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netplan-try - try a configuration, optionally rolling it back


\f[B]netplan\f[R] [--debug] \f[B]try\f[R] -h | --help

\f[B]netplan\f[R] [--debug] \f[B]try\f[R] [--config-file \f[I]CONFIG_FILE\f[R]] [--timeout \f[I]TIMEOUT\f[R]]


\f[B]netplan try\f[R] takes a \f[B]netplan\f[R](5) configuration, applies it, and automatically rolls it back if the user does not confirm the configuration within a time limit.

A configuration can be confirmed or rejected interactively or by sending the SIGUSR1 or SIGINT signals.

This may be especially useful on remote systems, to prevent an administrator being permanently locked out of systems in the case of a network configuration error.


-h, --help Print basic help.

--debug Print debugging output during the process.

--config-file \f[I]CONFIG_FILE\f[R] In addition to the usual configuration, apply \f[I]CONFIG_FILE\f[R]. It must be a YAML file in the \f[B]netplan\f[R](5) format.

--timeout \f[I]TIMEOUT\f[R] Wait for \f[I]TIMEOUT\f[R] seconds before reverting. Defaults to 120 seconds. Note that some network configurations (such as STP) may take over a minute to settle.

Known Issues

\f[B]netplan try\f[R] uses similar procedures to \f[B]netplan apply\f[R], so some of the same caveats apply around virtual devices.

There are also some known bugs: if \f[B]netplan try\f[R] times out or is cancelled, make sure to verify if the network configuration has in fact been reverted.

As with \f[B]netplan apply\f[R], a reboot should fix any issues. However, be sure to verify that the config on disk is in the state you expect before rebooting!

See Also

    \f[B]netplan\f[R](5), \f[B]netplan-generate\f[R](8), \f[B]netplan-apply\f[R](8)


Daniel Axtens (<[email protected]>).