System Grab Bag

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Find files or directories under the given directory tree, recursively. More information:
  • Find files by extension:
    find {{root_path}} -name '{{*.ext}}'
  • Find files matching multiple path/name patterns:
    find {{root_path}} -path '{{**/path/**/*.ext}}' -or -name '{{*pattern*}}'
  • Find directories matching a given name, in case-insensitive mode:
    find {{root_path}} -type d -iname '{{*lib*}}'
  • Find files matching a given pattern, excluding specific paths:
    find {{root_path}} -name '{{*.py}}' -not -path '{{*/site-packages/*}}'
  • Find files matching a given size range, limiting the recursive depth to "1":
    find {{root_path}} -maxdepth 1 -size {{+500k}} -size {{-10M}}
  • Run a command for each file (use {} within the command to access the filename):
    find {{root_path}} -name '{{*.ext}}' -exec {{wc -l {} }}\;
  • Find files modified in the last 7 days:
    find {{root_path}} -daystart -mtime -{{7}}
  • Find empty (0 byte) files and delete them:
    find {{root_path}} -type {{f}} -empty -delete

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