{path/to/home}} {{username}}
  • Create a new user with the specified shell set as the login shell:
    adduser --shell {{path/to/shell}} {{username}}
  • Create a new user belonging to the specified group:
    adduser --ingroup {{group}} {{username}}


Calculate the average CPU frequency over a time period. Requires root privileges. More information:
  • Start calculating, defaulting to all CPU cores and 1 second refresh interval:
    sudo cpufreq-aperf
  • Start calculating for CPU 1 only:
    sudo cpufreq-aperf -c {{1}}
  • Start calculating with a 3 second refresh interval for all CPU cores:
    sudo cpufreq-aperf -i {{3}}
  • Calculate only once:
    sudo cpufreq-aperf -o


Print or change the label or UUID of a swap area. Note: path/to/file can either point to a regular file or a swap partition. More information:
  • Display the current label and UUID of a swap area:
    swaplabel {{path/to/file}}
  • Set the label of a swap area:
    swaplabel --label {{new_label}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Set the UUID of a swap area (you can generate a UUID using uuidgen):
    swaplabel --uuid {{new_uuid}} {{path/to/file}}


Rotates, compresses, and mails system logs. More information:
  • Trigger a run manually:
    logrotate {{path/to/logrotate.conf}} --force
  • Run using a specific command to mail reports:
    logrotate {{path/to/logrotate.conf}} --mail {{/usr/bin/mail_command}}
  • Run without using a state (lock) file:
    logrotate {{path/to/logrotate.conf}} --state /dev/null
  • Run and skip the state (lock) file check:
    logrotate {{path/to/logrotate.conf}} --skip-state-lock
  • Tell logrotate to log verbose output into the log file:
    logrotate {{path/to/logrotate.conf}} --log {{path/to/log_file}}


Set up and use a "bottle" namespace to run systemd under WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). To run these from Windows rather than an already-running distribution, precede them with wsl. More information:
  • Initialize the bottle (run once, at start):
    genie -i
  • Run a login shell inside the bottle:
    genie -s
  • Run a specified command inside the bottle:
    genie -c {{command}}


Manage Wine virtual Windows environments. More information:
  • Start a graphical setup at the default Wine location:
  • Specify a custom Wine directory to run Winetricks in:
    WINEPREFIX={{path/to/wine_directory}} winetricks
  • Install a Windows DLL or component to the default Wine directory:
    winetricks {{package}}


A notification tool that is an extension of notify-send, but has more features based around dunst. Works with all options that work for notify-send. More information:
  • Show a notification with a given title and message:
    dunstify "{{Title}}" "{{Message}}"
  • Show a notification with specified urgency:
    dunstify "{{Title}}" "{{Message}}" -u {{low|normal|critical}}
  • Specify a message ID (overwrites any previous messages with the same ID):
    dunstify "{{Title}}" "{{Message}}" -r {{123}}
  • To see other possible options:
    notify-send --help


Remove fingerprints from the database. More information:
  • Remove all fingerprints for a specific user:
    fprintd-delete {{username}}
  • Remove a specific fingerprints for a specific user:
    fprintd-delete {{username}} --finger {{left-thumb|left-index-finger|left-middle-finger|left-ring-finger|left-little-finger|right-thumb|right-index-finger|right-middle-finger|right-ring-finger|right-little-finger}}
  • Display help:


The GNOME Terminal emulator. More information:
  • Open a new GNOME terminal window:
  • Run a specific command in a new terminal window:
    gnome-terminal -- {{command}}
  • Open a new tab in the last opened window instead:
    gnome-terminal --tab
  • Set the title of the new tab:
    gnome-terminal --tab --title "{{title}}"


An alias to a run-mailcap's action edit. Originally run-mailcap is used to process/edit mime-type/file. More information:
  • Edit action can be used to view any file on default mailcap explorer:
    edit {{filename}}
  • With run-mailcap:
    run-mailcap --action=edit {{filename}}


Run processes into daemons. More information:
  • Run a command as a daemon:
    daemon --name="{{name}}" {{command}}
  • Run a command as a daemon which will restart if the command crashes:
    daemon --name="{{name}}" --respawn {{command}}
  • Run a command as a daemon which will restart if it crashes, with two attempts every 10 seconds:
    daemon --name="{{name}}" --respawn --attempts=2 --delay=10 {{command}}
  • Run a command as a daemon, writing logs to a specific file:
    daemon --name="{{name}}" --errlog={{path/to/file.log}} {{command}}
  • Kill a daemon (SIGTERM):
    daemon --name="{{name}}" --stop
  • List daemons:
    daemon --list


Utility for reading and controlling device brightness for GNU/Linux operating systems. More information:
  • List devices with changeable brightness:
    brightnessctl --list
  • Print the current brightness of the display backlight:
    brightnessctl get
  • Set the brightness of the display backlight to a specified percentage within range:
    brightnessctl set {{50%}}
  • Increase brightness by a specified increment:
    brightnessctl set {{+10%}}
  • Decrease brightness by a specified decrement:
    brightnessctl set {{10%-}}


Query the status of network links. Manage the network configuration using systemd-networkd. More information:
  • Show a list of existing links and their status:
    networkctl list
  • Show an overall network status:
    networkctl status
  • Bring network devices up:
    networkctl up {{interface1 interface2 ...}}
  • Bring network devices down:
    networkctl down {{interface1 interface2 ...}}
  • Renew dynamic configurations (e.g. IP addresses received from a DHCP server):
    networkctl renew {{interface1 interface2 ...}}
  • Reload configuration files (.netdev and .network):
    networkctl reload
  • Reconfigure network interfaces (if you edited the config, you need to call networkctl reload first):
    networkctl reconfigure {{interface1 interface2 ...}}


Read man pages from uninstalled packages. More information:
  • Read a man page for a command that is provided by a specified package:
    debman -p {{package}} {{command}}
  • Specify a package version to download:
    debman -p {{package}}={{version}} {{command}}
  • Read a man page in a .deb file:
    debman -f {{path/to/filename.deb}} {{command}}


An interactive viewer for the batteries installed in your notebook. More information:
  • Display battery information:
  • Change battery information measurement [u]nit (default: human):
    battop -u {{human|si}}


Execute a command repeatedly, and monitor the output in full-screen mode. More information:
  • Monitor files in the current directory:
    watch {{ls}}
  • Monitor disk space and highlight the changes:
    watch -d {{df}}
  • Monitor "node" processes, refreshing every 3 seconds:
    watch -n {{3}} "{{ps aux | grep node}}"
  • Monitor disk space and if it changes, stop monitoring:
    watch -g {{df}}


Inspect a NixOS configuration. More information:
  • List all subkeys of a given option key:
    nixos-option {{option_key}}
  • List current boot kernel modules:
    nixos-option boot.kernelModules
  • List authorized keys for a specific user:
    nixos-option users.users.{{username}}.openssh.authorizedKeys.{{keyFiles|keys}}
  • List all remote builders:
    nixos-option nix.buildMachines
  • List all subkeys of a given key on another NixOS configuration:
    NIXOS_CONFIG={{path_to_configuration.nix}} nixos-option {{option_key}}
  • Show recursively all values of a user:
    nixos-option -r users.users.{{user}}


Activate or deactivate system extension images. More information:
  • List installed extension images:
    systemd-sysext list
  • Merge system extension images into /usr/ and /opt/:
    systemd-sysext merge
  • Check the current merge status:
    systemd-sysext status
  • Unmerge all currently installed system extension images from /usr/ and /opt/:
    systemd-sysext unmerge
  • Refresh system extension images (a combination of unmerge and merge):
    systemd-sysext refresh


Create cgroups, used to limit, measure, and control resources used by processes. cgroups types can be memory, cpu, net_cls, etc. More information:
  • Create a new group:
    cgcreate -g {{group_type}}:{{group_name}}
  • Create a new group with multiple cgroup types:
    cgcreate -g {{group_type1}},{{group_type2}}:{{group_name}}
  • Create a subgroup:
    mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/{{group_type}}/{{group_name}}/{{subgroup_name}}


Print name of current/working directory. More information:
  • Print the current directory:
  • Print the current directory, and resolve all symlinks (i.e. show the "physical" path):
    pwd --physical
  • Print the current logical directory:
    pwd --logical


Summarizes many different logs for common services (e.g. apache, pam_unix, sshd, etc.) in a single report. More information:
  • Analyze logs for a range of dates at a certain level of detail:
    logwatch --range {{yesterday|today|all|help}} --detail {{low|medium|others}}'
  • Restrict report to only include information for a selected service:
    logwatch --range {{all}} --service {{apache|pam_unix|etc}}


Convert images to colour ASCII characters and output them to text-based coloured files. More information:
  • Set output column count to a specific value:
    img2txt --width={{10}}
  • Set output line count to a specific value:
    img2txt --height={{5}}
  • Set output font width to a specific value:
    img2txt --font-width={{12}}
  • Set output font height to a specific value:
    img2txt --font-height={{14}}
  • Set image brightness to a specific value:
    img2txt --brightness={{2}}


Display dynamic real-time information about running processes. More information:
  • Start top:
  • Do not show any idle or zombie processes:
    top -i
  • Show only processes owned by given user:
    top -u {{username}}
  • Sort processes by a field:
    top -o {{field_name}}
  • Show the individual threads of a given process:
    top -Hp {{process_id}}
  • Show only the processes with the given PID(s), passed as a comma-separated list. (Normally you wouldn't know PIDs off hand. This example picks the PIDs from the process name):
    top -p $(pgrep -d ',' {{process_name}})
  • Get help about interactive commands:


BTRFS snapshotting utility written in Rust. More information:
  • Create a snapshot using a config file:
    sudo rusnapshot --config {{path/to/config.toml}} --cr
  • List created snapshots:
    sudo rusnapshot -c {{path/to/config.toml}} --list
  • Delete a snapshot by ID or the name of the snapshot:
    sudo rusnapshot -c {{path/to/config.toml}} --del --id {{snapshot_id}}
  • Delete all hourly snapshots:
    sudo rusnapshot -c {{path/to/config.toml}} --list --keep {{0}} --clean --kind {{hourly}}
  • Create a read-write snapshot:
    sudo rusnapshot -c {{path/to/config.toml}} --cr --rw
  • Restore a snapshot:
    sudo rusnapshot -c {{path/to/config.toml}} --id {{snapshot_id}} --restore


Write a message on the terminals of users currently logged in. More information:
  • Send a message:
    wall {{message}}
  • Send a message to users that belong to a specific group:
    wall --group {{group_name}} {{message}}
  • Send a message from a file:
    wall {{file}}
  • Send a message with timeout (default 300):
    wall --timeout {{seconds}} {{file}}


Forge ARP replies to intercept packets. More information:
  • Poison all hosts to intercept packets on [i]nterface for the host:
    sudo arpspoof -i {{wlan0}} {{host_ip}}
  • Poison [t]arget to intercept packets on [i]nterface for the host:
    sudo arpspoof -i {{wlan0}} -t {{target_ip}} {{host_ip}}
  • Poison both [t]arget and host to intercept packets on [i]nterface for the host:
    sudo arpspoof -i {{wlan0}} -r -t {{target_ip}} {{host_ip}}


Package management utility with support for multiple sources, allowing you to install packages in subsystems. More information:
  • View documentation for managing package managers:
    tldr apx pkgmanagers
  • View documentation for managing stacks:
    tldr apx stacks
  • View documentation for managing subsystems:
    tldr apx subsystems


Utility to change the status of installed packages. More information:
  • Mark a package as automatically installed:
    sudo apt-mark auto {{package}}
  • Hold a package at its current version and prevent updates to it:
    sudo apt-mark hold {{package}}
  • Allow a package to be updated again:
    sudo apt-mark unhold {{package}}
  • Show manually installed packages:
    apt-mark showmanual
  • Show held packages that aren't being updated:
    apt-mark showhold


Control the number lock key status in X11 sessions. More information:
  • Show the current number lock status:
    numlockx status
  • Turn the number lock on:
    numlockx on
  • Turn the number lock off:
    numlockx off
  • Toggle the current state:
    numlockx toggle


A CLI for MySQL, MariaDB, and Percona with auto-completion and syntax highlighting. More information:
  • Connect to a database with the currently logged in user:
    mycli {{database_name}}
  • Connect to a database with the specified user:
    mycli -u {{user}} {{database_name}}
  • Connect to a database on the specified host with the specified user:
    mycli -u {{user}} -h {{host}} {{database_name}}

qm migrate

Migrate a virtual machine. Used to create a new migration task. More information:
  • Migrate a specific virtual machine:
    qm migrate {{vm_id}} {{target}}
  • Override the current I/O bandwidth limit with 10 KiB/s:
    qm migrate {{vm_id}} {{target}} --bwlimit 10
  • Allow migration of virtual machines using local devices (root only):
    qm migrate {{vm_id}} {{target}} --force true
  • Use online/live migration if a virtual machine is running:
    qm migrate {{vm_id}} {{target}} --online true
  • Enable live storage migration for local disks:
    qm migrate {{vm_id}} {{target}} --with-local-disks true


Run a command or start an interactive shell with a different root directory. More customizable than chroot. More information:
  • List available chroots:
    schroot --list
  • Run a command in a specific chroot:
    schroot --chroot {{chroot}} {{command}}
  • Run a command with options in a specific chroot:
    schroot --chroot {{chroot}} {{command}} -- {{command_options}}
  • Run a command in all available chroots:
    schroot --all {{command}}
  • Start an interactive shell within a specific chroot as a specific user:
    schroot --chroot {{chroot}} --user {{user}}
  • Begin a new session (a unique session ID is returned on stdout):
    schroot --begin-session --chroot {{chroot}}
  • Connect to an existing session:
    schroot --run-session --chroot {{session_id}}
  • End an existing session:
    schroot --end-session --chroot {{session_id}}


This command is an alias of update-alternatives. More information:
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr update-alternatives


Tool for inspection and simple manipulation of eBPF programs and maps. Some subcommands such as bpftool prog have their own usage documentation. More information:
  • List information about loaded eBPF programs:
    bpftool prog list
  • List eBPF program attachments in the kernel networking subsystem:
    bpftool net list
  • List all active links:
    bpftool link list
  • List all raw_tracepoint, tracepoint, kprobe attachments in the system:
    bpftool perf list
  • List BPF Type Format (BTF) data:
    bpftool btf list
  • List information about loaded maps:
    bpftool map list
  • Probe a network device "eth0" for supported eBPF features:
    bpftool feature probe dev {{eth0}}
  • Run commands in batch mode from a file:
    bpftool batch file {{myfile}}


The XFCE4 terminal emulator. More information:
  • Open a new terminal window:
  • Set the initial title:
    xfce4-terminal --initial-title "{{initial_title}}"
  • Open a new tab in the current terminal window:
    xfce4-terminal --tab
  • Execute a command in a new terminal window:
    xfce4-terminal --command "{{command_with_args}}"
  • Keep the terminal around after the executed command finishes executing:
    xfce4-terminal --command "{{command_with_args}}" --hold
  • Open multiple new tabs, executing a command in each:
    xfce4-terminal --tab --command "{{command_a}}" --tab --command "{{command_b}}"


X window server's resource database utility for Unix-like systems. More information:
  • Start xrdb in interactive mode:
  • Load values (e.g. style rules) from a resource file:
    xrdb -load {{~/.Xresources}}
  • Query the resource database and print currently set values:
    xrdb -query

pacman --upgrade

Arch Linux package manager utility. See also: pacman. More information:
  • Install one or more packages from files:
    sudo pacman --upgrade {{path/to/package1.pkg.tar.zst}} {{path/to/package2.pkg.tar.zst}}
  • Install a package without prompting:
    sudo pacman --upgrade --noconfirm {{path/to/package.pkg.tar.zst}}
  • Overwrite conflicting files during a package installation:
    sudo pacman --upgrade --overwrite {{path/to/file}} {{path/to/package.pkg.tar.zst}}
  • Install a package, skipping the dependency version checks:
    sudo pacman --upgrade --nodeps {{path/to/package.pkg.tar.zst}}
  • List packages that would be affected (does not install any packages):
    pacman --upgrade --print {{path/to/package.pkg.tar.zst}}
  • Display help:
    pacman --upgrade --help


Translate chemistry-related data. More information:
  • Convert a .mol file to XYZ coordinates:
    obabel {{path/to/file.mol}} -O {{path/to/}}
  • Convert a SMILES string to a 500x500 picture:
    obabel -:"{{SMILES}} -O {{path/to/output_file.png}} -xp 500
  • Convert a file of SMILES string to separate 3D .mol files:
    obabel {{path/to/file.smi}} -O {{path/to/output_file.mol}} --gen3D -m
  • Render multiple inputs into one picture:
    obabel {{path/to/file1}} {{path/to/file2}} -O {{path/to/output_file.png}}


Executes commands at a specified time. More information:
  • Open an at prompt to create a new set of scheduled commands, press Ctrl + D to save and exit:
    at {{hh:mm}}
  • Execute the commands and email the result using a local mailing program such as Sendmail:
    at {{hh:mm}} -m
  • Execute a script at the given time:
    at {{hh:mm}} -f {{path/to/file}}
  • Display a system notification at 11pm on February 18th:
    echo "notify-send '{{Wake up!}}'" | at {{11pm}} {{Feb 18}}


System statistics collection daemon. More information:
  • Show usage help, including the program version:
    collectd -h
  • Test the configuration file and then exit:
    collectd -t
  • Test plugin data collection functionality and then exit:
    collectd -T
  • Start collectd:
  • Specify a custom configuration file location:
    collectd -C {{path/to/file}}
  • Specify a custom PID file location:
    collectd -P {{path/to/file}}
  • Don't fork into the background:
    collectd -f


Generates random 128-bit hexadecimal numbers. More information:
  • Generate a random number:
  • Generate a random number, using the contents of a file as a seed for the randomness:
    mcookie --file {{path/to/file}}
  • Generate a random number, using a specific number of bytes from a file as a seed for the randomness:
    mcookie --file {{path/to/file}} --max-size {{number_of_bytes}}
  • Print the details of the randomness used, such as the origin and seed for each source:
    mcookie --verbose


Versatile tool for generating system resource statistics. More information:
  • Display CPU, disk, net, paging and system statistics:
  • Display statistics every 5 seconds and 4 updates only:
    dstat {{5}} {{4}}
  • Display CPU and memory statistics only:
    dstat --cpu --mem
  • List all available dstat plugins:
    dstat --list
  • Display the process using the most memory and most CPU:
    dstat --top-mem --top-cpu
  • Display battery percentage and remaining battery time:
    dstat --battery --battery-remain


Upgrade Synology DiskStation Manager (DSM) - the Synology NAS operating system. More information:
  • Check if upgrades are available:
    sudo synoupgrade --check
  • Check for patches without upgrading the DSM version:
    sudo synoupgrade --check-smallupdate
  • Download the latest upgrade available (use --download-smallupdate for patches):
    sudo synoupgrade --download
  • Start the upgrade process:
    sudo synoupgrade --start
  • Upgrade to the latest version automatically:
    sudo synoupgrade --auto
  • Apply patches without upgrading the DSM version automatically:
    sudo synoupgrade --auto-smallupdate
  • Upgrade the DSM using a patch file (should be an absolute path):
    sudo synoupgrade --patch {{/path/to/file.pat}}
  • Display help:


Control the settings of connected displays via DDC/CI. This command requires the kernel module i2c-dev to be loaded. See also: modprobe. More information:
  • List all compatible displays:
    ddcutil detect
  • Change the brightness (option 0x10) of display 1 to 50%:
    ddcutil --display {{1}} setvcp {{10}} {{50}}
  • Increase the contrast (option 0x12) of display 1 by 5%:
    ddcutil -d {{1}} setvcp {{12}} {{+}} {{5}}
  • Read the settings of display 1:
    ddcutil -d {{1}} getvcp {{ALL}}


A tool to control bspwm. More information:
  • Define two virtual desktop:
    bspc monitor --reset-desktops {{1}} {{2}}
  • Focus the given desktop:
    bspc desktop --focus {{number}}
  • Close the windows rooted at the selected node:
    bspc node --close
  • Send the selected node to the given desktop:
    bspc node --to-desktop {{number}}
  • Toggle full screen mode for the selected node:
    bspc node --state ~fullscreen


Manage Procfile-based applications. More information:
  • Start an application with the Procfile in the current directory:
    foreman start
  • Start an application with a specified Procfile:
    foreman start -f {{Procfile}}
  • Start a specific application:
    foreman start {{process}}
  • Validate Procfile format:
    foreman check
  • Run one-off commands with the process's environment:
    foreman run {{command}}
  • Start all processes except the one named "worker":
    foreman start -m all=1,{{worker}}=0


Output the first part of files. More information:
  • Output the first few lines of a file:
    head --lines {{count}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Output the first few bytes of a file:
    head --bytes {{count}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Output everything but the last few lines of a file:
    head --lines -{{count}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Output everything but the last few bytes of a file:
    head --bytes -{{count}} {{path/to/file}}


Automatically change screen layout. More information:
  • Save the current screen layout:
    autorandr --save {{profile_name}}
  • Show the saved profiles:
  • Load the first detected profile:
    autorandr --change
  • Load a specific profile:
    autorandr --load {{profile_name}}
  • Set the default profile:
    autorandr --default {{profile_name}}


Locate and run OpenRC services with arguments. See also openrc. More information:
  • Show a service's status:
    rc-service {{service_name}} status
  • Start a service:
    sudo rc-service {{service_name}} start
  • Stop a service:
    sudo rc-service {{service_name}} stop
  • Restart a service:
    sudo rc-service {{service_name}} restart
  • Simulate running a service's custom command:
    sudo rc-service --dry-run {{service_name}} {{command_name}}
  • Actually run a service's custom command:
    sudo rc-service {{service_name}} {{command_name}}
  • Resolve the location of a service definition on disk:
    sudo rc-service --resolve {{service_name}}


