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tzselect - select a timezone




The tzselect program asks the user for information about the current location, and outputs the resulting timezone description to standard output. The output is suitable as a value for the TZ environment variable.

All interaction with the user is done via standard input and standard error.

Exit Status

The exit status is zero if a timezone was successfully obtained from the user, and is nonzero otherwise.


AWK Name of a POSIX-compliant awk program (default: awk ).

TZDIR Name of the directory containing timezone data files (default: /usr/share/zoneinfo ).


TZDIR/ Table of ISO 3166 2-letter country codes and country names.

TZDIR/ Table of country codes, latitude and longitude, TZ values, and descriptive comments.

TZDIR/TZ Timezone data file for timezone TZ.

See Also

  1. tzfile(5),
  2. zdump(8),
  3. zic(8)


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