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dvc diff

Show changes in DVC tracked file and directories. More information:
  • Compare DVC tracked files from different Git commits, tags, and branches w.r.t the current workspace:
    dvc diff {{commit_hash/tag/branch}}
  • Compare the changes in DVC tracked files from 1 Git commit to another:
    dvc diff {{revision_b}} {{revision_a}}
  • Compare DVC tracked files, along with their latest hash:
    dvc diff --show-hash {{commit}}
  • Compare DVC tracked files, displaying the output as JSON:
    dvc diff --show-json --show-hash {{commit}}
  • Compare DVC tracked files, displaying the output as Markdown:
    dvc diff --show-md --show-hash {{commit}}

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The content on this page is copyright © 2014—present the tldr-pages team and contributors.
This page is used with permission under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

While we do attempt to make sure content is accurate, there isn't a warranty of any kind.