Standalone compositor for Xorg. More information:
  • Enable picom during a session:
    picom &
  • Start picom as a background process:
    picom -b
  • Use a custom configuration file:
    picom --config {{path/to/config_file}}


Install GRUB to a device. More information:
  • Install GRUB on a BIOS system:
    grub-install --target={{i386-pc}} {{path/to/device}}
  • Install GRUB on an UEFI system:
    grub-install --target={{x86_64-efi}} --efi-directory={{path/to/efi_directory}} --bootloader-id={{GRUB}}
  • Install GRUB pre-loading specific modules:
    grub-install --target={{x86_64-efi}} --efi-directory={{path/to/efi_directory}} --modules="{{part_gpt part_msdos}}"


Interactive spell checker. More information:
  • Spell check a single file:
    aspell check {{path/to/file}}
  • List misspelled words from stdin:
    cat {{path/to/file}} | aspell list
  • Show available dictionary languages:
    aspell dicts
  • Run aspell with a different language (takes two-letter ISO 639 language code):
    aspell --lang={{cs}}
  • List misspelled words from stdin and ignore words from personal word list:
    cat {{path/to/file}} | aspell --personal={{personal-word-list.pws}} list


Synchronize Git dotfiles. More information:
  • Create a new castle:
    homeshick generate {{castle_name}}
  • Add a file to your castle:
    homeshick track {{castle_name}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Go to a castle:
    homeshick cd {{castle_name}}
  • Clone a castle:
    homeshick clone {{github_username}}/{{repository_name}}
  • Symlink all files from a castle:
    homeshick link {{castle_name}}


Mount SMB (Server Message Block) or CIFS (Common Internet File System) shares. Note: you can also do the same thing by passing the -t cifs option to mount. More information:
  • Connect using the specified username or $USER by default (you will be prompted for a password):
    mount.cifs -o user={{username}} //{{server}}/{{share_name}} {{mountpoint}}
  • Connect as the guest user (without a password):
    mount.cifs -o guest //{{server}}/{{share_name}} {{mountpoint}}
  • Set ownership information for the mounted directory:
    mount.cifs -o uid={{user_id|username}},gid={{group_id|groupname}} //{{server}}/{{share_name}} {{mountpoint}}

toolbox rmi

Remove one or more toolbox images. See also: toolbox rm. More information:
  • Remove a toolbox image:
    toolbox rmi {{image_name}}
  • Remove all toolbox images:
    toolbox rmi --all
  • Force the removal of a toolbox image which is currently being used by a container (the container will be removed as well):
    toolbox rmi --force {{image_name}}


Cgroups aka control groups is a Linux kernel feature for limiting, measuring, and controlling resource usage by processes. Cgroups however is not a command, but rather a collection of commands, see the relevant pages below. More information:
  • Show the tldr page for cgclassify:
    tldr cgclassify
  • Show the tldr page for cgcreate:
    tldr cgcreate
  • Show the tldr page for cgexec:
    tldr cgexec


Track system configuration files in Git. More information:
  • Set up a Git repo and perform various setup tasks (run from /etc):
    sudo etckeeper init
  • Commit all changes in /etc:
    sudo etckeeper commit {{message}}
  • Run arbitrary Git commands:
    sudo etckeeper vcs {{status}}
  • Check if there are uncommitted changes (only returns an exit code):
    sudo etckeeper unclean
  • Destroy existing repo and stop tracking changes:
    sudo etckeeper uninit


Convert images to ASCII. More information:
  • Read an image from a file and print in ASCII:
    asciiart {{path/to/image.jpg}}
  • Read an image from a URL and print in ASCII:
    asciiart {{}}
  • Choose the output width (default is 100):
    asciiart --width {{50}} {{path/to/image.jpg}}
  • Colorize the ASCII output:
    asciiart --color {{path/to/image.jpg}}
  • Choose the output format (default format is text):
    asciiart --format {{text|html}} {{path/to/image.jpg}}
  • Invert the character map:
    asciiart --invert-chars {{path/to/image.jpg}}


Pre-mastering program to generate ISO9660/Joliet/HFS hybrid filesystems. More information:
  • Create an ISO image from the given source directory:
    genisoimage -o {{myimage.iso}} {{path/to/source_directory}}
  • Create an ISO image with files larger than 2GiB by reporting a smaller apparent size for ISO9660 filesystems:
    genisoimage -o -allow-limited-size {{myimage.iso}} {{path/to/source_directory}}


WPA/WPA2 cracking tool using computational power. More information:
  • Display system cracking speed:
    pyrit benchmark
  • List available cores:
    pyrit list_cores
  • Set [e]SSID:
    pyrit -e "{{ESSID}}" create_essid
  • [r]ead and analyze a specific packet capture file:
    pyrit -r {{path/to/file.cap|path/to/file.pcap}} analyze
  • Read and [i]mport passwords to the current database:
    pyrit -i {{path/to/file}} {{import_unique_passwords|unique_passwords|import_passwords}}
  • Exp[o]rt passwords from database to a specific file:
    pyrit -o {{path/to/file}} export_passwords
  • Translate passwords with Pired Master Keys:
    pyrit batch
  • [r]ead the capture file and crack the password:
    pyrit -r {{path/to/file}} attack_db


Show the hardware watchdog status. More information:
  • Display the watchdog status:
  • Display the watchdog status in a single line in key-value pairs:
    wdctl --oneline
  • Display only specific watchdog flags (list is driver specific):
    wdctl --flags {{flag_list}}


A system administrator, tuner, and benchmark tool. More information:
  • Start nmon:
  • Save records to file ("-s 300 -c 288" by default):
    nmon -f
  • Save records to file with a total of 240 measurements, by taking 30 seconds between each measurement:
    nmon -f -s {{30}} -c {{240}}


Tool for suggesting improvements to Haskell code. More information:
  • Display suggestions for a given file:
    hlint {{path/to/file}} options
  • Check all Haskell files and generate a report:
    hlint {{path/to/directory}} --report
  • Automatically apply most suggestions:
    hlint {{path/to/file}} --refactor
  • Display additional options:
    hlint {{path/to/file}} --refactor-options
  • Generate a settings file ignoring all outstanding hints:
    hlint {{path/to/file}} --default > {{.hlint.yaml}}


Delete IPC (Inter-process Communication) resources. More information:
  • Delete a shared memory segment by ID:
    ipcrm --shmem-id {{shmem_id}}
  • Delete a shared memory segment by key:
    ipcrm --shmem-key {{shmem_key}}
  • Delete an IPC queue by ID:
    ipcrm --queue-id {{ipc_queue_id}}
  • Delete an IPC queue by key:
    ipcrm --queue-key {{ipc_queue_key}}
  • Delete a semaphore by ID:
    ipcrm --semaphore-id {{semaphore_id}}
  • Delete a semaphore by key:
    ipcrm --semaphore-key {{semaphore_key}}
  • Delete all IPC resources:
    ipcrm --all


Disable network interfaces. More information:
  • Disable interface eth0:
    ifdown {{eth0}}
  • Disable all interfaces which are enabled:
    ifdown -a


Print memory usage for programs. More information:
  • Print memory usage for current processes:
  • Print memory usage for current processes for a every user on a system:
    smem --users
  • Print memory usage for current processes for a specified user:
    smem --userfilter {{username}}
  • Print system memory information:
    smem --system


Query and manage MIME types according to the XDG standard. More information:
  • Display the MIME type of a file:
    xdg-mime query filetype {{path/to/file}}
  • Display the default application for opening PNGs:
    xdg-mime query default {{image/png}}
  • Display the default application for opening a specific file:
    xdg-mime query default $(xdg-mime query filetype {{path/to/file}})
  • Set imv as the default application for opening PNG and JPEG images:
    xdg-mime default {{imv.desktop}} {{image/png}} {{image/jpeg}}


Create, delete and clean up volatile and temporary files and directories. This command is automatically invoked on boot by systemd services, and running it manually is usually not needed. More information:
  • Create files and directories as specified in the configuration:
    systemd-tmpfiles --create
  • Clean up files and directories with age parameters configured:
    systemd-tmpfiles --clean
  • Remove files and directories as specified in the configuration:
    systemd-tmpfiles --remove
  • Apply operations for user-specific configurations:
    systemd-tmpfiles --create --user
  • Execute lines marked for early boot:
    systemd-tmpfiles --create --boot


Control LXI compatible instruments such as oscilloscopes. More information:
  • Discover LXI devices on available networks:
    lxi discover
  • Capture a screenshot, detecting a plugin automatically:
    lxi screenshot --address {{ip_address}}
  • Capture a screenshot using a specified plugin:
    lxi screenshot --address {{ip_address}} --plugin {{rigol-1000z}}
  • Send an SCPI command to an instrument:
    lxi scpi --address {{ip_address}} "{{*IDN?}}"
  • Run a benchmark for request and response performance:
    lxi benchmark --address {{ip_address}}


Manually inhibit desktop idleness with a toggle. More information:
  • Manually inhibit desktop idleness with a toggle:


The OpenRC service manager. See also rc-status, rc-update, and rc-service. More information:
  • Change to a specific runlevel:
    sudo openrc {{runlevel_name}}
  • Change to a specific runlevel, but don't stop any existing services:
    sudo openrc --no-stop {{runlevel_name}}


SUSE & openSUSE package management utility. For equivalent commands in other package managers, see More information:
  • Synchronize list of packages and versions available:
    zypper refresh
  • Install a new package:
    zypper install {{package}}
  • Remove a package:
    zypper remove {{package}}
  • Upgrade installed packages to the newest available versions:
    zypper update
  • Search package via keyword:
    zypper search {{keyword}}
  • Show information related to configured repositories:
    zypper repos --sort-by-priority


Pack, unpack and provide information about Debian archives. More information:
  • Display information about a package:
    dpkg-deb --info {{path/to/file.deb}}
  • Display the package's name and version on one line:
    dpkg-deb --show {{path/to/file.deb}}
  • List the package's contents:
    dpkg-deb --contents {{path/to/file.deb}}
  • Extract package's contents into a directory:
    dpkg-deb --extract {{path/to/file.deb}} {{path/to/directory}}
  • Create a package from a specified directory:
    dpkg-deb --build {{path/to/directory}}


Run a program in a new session if the calling process is not a process group leader. The created session is by default not controlled by the current terminal. More information:
  • Run a program in a new session:
    setsid {{program}}
  • Run a program in a new session discarding the resulting output and error:
    setsid {{program}} > /dev/null 2>&1
  • Run a program creating a new process:
    setsid --fork {{program}}
  • Return the exit code of a program as the exit code of setsid when the program exits:
    setsid --wait {{program}}
  • Run a program in a new session setting the current terminal as the controlling terminal:
    setsid --ctty {{program}}

lxc profile

Manage profiles for LXD containers. More information:
  • List all available profiles:
    lxc profile list
  • Show the configuration of a specific profile:
    lxc profile show {{profile_name}}
  • Edit a specific profile in the default editor:
    lxc profile edit {{profile_name}}
  • Edit a specific profile importing the configuration values from a file:
    lxc profile edit {{profile_name}} < {{config.yaml}}
  • Launch a new container with specific profiles:
    lxc launch {{container_image}} {{container_name}} --profile {{profile1}} --profile {{profile2}}
  • Change the profiles of a running container:
    lxc profile assign {{container_name}} {{profile1,profile2}}


GPU switching utility for Nvidia Optimus laptops. More information:
  • Switch between different GPU modes:
    optimus-manager --switch {{nvidia|integrated|hybrid}}
  • Clean up:
    optimus-manager --cleanup


List enrolled fingerprints. More information:
  • List enrolled fingerprints for a specific user:
    fprintd-list {{username}}
  • List enrolled fingerprints for a space-separated list of users:
    fprintd-list {{username1 username2 ...}}
  • Display help:


Modify a users' environment using the module command. More information:
  • Display available modules:
    module avail
  • Search for a module by name:
    module avail {{module_name}}
  • Load a module:
    module load {{module_name}}
  • Display loaded modules:
    module list
  • Unload a specific loaded module:
    module unload {{module_name}}
  • Unload all loaded modules:
    module purge
  • Specify user-created modules:
    module use {{path/to/modulefiles}}


Funtoo's official system personality management tool. More information:
  • Synchronize the Portage tree:
    ego sync
  • Update the bootloader configuration:
    ego boot update
  • Read a Funtoo wiki page by name:
    ego doc {{wiki_page}}
  • Print current profile:
    ego profile show
  • Enable/Disable mix-ins:
    ego profile mix-in +{{gnome}} -{{kde-plasma-5}}
  • Query Funtoo bugs, related to a specified package:
    ego query bug {{package}}


Creates an MS-DOS filesystem inside a partition. More information:
  • Create a fat filesystem inside partition 1 on device b (sdb1):
    mkfs.fat {{/dev/sdb1}}
  • Create filesystem with a volume-name:
    mkfs.fat -n {{volume_name}} {{/dev/sdb1}}
  • Create filesystem with a volume-id:
    mkfs.fat -i {{volume_id}} {{/dev/sdb1}}
  • Use 5 instead of 2 file allocation tables:
    mkfs.fat -f 5 {{/dev/sdb1}}


Initiates a session for a user. More information:
  • Log in as a user:
    login {{user}}
  • Log in as user without authentication if user is preauthenticated:
    login -f {{user}}
  • Log in as user and preserve environment:
    login -p {{user}}
  • Log in as a user on a remote host:
    login -h {{host}} {{user}}


A utility that can edit windows registry, reset user password, promote users to administrator by modifying the Windows SAM. Boot target machine with live cd like Kali Linux and run with elevated privileges. More information:
  • List all users in the SAM file:
    chntpw -l {{path/to/sam_file}}
  • Edit [u]ser interactively:
    chntpw -u {{username}} {{path/to/sam_file}}
  • Use chntpw [i]nteractively:
    chntpw -i {{path/to/sam_file}}


Show a listing of last logged in users. More information:
  • Show a list of all last logged in users:
    sudo lastb
  • Show a list of all last logged in users since a given time:
    sudo lastb --since {{YYYY-MM-DD}}
  • Show a list of all last logged in users until a given time:
    sudo lastb --until {{YYYY-MM-DD}}
  • Show a list of all logged in users at a specific time:
    sudo lastb --present {{hh:mm}}
  • Show a list of all last logged in users and translate the IP into a hostname:
    sudo lastb --dns


Change DOS-style line endings to Unix-style. Replaces CRLF with LF. More information:
  • Change the line endings of a file:
    dos2unix {{filename}}
  • Create a copy with Unix-style line endings:
    dos2unix -n {{filename}} {{new_filename}}


Tells the Linux kernel about the existence of the specified partition. The command is a simple wrapper around the add partition ioctl. More information:
  • Tell the kernel about the existence of the specified partition:
    addpart {{device}} {{partition}} {{start}} {{length}}


Remove modules from the Linux kernel. More information:
  • Remove a module from the kernel:
    sudo rmmod {{module_name}}
  • Remove a module from the kernel and display verbose information:
    sudo rmmod --verbose {{module_name}}
  • Remove a module from the kernel and send errors to syslog instead of stderr:
    sudo rmmod --syslog {{module_name}}
  • Display help:
    rmmod --help
  • Display version:
    rmmod --version


Manages id3v2 tags, converts and lists id3v1. More information:
  • List all genres:
    id3v2 ‐‐list‐genres
  • List all tags of specific files:
    id3v2 --list-tags {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}
  • Delete all id3v2 or id3v1 tags of specific files:
    id3v2 {{--delete‐v2|--delete‐v1}} {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}
  • Display help:
    id3v2 --help
  • Display version:
    id3v2 ‐‐version


Display and concatenate files with lines in reversed order. See also: cat. More information:
  • Concatenate specific files in reversed order:
    tac {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}
  • Display stdin in reversed order:
    {{cat path/to/file}} | tac
  • Use a specific separator:
    tac --separator {{,}} {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}
  • Use a specific regex as a separator:
    tac --regex --separator {{[,;]}} {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}
  • Use a separator before each file:
    tac --before {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}


Print working directory of a process. More information:
  • Print current working directory of a process:
    pwdx {{process_id}}


Terminal interface for the Pi-hole ad-blocking DNS server. More information:
  • Check the Pi-hole daemon's status:
    pihole status
  • Update Pi-hole and Gravity:
    pihole -up
  • Monitor detailed system status:
    pihole chronometer
  • Start or stop the daemon:
    pihole {{enable|disable}}
  • Restart the daemon (not the server itself):
    pihole restartdns
  • Whitelist or blacklist a domain:
    pihole {{whitelist|blacklist}} {{}}
  • Search the lists for a domain:
    pihole query {{}}
  • Open a real-time log of connections:
    pihole tail


Enable and disable wireless devices. More information:
  • List devices:
  • Filter by columns:
    rfkill -o {{ID,TYPE,DEVICE}}
  • Block devices by type (e.g. bluetooth, wlan):
    rfkill block {{bluetooth}}
  • Unblock devices by type (e.g. bluetooth, wlan):
    rfkill unblock {{wlan}}
  • Output in JSON format:
    rfkill -J


A wrapper for lrzip to simplify compression of directories. See also: tar, lrzuntar, lrunzip. More information:
  • Archive a directory with tar, then compress:
    lrztar {{path/to/directory}}
  • Same as above, with ZPAQ - extreme compression, but very slow:
    lrztar -z {{path/to/directory}}
  • Specify the output file:
    lrztar -o {{path/to/file}} {{path/to/directory}}
  • Override the number of processor threads to use:
    lrztar -p {{8}} {{path/to/directory}}
  • Force overwriting of existing files:
    lrztar -f {{path/to/directory}}


Delete existing user groups from the system. See also: groups, groupadd, groupmod. More information:
  • Delete an existing group:
    sudo groupdel {{group_name}}


Edit libvirt Domain XML files with explicit command-line options. NOTE: 'domain' refers to the name, UUID or ID for the existing VMs (See: tldr virsh). More information:
  • List all the suboptions for a specific option:
    virt-xml --{{option}}=?
  • List all the suboptions for disk, network, and boot:
    virt-xml --disk=? --network=? --boot=?
  • Edit a value for a specific domain:
    virt-xml {{domain}} --edit --{{option}} {{suboption}}={{new_value}}
  • Change the description for a specific domain:
    virt-xml {{domain}} --edit --metadata description="{{new_description}}"
  • Enable/Disable the boot device menu for a specific domain:
    virt-xml {{domain}} --edit --boot bootmenu={{on|off}}
  • Attach host USB hub to a running VM (See: tldr lsusb):
    virt-xml {{domain}} --update --add-device --hostdev {{bus}}.{{device}}


A terminal music player written in Rust that uses vim-like key bindings. More information:
  • Open termusic to a specific directory. (It can be set permanently in ~/.config/termusic/config.toml):
    termusic {path/to/directory}
  • Disable showing the album cover for a specific file:
    termusic -c {path/to/music_file}
  • View termusic's usage info:
    termusic --help


Retrieve runtime configuration from Apache on Debian-based OSes. More information:
  • List enabled Apache modules:
    sudo a2query -m
  • Check if a specific module is installed:
    sudo a2query -m {{module_name}}
  • List enabled virtual hosts:
    sudo a2query -s
  • Display the currently enabled Multi Processing Module:
    sudo a2query -M
  • Display the Apache version:
    sudo a2query -v


Check binary packages and source PKGBUILDs for common packaging mistakes. More information:
  • Check a specific PKGBUILD file:
    namcap {{path/to/pkgbuild}}
  • Check a specific package file:
    namcap {{path/to/package.pkg.tar.zst}}
  • Check a file, printing extra [i]nformational messages:
    namcap -i {{path/to/file}}


Update finger info for a user. More information:
  • Update a user's "Name" field in the output of finger:
    chfn -f {{new_display_name}} {{username}}
  • Update a user's "Office Room Number" field for the output of finger:
    chfn -o {{new_office_room_number}} {{username}}
  • Update a user's "Office Phone Number" field for the output of finger:
    chfn -p {{new_office_telephone_number}} {{username}}
  • Update a user's "Home Phone Number" field for the output of finger:
    chfn -h {{new_home_telephone_number}} {{username}}


Screen brightness/temperature manager for Linux/X11. More information:
  • Set the screen temperature to 3000K:
    gummy --temperature {{3000}}
  • Set the screen backlight to 50%:
    gummy --backlight {{50}}
  • Set the screen pixel brightness to 45%:
    gummy --brightness {{45}}
  • Increase current screen pixel brightness by 10%:
    gummy --brightness {{+10}}
  • Decrease current screen pixel brightness by 10%:
    gummy --brightness {{-10}}
  • Set the temperature and pixel brightness for the second screen:
    gummy --screen {{1}} --temperature {{3800}} --brightness {{65}}


Edit and display the authorization information used in connecting to the X server. More information:
  • Start interactive mode with a specific authority file (defaults to ~/.Xauthority):
    xauth -f {{path/to/file}}
  • Display information about the authority file:
    xauth info
  • Display authorization entries for all the displays:
    xauth list
  • Add an authorization for a specific display:
    xauth add {{display_name}} {{protocol_name}} {{key}}
  • Remove the authorization for a specific display:
    xauth remove {{display_name}}
  • Print the authorization entry for the current display to stdout:
    xauth extract - $DISPLAY
  • Merge the authorization entries from a specific file into the authorization database:
    cat {{path/to/file}} | xauth merge -
  • Display help:
    xauth --help


RPM Package Manager. For equivalent commands in other package managers, see More information:
  • Show version of httpd package:
    rpm --query {{httpd}}
  • List versions of all matching packages:
    rpm --query --all '{{mariadb*}}'
  • Forcibly install a package regardless of currently installed versions:
    rpm --upgrade {{path/to/package.rpm}} --force
  • Identify owner of a file and show version of the package:
    rpm --query --file {{/etc/postfix/}}
  • List package-owned files:
    rpm --query --list {{kernel}}
  • Show scriptlets from an RPM file:
    rpm --query --package --scripts {{package.rpm}}
  • Show changed, missing and/or incorrectly installed files of matching packages:
    rpm --verify --all '{{php-*}}'
  • Display the changelog of a specific package:
    rpm --query --changelog {{package}}


