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swaplabel - print or change the label or UUID of a swap area


swaplabel [-L label] [-U UUID] device


swaplabel will display or change the label or UUID of a swap partition located on device (or regular file). If the optional arguments -L and -U are not given, swaplabel will simply display the current swap-area label and UUID of device. If an optional argument is present, then swaplabel will change the appropriate value on device. These values can also be set during swap creation using mkswap(8). The swaplabel utility allows changing the label or UUID on an actively used swap device.


-h, --help Display help text and exit. -V, --version Print version and exit. -L, --label label Specify a new label for the device. Swap partition labels can be at most 16 characters long. If label is longer than 16 characters, swaplabel will truncate it and print a warning message. -U, --uuid UUID Specify a new UUID for the device. The UUID must be in the standard 8-4-4-4-12 character format, such as is output by uuidgen(1).


LIBBLKID_DEBUG=all enables libblkid debug output.


swaplabel was written by \c and

See Also

uuidgen(1), mkswap(8), swapon(8)

Reporting Bugs

For bug reports, use the issue tracker at \c


The swaplabel command is part of the util-linux package which can be downloaded from \c