System Grab Bag

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scsi_start - start one or more SCSI disks


scsi_start [--help] [--verbose] [--wait] DEVICE [DEVICE]*


This bash shell script calls the sg_start utility on each given DEVICE. The purpose is to spin up (start) each given DEVICE.


Arguments to long options are mandatory for short options as well.

-h, --help print out the usage message then exit.

-v, --verbose increase level or verbosity.

-w, --wait wait for the spin up (start) on each given DEVICE to complete. The default action is to do each start in immediate mode.


If a large number of disks are spun up at the same time (i.e. without the --wait option) then the power supply may be overloaded.

Exit Status

The exit status of this script is 0 when it is successful. Otherwise the exit status is that of the last sg_start utility called. See the sg3_utils(8) man page.


Written by D. Gilbert


Copyright © 2009-2013 Douglas Gilbert This software is distributed under a FreeBSD license. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

See Also

sg_start (sg3_utils)