Frontend tool for libcamera. More information:
  • List available cameras:
    cam --list
  • List controls of a camera:
    cam --camera {{camera_index}} --list-controls
  • Write frames to a folder:
    cam --camera {{camera_index}} --capture={{frames_to_capture}} --file
  • Display camera feed in a window:
    cam --camera {{camera_index}} --capture --sdl


Manage Laravel on Digital Ocean servers. More information:
  • Set up the server with Laravel dependencies using the default PHP version:
    larasail setup
  • Set up the server with Laravel dependencies using a specific PHP version:
    larasail setup {{php71}}
  • Add a new Laravel site:
    larasail host {{domain}} {{path/to/site_directory}}
  • Retrieve the Larasail user password:
    larasail pass
  • Retrieve the Larasail MySQL password:
    larasail mysqlpass


Display information about security support for installed Ubuntu packages. More information:
  • Display the number of unsupported packages:
  • List packages that are no longer available for download:
    ubuntu-security-status --unavailable
  • List third-party packages:
    ubuntu-security-status --thirdparty


Edit quotas for a user or group. By default it operates on all filesystems with quotas. Quota information is stored permanently in the quota.user and files in the root of the filesystem. More information:
  • Edit quota of the current user:
    edquota --user $(whoami)
  • Edit quota of a specific user:
    sudo edquota --user {{username}}
  • Edit quota for a group:
    sudo edquota --group {{group}}
  • Restrict operations to a given filesystem (by default edquota operates on all filesystems with quotas):
    sudo edquota --file-system {{filesystem}}
  • Edit the default grace period:
    sudo edquota -t
  • Duplicate a quota to other users:
    sudo edquota -p {{reference_user}} {{destination_user1}} {{destination_user2}}


Create system users and groups. If the config file is not specified, files in the sysusers.d directories are used. More information:
  • Create users and groups from a specific configuration file:
    systemd-sysusers {{path/to/file}}
  • Process configuration files and print what would be done without actually doing anything:
    systemd-sysusers --dry-run {{path/to/file}}
  • Print the contents of all config files (before each file, its name is printed as a comment):
    systemd-sysusers --cat-config


The XFCE4 screenshot tool. More information:
  • Launch the screenshooter GUI:
  • Take a screenshot of the entire screen and launch the GUI to ask how to proceed:
    xfce4-screenshooter --fullscreen
  • Take a screenshot of the entire screen and save it in the specified directory:
    xfce4-screenshooter --fullscreen --save {{path/to/directory}}
  • Wait some time before taking the screenshot:
    xfce4-screenshooter --delay {{seconds}}
  • Take a screenshot of a region of the screen (select using the mouse):
    xfce4-screenshooter --region
  • Take a screenshot of the active window, and copy it to the clipboard:
    xfce4-screenshooter --window --clipboard
  • Take a screenshot of the active window, and open it with a chosen program:
    xfce4-screenshooter --window --open {{gimp}}


An email client and Usenet newsgroup program with a pico/nano-inspired interface. Supports most modern email services through IMAP. More information:
  • Open alpine normally:
  • Open alpine directly to the message composition screen to send an email to a given email address:
    alpine {{[email protected]}}
  • Quit alpine:
    'q' then 'y'


MS-RPC client tool (part of the samba suite). More information:
  • Connect to a remote host:
    rpcclient --user {{domain}}\{{username}}%{{password}} {{ip}}
  • Connect to a remote host on a domain without a password:
    rpcclient --user {{username}} --workgroup {{domain}} --no-pass {{ip}}
  • Connect to a remote host, passing the password hash:
    rpcclient --user {{domain}}\{{username}} --pw-nt-hash {{ip}}
  • Execute shell commands on a remote host:
    rpcclient --user {{domain}}\{{username}}%{{password}} --command {{semicolon_separated_commands}} {{ip}}
  • Display domain users:
    rpcclient $> enumdomusers
  • Display privileges:
    rpcclient $> enumprivs
  • Display information about a specific user:
    rpcclient $> queryuser {{username|rid}}
  • Create a new user in the domain:
    rpcclient $> createdomuser {{username}}


Identify installed Debian packages for which support has had to be limited or prematurely ended. More information:
  • Display packages whose support is limited, has already ended or will end earlier than the distribution's end of life:
  • Display only packages whose support has ended:
    check-support-status --type {{ended}}
  • Skip printing a headline:
    check-support-status --no-heading


Status line for the i3 window manager. This command is usually called from the i3 configuration file. More information:
  • Print the status line to stdout periodically, using the default configuration:
  • Print the status line to stdout periodically, using a specific configuration:
    i3status -c {{path/to/i3status.conf}}
  • Display the i3status version and help:
    i3status -h


Set the keyboard using the X Keyboard Extension. More information:
  • Set the keyboard in French AZERTY:
    setxkbmap {{fr}}
  • Set multiple keyboard layouts, their variants and switching option:
    setxkbmap -layout {{us,de}} -variant {{,qwerty}} -option {{'grp:alt_caps_toggle'}}
  • Get help:
    setxkbmap -help
  • List all layouts:
    localectl list-x11-keymap-layouts
  • List variants for the layout:
    localectl list-x11-keymap-variants {{de}}
  • List available switching options:
    localectl list-x11-keymap-options | grep grp:


Reduce the size of a logical volume. See also: lvm. More information:
  • Reduce a volume's size to 120 GB:
    lvreduce --size {{120G}} {{logical_volume}}
  • Reduce a volume's size by 40 GB as well as the underlying filesystem:
    lvreduce --size -{{40G}} -r {{logical_volume}}


Command-line tool to change settings for Wacom pen tablets at runtime. More information:
  • List all the available Wacom devices. The device name is in the first column:
    xsetwacom list
  • Set Wacom area to specific screen. Get name of the screen with xrandr:
    xsetwacom set "{{device_name}}" MapToOutput {{screen}}
  • Set mode to relative (like a mouse) or absolute (like a pen) mode:
    xsetwacom set "{{device_name}}" Mode "{{Relative|Absolute}}"
  • Rotate the input (useful for tablet-PC when rotating screen) by 0|90|180|270 degrees from "natural" rotation:
    xsetwacom set "{{device_name}}" Rotate {{none|half|cw|ccw}}
  • Set button to only work when the tip of the pen is touching the tablet:
    xsetwacom set "{{device_name}}" TabletPCButton "on"


Displays a short message fullscreen. More information:
  • Display a message in full-screen:
    sm "{{Hello World!}}"
  • Display a message with inverted colors:
    sm -i "{{Hello World!}}"
  • Display a message with a custom foreground color:
    sm -f {{blue}} "{{Hello World!}}"
  • Display a message with a custom background color:
    sm -b {{#008888}} "{{Hello World!}}"
  • Display a message rotated 3 times (in steps of 90 degrees, counterclockwise):
    sm -r {{3}} "{{Hello World!}}"
  • Display a message using the output from another command:
    {{echo "Hello World!"}} | sm -


A full-featured, hackable tiling window manager written and configured in Python. More information:
  • Start the window manager, if it is not running already (should ideally be run from .xsession or similar):
    qtile start
  • Check the configuration file for any compilation errors (default location is ~/.config/qtile/
    qtile check
  • Show current resource usage information:
    qtile top --force
  • Open the program xterm as a floating window on the group named test-group:
    qtile run-cmd --group {{test-group}} --float {{xterm}}
  • Restart the window manager:
    qtile cmd-obj --object cmd --function restart


The word of God available right on your desktop. More information:
  • Display books:
    kjv -l
  • Open a specific book:
    kjv {{Genesis}}
  • Open a specific chapter of a book:
    kjv {{Genesis}} {{2}}
  • Open a specific verse of a specific chapter of a book:
    kjv {{John}} {{3}}:{{16}}
  • Open a specific range of verses of a book's chapter:
    kjv {{Proverbs}} {{3}}:{{1-6}}
  • Display a specific range of verses of a book from different chapters:
    kjv {{Matthew}} {{1}}:{{7}}-{{2}}:{{6}}
  • Display all verses that match a pattern:
    kjv /{{Plagues}}
  • Display all verses that match a pattern in a specific book:
    kjv {{1Jn}}/{{antichrist}}


A tool to show CPU frequency information. More information:
  • Show CPU frequency information for all CPUs:
  • Show CPU frequency information for the specified CPU:
    cpufreq-info -c {{cpu_number}}
  • Show the allowed minimum and maximum CPU frequency:
    cpufreq-info -l
  • Show the current minimum and maximum CPU frequency and policy in table format:
    cpufreq-info -o
  • Show available CPU frequency policies:
    cpufreq-info -g
  • Show current CPU work frequency in a human-readable format, according to the cpufreq kernel module:
    cpufreq-info -f -m
  • Show current CPU work frequency in a human-readable format, by reading it from hardware (only available to root):
    sudo cpufreq-info -w -m


Upgrade one or multiple distrobox containers. Subcommand of distrobox. See also: tldr distrobox. More information:
  • Upgrade a container using the container's native package manager:
    distrobox-upgrade {{container_name}}
  • Upgrade all containers using the container's native package managers:
    distrobox-upgrade --all
  • Upgrade specific containers via the container's native package manager:
    distrobox-upgrade {{container1 container2 ...}}


Create device maps from partition tables. More information:
  • Add partition mappings:
    kpartx -a {{whole_disk.img}}
  • Delete partition mappings:
    kpartx -d {{whole_disk.img}}
  • List partition mappings:
    kpartx -l {{whole_disk.img}}

A HTTP DoS test tool. More information:
  • Test a specific website:
    ./ {{url}}
  • Test a specific website with 100 user agents and 200 concurrent sockets:
    ./ {{url}} --useragents 100 --sockets 200
  • Test a specific website without verifying the SSL certificate:
    ./ {{url}} --nosslcheck
  • Test a specific website in debug mode:
    ./ {{url}} --debug
  • Display help:
    ./ --help


Report CPU statistics. More information:
  • Display CPU statistics every 2 seconds:
    mpstat {{2}}
  • Display 5 reports, one by one, at 2 second intervals:
    mpstat {{2}} {{5}}
  • Display 5 reports, one by one, from a given processor, at 2 second intervals:
    mpstat -P {{0}} {{2}} {{5}}


Snake game in the terminal. More information:
  • Start a snake game:
  • Navigate the snake:
    {{Up|Down|Left|Right}} arrow key
  • Pause/unpause the game:
  • Quit the game:
  • Show help during the game:


Linux system and process monitor. More information:
  • Start:
  • Start and display memory consumption for each process:
    atop -m
  • Start and display disk information:
    atop -d
  • Start and display background process information:
    atop -c
  • Start and display thread-specific resource utilization information:
    atop -y
  • Start and display the number of processes for each user:
    atop -au
  • Display help about interactive commands:


A persistent process to start and manage docker containers. More information:
  • Run docker daemon:
  • Run docker daemon and config it to listen to specific sockets (UNIX and TCP):
    dockerd --host unix://{{path/to/tmp.sock}} --host tcp://{{ip}}
  • Run with specific daemon PID file:
    dockerd --pidfile {{path/to/pid_file}}
  • Run in debug mode:
    dockerd --debug
  • Run and set a specific log level:
    dockerd --log-level={{debug|info|warn|error|fatal}}


Show the contents of an initramfs image. See also: dracut. More information:
  • Show the contents of the initramfs image for the current kernel:
  • Show the contents of the initramfs image for the specified kernel:
    lsinitrd --kver {{kernel_version}}
  • Show the contents of the specified initramfs image:
    lsinitrd {{path/to/initramfs.img}}
  • List modules included in the initramfs image:
    lsinitrd --mod
  • Unpack the initramfs to the current directory:
    lsinitrd --unpack


List and query system and user paths. More information:
  • Display a list of known paths and their current values:
  • Query the specified path and display its value:
    systemd-path "{{path_name}}"
  • Suffix printed paths with suffix_string:
    systemd-path --suffix {{suffix_string}}
  • Print a short version string and then exit:
    systemd-path --version


Package management utility for RHEL, Fedora, and CentOS (for older versions). For equivalent commands in other package managers, see More information:
  • Install a new package:
    yum install {{package}}
  • Install a new package and assume yes to all questions (also works with update, great for automated updates):
    yum -y install {{package}}
  • Find the package that provides a particular command:
    yum provides {{command}}
  • Remove a package:
    yum remove {{package}}
  • Display available updates for installed packages:
    yum check-update
  • Upgrade installed packages to the newest available versions:
    yum upgrade


Monitor bandwidth usage per process. More information:
  • Start NetHogs as root (default device is eth0):
    sudo nethogs
  • Monitor bandwidth on specific device:
    sudo nethogs {{device}}
  • Monitor bandwidth on multiple devices:
    sudo nethogs {{device1}} {{device2}}
  • Specify refresh rate:
    sudo nethogs -t {{seconds}}


Add/remove a Samba user or change its password. Samba users must have an existing local Unix account. More information:
  • Change the current user's SMB password:
  • Add a specified user to Samba and set password (user should already exist in system):
    sudo smbpasswd -a {{username}}
  • Modify an existing Samba user's password:
    sudo smbpasswd {{username}}
  • Delete a Samba user (use pdbedit instead if the Unix account has been deleted):
    sudo smbpasswd -x {{username}}


Simple screen locker built for the i3 window manager. More information:
  • Lock the screen showing a white background:
  • Lock the screen with a simple color background (rrggbb format):
    i3lock --color {{0000ff}}
  • Lock the screen to a PNG background:
    i3lock --image {{path/to/file.png}}
  • Lock the screen and disable the unlock indicator (removes feedback on keypress):
    i3lock --no-unlock-indicator
  • Lock the screen and don't hide the mouse pointer:
    i3lock --pointer {{default}}
  • Lock the screen to a PNG background tiled over all monitors:
    i3lock --image {{path/to/file.png}} --tiling
  • Lock the screen and show the number of failed login attempts:
    i3lock --show-failed-attempts


A text-based console game inspired by the original Pacman. More information:
  • Start a game at Level 1:
  • Start a game on a certain level (there are nine official levels):
    pacman4console --level={{level_number}}
  • Start the pacman4console level editor, saving to a specified text file:
    pacman4consoleedit {{path/to/level_file}}
  • Play a custom level:
    pacman4console --level={{path/to/level_file}}


Manage the trashcan/recycling bin. More information:
  • Delete a file and send it to the trash:
    trash {{path/to/file}}
  • List all files in the trash:
  • Interactively restore a file from the trash:
  • Empty the trash:
  • Permanently delete all files in the trash which are older than 10 days:
    trash-empty {{10}}
  • Remove all files in the trash, which match a specific blob pattern:
    trash-rm "{{*.o}}"
  • Remove all files with a specific original location:
    trash-rm {{/path/to/file_or_directory}}

qm rescan

Rescan all storages and update disk sizes and unused disk images of a virtual machine. More information:
  • Rescan all storages and update disk sizes and unused disk images of a specific virtual machine:
    qm rescan {{vm_id}}
  • Perform a dry-run of rescan on a specific virtual machine and do not write any changes to configurations:
    qm rescan --dryrun {{true}} {{vm_id}}

lxc network

Manage networks for LXD containers. More information:
  • List all available networks:
    lxc network list
  • Show the configuration of a specific network:
    lxc network show {{network_name}}
  • Add a running instance to a specific network:
    lxc network attach {{network_name}} {{container_name}}
  • Create a new managed network:
    lxc network create {{network_name}}
  • Set a bridge interface of a specific network:
    lxc network set {{network_name}} bridge.external_interfaces {{eth0}}
  • Disable NAT for a specific network:
    lxc network set {{network_name}} ipv{{4}}.nat false


XBPS utility to query for package and repository information. See also: xbps. More information:
  • Search for a package in remote repositories using a regular expression or a keyword (if --regex is omitted):
    xbps-query --search {{regular_expression|keyword}} --repository --regex
  • Show information about an installed package:
    xbps-query --show {{package}}
  • Show information about a package in remote repositories:
    xbps-query --show {{package}} --repository
  • List packages registered in the package database:
    xbps-query --list-pkgs
  • List explicitly installed packages (i.e. not automatically installed as dependencies):
    xbps-query --list-manual-pkgs


Remove one or more logical volumes. See also: lvm. More information:
  • Remove a logical volume in a volume group:
    sudo lvremove {{volume_group}}/{{logical_volume}}
  • Remove all logical volumes in a volume group:
    sudo lvremove {{volume_group}}


Manage services by running init scripts. The full script path should be omitted (/etc/init.d/ is assumed). More information:
  • List the name and status of all services:
    service --status-all
  • Start/Stop/Restart/Reload service (start/stop should always be available):
    service {{service_name}} {{start|stop|restart|reload}}
  • Do a full restart (runs script twice with start and stop):
    service {{service_name}} --full-restart
  • Show the current status of a service:
    service {{service_name}} status


Creates a Linux filesystem inside a partition. More information:
  • Create an ext2 filesystem in partition 1 of device b (sdb1):
    mkfs.ext2 {{/dev/sdb1}}
  • Create an ext3 filesystem in partition 1 of device b (sdb1):
    mkfs.ext3 {{/dev/sdb1}}
  • Create an ext4 filesystem in partition 1 of device b (sdb1):
    mkfs.ext4 {{/dev/sdb1}}


Send kill signal to all instances of a process by name (must be exact name). All signals except SIGKILL and SIGSTOP can be intercepted by the process, allowing a clean exit. More information:
  • Terminate a process using the default SIGTERM (terminate) signal:
    killall {{process_name}}
  • List available signal names (to be used without the 'SIG' prefix):
    killall --list
  • Interactively ask for confirmation before termination:
    killall -i {{process_name}}
  • Terminate a process using the SIGINT (interrupt) signal, which is the same signal sent by pressing Ctrl + C:
    killall -INT {{process_name}}
  • Force kill a process:
    killall -KILL {{process_name}}


This command is an alias of nmtui edit.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr nmtui


Duc is a collection of tools for indexing, inspecting and visualizing disk usage. Duc maintains a database of accumulated sizes of directories of the file system, allowing queries this database, or create fancy graphs to show where data is. More information:
  • Index the /usr directory, writing to the default database location ~/.duc.db:
    duc index {{/usr}}
  • List all files and directories under /usr/local, showing relative file sizes in a [g]raph:
    duc ls --classify --graph {{/usr/local}}
  • List all files and directories under /usr/local using treeview recursively:
    duc ls --classify --graph --recursive {{/usr/local}}
  • Start the graphical interface to explore the file system using sunburst graphs:
    duc gui {{/usr}}
  • Run the ncurses console interface to explore the file system:
    duc ui {{/usr}}
  • Dump database info:
    duc info


Text editor of the GNOME Desktop project. More information:
  • Open a text file:
    gedit {{path/to/file}}
  • Open multiple text files:
    gedit {{file1 file2 ...}}
  • Open a text file with a specific encoding:
    gedit --encoding={{UTF-8}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Display a list of supported encodings:
    gedit --list-encodings


Temporarily suspends pulseaudio while another command is running to allow access to alsa. More information:
  • Suspend PulseAudio while running jackd:
    pasuspender -- {{jackd -d alsa --device hw:0}}


Follows a pathname (which can be a symbolic link) until a terminal point is found (a file/directory/char device etc). This program is useful for finding "too many levels of symbolic links" problems. More information:
  • Resolve the pathnames specified as the argument parameters:
    namei {{path/to/a}} {{path/to/b}} {{path/to/c}}
  • Display the results in a long-listing format:
    namei --long {{path/to/a}} {{path/to/b}} {{path/to/c}}
  • Show the mode bits of each file type in the style of ls:
    namei --modes {{path/to/a}} {{path/to/b}} {{path/to/c}}
  • Show owner and group name of each file:
    namei --owners {{path/to/a}} {{path/to/b}} {{path/to/c}}
  • Don't follow symlinks while resolving:
    namei --nosymlinks {{path/to/a}} {{path/to/b}} {{path/to/c}}

btrfs property

Get, set, or list properties for a given btrfs filesystem object (files, directories, subvolumes, filesystems, or devices). More information:
  • List available properties (and descriptions) for the given btrfs object:
    sudo btrfs property list {{path/to/btrfs_object}}
  • Get all properties for the given btrfs object:
    sudo btrfs property get {{path/to/btrfs_object}}
  • Get the label property for the given btrfs filesystem or device:
    sudo btrfs property get {{path/to/btrfs_filesystem}} label
  • Get all object type-specific properties for the given btrfs filesystem or device:
    sudo btrfs property get -t {{subvol|filesystem|inode|device}} {{path/to/btrfs_filesystem}}
  • Set the compression property for a given btrfs inode (either a file or directory):
    sudo btrfs property set {{path/to/btrfs_inode}} compression {{zstd|zlib|lzo|none}}


Set the default boot entry for GRUB, for the next boot only. More information:
  • Set the default boot entry to an entry number, name or identifier for the next boot:
    sudo grub-reboot {{entry_number}}
  • Set the default boot entry to an entry number, name or identifier for an alternative boot directory for the next boot:
    sudo grub-reboot --boot-directory {{/path/to/boot_directory}} {{entry_number}}


Determine the search path for manual pages. More information:
  • Display the search path used to find man pages:
  • Show the entire global manpath:
    manpath --global


Simple X Image Viewer. More information:
  • Open an image:
    sxiv {{path/to/file}}
  • Open an image in fullscreen mode:
    sxiv -f {{path/to/file}}
  • Open a newline-separated list of images, reading filenames from stdin:
    echo {{path/to/file}} | sxiv -i
  • Open a space-separated list of images as a slideshow:
    sxiv -S {{seconds}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Open a space-separated list of images in thumbnail mode:
    sxiv -t {{path/to/file}}


