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lsinitramfs - list content of an initramfs image


lsinitramfs [ -l ] initramfs-file ... lsinitramfs " " -h


The lsinitramfs command lists the content of given initramfs images. It allows one to quickly check the content of one (or multiple) specified initramfs files.


-h Display usage information and exit.

-l Display long and more verbose listing of initramfs content.

Usage Examples

List initramfs content of current running kernel:

lsinitramfs /boot/initrd.img-$(uname -r) List content of two initramfs files in verbose mode:

lsinitramfs -l /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-grml64 /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.33-grml64


lsinitramfscannot deal with multiple-segmented initramfs images, except where an early (uncompressed) initramfs with system firmware is prepended to the regular compressed initramfs.


The initramfs-tools are written by Maximilian Attems <[email protected]> and numerous others.

See Also

  1. .BR
  2. initramfs-tools (7), mkinitramfs (8), unmkinitramfs (8), update-initramfs (8).