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pam_cap - PAM module to set inheritable capabilities

Synopsis [config=/path/to/capability.conf] [debug]


The pam_cap PAM module sets the current process' inheritable capabilities.

Capabilities are read from the /etc/security/capability.conf config file\&, or alternate file specified with the config= option.

The module must not be called by a multithreaded application.


config=/path/to/capability.conf Indicate an alternative capability.conf style configuration file to override the default.

debug Print debug information.

Module Types Provided

Only the authentication module type is provided.

Return Values

PAM_AUTH_ERR The user is not known to the system.

PAM_IGNORE No capabilities found for this user.

PAM_INCOMPLETE Indicates a PAM-Conversation failure.

PAM_SUCCESS Capabilities were set.


/etc/security/capability.conf Default configuration file


Nearly all applications/daemons which use PAM for authentication contain a configuration line: @include common-auth. Thus, to set inheritable capabilities in all of these applications, add the following as the last line to /etc/pam.d/common-auth

auth optional

To set inheritable capabilities for a user in a specific application, or in application(s) which do not @include common-auth, add the line below to the application-specific file; e.g. /etc/pam.d/myapp

auth optional

See Also

capability.conf(5), pam.d(5), pam(7).


pam_cap was initially written by Andrew G. Morgan <[email protected]>