A tool for updating device firmware, including UEFI, using fwupd. More information:
  • Display all devices detected by fwupd:
    fwupdmgr get-devices
  • Download the latest firmware metadata from LVFS:
    fwupdmgr refresh
  • List the updates available for devices on your system:
    fwupdmgr get-updates
  • Install firmware updates:
    fwupdmgr update


Show hardware information in GUI window. More information:
  • Start hardinfo:
  • Print report to stdout:
    hardinfo -r
  • Save report to HTML file:
    hardinfo -r -f html > hardinfo.html

qm cloudinit dump

Generate cloudinit configuration files. More information:
  • Generate a cloudinit file for a specific configuration type:
    qm cloudinit dump {{virtual_machine_id}} {{meta|network|user}}


Data recovery tool that reads data from damaged block devices. More information:
  • Take an image of a device, creating a log file:
    sudo ddrescue {{/dev/sdb}} {{path/to/image.dd}} {{path/to/log.txt}}
  • Clone Disk A to Disk B, creating a log file:
    sudo ddrescue --force --no-scrape {{/dev/sdX}} {{/dev/sdY}} {{path/to/log.txt}}


Display the color of a specific pixel on the screen in either hexadecimal or RGB formats. More information:
  • Display a small preview window of a pixel's color with it's hexadecimal value, and copy this value to the clipboard:
  • Copy a pixel's hexadecimal value to the clipboard without displaying a preview window:
    farge --no-preview
  • Output a pixel's hexadecimal value to stdout, and copy this value to the clipboard:
    farge --stdout
  • Output a pixel's RGB value to stdout, and copy this value to the clipboard:
    farge --rgb --stdout
  • Display a pixel's hexadecimal value as a notification which expires in 5000 milliseconds, and copy this value to the clipboard:
    farge --notify --expire-time 5000


Display amount of free and used memory in the system. More information:
  • Display system memory:
  • Display memory in Bytes/KB/MB/GB:
    free -{{b|k|m|g}}
  • Display memory in human-readable units:
    free -h
  • Refresh the output every 2 seconds:
    free -s {{2}}


Complementary command-line interface for Git. More information:
  • Switch to a specified branch, stashing and restoring unstaged changes:
    git switch {{target_branch}}
  • Synchronize current branch, automatically merging or rebasing, and stashing and unstashing:
    git sync
  • Publish a specified branch to the remote server:
    git publish {{branch_name}}
  • Remove a branch from the remote server:
    git unpublish {{branch_name}}
  • List all branches and their publication status:
    git branches {{glob_pattern}}
  • Remove the last commit from the history:
    git undo {{--hard}}


Creates a NTFS filesystem inside a partition. More information:
  • Create a NTFS filesystem inside partition 1 on device b (sdb1):
    mkfs.ntfs {{/dev/sdb1}}
  • Create filesystem with a volume-label:
    mkfs.ntfs -L {{volume_label}} {{/dev/sdb1}}
  • Create filesystem with specific UUID:
    mkfs.ntfs -U {{UUID}} {{/dev/sdb1}}


Create a btrfs filesystem. Defaults to raid1, which specifies 2 copies of a given data block spread across 2 different devices. More information:
  • Create a btrfs filesystem on a single device:
    sudo mkfs.btrfs --metadata single --data single {{/dev/sda}}
  • Create a btrfs filesystem on multiple devices with raid1:
    sudo mkfs.btrfs --metadata raid1 --data raid1 {{/dev/sda}} {{/dev/sdb}} {{/dev/sdN}}
  • Set a label for the filesystem:
    sudo mkfs.btrfs --label "{{label}}" {{/dev/sda}} [{{/dev/sdN}}]


Calculate mathematic expressions in MATE desktop environment in terminal. More information:
  • Start an interactive calculator session:
  • Calculate a specific mathematic expression:
    {{2 + 5}}


Utility for modifying keymaps and pointer button mappings in X. More information:
  • Swap left-click and right-click on the pointer:
    xmodmap -e 'pointer = 3 2 1'
  • Reassign a key on the keyboard to another key:
    xmodmap -e 'keycode {{keycode}} = {{keyname}}'
  • Disable a key on the keyboard:
    xmodmap -e 'keycode {{keycode}} ='
  • Execute all xmodmap expressions in the specified file:
    xmodmap {{path/to/file}}


A tool to throttle the CPU usage of other processes. More information:
  • Limit an existing process with PID 1234 to only use 25% of the CPU:
    cpulimit --pid {{1234}} --limit {{25%}}
  • Limit an existing program by its executable name:
    cpulimit --exe {{program}} --limit {{25}}
  • Launch a given program and limit it to only use 50% of the CPU:
    cpulimit --limit {{50}} -- {{program argument1 argument2 ...}}
  • Launch a program, limit its CPU usage to 50% and run cpulimit in the background:
    cpulimit --limit {{50}} --background -- {{program}}
  • Kill its process if the program's CPU usage goes over 50%:
    cpulimit --limit 50 --kill -- {{program}}
  • Throttle both it and its child processes so that none go about 25% CPU:
    cpulimit --limit {{25}} --monitor-forks -- {{program}}


RAID management utility. More information:
  • Create array:
    sudo mdadm --create {{/dev/md/MyRAID}} --level {{raid_level}} --raid-devices {{number_of_disks}} {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Stop array:
    sudo mdadm --stop {{/dev/md0}}
  • Mark disk as failed:
    sudo mdadm --fail {{/dev/md0}} {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Remove disk:
    sudo mdadm --remove {{/dev/md0}} {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Add disk to array:
    sudo mdadm --assemble {{/dev/md0}} {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Show RAID info:
    sudo mdadm --detail {{/dev/md0}}
  • Reset disk by deleting RAID metadata:
    sudo mdadm --zero-superblock {{/dev/sdXN}}


A program for managing BetterDiscord on Linux. More information:
  • Install BetterDiscord on Discord Stable:
    sudo betterdiscordctl install
  • Install BetterDiscord on Discord Canary:
    sudo betterdiscordctl --d-flavors canary install
  • Install BetterDiscord on Discord PTB:
    sudo betterdiscordctl --d-flavors ptb install
  • Install BetterDiscord on Discord installed with Flatpak:
    sudo betterdiscordctl --d-install flatpak install
  • Install BetterDiscord on Discord installed with Snap:
    sudo betterdiscordctl --d-install snap install


Optimize battery power usage. More information:
  • Calibrate power usage measurements:
    sudo powertop --calibrate
  • Generate HTML power usage report in the current directory:
    sudo powertop --html={{power_report.html}}
  • Tune to optimal settings:
    sudo powertop --auto-tune
  • Generate a report for a specified number of seconds (instead of 20 by default):
    sudo powertop --time={{5}}


A tool for creating snapshots and remote backups of btrfs subvolumes. More information:
  • Print statistics about configured subvolumes and snapshots:
    sudo btrbk stats
  • List configured subvolumes and snapshots:
    sudo btrbk list
  • Print what would happen in a run without making the displayed changes:
    sudo btrbk --verbose dryrun
  • Run backup routines verbosely, show progress bar:
    sudo btrbk --progress --verbose run
  • Only create snapshots for configured subvolumes:
    sudo btrbk snapshot


Query the package database on a CRUX system. More information:
  • List installed packages and their versions:
    pkginfo -i
  • List files owned by a package:
    pkginfo -l {{package}}
  • List the owner(s) of files matching a pattern:
    pkginfo -o {{pattern}}
  • Print the footprint of a file:
    pkginfo -f {{path/to/file}}


Build, install and run flatpak applications and runtimes. More information:
  • Run an installed application:
    flatpak run {{name}}
  • Install an application from a remote source:
    flatpak install {{remote}} {{name}}
  • List all installed applications and runtimes:
    flatpak list
  • Update all installed applications and runtimes:
    flatpak update
  • Add a remote source:
    flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists {{remote_name}} {{remote_url}}
  • Remove an installed application:
    flatpak remove {{name}}
  • Remove all unused applications:
    flatpak remove --unused
  • Show information about an installed application:
    flatpak info {{name}}


A tiling window manager based on binary space partitioning. More information:
  • Start bspwm (note that a pre-existing window manager must not be open when this command is run):
    bspwm -c {{path/to/config}}
  • View documentation for bspc:
    tldr bspc


KDE's file manager to manage files and directories. More information:
  • Launch the file manager:
  • Open specific directories:
    dolphin {{path/to/directory1 path/to/directory2 ...}}
  • Open with specific files or directories selected:
    dolphin --select {{path/to/file_or_directory1 path/to/file_or_directory2 ...}}
  • Open a new window:
    dolphin --new-window
  • Open specific directories in split view:
    dolphin --split {{path/to/directory1}} {{path/to/directory2}}
  • Launch the daemon (only required to use the DBus interface):
    dolphin --daemon
  • Display help:
    dolphin --help


Music on Console (MOC) audio player. More information:
  • Launch the MOC terminal UI:
  • Launch the MOC terminal UI in a specific directory:
    mocp {{path/to/directory}}
  • Start the MOC server in the background, without launching the MOC terminal UI:
    mocp --server
  • Add a specific song to the play queue while MOC is in the background:
    mocp --enqueue {{path/to/audio_file}}
  • Add songs recursively to the play queue while MOC is in the background:
    mocp --append {{path/to/directory}}
  • Clear the play queue while MOC is in the background:
    mocp --clear
  • Play or stop the currently queued song while MOC is in the background:
    mocp --{{play|stop}}
  • Stop the MOC server while it's in the background:
    mocp --exit


Encrypt the contents within a zipfile. More information:
  • Encrypt the contents of a zipfile:
    zipcloak {{path/to/}}
  • [d]ecrypt the contents of a zipfile:
    zipcloak -d {{path/to/}}
  • [O]utput the encrypted contents into a new zipfile:
    zipcloak {{path/to/}} -O {{path/to/}}


Real-time media server and proxy. More information:
  • Run MediaMTX:
  • Run MediaMTX with a custom config location:
    mediamtx {{path/to/config}}.yml
  • Start MediaMTX as a daemon:
    systemctl start mediamtx


Tool to check pending updates in Arch Linux. More information:
  • List pending updates:
  • List pending updates and download the packages to the pacman cache:
    checkupdates --download
  • List pending updates using a specific pacman database:
    CHECKUPDATES_DB={{path/to/directory}} checkupdates
  • Display help:
    checkupdates --help


A partition manipulation program. See also: partprobe. More information:
  • List partitions on all block devices:
    sudo parted --list
  • Start interactive mode with the specified disk selected:
    sudo parted {{/dev/sdX}}
  • Create a new partition table of the specified label-type:
    sudo parted --script {{/dev/sdX}} mklabel {{aix|amiga|bsd|dvh|gpt|loop|mac|msdos|pc98|sun}}
  • Show partition information in interactive mode:
  • Select a disk in interactive mode:
    select {{/dev/sdX}}
  • Create a 16 GB partition with the specified filesystem in interactive mode:
    mkpart {{primary|logical|extended}} {{btrfs|ext2|ext3|ext4|fat16|fat32|hfs|hfs+|linux-swap|ntfs|reiserfs|udf|xfs}} {{0%}} {{16G}}
  • Resize a partition in interactive mode:
    resizepart {{/dev/sdXN}} {{end_position_of_partition}}
  • Remove a partition in interactive mode:
    rm {{/dev/sdXN}}


Change the size of a logical volume. See also: lvm. More information:
  • Change the size of a logical volume to 120 GB:
    lvresize --size {{120G}} {{volume_group}}/{{logical_volume}}
  • Extend the size of a logical volume as well as the underlying filesystem by 120 GB:
    lvresize --size +{{120G}} --resizefs {{volume_group}}/{{logical_volume}}
  • Extend the size of a logical volume to 100% of the free physical volume space:
    lvresize --size {{100}}%FREE {{volume_group}}/{{logical_volume}}
  • Reduce the size of a logical volume as well as the underlying filesystem by 120 GB:
    lvresize --size -{{120G}} --resizefs {{volume_group}}/{{logical_volume}}


Scan for volume groups on all supported Logical Volume Manager (LVM) block devices. See also lvm, vgchange. More information:
  • Scan for volume groups and print information about each group found:
    sudo vgscan
  • Scan for volume groups and add the special files in /dev, if they don't already exist, needed to access the logical volumes in the found groups:
    sudo vgscan --mknodes


Tool to check pending updates from the Arch User Repository (AUR). More information:
  • List pending updates for AUR packages:
  • List pending updates for AUR packages in debug mode:
    CHECKUPDATES_DEBUG=1 checkupdates-aur
  • Display help:
    checkupdates-aur --help


Creates a Minix filesystem inside a partition. More information:
  • Create a Minix filesystem inside partition 1 on device b (sdb1):
    mkfs.minix {{/dev/sdb1}}


An HTTP benchmarking tool. Runs multiple HTTP fetches in parallel to test the throughput of a web server. More information:
  • Emulate 20 requests based on a given URL list file per second for 60 seconds:
    http_load -rate {{20}} -seconds {{60}} {{path/to/urls.txt}}
  • Emulate 5 concurrent requests based on a given URL list file for 60 seconds:
    http_load -parallel {{5}} -seconds {{60}} {{path/to/urls.txt}}
  • Emulate 1000 requests at 20 requests per second, based on a given URL list file:
    http_load -rate {{20}} -fetches {{1000}} {{path/to/urls.txt}}
  • Emulate 1000 requests at 5 concurrent requests at a time, based on a given URL list file:
    http_load -parallel {{5}} -fetches {{1000}} {{path/to/urls.txt}}


Display information about Logical Volume Manager (LVM) physical volumes. See also: lvm. More information:
  • Display information about all physical volumes:
    sudo pvdisplay
  • Display information about the physical volume on drive /dev/sdXY:
    sudo pvdisplay {{/dev/sdXY}}


Edit the password file. More information:
  • Edit the password file:
  • Display the current version of vipw:
    vipw --version


A lightweight GTK-2 based systray. More information:
  • Run trayer:
  • Position trayer to a specific edge:
    trayer --edge {{left|right|top|bottom}}
  • Provide a specific height and width of the panel (in pixels):
    trayer --width {{10}} --height {{32}}
  • Provide the width of the panel in pixels or percentages:
    trayer --widthtype {{pixel|percent}} --width {{72}}
  • Align trayer to a specific direction:
    trayer --align {{left|center|right}}
  • Provide spacing between icons (in pixels):
    trayer --iconspacing {{10}}


System and security auditing tool. More information:
  • Check that Lynis is up-to-date:
    sudo lynis update info
  • Run a security audit of the system:
    sudo lynis audit system
  • Run a security audit of a Dockerfile:
    sudo lynis audit dockerfile {{path/to/dockerfile}}


Provides corresponding ARPA name for IP addresses. More information:
  • Translate IP addresses (IPv4 and IPv6) to the corresponding ARPA name:
    arpaname {{ip_address}}


Control video devices. More information:
  • List all video devices:
    v4l2-ctl --list-devices
  • List supported video formats and resolutions of default video device /dev/video0:
    v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext
  • List supported video formats and resolutions of a specific video device:
    v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext --device {{path/to/video_device}}
  • Get all details of a video device:
    v4l2-ctl --all --device {{path/to/video_device}}
  • Capture a JPEG photo with a specific resolution from video device:
    v4l2-ctl --device {{path/to/video_device}} --set-fmt-video=width={{width}},height={{height}},pixelformat=MJPG --stream-mmap --stream-to={{path/to/output.jpg}} --stream-count=1
  • Capture a raw video stream from video device:
    v4l2-ctl --device {{path/to/video_device}} --set-fmt-video=width={{width}},height={{height}},pixelformat={{format}} --stream-mmap --stream-to={{path/to/output}} --stream-count={{number_of_frames_to_capture}}
  • List all video device's controls and their values:
    v4l2-ctl --list-ctrls --device {{path/to/video_device}}
  • Set the value of a video device control:
    v4l2-ctl --device {{path/to/video_device}} --set-ctrl={{control_name}}={{value}}


A user friendly HTTP tool. More information:
  • Send a GET request (default method with no request data):
    http {{}}
  • Send a POST request (default method with request data):
    http {{}} {{hello=World}}
  • Send a POST request with redirected input:
    http {{}} < {{file.json}}
  • Send a PUT request with a given JSON body:
    http PUT {{}} {{hello=world}}
  • Send a DELETE request with a given request header:
    http DELETE {{}} {{API-Key:foo}}
  • Show the whole HTTP exchange (both request and response):
    http -v {{}}
  • Download a file:
    http --download {{}}
  • Follow redirects and show intermediary requests and responses:
    http --follow --all {{}}


Linux udev management tool. More information:
  • Monitor all device events:
    sudo udevadm monitor
  • Print uevents sent out by the kernel:
    sudo udevadm monitor --kernel
  • Print device events after being processed by udev:
    sudo udevadm monitor --udev
  • List attributes of a device:
    sudo udevadm info --attribute-walk --path {{/dev/sda1}}
  • Reload all udev rules:
    sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
  • Trigger all udev rules to run:
    sudo udevadm trigger


A program to communicate with the serial interface of a device. More information:
  • Open a given serial port:
    sudo minicom --device {{/dev/ttyUSB0}}
  • Open a given serial port with a given baud rate:
    sudo minicom --device {{/dev/ttyUSB0}} --baudrate {{115200}}
  • Enter the configuration menu before communicating with a given serial port:
    sudo minicom --device {{/dev/ttyUSB0}} --setup


The program grub-script-check takes a GRUB script file and checks it for syntax errors. It may take a path as a non-option argument. If none is supplied, it will read from stdin. More information:
  • Check a specific script file for syntax errors:
    grub-script-check {{path/to/grub_config_file}}
  • Display each line of input after reading it:
    grub-script-check --verbose
  • Display version:
    grub-script-check --version
  • Display help:
    grub-script-check --help


Remove directories without files. See also: rm. More information:
  • Remove specific directories:
    rmdir {{path/to/directory1 path/to/directory2 ...}}
  • Remove specific nested directories recursively:
    rmdir --parents {{path/to/directory1 path/to/directory2 ...}}


Fake the system time for a given command. More information:
  • Fake the time to this evening, before printing the result of date:
    faketime '{{today 23:30}}' {{date}}
  • Open a new bash shell, which uses yesterday as the current date:
    faketime '{{yesterday}}' {{bash}}
  • Simulate how a program would act next Friday night:
    faketime '{{next Friday 1 am}}' {{path/to/program}}


Attempt to determine if the script is running on a laptop or desktop. More information:
  • Return an exit status of 0 if the current device is likely a laptop, else returns 1:
  • Print the type of device that the current system is detected as:
    laptop-detect --verbose
  • Display the version:
    laptop-detect --version


Flash cards in the terminal. More information:
  • Open a menu of available flashcard decks for selection:
  • Display the program version:
    flash -v
  • Display information about the flashcard system:
    flash -i
  • Display a list of available commands:
    flash -h
  • Change the previewer from default bat to cat:
    flash -p {{cat}}


Validate libvirt XML files against a schema. If a schema is not specified, the schema is determined by the root element in the XML file. More information:
  • Validate an XML file against a specific schema:
    virt-xml-validate {{path/to/file.xml}} {{schema}}
  • Validate the domain XML against the domain schema:
    virt-xml-validate {{path/to/domain.xml}} domain


A tool to display ASCII-art fonts. More information:
  • Generate ASCII art for a given text:
    toilet {{input_text}}
  • Generate ASCII art using a custom font file:
    toilet {{input_text}} -f {{font_filename}}
  • Generate ASCII art using a filter:
    toilet {{input_text}} --filter {{filter_name}}
  • Show available toilet filters:
    toilet --filter list


Hardware database management tool. More information:
  • Update the binary hardware database in /etc/udev:
    systemd-hwdb update
  • Query the hardware database and print the result for a specific modalias:
    systemd-hwdb query {{modalias}}
  • Update the binary hardware database, returning a non-zero exit value on any parsing error:
    systemd-hwdb --strict update
  • Update the binary hardware database in /usr/lib/udev:
    systemd-hwdb --usr update
  • Update the binary hardware database in the specified root path:
    systemd-hwdb --root={{path/to/root}} update


Show and change EXIF information in JPEG files. More information:
  • Show all recognized EXIF information in an image:
    exif {{path/to/image.jpg}}
  • Show a table listing known EXIF tags and whether each one exists in an image:
    exif --list-tags --no-fixup {{image.jpg}}
  • Extract the image thumbnail into the file thumbnail.jpg:
    exif --extract-thumbnail --output={{thumbnail.jpg}} {{image.jpg}}
  • Show the raw contents of the "Model" tag in the given image:
    exif --ifd={{0}} --tag={{Model}} --machine-readable {{image.jpg}}
  • Change the value of the "Artist" tag to John Smith and save to new.jpg:
    exif --output={{new.jpg}} --ifd={{0}} --tag="{{Artist}}" --set-value="{{John Smith}}" --no-fixup {{image.jpg}}


Create volume groups combining multiple mass-storage devices. See also: lvm. More information:
  • Create a new volume group called vg1 using the /dev/sda1 device:
    vgcreate {{vg1}} {{/dev/sda1}}
  • Create a new volume group called vg1 using multiple devices:
    vgcreate {{vg1}} {{/dev/sda1}} {{/dev/sdb1}} {{/dev/sdc1}}


Deleted file recovery tool. It is recommended to write recovered files to a disk separate to the one being recovered from. More information:
  • Run PhotoRec on a specific device:
    sudo photorec {{/dev/sdb}}
  • Run PhotoRec on a disk image (image.dd):
    sudo photorec {{path/to/image.dd}}


An alias to a run-mailcap's action print. Originally run-mailcap is used to process mime-type/file. More information:
  • Print action can be used to print any file on default run-mailcap tool:
    print {{filename}}
  • With run-mailcap:
    run-mailcap --action=print {{filename}}


