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pam_issue - PAM module to add issue file to user prompt

Synopsis [noesc] [issue=issue-file-name]


pam_issue is a PAM module to prepend an issue file to the username prompt. It also by default parses escape codes in the issue file similar to some common getty\*(Aqs (using \ex format).

Recognized escapes:

\ed current day

\el name of this tty

\em machine architecture (uname -m)

\en machine\*(Aqs network node hostname (uname -n)

\eo domain name of this system

\er release number of operating system (uname -r)

\et current time

\es operating system name (uname -s)

\eu number of users currently logged in

\eU same as \eu except it is suffixed with "user" or "users" (eg. "1 user" or "10 users")

\ev operating system version and build date (uname -v)


noesc Turns off escape code parsing.

issue=issue-file-name The file to output if not using the default.

Module Types Provided

Only the auth module type is provided.

Return Values

PAM_BUF_ERR Memory buffer error.

PAM_IGNORE The prompt was already changed.

PAM_SERVICE_ERR A service module error occurred.

PAM_SUCCESS The new prompt was set successfully.


Add the following line to /etc/pam.d/login to set the user specific issue at login:

        auth optional issue=/etc/issue

See Also

pam.conf(5), pam.d(5), pam(7)


pam_issue was written by Ben Collins <[email protected]>.