Capture the screen, a window, or a user-defined area and save the image to a file. More information:
  • Take a screenshot and save it to the default location, normally ~/Pictures:
  • Take a screenshot and save it to the named file location:
    gnome-screenshot --file {{path/to/file}}
  • Take a screenshot and save it to the clipboard:
    gnome-screenshot --clipboard
  • Take a screenshot after the specified number of seconds:
    gnome-screenshot --delay {{5}}
  • Launch the GNOME Screenshot GUI:
    gnome-screenshot --interactive
  • Take a screenshot of the current window and save it to the specified file location:
    gnome-screenshot --window --file {{path/to/file}}
  • Take a screenshot after the specified number of seconds and save it to the clipboard:
    gnome-screenshot --delay {{10}} --clipboard
  • Display the version:
    gnome-screenshot --version


Easy security-hardened OpenVPN setup and manager. Originally designed for the Raspberry Pi, but works on other Linux devices too. More information:
  • Add a new client device:
    sudo pivpn add
  • List all client devices:
    sudo pivpn list
  • List currently connected devices and their statistics:
    sudo pivpn clients
  • Revoke a previously authenticated device:
    sudo pivpn revoke
  • Uninstall PiVPN:
    sudo pivpn uninstall


Control NUMA policy for processes or shared memory. More information:
  • Run a command on node 0 with memory allocated on node 0 and 1:
    numactl --cpunodebind={{0}} --membind={{0,1}} -- {{command}} {{command_arguments}}
  • Run a command on CPUs (cores) 0-4 and 8-12 of the current cpuset:
    numactl --physcpubind={{+0-4,8-12}} -- {{command}} {{command_arguments}}
  • Run a command with its memory interleaved on all CPUs:
    numactl --interleave={{all}} -- {{command}} {{command_arguments}}


A program for managing partition tables and partitions on a hard disk. See also: partprobe. More information:
  • List partitions:
    sudo fdisk -l
  • Start the partition manipulator:
    sudo fdisk {{/dev/sdX}}
  • Once partitioning a disk, create a partition:
  • Once partitioning a disk, select a partition to delete:
  • Once partitioning a disk, view the partition table:
  • Once partitioning a disk, write the changes made:
  • Once partitioning a disk, discard the changes made:
  • Once partitioning a disk, open a help menu:


Update both PO files and translated documents. More information:
  • Update PO files and documents according to the specified config file:
    po4a {{path/to/config_file}}


Configure and show the parameters of a wireless network interface. More information:
  • Show the parameters and statistics of all the interfaces:
  • Show the parameters and statistics of the specified interface:
    iwconfig {{interface}}
  • Set the ESSID (network name) of the specified interface (e.g. eth0 or wlp2s0):
    iwconfig {{interface}} {{new_network_name}}
  • Set the operating mode of the specified interface:
    iwconfig {{interface}} mode {{ad hoc|Managed|Master|Repeater|Secondary|Monitor|Auto}}


Show status info about runlevels. See also openrc. More information:
  • Show a summary of services and their status:
  • Include services in all runlevels in the summary:
    rc-status --all
  • List services that have crashed:
    rc-status --crashed
  • List manually started services:
    rc-status --manual
  • List supervised services:
    rc-status --supervised
  • Get the current runlevel:
    rc-status --runlevel
  • List all runlevels:
    rc-status --list


Retrieve and process saved core dumps and metadata. More information:
  • List all captured core dumps:
    coredumpctl list
  • List captured core dumps for a program:
    coredumpctl list {{program}}
  • Show information about the core dumps matching a program with PID:
    coredumpctl info {{PID}}
  • Invoke debugger using the last core dump of a program:
    coredumpctl debug {{program}}
  • Extract the last core dump of a program to a file:
    coredumpctl --output={{path/to/file}} dump {{program}}


Move a running process to a new terminal. Best used when you forget to start a long running task in screen. More information:
  • Move a running process to your current terminal:
    reptyr {{pid}}


Creates an MS-DOS filesystem inside a partition. More information:
  • Create a vfat filesystem inside partition 1 on device b (sdb1):
    mkfs.vfat {{/dev/sdb1}}
  • Create filesystem with a volume-name:
    mkfs.vfat -n {{volume_name}} {{/dev/sdb1}}
  • Create filesystem with a volume-id:
    mkfs.vfat -i {{volume_id}} {{/dev/sdb1}}
  • Use 5 instead of 2 file allocation tables:
    mkfs.vfat -f 5 {{/dev/sdb1}}


This command is an alias of mount.cifs. Note: for SMB versions before 3 you have to use mount.cifs instead.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr mount.cifs


A utility for Arch Linux to build and install packages from the Arch User Repository. More information:
  • Synchronize and update all packages (includes AUR):
    pacaur -Syu
  • Synchronize and update only AUR packages:
    pacaur -Syua
  • Install a new package (includes AUR):
    pacaur -S {{package}}
  • Remove a package and its dependencies (includes AUR packages):
    pacaur -Rs {{package}}
  • Search the package database for a keyword (includes AUR):
    pacaur -Ss {{keyword}}
  • List all currently installed packages (includes AUR packages):
    pacaur -Qs


Subdomain and directory discovery tool. More information:
  • Discover directories using a [w]ordlist on a target [u]rl with [c]olorized and [v]erbose output:
    ffuf -w {{path/to/wordlist}} -u {{https://target/FUZZ}} -c -v
  • Fuzz host-[H]eaders with a host file on a target website and [m]atch HTTP 200 [c]ode responses:
    ffuf -w {{hosts.txt}} -u {{}} -H "{{Host: FUZZ}}" -mc {{200}}
  • Discover directories using a [w]ordlist on a target website with a max individual job time of 60 seconds and recursion discovery depth of 2 levels:
    ffuf -w {{path/to/wordlist}} -u {{https://target/FUZZ}} -maxtime-job {{60}} -recursion -recursion-depth {{2}}
  • Fuzz GET parameter on a target website and [f]ilter out message [s]ize response of 4242 bytes:
    ffuf -w {{path/to/param_names.txt}} -u {{https://target/script.php?FUZZ=test_value}} -fs {{4242}}
  • Fuzz POST method with POST [d]ata of password on a target website and [f]ilter out HTTP response [c]ode 401:
    ffuf -w {{path/to/postdata.txt}} -X {{POST}} -d "{{username=admin\&password=FUZZ}}" -u {{https://target/login.php}} -fc {{401}}
  • Discover subdomains using a subdomain list on a target website:
    ffuf -w {{subdomains.txt}} -u {{}} -H "{{Host:}}"


Securely overwrite the free space and inodes of the partition where the specified directory resides. More information:
  • Overwrite free space and inodes of a disk with 38 writes (slow but secure):
    sfill {{/path/to/mounted_disk_directory}}
  • Overwrite free space and inodes of a disk with 6 writes (fast but less secure) and show status:
    sfill -l -v {{/path/to/mounted_disk_directory}}
  • Overwrite free space and inodes of a disk with 1 write (very fast but insecure) and show status:
    sfill -ll -v {{/path/to/mounted_disk_directory}}
  • Overwrite only free space of a disk:
    sfill -I {{/path/to/mounted_disk_directory}}
  • Overwrite only free inodes of a disk:
    sfill -i {{/path/to/mounted_disk_directory}}


Command-line tool for installing or uninstalling desktop menu items. More information:
  • Install an application to the desktop menu system:
    xdg-desktop-menu install {{path/to/file.desktop}}
  • Install an application to the desktop menu system with the vendor prefix check disabled:
    xdg-desktop-menu install --novendor {{path/to/file.desktop}}
  • Uninstall an application from the desktop menu system:
    xdg-desktop-menu uninstall {{path/to/file.desktop}}
  • Force an update of the desktop menu system:
    xdg-desktop-menu forceupdate --mode {{user|system}}


Easily dock applications to the system tray. More information:
  • Display a cursor to send a window to the system tray when pressing the left mouse button (press any other mouse button to cancel):
  • Open an application and send it to the system tray:
    kdocker {{application}}
  • Send focused window to the system tray:
    kdocker -f
  • Display a cursor to send a window to the system tray with a custom icon when pressing the left mouse button:
    kdocker -i {{/path/to/icon}}
  • Open an application, send it to the system tray and if focus is lost, minimize it:
    kdocker -l {{application}}
  • Print version:
    kdocker --version


Report non-free packages installed on Debian-based OSes. More information:
  • List non-free and contrib packages (and their description):
  • Only output the package names:
    vrms --sparse

qm help

Display help for a specific command. More information:
  • Display help for a specific command:
    qm help {{command}}
  • Display help for a specific command with detailed information:
    qm help {{command}} --verbose {{true|false}}


Neo Simple X Image Viewer. More information:
  • Open images:
    nsxiv {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}
  • Open images from directories in image mode:
    nsxiv {{path/to/directory1 path/to/directory2 ...}}
  • Search directories recursively for images to view:
    nsxiv -r {{path/to/directory1 path/to/directory2 ...}}
  • Quit nsxiv:
  • Switch to thumbnail mode or open selected image in image mode:
  • Count images forward in image mode:
  • Count images backward in image mode:


Alternative shell that prevents a user from logging in. More information:
  • Set a user's login shell to nologin to prevent the user from logging in:
    chsh -s {{user}} nologin
  • Customize message for users with the login shell of nologin:
    echo "{{declined_login_message}}" > /etc/nologin.txt


Manage WirePlumber, a session and policy manager for PipeWire. Note: you can use the special name @DEFAULT_SINK@ in place of id to operate on the default sink. More information:
  • List all objects managed by WirePlumber:
    wpctl status
  • Print all properties of an object:
    wpctl inspect {{id}}
  • Set an object to be the default in its group:
    wpctl set-default {{id}}
  • Get the volume of a sink:
    wpctl get-volume {{id}}
  • Set the volume of a sink to n percent:
    wpctl set-volume {{id}} {{n}}%
  • Increase/Decrease the volume of a sink by n percent:
    wpctl set-volume {{id}} {{n}}%{{+|-}}
  • Mute/Unmute a sink (1 is mute, 0 is unmute):
    wpctl set-mute {{id}} {{1|0|toggle}}


The Aura Package Manager: A secure, multilingual package manager for Arch Linux and the AUR. More information:
  • Search for packages from the official repositories and AUR:
    aura --aursync --both --search {{keyword|regular_expression}}
  • Install a package from the AUR:
    aura --aursync {{package}}
  • Update all AUR packages in a verbose mode and remove all make dependencies:
    aura --aursync --diff --sysupgrade --delmakedeps --unsuppress
  • Install a package from the official repositories:
    aura --sync {{package}}
  • Synchronize and update all packages from the official repositories:
    aura --sync --refresh --sysupgrade
  • Downgrade a package using the package cache:
    aura --downgrade {{package}}
  • Remove a package and its dependencies:
    aura --remove --recursive --unneeded {{package}}
  • Remove orphan packages (installed as dependencies but not required by any package):
    aura --orphans --abandon


Exit the i3 window manager. More information:
  • Log out of i3:
    i3exit logout
  • Lock i3:
    i3exit lock
  • Shut down the system:
    i3exit shutdown
  • Suspend the system:
    i3exit suspend
  • Switch to the login screen to log in as a different user:
    i3exit switch_user
  • Hibernate the system:
    i3exit hibernate
  • Reboot the system:
    i3exit reboot

qm resume

Resume a virtual machine. More information:
  • Resume a specific virtual machine:
    qm resume {{vm_id}}
  • Resume a specific virtual machine ignoring locks (requires root):
    sudo qm resume {{vm_id}} --skiplock true


Daemon for generating UUIDs. More information:
  • Generate a random UUID:
    uuidd --random
  • Generate a bulk number of random UUIDs:
    uuidd --random --uuids {{number_of_uuids}}
  • Generate a time-based UUID, based on the current time and MAC address of the system:
    uuidd --time


Administer /etc/group and /etc/gshadow. More information:
  • Define group administrators:
    sudo gpasswd -A {{user1,user2}} {{group}}
  • Set the list of group members:
    sudo gpasswd -M {{user1,user2}} {{group}}
  • Create a password for the named group:
    gpasswd {{group}}
  • Add a user to the named group:
    gpasswd -a {{user}} {{group}}
  • Remove a user from the named group:
    gpasswd -d {{user}} {{group}}

btrfs restore

Try to salvage files from a damaged btrfs filesystem. More information:
  • Restore all files from a btrfs filesystem to a given directory:
    sudo btrfs restore {{path/to/btrfs_device}} {{path/to/target_directory}}
  • List (don't write) files to be restored from a btrfs filesystem:
    sudo btrfs restore --dry-run {{path/to/btrfs_device}} {{path/to/target_directory}}
  • Restore files matching a given regex ([c]ase-insensitive) files to be restored from a btrfs filesystem (all parent directories of target file(s) must match as well):
    sudo btrfs restore --path-regex {{regex}} -c {{path/to/btrfs_device}} {{path/to/target_directory}}
  • Restore files from a btrfs filesystem using a specific root tree bytenr (see btrfs-find-root):
    sudo btrfs restore -t {{bytenr}} {{path/to/btrfs_device}} {{path/to/target_directory}}
  • Restore files from a btrfs filesystem (along with metadata, extended attributes, and Symlinks), overwriting files in the target:
    sudo btrfs restore --metadata --xattr --symlinks --overwrite {{path/to/btrfs_device}} {{path/to/target_directory}}


Read and manipulate metadata of MP3 files. More information:
  • View information about an MP3 file:
    eyeD3 {{filename.mp3}}
  • Set the title of an MP3 file:
    eyeD3 --title "{{A Title}}" {{filename.mp3}}
  • Set the album of all the MP3 files in a directory:
    eyeD3 --album "{{Album Name}}" {{*.mp3}}
  • Set the front cover art for an MP3 file:
    eyeD3 --add-image {{front_cover.jpeg}}:FRONT_COVER: {{filename.mp3}}

qm disk resize

Resize a virtual machine disk in the Proxmox Virtual Environment (PVE). More information:
  • Add n gigabytes to a virtual disk:
    qm disk resize {{vm_id}} {{disk_name}} +{{n}}G


Create a squashfs filesystem from a tar archive. More information:
  • Create a squashfs filesystem (compressed using gzip by default) from an uncompressed tar archive:
    sqfstar {{filesystem.squashfs}} < {{archive.tar}}
  • Create a squashfs filesystem from a tar archive compressed with gzip, and [comp]ress the filesystem using a specific algorithm:
    zcat {{archive.tar.gz}} | sqfstar -comp {{gzip|lzo|lz4|xz|zstd|lzma}} {{filesystem.squashfs}}
  • Create a squashfs filesystem from a tar archive compressed with xz, excluding some of the files:
    xzcat {{archive.tar.xz}} | sqfstar {{filesystem.squashfs}} {{file1 file2 ...}}
  • Create a squashfs filesystem from a tar archive compressed with zstd, excluding files ending with .gz:
    zstdcat {{archive.tar.zst}} | sqfstar {{filesystem.squashfs}} "{{*.gz}}"
  • Create a squashfs filesystem from a tar archive compressed with lz4, excluding files matching a regular expression:
    lz4cat {{archive.tar.lz4}} | sqfstar {{filesystem.squashfs}} -regex "{{regular_expression}}"


A meta package manager that handles both packages and slackbuilds. More information:
  • Update the list of available packages and slackbuilds:
    spi --update
  • Install a package or slackbuild:
    spi --install {{package/slackbuild_name}}
  • Upgrade all installed packages to the latest versions available:
    spi --upgrade
  • Locate packages or slackbuilds by package name or description:
    spi {{search_terms}}
  • Display information about a package or slackbuild:
    spi --show {{package/slackbuild_name}}
  • Purge the local package and slackbuild caches:
    spi --clean


Change macOS-style line endings to Unix-style. Replaces CR with LF. More information:
  • Change the line endings of a file:
    mac2unix {{filename}}
  • Create a copy with Unix-style line endings:
    mac2unix -n {{filename}} {{new_filename}}


Set the default boot entry for GRUB. More information:
  • Set the default boot entry to an entry number, name or identifier:
    sudo grub-set-default {{entry_number}}
  • Set the default boot entry to an entry number, name or identifier for an alternative boot directory:
    sudo grub-set-default --boot-directory {{/path/to/boot_directory}} {{entry_number}}


Vanilla OS Tool for managing drivers for your device. More information:
  • Interactively install drivers for your device:
    ikaros install {{device}}
  • Automatically install the recommended drivers for your device:
    ikaros auto-install {{device}}
  • List devices:
    ikaros list-devices


Package management utility for Synology DiskStation Manager. More information:
  • List the names of installed packages:
    synopkg list --name
  • List packages which depend on a specific package:
    synopkg list --depend-on {{package}}
  • Start/Stop a package:
    sudo synopkg {{start|stop}} {{package}}
  • Print the status of a package:
    synopkg status {{package}}
  • Uninstall a package:
    sudo synopkg uninstall {{package}}
  • Check if updates are available for a package:
    synopkg checkupdate {{package}}
  • Upgrade all packages to the latest version:
    sudo synopkg upgradeall
  • Install a package from a synopkg file:
    sudo synopkg install {{path/to/package.spk}}


Rename multiple files. NOTE: this page refers to the command from the perl-rename Arch Linux package. More information:
  • Rename files using a Perl Common Regular Expression (substitute 'foo' with 'bar' wherever found):
    rename {{'s/foo/bar/'}} {{*}}
  • Dry-run - display which renames would occur without performing them:
    rename -n {{'s/foo/bar/'}} {{*}}
  • Force renaming even if the operation would remove existing destination files:
    rename -f {{'s/foo/bar/'}} {{*}}
  • Convert filenames to lower case (use -f in case-insensitive filesystems to prevent "already exists" errors):
    rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' {{*}}
  • Replace whitespace with underscores:
    rename 's/\s+/_/g' {{*}}


Initializes an RPM repository in the given directory, including all XML and SQLite files. More information:
  • Initialize a basic repository in a directory:
    createrepo {{path/to/directory}}
  • Initialize a repository, exclude test RPMs and display verbose logs:
    createrepo -v -x {{test_*.rpm}} {{path/to/directory}}
  • Initialize a repository, using SHA1 as the checksum algorithm, and ignoring symbolic links:
    createrepo -S -s {{sha1}} {{path/to/directory}}


Bash builtin for creating interactive asynchronous subshells. More information:
  • Run a subshell asynchronously:
    coproc { {{command1; command2; ...}}; }
  • Create a coprocess with a specific name:
    coproc {{name}} { {{command1; command2; ...}}; }
  • Write to a specific coprocess stdin:
    echo "{{input}}" >&"${{{name}}[1]}"
  • Read from a specific coprocess stdout:
    read {{variable}} <&"${{{name}}[0]}"
  • Create a coprocess which repeatedly reads stdin and runs some commands on the input:
    coproc {{name}} { while read line; do {{command1; command2; ...}}; done }
  • Create a coprocess which repeatedly reads stdin, runs a pipeline on the input, and writes the output to stdout:
    coproc {{name}} { while read line; do echo "$line" | {{command1 | command2 | ...}} | cat /dev/fd/0; done }
  • Create and use a coprocess running bc:
    coproc BC { bc --mathlib; }; echo "1/3" >&"${BC[1]}"; read output <&"${BC[0]}"; echo "$output"


Get file access control lists. More information:
  • Display the file access control list:
    getfacl {{path/to/file_or_directory}}
  • Display the file access control list with numeric user and group IDs:
    getfacl -n {{path/to/file_or_directory}}
  • Display the file access control list with tabular output format:
    getfacl -t {{path/to/file_or_directory}}


Save and apply your Linux customizations with just one command. More information:
  • Save the current configuration as a profile:
    konsave --save {{profile_name}}
  • Apply a profile:
    konsave --apply {{profile_name}}
  • Save the current configuration as a profile, overwriting existing profiles if they exist with the same name:
    konsave -s {{profile_name}} --force
  • List all profiles:
    konsave --list
  • Remove a profile:
    konsave --remove {{profile_name}}
  • Export a profile as a .knsv to the home directory:
    konsave --export-profile {{profile_name}}
  • Import a .knsv profile:
    konsave --import-profile {{path/to/profile_name.knsv}}


Calculate mathematic expressions in MATE desktop environment. More information:
  • Start the calculator:
  • Calculate a specific mathematic expression:
    mate-calc --solve {{2 + 5}}

ip route show

Display subcommand for IP Routing table management. More information:
  • Display the routing table:
    ip route show
  • Display the main routing table (same as first example):
    ip route show {{main|254}}
  • Display the local routing table:
    ip route show table {{local|255}}
  • Display all routing tables:
    ip route show table {{all|unspec|0}}
  • List routes from a given device only:
    ip route show dev {{eth0}}
  • List routes within a given scope:
    ip route show scope link
  • Display the routing cache:
    ip route show cache
  • Display only IPv6 or IPv4 routes:
    ip {{-6|-4}} route show


Forensics tool for validating the integrity of PNG based (.png, .jng, .mng) image files. Can also extract embedded images and text from a file. More information:
  • Verify the integrity of an image file:
    pngcheck {{path/to/file.png}}
  • Check the file with [v]erbose and [c]olorized output:
    pngcheck -vc {{path/to/file.png}}
  • Display contents of [t]ext chunks and [s]earch for PNGs within a specific file:
    pngcheck -ts {{path/to/file.png}}
  • Search for, and e[x]tract embedded PNGs within a specific file:
    pngcheck -x {{path/to/file.png}}


Switch between installed Java environments. More information:
  • List installed Java environments:
    archlinux-java status
  • Return the short name of the current default Java environment:
    archlinux-java get
  • Set the default Java environment:
    archlinux-java set {{java_environment}}
  • Unset the default Java environment:
    archlinux-java unset
  • Fix an invalid/broken default Java environment configuration:
    archlinux-java fix


Print or verify checksums using fast non-cryptographic algorithm xxHash. More information:
  • Calculate the checksum for a file using a specific algorithm:
    xxhsum -H{{0|32|64|128}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Run benchmark:
    xxhsum -b


Convert addresses of a binary into file names and line numbers. More information:
  • Display the filename and line number of the source code from an instruction address of an executable:
    addr2line --exe={{path/to/executable}} {{address}}
  • Display the function name, filename and line number:
    addr2line --exe={{path/to/executable}} --functions {{address}}
  • Demangle the function name for C++ code:
    addr2line --exe={{path/to/executable}} --functions --demangle {{address}}

nmcli general

Manage general settings of NetworkManager. This subcommand can also be called with nmcli g. More information:
  • Show the general status of NetworkManager:
    nmcli general
  • Show the hostname of the current device:
    nmcli general hostname
  • Change the hostname of the current device:
    sudo nmcli general hostname {{new_hostname}}
  • Show the permissions of NetworkManager:
    nmcli general permissions
  • Show the current logging level and domains:
    nmcli general logging
  • Set the logging level and/or domains (see man NetworkManager.conf for all available domains):
    nmcli general logging level {{INFO|OFF|ERR|WARN|DEBUG|TRACE}} domain {{domain_1,domain_2,...}}


Print or change the completion options for a command. More information:
  • Print the options for the currently executing completion:
  • Print the completion options for given command:
    compopt {{command}}


SELinux Policy Management tool. More information:
  • Output local customizations:
    semanage -S {{store}} -o {{path/to/output_file}}
  • Take a set of commands from a specified file and load them in a single transaction:
    semanage -S {{store}} -i {{path/to/input_file}}
  • Manage booleans. Booleans allow the administrator to modify the confinement of processes based on the current configuration:
    semanage boolean -S {{store}} {{--delete|--modify|--list|--noheading|--deleteall}} {{-on|-off}} -F {{boolean|boolean_file}}
  • Manage policy modules:
    semanage module -S {{store}} {{--add|--delete|--list|--modify}} {{--enable|--disable}} {{module_name}}
  • Disable/Enable dontaudit rules in policy:
    semanage dontaudit -S {{store}} {{on|off}}


Disable devices and files for swapping. Note: path/to/file can either point to a regular file or a swap partition. More information:
  • Disable a given swap area:
    swapoff {{path/to/file}}
  • Disable all swap areas in /proc/swaps:
    swapoff --all
  • Disable a swap partition by its label:
    swapoff -L {{label}}


User preference utility for X. More information:
  • Disable the screensaver:
    xset s off
  • Disable the bell sound:
    xset b off
  • Set the screensaver to start after 60 minutes of inactivity:
    xset s 3600 3600
  • Disable DPMS (Energy Star) features:
    xset -dpms
  • Enable DPMS (Energy Star) features:
    xset +dpms


Yet Another Yogurt: A utility for Arch Linux to build and install packages from the Arch User Repository. Also see pacman. More information:
  • Interactively search and install packages from the repos and AUR:
    yay {{package_name|search_term}}
  • Synchronize and update all packages from the repos and AUR:
  • Synchronize and update only AUR packages:
    yay -Sua
  • Install a new package from the repos and AUR:
    yay -S {{package}}
  • Remove an installed package and both its dependencies and configuration files:
    yay -Rns {{package}}
  • Search the package database for a keyword from the repos and AUR:
    yay -Ss {{keyword}}
  • Remove orphaned packages (installed as dependencies but not required by any package):
    yay -Yc
  • Show statistics for installed packages and system health:
    yay -Ps


Framework for Linux performance counter measurements. More information:
  • Display basic performance counter stats for a command:
    perf stat {{gcc hello.c}}
  • Display system-wide real-time performance counter profile:
    sudo perf top
  • Run a command and record its profile into
    sudo perf record {{command}}
  • Record the profile of an existing process into
    sudo perf record -p {{pid}}
  • Read (created by perf record) and display the profile:
    sudo perf report


Manage settings of XDG-compatible desktop environments. More information:
  • Print the default web browser:
    xdg-settings get {{default-web-browser}}
  • Set the default web browser to Firefox:
    xdg-settings set {{default-web-browser}} {{firefox.desktop}}
  • Set the default mail URL scheme handler to Evolution:
    xdg-settings set {{default-url-scheme-handler}} {{mailto}} {{evolution.desktop}}
  • Set the default PDF document viewer:
    xdg-settings set {{pdf-viewer.desktop}}
  • Display help:
    xdg-settings --help


Remove columns from stdin. More information:
  • Remove first column of stdin:
    colrm {{1 1}}
  • Remove from 3rd column till the end of each line:
    colrm {{3}}
  • Remove from the 3rd column till the 5th column of each line:
    colrm {{3 5}}


Kills specified in-progress TCP connections. More information:
  • Kill in-progress connections at a specified interface, host and port:
    tcpkill -i {{eth1}} host {{}} and port {{2266}}


Enter a system sleep state until specified wakeup time relative to your BIOS clock. More information:
  • Show whether an alarm is set or not:
    sudo rtcwake -m show -v
  • Suspend to RAM and wakeup after 10 seconds:
    sudo rtcwake -m mem -s {{10}}
  • Suspend to disk (higher power saving) and wakeup 15 minutes later:
    sudo rtcwake -m disk --date +{{15}}min
  • Freeze the system (more efficient than suspend-to-RAM but version 3.9 or newer of the Linux kernel is required) and wakeup at a given date and time:
    sudo rtcwake -m freeze --date {{YYYYMMDDhhmm}}
  • Disable a previously set alarm:
    sudo rtcwake -m disable
  • Perform a dry run to wakeup the computer at a given time. (Press Ctrl + C to abort):
    sudo rtcwake -m on --date {{hh:ss}}


Configure symlinks and cache for shared library dependencies. More information:
  • Update symlinks and rebuild the cache (usually run when a new library is installed):
    sudo ldconfig
  • Update the symlinks for a given directory:
    sudo ldconfig -n {{path/to/directory}}
  • Print the libraries in the cache and check whether a given library is present:
    ldconfig -p | grep {{library_name}}


Displays information about the CPU architecture. More information:
  • Display information about all CPUs:
  • Display information in a table:
    lscpu --extended
  • Display only information about offline CPUs in a table:
    lscpu --extended --offline


Report sensors information. More information:
  • Show the current readings of all sensor chips:
  • Show temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit:
    sensors --fahrenheit


Package management utility for Clear Linux. More information:
  • Update to the latest version:
    sudo swupd update
  • Show current version, and check whether a newer one exists:
    swupd check-update
  • List installed bundles:
    swupd bundle-list
  • Locate the bundle where a wanted package exists:
    swupd search -b {{package}}
  • Install a new bundle:
    sudo swupd bundle-add {{bundle}}
  • Remove a bundle:
    sudo swupd bundle-remove {{bundle}}
  • Correct broken or missing files:
    sudo swupd verify


Display information about physical volumes. See also: lvm. More information:
  • Display information about physical volumes:
  • Display non-physical volumes:
    pvs -a
  • Change default display to show more details:
    pvs -v
  • Display only specific fields:
    pvs -o {{field_name_1}},{{field_name_2}}
  • Append field to default display:
    pvs -o +{{field_name}}
  • Suppress heading line:
    pvs --noheadings
  • Use separator to separate fields:
    pvs --separator {{special_character}}


Make screenshots in MATE desktop environment. More information:
  • Create a fullscreen screenshot:
  • Create an active window screenshot:
    mate-screenshot --window
  • Create a specific area screenshot:
    mate-screenshot --area
  • Create a screenshot interactively:
    mate-screenshot --interactive
  • Create a screenshot without borders:
    mate-screenshot --window --remove-border
  • Create a screenshot with a specific effect:
    mate-screenshot --effect={{shadow|border|none}}
  • Create a screenshot with a specific delay in seconds:
    mate-screenshot --delay={{5}}


Enter a distrobox container. See also: tldr distrobox. Default command executed is your SHELL, but you can specify different shells or entire commands to execute. If used inside a script, an application, or a service, you can use the --headless mode to disable the tty and interactivity. More information:
  • Enter a distrobox container:
    distrobox-enter {{container_name}}
  • Enter a distrobox container and run a command at login:
    distrobox-enter {{container_name}} -- {{sh -l}}
  • Enter a distrobox container without instantiating a tty:
    distrobox-enter --name {{container_name}} -- {{uptime -p}}


Lock the X display until the user supplies their password. More information:
  • Lock the display and show a padlock instead of the cursor:
  • Display a blank screen as well as the padlock cursor:
    xtrlock -b
  • Fork the xtrlock process and return immediately:
    xtrlock -f


Find overridden systemd-related configuration files. More information:
  • Show all overridden configuration files:
  • Show only files of specific types (comma-separated list):
    systemd-delta --type {{masked|equivalent|redirected|overridden|extended|unchanged}}
  • Show only files whose path starts with the specified prefix (Note: a prefix is a directory containing subdirectories with systemd configuration files):
    systemd-delta {{/etc|/run|/usr/lib|...}}
  • Further restrict the search path by adding a suffix (the prefix is optional):
    systemd-delta {{prefix}}/{{tmpfiles.d|sysctl.d|systemd/system|...}}


Screen capture utility. More information:
  • Capture a screenshot and save it to the current directory with the current date as the filename:
  • Capture a screenshot and save it as capture.png:
    scrot {{capture.png}}
  • Capture a screenshot interactively:
    scrot --select
  • Capture a screenshot from the currently focused window:
    scrot --focused
  • Display a countdown of 10 seconds before taking a screenshot:
    scrot --count --delay {{10}}


Query the systemd journal. More information:
  • Show all messages with priority level 3 (errors) from this [b]oot:
    journalctl -b --priority={{3}}
  • Show all messages from last [b]oot:
    journalctl -b -1
  • Delete journal logs which are older than 2 days:
    journalctl --vacuum-time={{2d}}
  • [f]ollow new messages (like tail -f for traditional syslog):
    journalctl -f
  • Show all messages by a specific [u]nit:
    journalctl -u {{unit}}
  • Filter messages within a time range (either timestamp or placeholders like "yesterday"):
    journalctl --since {{now|today|yesterday|tomorrow}} --until {{YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS}}
  • Show all messages by a specific process:
    journalctl _PID={{pid}}
  • Show all messages by a specific executable:
    journalctl {{path/to/executable}}


Translate between host names and IP Addresses. More information:
  • Resolve a local service to its IPv4:
    avahi-resolve -4 --name {{service.local}}
  • Resolve an IP to a hostname, verbosely:
    avahi-resolve --verbose --address {{IP}}

toolbox list

List existing toolbox containers and images. More information:
  • List all toolbox containers and images:
    toolbox list
  • List only toolbox containers:
    toolbox list --containers
  • List only toolbox images:
    toolbox list --images


Capture TCP traffic for debugging and analysis. More information:
  • Show all data on the given interface and port:
    tcpflow -c -i {{eth0}} port {{80}}

ip address

IP Address management subcommand. More information:
  • List network interfaces and their associated IP addresses:
    ip address
  • Filter to show only active network interfaces:
    ip address show up
  • Display information about a specific network interface:
    ip address show dev {{eth0}}
  • Add an IP address to a network interface:
    ip address add {{ip_address}} dev {{eth0}}
  • Remove an IP address from a network interface:
    ip address delete {{ip_address}} dev {{eth0}}
  • Delete all IP addresses in a given scope from a network interface:
    ip address flush dev {{eth0}} scope {{global|host|link}}


Ethernet bridge administration. More information:
  • Show a list with information about currently existing Ethernet bridges:
    sudo brctl show
  • Create a new Ethernet bridge interface:
    sudo brctl add {{bridge_name}}
  • Delete an existing Ethernet bridge interface:
    sudo brctl del {{bridge_name}}
  • Add an interface to an existing bridge:
    sudo brctl addif {{bridge_name}} {{interface_name}}
  • Remove an interface from an existing bridge:
    sudo brctl delif {{bridge_name}} {{interface_name}}


A POSIX script that helps you find and download videos and music. More information:
  • Search for videos on YouTube with thumbnail previews:
    ytfzf --show-thumbnails {{search_pattern}}
  • Play only the audio of the first item in a loop:
    ytfzf --audio-only --auto-select --loop {{search_pattern}}
  • Download a video from the history:
    ytfzf --download --choose-from-history
  • Play all the music found in a search:
    ytfzf --audio-only --select-all {{search_pattern}}
  • See the trending videos in an external menu:
    ytfzf --trending --ext-menu {{search_pattern}}
  • Search on PeerTube instead of YouTube:
    ytfzf --peertube {{search_pattern}}


File indexing and searching framework for KDE Plasma. More information:
  • Display help:
  • Display the status of the indexer:
    balooctl status
  • Enable/Disable the file indexer:
    balooctl {{enable|disable}}
  • Clean the index database:
    balooctl purge
  • Suspend the file indexer:
    balooctl suspend
  • Resume the file indexer:
    balooctl resume
  • Display the disk space used by Baloo:
    balooctl indexSize
  • Check for any unindexed files and index them:
    balooctl check


Control EFI firmware boot settings and manage boot loader. More information:
  • Show information about the system firmware and the bootloaders:
    bootctl status
  • Show all available bootloader entries:
    bootctl list
  • Set a flag to boot into the system firmware on the next boot (similar to sudo systemctl reboot --firmware-setup):
    sudo bootctl reboot-to-firmware true
  • Specify the path to the EFI system partition (defaults to /efi/, /boot/ or /boot/efi):
    bootctl --esp-path={{/path/to/efi_system_partition/}}
  • Install systemd-boot into the EFI system partition:
    sudo bootctl install
  • Remove all installed versions of systemd-boot from the EFI system partition:
    sudo bootctl remove


A simple wrapper around the i3 screen locker i3lock, which blurs the screen. See also: i3lock. More information:
  • Lock the screen to a blurred screenshot of the current screen:
  • Lock the screen and disable the unlock indicator (removes feedback on keypress):
    blurlock --no-unlock-indicator
  • Lock the screen and don't hide the mouse pointer:
    blurlock --pointer {{default}}
  • Lock the screen and show the number of failed login attempts:
    blurlock --show-failed-attempts


Command-line web browser. More information:
  • Visit a website:
    links {{}}
  • Apply restrictions for anonymous account:
    links -anonymous {{}}
  • Enable Cookies (1 to enable):
    links -enable-cookies {{0|1}} {{}}
  • Navigate forwards and backwards through the links on a page:
    Up arrow key, Down arrow key
  • Go forwards and backwards one page:
    Left arrow key, Right arrow key
  • Exit:
    q then y


Manage encrypted storage directories that can be safely transported and hidden in a filesystem. More information:
  • Create a new tomb with an initial size of 100 MB:
    tomb dig -s {{100}} {{encrypted_directory.tomb}}
  • Create a new key file that can be used to lock a tomb; user will be prompted for a password for the key:
    tomb forge {{encrypted_directory.tomb.key}}
  • Forcefully create a new key, even if the tomb isn't allowing key forging (due to swap):
    tomb forge {{encrypted_directory.tomb.key}} -f
  • Initialize and lock an empty tomb using a key made with forge:
    tomb lock {{encrypted_directory.tomb}} -k {{encrypted_directory.tomb.key}}
  • Mount a tomb (by default in /media) using its key, making it usable as a regular filesystem directory:
    tomb open {{encrypted_directory.tomb}} -k {{encrypted_directory.tomb.key}}
  • Close a tomb (fails if the tomb is being used by a process):
    tomb close {{encrypted_directory.tomb}}
  • Forcefully close all open tombs, killing any applications using them:
    tomb slam all
  • List all open tombs:
    tomb list


Intel(R) Enclosure LED Control Application. More information:
  • Turn on the "Locate" LED for specified device(s):
    sudo ledctl locate={{/dev/sda,/dev/sdb,...}}
  • Turn off the "Locate" LED for specified device(s):
    sudo ledctl locate_off={{/dev/sda,/dev/sdb,...}}
  • Turn off the "Status" LED and "Failure" LED for specified device(s):
    sudo ledctl off={{/dev/sda,/dev/sdb,...}}
  • Turn off the "Status" LED, "Failure" LED and "Locate" LED for specified device(s):
    sudo ledctl normal={{/dev/sda,/dev/sdb,...}}

nmcli device

Manage network interfaces and establish new Wi-Fi connections using NetworkManager. This subcommand can also be called with nmcli d. More information:
  • Print the statuses of all network interfaces:
    nmcli device status
  • Print the available Wi-Fi access points:
    nmcli device wifi
  • Connect to a Wi-Fi network with the specified SSID (you will be prompted for a password):
    nmcli --ask device wifi connect {{ssid}}
  • Print the password and QR code for the current Wi-Fi network:
    nmcli device wifi show-password


Dynamically load modules into the Linux Kernel. More information:
  • Insert a kernel module into the Linux kernel:
    insmod {{path/to/module.ko}}


Enhanced chroot command to help in the Arch Linux installation process. More information:
  • Start an interactive shell (bash, by default) in a new root directory:
    arch-chroot {{path/to/new/root}}
  • Specify the user (other than the current user) to run the shell as:
    arch-chroot -u {{user}} {{path/to/new/root}}
  • Run a custom command (instead of the default bash) in the new root directory:
    arch-chroot {{path/to/new/root}} {{command}} {{command_arguments}}
  • Specify the shell, other than the default bash (in this case, the zsh package should have been installed in the target system):
    arch-chroot {{path/to/new/root}} {{zsh}}

dconf read

Read key values from dconf databases. See also: dconf. More information:
  • Print a specific key value:
    dconf read {{/path/to/key}}
  • Print a specific key [d]efault value:
    dconf read -d {{/path/to/key}}


FTP-like client to access SMB/CIFS resources on servers. More information:
  • Connect to a share (user will be prompted for password; exit to quit the session):
    smbclient {{//server/share}}
  • Connect with a different username:
    smbclient {{//server/share}} --user {{username}}
  • Connect with a different workgroup:
    smbclient {{//server/share}} --workgroup {{domain}} --user {{username}}
  • Connect with a username and password:
    smbclient {{//server/share}} --user {{username%password}}
  • Download a file from the server:
    smbclient {{//server/share}} --directory {{path/to/directory}} --command "get {{file.txt}}"
  • Upload a file to the server:
    smbclient {{//server/share}} --directory {{path/to/directory}} --command "put {{file.txt}}"
  • List the shares from a server anonymously:
    smbclient --list={{server}} --no-pass


Wayland clipboard manipulation tool. See also: wl-paste. More information:
  • Copy the text to the clipboard:
    wl-copy "{{text}}"
  • Pipe the command (ls) output to the clipboard:
    {{ls}} | wl-copy
  • Copy for only one paste and then clear it:
    wl-copy --paste-once "{{text}}"
  • Clear the clipboard:
    wl-copy --clear


Screenshot utility with a GUI. Supports basic image editing, such as text, shapes, colors, and imgur. More information:
  • Create a fullscreen screenshot:
    flameshot full
  • Create a screenshot interactively:
    flameshot gui
  • Create a screenshot and save it to a specific path:
    flameshot gui --path {{path/to/directory}}
  • Create a screenshot interactively in a simplified mode:
    flameshot launcher
  • Create a screenshot from a specific monitor:
    flameshot screen --number {{2}}
  • Create a screenshot and print it to stdout:
    flameshot gui --raw
  • Create a screenshot and copy it to the clipboard:
    flameshot gui --clipboard
  • Create a screenshot with a specific delay in milliseconds:
    flameshot full --delay {{5000}}

qm destroy

Destroy a virtual machine in QEMU/KVM Virtual Machine Manager. More information:
  • Destroy a specific virtual machine:
    qm destroy {{vm_id}}
  • Destroy all disks that are not explicitly referenced in a specific virtual machine's configuration:
    qm destroy {{vm_id}} --destroy-unreferenced-disks
  • Destroy a virtual machine and remove from all locations (inventory, backup jobs, high availability managers, etc.):
    qm destroy {{vm_id}} --purge
  • Destroy a specific virtual machine ignoring locks and forcing destroy:
    sudo qm destroy {{vm_id}} --skiplock


Discard unused blocks on a mounted filesystem. Only supported by flash memory devices such as SSDs and microSD cards. More information:
  • Trim unused blocks on all mounted partitions that support it:
    sudo fstrim --all
  • Trim unused blocks on a specified partition:
    sudo fstrim {{/}}
  • Display statistics after trimming:
    sudo fstrim --verbose {{/}}


A low level interface to the Gentoo Portage system. More information:
  • Create or update the package manifest:
    ebuild {{path/to/file.ebuild}} manifest
  • Clean the temporary build directories for the build file:
    ebuild {{path/to/file.ebuild}} clean
  • Fetch sources if they do not exist:
    ebuild {{path/to/file.ebuild}} fetch
  • Extract the sources to a temporary build directory:
    ebuild {{path/to/file.ebuild}} unpack
  • Compile the extracted sources:
    ebuild {{path/to/file.ebuild}} compile
  • Install the package to a temporary install directory:
    ebuild {{path/to/file.ebuild}} install
  • Install the temporary files to the live filesystem:
    ebuild {{path/to/file.ebuild}} qmerge
  • Fetch, unpack, compile, install and qmerge the specified ebuild file:
    ebuild {{path/to/file.ebuild}} merge


Read, write, verify and erase flash chips. More information:
  • Probe the chip, ensuring the wiring is correct:
    flashrom --programmer {{programmer}}
  • Read flash and save it to a file:
    flashrom -p {{programmer}} --read {{path/to/file}}
  • Write a file to the flash:
    flashrom -p {{programmer}} --write {{path/to/file}}
  • Verify the flash against a file:
    flashrom -p {{programmer}} --verify {{path/to/file}}
  • Probe the chip using Raspberry Pi:
    flashrom -p {{linux_spi:dev=/dev/spidev0.0}}


A modal keyboard driven pointer manipulation program. More information:
  • Run warpd in normal mode:
    warpd --normal
  • Run warpd in hint mode:
    warpd --hint
  • Move cursor left:
  • Move cursor down:
  • Move cursor up:
  • Move cursor right:
  • Emulate left click:


Display the time in analog or digital form. More information:
  • Display an analog clock:
  • Display a 24-hour digital clock with the hour and minute fields only:
    xclock -digital -brief
  • Display a digital clock using an strftime format string (see strftime(3)):
    xclock -digital -strftime {{format}}
  • Display a 24-hour digital clock with the hour, minute and second fields that updates every second:
    xclock -digital -strftime '%H:%M:%S' -update 1
  • Display a 12-hour digital clock with the hour and minute fields only:
    xclock -digital -twelve -brief


Show bandwidth usage on an interface by host. More information:
  • Show the bandwidth usage:
    sudo iftop
  • Show the bandwidth usage of a given interface:
    sudo iftop -i {{interface}}
  • Show the bandwidth usage with port information:
    sudo iftop -P
  • Do not show bar graphs of traffic:
    sudo iftop -b
  • Do not look up hostnames:
    sudo iftop -n
  • Get help about interactive commands:


Get locale-specific information. More information:
  • List all global environment variables describing the user's locale:
  • List all available locales:
    locale --all-locales
  • Display all available locales and the associated metadata:
    locale --all-locales --verbose
  • Display the current date format:
    locale date_fmt


Multi base interactive calculator supporting dynamic base conversion and bit manipulation. More information:
  • Run using interactive mode:
  • Convert from decimal:
    bitwise {{12345}}
  • Convert from hexadecimal:
    bitwise {{0x563d}}
  • Convert a C-style calculation:
    bitwise "{{0x123 + 0x20 - 30 / 50}}"


Scan HTTP-based webservers for directories and files. More information:
  • Scan a webserver using the default wordlist:
    dirb {{}}
  • Scan a webserver using a custom wordlist:
    dirb {{}} {{path/to/wordlist.txt}}
  • Scan a webserver non-recursively:
    dirb {{}} -r
  • Scan a webserver using a specified user-agent and cookie for HTTP-requests:
    dirb {{}} -a {{user_agent_string}} -c {{cookie_string}}


Command-line utility for manipulating network interface MAC addresses. More information:
  • View the current and permanent MAC addresses of a interface:
    macchanger --show {{interface}}
  • Set interface to a random MAC:
    macchanger --random {{interface}}
  • Set interface to a specific MAC:
    macchanger --mac {{XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX}} {{interface}}
  • Reset interface to its permanent hardware MAC:
    macchanger --permanent {{interface}}


Control the iwd network supplicant. More information:
  • Start the interactive mode, in this mode you can enter the commands directly, with autocompletion:
  • Call general help:
    iwctl --help
  • Display your Wi-Fi stations:
    iwctl station list
  • Start looking for networks with a station:
    iwctl station {{station}} scan
  • Display the networks found by a station:
    iwctl station {{station}} get-networks
  • Connect to a network with a station, if credentials are needed they will be asked:
    iwctl station {{station}} connect {{network_name}}


Generate and decode Universally Unique Identifiers (UUID). See also uuidgen. More information:
  • Generate a UUIDv1 (based on time and system's hardware address, if present):
  • Generate a UUIDv4 (based on random data):
    uuid -v {{4}}
  • Generate multiple UUIDv4 identifiers at once:
    uuid -v {{4}} -n {{number_of_uuids}}
  • Generate a UUIDv4 and specify the output format:
    uuid -v {{4}} -F {{BIN|STR|SIV}}
  • Generate a UUIDv4 and write the output to a file:
    uuid -v {{4}} -o {{path/to/file}}
  • Generate a UUIDv5 (based on the supplied object name) with a specified namespace prefix:
    uuid -v {{5}} ns:{{DNS|URL|OID|X500}} {{object_name}}
  • Decode a given UUID:
    uuid -d {{uuid}}


Test if a directory is a filesystem mountpoint. More information:
  • Check if a directory is a mountpoint:
    mountpoint {{path/to/directory}}
  • Check if a directory is a mountpoint without showing any output:
    mountpoint -q {{path/to/directory}}
  • Show major/minor numbers of a mountpoint's filesystem:
    mountpoint --fs-devno {{path/to/directory}}


Brute-force the WPS pin of a wireless access point. Necessary information must be gathered with airmon-ng and airodump-ng before using bully. More information:
  • Crack the password:
    bully --bssid "{{mac}}" --channel "{{channel}}" --bruteforce "{{interface}}"
  • Display help:
    bully --help

qm wait

Wait until the virtual machine is stopped. More information:
  • Wait until the virtual machine is stopped:
    qm wait {{vm_id}}
  • Wait until the virtual machine is stopped with a 10 second timeout:
    qm wait --timeout {{10}} {{vm_id}}
  • Send a shutdown request, then wait until the virtual machine is stopped with a 10 second timeout:
    qm shutdown {{vm_id}} && qm wait --timeout {{10}} {{vm_id}}


Mixer for ALSA soundcard driver. More information:
  • Turn up the master volume by 10%:
    amixer -D pulse sset Master {{10%+}}
  • Turn down the master volume by 10%:
    amixer -D pulse sset Master {{10%-}}


Control a linux machine's backlight using percentage values. More information:
  • Increase/decrease the backlight by a specific percent count:
    backlight_control {{+|-}}{{5}}
  • Set the backlight strength to a specific percent count:
    backlight_control {{90}}
  • Print the help:


Starts NixOS containers using Linux containers. More information:
  • List running containers:
    sudo nixos-container list
  • Create a NixOS container with a specific configuration file:
    sudo nixos-container create {{container_name}} --config-file {{nix_config_file_path}}
  • Start, stop, terminate, or destroy a specific container:
    sudo nixos-container {{start|stop|terminate|destroy|status}} {{container_name}}
  • Run a command in a running container:
    sudo nixos-container run {{container_name}} -- {{command}} {{command_arguments}}
  • Update a container configuration:
    sudo $EDITOR /var/lib/container/{{container_name}}/etc/nixos/configuration.nix && sudo nixos-container update {{container_name}}
  • Enter an interactive shell session on an already-running container:
    sudo nixos-container root-login {{container_name}}


Runtime for the .NET Framework. More information:
  • Run a .NET assembly in debug mode:
    mono --debug {{path/to/program.exe}}
  • Run a .NET assembly:
    mono {{path/to/program.exe}}


Mount arbitrary hotpluggable devices as a normal user. More information:
  • Mount a device below /media/ (using device as mount point):
    pmount {{/dev/to/block/device}}
  • Mount a device with a specific filesystem type to /media/label:
    pmount --type {{filesystem}} {{/dev/to/block/device}} {{label}}
  • Mount a CD-ROM (filesystem type ISO9660) in read-only mode:
    pmount --type {{iso9660}} --read-only {{/dev/cdrom}}
  • Mount an NTFS-formatted disk, forcing read-write access:
    pmount --type {{ntfs}} --read-write {{/dev/sdX}}
  • Display all mounted removable devices:


Dump users, computers, groups, OS and membership information via LDAP to HTML, JSON and greppable output. See also ldapsearch. More information:
  • Dump all information using the given LDAP account:
    ldapdomaindump --user {{domain}}\\{{administrator}} --password {{password|ntlm_hash}} {{hostname|ip}}
  • Dump all information, resolving computer hostnames:
    ldapdomaindump --resolve --user {{domain}}\\{{administrator}} --password {{password}} {{hostname|ip}}
  • Dump all information, resolving computer hostnames with the selected DNS server:
    ldapdomaindump --resolve --dns-server {{domain_controller_ip}} --user {{domain}}\\{{administrator}} --password {{password}} {{hostname|ip}}
  • Dump all information to the given directory without JSON output:
    ldapdomaindump --no-json --outdir {{path/to/directory}} --user {{domain}}\\{{administrator}} --password {{password}} {{hostname|ip}}


Notify the service manager about start-up completion and other daemon status changes. This command is useless outside systemd service scripts. More information:
  • Notify systemd that the service has completed its initialization and is fully started. It should be invoked when the service is ready to accept incoming requests:
    systemd-notify --booted
  • Signal to systemd that the service is ready to handle incoming connections or perform its tasks:
    systemd-notify --ready
  • Provide a custom status message to systemd (this information is shown by systemctl status):
    systemd-notify --status="{{Add custom status message here...}}"


Bash builtin construct for creating menus. More information:
  • Create a menu out of individual words:
    select {{word}} in {{apple}} {{orange}} {{pear}} {{banana}}; do echo ${{word}}; done
  • Create a menu for picking a file or folder from the current directory:
    select {{file}} in *; do echo ${{file}}; done
  • Create a menu from a Bash array:
    {{fruits}}=({{apple}} {{orange}} {{pear}} {{banana}}); select {{word}} in ${{{fruits}}[@]}; do echo ${{word}}; done


Submits a script to the queue management system TORQUE. More information:
  • Submit a script with default settings (depends on TORQUE settings):
    qsub {{}}
  • Submit a script with a specified wallclock runtime limit of 1 hour, 2 minutes and 3 seconds:
    qsub -l walltime={{1}}:{{2}}:{{3}} {{}}
  • Submit a script that is executed on 2 nodes using 4 cores per node:
    qsub -l nodes={{2}}:ppn={{4}} {{}}
  • Submit a script to a specific queue. Note that different queues can have different maximum and minimum runtime limits:
    qsub -q {{queue_name}} {{}}


Resize an ext2, ext3 or ext4 filesystem. Does not resize the underlying partition. The filesystem may have to be unmounted first, read the man page for more details. More information:
  • Automatically resize a filesystem:
    resize2fs {{/dev/sdXN}}
  • Resize the filesystem to a size of 40G, displaying a progress bar:
    resize2fs -p {{/dev/sdXN}} {{40G}}
  • Shrink the filesystem to its minimum possible size:
    resize2fs -M {{/dev/sdXN}}


Maintenance utility for .pacorig, .pacnew and .pacsave files created by pacman. More information:
  • Review files that need maintenance in interactive mode:
  • Use sudo and sudoedit to remove and merge files:
    pacdiff --sudo
  • Review files needing maintenance, creating .bakups of the original if you (O)verwrite:
    pacdiff --sudo --backup
  • Use a specific editor to view and merge configuration files (default is vim -d):
    DIFFPROG={{editor}} pacdiff
  • Scan for configuration files with locate instead of using pacman database:
    pacdiff --locate
  • Display help:
    pacdiff --help


Find usernames across social networks. More information:
  • Search for a specific username on social networks saving the results to a file:
    sherlock {{username}} --output {{path/to/file}}
  • Search for specific usernames on social networks saving the results into a directory:
    sherlock {{username1 username2 ...}} --folderoutput {{path/to/directory}}
  • Search for a specific username on social networks using the Tor network:
    sherlock --tor {{username}}
  • Make requests over Tor with a new Tor circuit after each request:
    sherlock --unique-tor {{username}}
  • Search for a specific username on social networks using a proxy:
    sherlock {{username}} --proxy {{proxy_url}}
  • Search for a specific username on social networks and open results in the default web browser:
    sherlock {{username}} --browse
  • Display help:
    sherlock --help


Help build application dependencies. More information:
  • Build a Flatpak and export it to a new repository:
    flatpak-builder {{path/to/build_directory}} {{path/to/manifest}}
  • Build a Flatpak and export it to the specified repository:
    flatpak-builder --repo={{repository_name}} {{path/to/build_directory}} {{path/to/manifest}}
  • Build a Flatpak and install it locally:
    flatpak-builder --install {{path/to/build_directory}} {{path/to/manifest}}
  • Build and sign a Flatpak and export it to the specified repository:
    flatpak-builder --gpg-sign={{key_id}} --repo={{repository_name}} {{path/to/manifest}}
  • Run a shell inside of an application sandbox without installing it:
    flatpak-builder --run {{path/to/build_directory}} {{path/to/manifest}} {{sh}}


Waits for changes to one or more files. More information:
  • Watch a specific file for events, exiting after the first one:
    inotifywait {{path/to/file}}
  • Continuously watch a specific file for events without exiting:
    inotifywait --monitor {{path/to/file}}
  • Watch a directory recursively for events:
    inotifywait --monitor --recursive {{path/to/directory}}
  • Watch a directory for changes, excluding files, whose names match a regular expression:
    inotifywait --monitor --recursive --exclude "{{regular_expression}}" {{path/to/directory}}
  • Watch a file for changes, exiting when no event occurs for 30 seconds:
    inotifywait --monitor --timeout {{30}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Only watch a file for file modification events:
    inotifywait --event {{modify}} {{path/to/file}}
  • Watch a file printing only events, and no status messages:
    inotifywait --quiet {{path/to/file}}
  • Run a command when a file is accessed:
    inotifywait --event {{access}} {{path/to/file}} && {{command}}


Generates initial ramdisk environments for booting the Linux kernel based on the specified preset(s). More information:
  • Perform a dry run (print what would be done without actually doing it):
  • Generate a ramdisk environment based on the linux preset:
    mkinitcpio --preset {{linux}}
  • Generate a ramdisk environment based on the linux-lts preset:
    mkinitcpio --preset {{linux-lts}}
  • Generate ramdisk environments based on all existing presets (used to regenerate all the initramfs images after a change in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf):
    mkinitcpio --allpresets
  • Generate an initramfs image using an alternative configuration file:
    mkinitcpio --config {{path/to/mkinitcpio.conf}} --generate {{path/to/initramfs.img}}
  • Generate an initramfs image for a kernel other than the one currently running (the installed kernel releases can be found in /usr/lib/modules/):
    mkinitcpio --kernel {{kernel_version}} --generate {{path/to/initramfs.img}}
  • List all available hooks:
    mkinitcpio --listhooks
  • Display help for a specific hook:
    mkinitcpio --hookhelp {{hook_name}}


Manipulate the real-time attributes of a process. More information:
  • Display attributes of a process:
    chrt --pid {{PID}}
  • Display attributes of all threads of a process:
    chrt --all-tasks --pid {{PID}}
  • Display the min/max priority values that can be used with chrt:
    chrt --max
  • Set the scheduling policy for a process:
    chrt --pid {{PID}} --{{deadline|idle|batch|rr|fifo|other}}


Initialize basic system settings on or before the first boot-up of a system. More information:
  • Operate on the specified directory instead of the root directory of the host system:
    sudo systemd-firstboot --root={{path/to/root_directory}}
  • Set the system keyboard layout:
    sudo systemd-firstboot --keymap={{keymap}}
  • Set the system hostname:
    sudo systemd-firstboot --hostname={{hostname}}
  • Set the root user's password:
    sudo systemd-firstboot --root-password={{password}}
  • Prompt the user interactively for a specific basic setting:
    sudo systemd-firstboot --prompt={{setting}}
  • Force writing configuration even if the relevant files already exist:
    sudo systemd-firstboot --force
  • Remove all existing files that are configured by systemd-firstboot:
    sudo systemd-firstboot --reset
  • Remove the password of the system's root user:
    sudo systemd-firstboot --delete-root-password

btrfs device

Manage devices in a btrfs filesystem. More information:
  • Add one or more devices to a btrfs filesystem:
    sudo btrfs device add {{path/to/block_device1}} [{{path/to/block_device2}}] {{path/to/btrfs_filesystem}}
  • Remove a device from a btrfs filesystem:
    sudo btrfs device remove {{path/to/device|device_id}} [{{...}}]
  • Display error statistics:
    sudo btrfs device stats {{path/to/btrfs_filesystem}}
  • Scan all disks and inform the kernel of all detected btrfs filesystems:
    sudo btrfs device scan --all-devices
  • Display detailed per-disk allocation statistics:
    sudo btrfs device usage {{path/to/btrfs_filesystem}}


Show information about MATE desktop environment. More information:
  • Print MATE version:
    mate-about --version


This command is an alias of nmtui connect.
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr nmtui


Change SysV runlevel. Since the concept SysV runlevels is obsolete the runlevel requests will be transparently translated into systemd unit activation requests. More information:
  • Power off the machine:
    telinit 0
  • Reboot the machine:
    telinit 6
  • Change SysV run level:
    telinit {{2|3|4|5}}
  • Change to rescue mode:
    telinit 1
  • Reload daemon configuration:
    telinit q
  • Do not send a wall message before reboot/power-off (6/0):
    telinit --no-wall {{value}}


Record all terminal output to file. More information:
  • Record a new session to a file named typescript in the current directory:
  • Record a new session to a custom filepath:
    script {{path/to/session.out}}
  • Record a new session, appending to an existing file:
    script -a {{path/to/session.out}}
  • Record timing information (data is outputted to stderr):
    script -t 2> {{path/to/timingfile}}


ZIP archive password cracking utility. More information:
  • Brute-force a password with a length of 4 to 8 characters, and contains only alphanumeric characters (order matters):
    fcrackzip --brute-force --length 4-8 --charset aA1 {{archive}}
  • Brute-force a password in verbose mode with a length of 3 characters that only contains lowercase characters, $ and %:
    fcrackzip -v --brute-force --length 3 --charset a:$% {{archive}}
  • Brute-force a password that contains only lowercase and special characters:
    fcrackzip --brute-force --length 4 --charset a! {{archive}}
  • Brute-force a password containing only digits, starting from the password 12345:
    fcrackzip --brute-force --length 5 --charset 1 --init-password 12345 {{archive}}
  • Crack a password using a wordlist:
    fcrackzip --use-unzip --dictionary --init-password {{wordlist}} {{archive}}
  • Benchmark cracking performance:
    fcrackzip --benchmark


Wipe filesystem, raid, or partition-table signatures from a device. More information:
  • Display signatures for specified device:
    sudo wipefs {{/dev/sdX}}
  • Wipe all available signature types for a specific device with no recursion into partitions:
    sudo wipefs --all {{/dev/sdX}}
  • Wipe all available signature types for the device and partitions using a glob pattern:
    sudo wipefs --all {{/dev/sdX}}*
  • Perform dry run:
    sudo wipefs --all --no-act {{/dev/sdX}}
  • Force wipe, even if the filesystem is mounted:
    sudo wipefs --all --force {{/dev/sdX}}


Display accounting data from the Slurm service. More information:
  • Display job id, job name, partition, account, number of allocated cpus, job state, and job exit codes for recent jobs:
  • Display job id, job state, job exit code for recent jobs:
    sacct --brief
  • Display the allocations of a job:
    sacct --jobs {{job_id}} --allocations
  • Display elapsed time, job name, number of requested CPUs, and memory requested of a job:
    sacct --jobs {{job_id}} --format={{elapsed}},{{jobname}},{{reqcpus}},{{reqmem}}


Execute a command in new user-defined namespaces. More information:
  • Execute a command without sharing access to connected networks:
    unshare --net {{command}} {{command_arguments}}
  • Execute a command as a child process without sharing mounts, processes, or networks:
    unshare --mount --pid --net --fork {{command}} {{command_arguments}}


Control command for dunst. More information:
  • Pause notifications:
    dunstctl set-paused true
  • Un-pause notifications:
    dunstctl set-paused false
  • Close all notifications:
    dunstctl close-all
  • Display help:
    dunstctl --help

protonvpn-cli connect

Connect to ProtonVPN. More information:
  • Connect to ProtonVPN interactively:
    protonvpn-cli connect
  • Connect to ProtonVPN using the fastest server available:
    protonvpn-cli connect --fastest
  • Connect to ProtonVPN using a specific server with a specific protocol:
    protonvpn-cli connect {{server_name}} --protocol {{udp|tcp}}
  • Connect to ProtonVPN using a random server with a specific protocol:
    protonvpn-cli connect --random --protocol {{udp|tcp}}
  • Connect to ProtonVPN using the fastest Tor-supporting server:
    protonvpn-cli connect --tor
  • Display help:
    protonvpn-cli connect --help


Show utilization of AMD GPUs. May require root privileges depending on your system. More information:
  • Show the utilization of the default AMD GPU:
  • Enable colored output:
    radeontop --color
  • Select a specific GPU (the bus number is the first number in the output of lspci):
    radeontop --bus {{bus_number}}
  • Specify the display refresh rate (higher means more GPU overhead):
    radeontop --ticks {{samples_per_second}}


Measures the power consumption of a computer that has a battery power source or supports the RAPL interface. More information:
  • Measure power with the default of 10 samples with an interval of 10 seconds:
  • Measure power with custom number of samples and interval duration:
    powerstat {{interval}} {{number_of_samples}}
  • Measure power using Intel's RAPL interface:
    powerstat -R {{interval}} {{number_of_samples}}
  • Show a histogram of the power measurements:
    powerstat -H {{interval}} {{number_of_samples}}
  • Enable all statistics gathering options:
    powerstat -a {{interval}} {{number_of_samples}}


A tool to communicate with the display manager. More information:
  • Show the greeter while keeping current desktop session open and waiting to be restored upon authentication by logged in user:
    dm-tool switch-to-greeter
  • Lock the current session:
    dm-tool lock
  • Switch to a specific user, showing an authentication prompt if required:
    dm-tool switch-to-user {{username}} {{session}}
  • Add a dynamic seat from within a running LightDM session:
    dm-tool add-seat {{xlocal}} {{name}}={{value}}


This command is an alias of gcc. More information:
  • View documentation for the original command:
    tldr gcc

qm vncproxy

Proxy Virtual Machine VNC (Virtual network computing) traffic to stdin or stdout. More information:
  • Proxy a specific virtual machine:
    qm vncproxy {{vm_id}}


Run tests on Debian packages. More information:
  • Build the package in the current directory and run all tests directly on the system:
    autopkgtest -- {{null}}
  • Run a specific test for the package in the current directory:
    autopkgtest --test-name={{test_name}} -- {{null}}
  • Download and build a specific package with apt-get, then run all tests:
    autopkgtest {{package}} -- {{null}}
  • Test the package in the current directory using a new root directory:
    autopkgtest -- {{chroot}} {{path/to/new/root}}
  • Test the package in the current directory without rebuilding it:
    autopkgtest --no-built-binaries -- {{null}}


Creates a logical volume in an existing volume group. A volume group is a collection of logical and physical volumes. See also: lvm. More information:
  • Create a logical volume of 10 gigabytes in the volume group vg1:
    lvcreate -L {{10G}} {{vg1}}
  • Create a 1500 megabyte linear logical volume named mylv in the volume group vg1:
    lvcreate -L {{1500}} -n {{mylv}} {{vg1}}
  • Create a logical volume called mylv that uses 60% of the total space in volume group vg1:
    lvcreate -l {{60%VG}} -n {{mylv}} {{vg1}}
  • Create a logical volume called mylv that uses all the unallocated space in the volume group vg1:
    lvcreate -l {{100%FREE}} -n {{mylv}} {{vg1}}


Unified command-line devtools frontend for Arch Linux. More information:
  • Download PKGBUILD of a package in a folder named package_name:
    pkgctl repo clone --protocol=https {{package_name}}


Modify existing user groups in the system. See also: groups, groupadd, groupdel. More information:
  • Change the group name:
    sudo groupmod --new-name {{new_group}} {{group_name}}
  • Change the group id:
    sudo groupmod --gid {{new_id}} {{group_name}}


Monitor performance of various Linux subsystems. More information:
  • Report I/O and transfer rate issued to physical devices, one per second (press CTRL+C to quit):
    sar -b {{1}}
  • Report a total of 10 network device statistics, one per 2 seconds:
    sar -n DEV {{2}} {{10}}
  • Report CPU utilization, one per 2 seconds:
    sar -u ALL {{2}}
  • Report a total of 20 memory utilization statistics, one per second:
    sar -r ALL {{1}} {{20}}
  • Report the run queue length and load averages, one per second:
    sar -q {{1}}
  • Report paging statistics, one per 5 seconds:
    sar -B {{5}}


Reconfigure a NixOS machine. More information:
  • Build and switch to the new configuration, making it the boot default:
    sudo nixos-rebuild switch
  • Build and switch to the new configuration, making it the boot default and naming the boot entry:
    sudo nixos-rebuild switch -p {{name}}
  • Build and switch to the new configuration, making it the boot default and installing updates:
    sudo nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade
  • Rollback changes to the configuration, switching to the previous generation:
    sudo nixos-rebuild switch --rollback
  • Build the new configuration and make it the boot default without switching to it:
    sudo nixos-rebuild boot
  • Build and activate the new configuration, but don't make a boot entry (for testing purposes):
    sudo nixos-rebuild test
  • Build the configuration and open it in a virtual machine:
    sudo nixos-rebuild build-vm


A modular and parallel login brute-forcer for a variety of protocols. More information:
  • Execute brute force against an FTP server using a file containing usernames and a file containing passwords:
    medusa -M ftp -h host -U {{path/to/username_file}} -P {{path/to/password_file}}
  • Execute a login attempt against an HTTP server using the username, password and user-agent specified:
    medusa -M HTTP -h host -u {{username}} -p {{password}} -m USER-AGENT:"{{Agent}}"
  • Execute a brute force against a MySQL server using a file containing usernames and a hash:
    medusa -M mysql -h host -U {{path/to/username_file}} -p {{hash}} -m PASS:HASH
  • Execute a brute force against a list of SMB servers using a username and a pwdump file:
    medusa -M smbnt -H {{path/to/hosts_file}} -C {{path/to/pwdump_file}} -u {{username}} -m PASS:HASH


AV1 Image File Format (AVIF) encoder. More information:
  • Convert a specific PNG image to AVIF:
    avifenc {{path/to/input.png}} {{path/to/output.avif}}
  • Encode with a specific speed (6=default, 0=slowest and 10=fastest):
    avifenc --speed {{2}} {{path/to/input.png}} {{path/to/output.avif}}


Convert a file to a PO file. More information:
  • Convert a text file to PO file:
    po4a-gettextize --format {{text}} --master {{path/to/master.txt}} --po {{path/to/result.po}}
  • Get a list of available formats:
    po4a-gettextize --help-format
  • Convert a text file along with a translated document to a PO file (-l option can be provided multiple times):
    po4a-gettextize --format {{text}} --master {{path/to/master.txt}} --localized {{path/to/translated.txt}} --po {{path/to/result.po}}


Restore QemuServer vzdump backups. More information:
  • Restore virtual machine from given backup file on the original storage:
    qmrestore {{path/to/vzdump-qemu-100.vma.lzo}} {{100}}
  • Overwrite existing virtual machine from a given backup file on the original storage:
    qmrestore {{path/to/vzdump-qemu-100.vma.lzo}} {{100}} --force true
  • Restore the virtual machine from a given backup file on specific storage:
    qmrestore {{path/to/vzdump-qemu-100.vma.lzo}} {{100}} --storage {{local}}
  • Start virtual machine immediately from the backup while restoring in the background (only on Proxmox Backup Server):
    qmrestore {{path/to/vzdump-qemu-100.vma.lzo}} {{100}} --live-restore true


Execute the DNS (Dynamic Name Service) server daemon that converts host names to IP addresses and vice versa. More information:
  • Read the default configuration file /etc/named.conf, read any initial data and listen for queries:
  • Read a custom configuration file:
    named -c {{path/to/named.conf}}
  • Use IPv4 or IPv6 only, even if the host machine is capable of utilising other protocols:
    named {{-4|-6}}
  • Listen for queries on a specific port instead of the default port 53:
    named -p {{port}}
  • Run the server in the foreground and do not daemonize:
    named -f


A hybrid image/package system. Manage ostree deployments, package layers, filesystem overlays, and boot configuration. More information:
  • Show rpm-ostree deployments in the order they will appear in the bootloader:
    rpm-ostree status
  • Show packages which are outdated and can be updated:
    rpm-ostree upgrade --preview
  • Prepare a new ostree deployment with upgraded packages and reboot into it:
    rpm-ostree upgrade --reboot
  • Reboot into the previous ostree deployment:
    rpm-ostree rollback --reboot
  • Install a package into a new ostree deployment and reboot into it:
    rpm-ostree install {{package}} --reboot


Tool for containerized command-line environments on Linux. Some subcommands such as toolbox create have their own usage documentation. More information:
  • Run a toolbox subcommand:
    toolbox {{subcommand}}
  • Show help for a toolbox subcommand (such as create, enter, rm, rmi, etc.):
    toolbox help {{subcommand}}
  • Show general help:
    toolbox --help
  • Show the toolbox version:
    toolbox --version


Snake game in the terminal. More information:
  • Start a snake game:
  • Choose level:
  • Navigate the snake:
    {{Up|Down|Left|Right}} arrow key
  • Pause game:
  • Quit game:
  • Show the high scores:
    snake4 --highscores


wget-like utility for downloading files from SMB servers. More information:
  • Download a file from a server:
    smbget {{smb://server/share/file}}
  • Download a share or directory recursively:
    smbget --recursive {{smb://server/share}}
  • Connect with a username and password:
    smbget {{smb://server/share/file}} --user {{username%password}}
  • Require encrypted transfers:
    smbget {{smb://server/share/file}} --encrypt


Package files into zip/tar file in MATE desktop environment. See also: zip, tar. More information:
  • Start Engrampa:
  • Open specific archives:
    engrampa {{path/to/archive1.tar path/to/archive2.tar ...}}
  • Archive specific files and/or directories recursively:
    engrampa --add-to={{path/to/compressed.tar}} {{path/to/file_or_directory1 path/to/file_or_directory2 ...}}
  • Extract files and/or directories from archives to a specific path:
    engrampa --extract-to={{path/to/directory}} {{path/to/archive1.tar path/to/archive2.tar ...}}


Trace exec() calls. More information:
  • Trace all program executions occurring on the system:
    sudo extrace
  • Run a command and only trace descendants of this command:
    sudo extrace {{command}}
  • Print the current working directory of each process:
    sudo extrace -d
  • Resolve the full path of each executable:
    sudo extrace -l
  • Display the user running each process:
    sudo extrace -u


Provides secure access to Cockpit pages in an already running session. It starts cockpit-ws and a web browser in an isolated network space and a cockpit-bridge in a running user session. More information:
  • Open a page:
    cockpit-desktop {{url}} {{SSH_host}}
  • Open storage page:
    cockpit-desktop {{/cockpit/@localhost/storage/index.html}}


Package management utility for Debian based distributions. Recommended replacement for apt-get when used interactively in Ubuntu versions 16.04 and later. For equivalent commands in other package managers, see More information:
  • Update the list of available packages and versions (it's recommended to run this before other apt commands):
    sudo apt update
  • Search for a given package:
    apt search {{package}}
  • Show information for a package:
    apt show {{package}}
  • Install a package, or update it to the latest available version:
    sudo apt install {{package}}
  • Remove a package (using purge instead also removes its configuration files):
    sudo apt remove {{package}}
  • Upgrade all installed packages to their newest available versions:
    sudo apt upgrade
  • List all packages:
    apt list
  • List installed packages:
    apt list --installed


Package dependency tree viewer for pacman. More information:
  • Print the dependency tree of a specific package:
    pactree {{package}}
  • Print what packages depend on a specific package:
    pactree --reverse {{package}}
  • Dump dependencies one per line, skipping duplicates:
    pactree --unique {{package}}
  • Include optional dependencies of a specific package and colorize the output:
    pactree --optional --color {{package}}
  • Display help:


Find filenames quickly. More information:
  • Look for pattern in the database. Note: the database is recomputed periodically (usually weekly or daily):
    locate {{pattern}}
  • Look for a file by its exact filename (a pattern containing no globbing characters is interpreted as *pattern*):
    locate '*/{{filename}}'
  • Recompute the database. You need to do it if you want to find recently added files:
    sudo updatedb


Display process IDs currently using files or sockets. More information:
  • Find which processes are accessing a file or directory:
    fuser {{path/to/file_or_directory}}
  • Show more fields (USER, PID, ACCESS and COMMAND):
    fuser --verbose {{path/to/file_or_directory}}
  • Identify processes using a TCP socket:
    fuser --namespace tcp {{port}}
  • Kill all processes accessing a file or directory (sends the SIGKILL signal):
    fuser --kill {{path/to/file_or_directory}}
  • Find which processes are accessing the filesystem containing a specific file or directory:
    fuser --mount {{path/to/file_or_directory}}
  • Kill all processes with a TCP connection on a specific port:
    fuser --kill {{port}}/tcp


Command line client for PackageKit console program used by Discover and Gnome software and alternative to 'apt'. More information:
  • Install a package:
    pkcon install {{package}}
  • Remove a package:
    pkcon remove {{package}}
  • Refresh the package cache:
    pkcon refresh
  • Update packages:
    pkcon update
  • Search for a specific package:
    pkcon search {{package}}
  • List all available packages:
    pkcon get-packages


Ask NetworkManager whether the network is connected. More information:
  • Find out whether the network is connected and print the result to stdout:
  • Wait n seconds for a connection (30 by default):
    nm-online --timeout {{n}}


Alias to run-mailcap's view. An alias to a run-mailcap's action print. More information:
  • See action can be used to view any file (usually image) on default mailcap explorer:
    see {{filename}}
  • Using with run-mailcap:
    run-mailcap --action=view {{filename}}


Query a RPM spec file. More information:
  • List binary packages which would be generated from a rpm spec file:
    rpmspec --query {{path/to/rpm.spec}}
  • List all options for --queryformat:
    rpmspec --querytags
  • Get summary information for single binary packages generated from a rpm spec file:
    rpmspec --query --queryformat "{{%{name}: %{summary}\n}}" {{path/to/rpm.spec}}
  • Get the source package which would be generated from a rpm spec file:
    rpmspec --query --srpm {{path/to/rpm.spec}}
  • Parse a rpm spec file to stdout:
    rpmspec --parse {{path/to/rpm.spec}}


Calculate the compression ratio of a set of files on a btrfs filesystem. See also btrfs filesystem for recompressing a file by defragmenting it. More information:
  • Calculate the current compression ratio for a file or directory:
    sudo compsize {{path/to/file_or_directory}}
  • Don't traverse filesystem boundaries:
    sudo compsize --one-file-system {{path/to/file_or_directory}}
  • Show raw byte counts instead of human-readable sizes:
    sudo compsize --bytes {{path/to/file_or_directory}}


Mount an archive for access as a filesystem. More information:
  • Mount an archive to a specific mountpoint:
    archivemount {{path/to/archive}} {{path/to/mount_point}}


Automatic CPU speed & power optimizer. More information:
  • Run auto-cpufreq in a specific mode:
    sudo auto-cpufreq --{{monitor|live|update|remove|stats|force=governor}}

qm rollback

Rollback the VM state to a specified snapshot. More information:
  • Rollback the state of a specific VM to a specified snapshot:
    qm rollback {{vm_id}} {{snap_name}}


Alpine Linux package management tool. More information:
  • Update repository indexes from all remote repositories:
    apk update
  • Install a new package:
    apk add {{package}}
  • Remove a package:
    apk del {{package}}
  • Repair a package or upgrade it without modifying main dependencies:
    apk fix {{package}}
  • Search for a package via keywords:
    apk search {{keywords}}
  • Display information about a specific package:
    apk info {{package}}

qm delsnapshot

Delete virtual machine snapshots. More information:
  • Delete a snapshot:
    qm delsnapshot {{vm_id}} {{snapshot_name}}
  • Delete a snapshot from a configuration file (even if removing the disk snapshot fails):
    qm delsnapshot {{vm_id}} {{snapshot_name}} --force 1


Ultra-fast mass SNMP scanner allowing multiple hosts simultaneously. More information:
  • Walk the SNMP tree of host with public string querying all OIDs under .1.3.6:
    braa public@{{ip}}:{{.1.3.6.*}}
  • Query the whole subnet ip_range for system.sysLocation.0:
    braa public@{{ip_range}}:{{.}}
  • Attempt to set the value of system.sysLocation.0 to a specific workgroup:
    braa private@{{ip}}:{{.}}=s'{{workgroup}}'

toolbox create

Create a new toolbox container. More information:
  • Create a toolbox container for a specific distribution:
    toolbox create --distro {{distribution}}
  • Create a toolbox container for a specific release of the current distribution:
    toolbox create --release {{release}}
  • Create a toolbox container with a custom image:
    toolbox create --image {{name}}
  • Create a toolbox container from a custom Fedora image:
    toolbox create --image {{}}
  • Create a toolbox container using the default image for Fedora 38:
    toolbox create --distro {{fedora}} --release {{f38}}


The PipeWire Command Line Interface. More information:
  • Print all nodes (sinks and sources) along with their IDs:
    pw-cli list-objects Node
  • Print information about an object with a specific ID:
    pw-cli info {{4}}
  • Print all objects' information:
    pw-cli info all


CLI launcher for virt-manager, a desktop user interface for managing KVM and Xen virtual machines and LXC containers. More information:
  • Launch virt-manager:
  • Connect to a hypervisor:
    virt-manager --connect {{hypervisor_uri}}
  • Don't fork virt-manager process into background on startup:
    virt-manager --no-fork
  • Print debug output:
    virt-manager --debug
  • Open the "New VM" wizard:
    virt-manager --show-domain-creator
  • Show domain details window:
    virt-manager --show-domain-editor {{name|id|uuid}}
  • Show domain performance window:
    virt-manager --show-domain-performance {{name|id|uuid}}
  • Show connection details window:
    virt-manager --show-host-summary


Add and remove OpenRC services to and from runlevels. See also openrc. More information:
  • List all services and the runlevels they are added to:
    rc-update show
  • Add a service to a runlevel:
    sudo rc-update add {{service_name}} {{runlevel}}
  • Delete a service from a runlevel:
    sudo rc-update delete {{service_name}} {{runlevel}}
  • Delete a service from all runlevels:
    sudo rc-update --all delete {{service_name}}


View information about Portage packages. More information:
  • List all installed packages:
    equery list '*'
  • Search for installed packages in the Portage tree and in overlays:
    equery list -po {{package1 package2 ...}}
  • List all packages that depend on a given package:
    equery depends {{package}}
  • List all packages that a given package depends on:
    equery depgraph {{package}}
  • List all files installed by a package:
    equery files --tree {{package}}


Setup and control zram devices. Use mkfs or mkswap to format zram devices to partitions. More information:
  • Check if zram is enabled:
    lsmod | grep -i zram
  • Enable zram with a dynamic number of devices (use zramctl to configure devices further):
    sudo modprobe zram
  • Enable zram with exactly 2 devices:
    sudo modprobe zram num_devices={{2}}
  • Find and initialize the next free zram device to a 2 GB virtual drive using LZ4 compression:
    sudo zramctl --find --size {{2GB}} --algorithm {{lz4}}
  • List currently initialized devices:


Generate a WPA-PSK key from an ASCII passphrase for a given SSID. More information:
  • Compute and display the WPA-PSK key for a given SSID reading the passphrase from stdin:
    wpa_passphrase {{SSID}}
  • Compute and display WPA-PSK key for a given SSID specifying the passphrase as an argument:
    wpa_passphrase {{SSID}} {{passphrase}}

pacman --database

Operate on the Arch Linux package database. Modify certain attributes of the installed packages. See also: pacman. More information:
  • Mark a package as implicitly installed:
    sudo pacman --database --asdeps {{package}}
  • Mark a package as explicitly installed:
    sudo pacman --database --asexplicit {{package}}
  • Check that all the package dependencies are installed:
    pacman --database --check
  • Check the repositories to ensure all specified dependencies are available:
    pacman --database --check --check
  • Display only error messages:
    pacman --database --check --quiet
  • Display help:
    pacman --database --help


Write KConfig entries for KDE Plasma. More information:
  • Display help:
    kwriteconfig5 --help
  • Set a global configuration key:
    kwriteconfig5 --group {{group_name}} --key {{key}} {{value}}
  • Set a key in a specific configuration file:
    kwriteconfig5 --file {{path/to/file}} --group {{group_name}} --key {{key}} {{value}}
  • Delete a key:
    kwriteconfig5 --group {{group_name}} --key {{key}} --delete
  • Use systemd to start the Plasma session when available:
    kwriteconfig5 --file {{startkderc}} --group {{General}} --key {{systemdBoot}} {{true}}
  • Hide the title bar when a window is maximized (like Ubuntu):
    kwriteconfig5 --file {{~/.config/kwinrc}} --group {{Windows}} --key {{BorderlessMaximizedWindows}} {{true}}
  • Configure KRunner to open with the Meta (Command/Windows) global hotkey:
    kwriteconfig5 --file {{~/.config/kwinrc}} --group {{ModifierOnlyShortcuts}} --key {{Meta}} {{"org.kde.kglobalaccel,/component/krunner_desktop,org.kde.kglobalaccel.Component,invokeShortcut,_launch"}}


A realtime plotting utility for the command-line with data input from stdin. More information:
  • Plot the values 1, 2 and 3 (cat prevents ttyplot to exit):
    { echo {{1 2 3}}; cat } | ttyplot
  • Set a specific title and unit:
    { echo {{1 2 3}}; cat } | ttyplot -t {{title}} -u {{unit}}
  • Use a while loop to continuously plot random values:
    { while {{true}}; do echo {{$RANDOM}}; sleep {{1}}; done } | ttyplot
  • Parse the output from ping and visualize it:
    ping {{}} | sed -u '{{s/^.*time=//g; s/ ms//g}}' | ttyplot -t "{{ping to}}" -u {{ms}}

pacman --query

Arch Linux package manager utility. See also: pacman. More information:
  • List installed packages and versions:
    pacman --query
  • List only packages and versions that were explicitly installed:
    pacman --query --explicit
  • Find which package owns a file:
    pacman --query --owns {{filename}}
  • Display information about an installed package:
    pacman --query --info {{package}}
  • List files owned by a package:
    pacman --query --list {{package}}
  • List orphan packages (installed as dependencies but not required by any package):
    pacman --query --unrequired --deps --quiet
  • List installed packages not found in the repositories:
    pacman --query --foreign
  • List outdated packages:
    pacman --query --upgrades


Telephone and exchange (phone) server. Used for running the server itself, and managing an already running instance. More information:
  • [R]econnect to a running server, and turn on logging 3 levels of [v]erbosity:
    asterisk -r -vvv
  • [R]econnect to a running server, run a single command, and return:
    asterisk -r -x "{{command}}"
  • Show chan_SIP clients (phones):
    asterisk -r -x "sip show peers"
  • Show active calls and channels:
    asterisk -r -x "core show channels"
  • Show voicemail mailboxes:
    asterisk -r -x "voicemail show users"
  • Terminate a channel:
    asterisk -r -x "hangup request {{channel_ID}}"
  • Reload chan_SIP configuration:
    asterisk -r -x "sip reload"


Cryptcat is netcat with encryption capabilities. More information:
  • [l]isten on a specified [p]ort and print any data received:
    cryptcat -k {{password}} -l -p {{port}}
  • Connect to a certain port:
    cryptcat -k {{password}} {{ip_address}} {{port}}
  • Set a timeout [w]:
    cryptcat -k {{password}} -w {{timeout_in_seconds}} {{ip_address}} {{port}}
  • Scan [z] the open ports of a specified host:
    cryptcat -v -z {{ip_address}} {{port}}
  • Act as proxy and forward data from a local TCP port to the given remote host:
    cryptcat -k {{password}} -l -p {{local_port}} | cryptcat -k {{password}} {{hostname}} {{remote_port}}

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The content on this page is copyright © 2014—present the tldr-pages team and contributors.
This page is used with permission under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

While we do attempt to make sure content is accurate, there isn't a warranty of any kind.