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ip-ioam - IPv6 In-situ OAM (IOAM)


ip ioam " { " COMMAND " | " help " }" ip ioam namespace show ip ioam namespace add ID " [ "data DATA32 "]"" [ "wide DATA64 "]" ip ioam namespace del ID ip ioam schema show ip ioam schema add ID DATA ip ioam schema del ID ip ioam namespace set ID schema " { " ID " | " none " }"


The ip ioam command is used to configure IPv6 In-situ OAM (IOAM6) internal parameters, namely IOAM namespaces and schemas.

Those parameters also include the mapping between an IOAM namespace and an IOAM schema.


Configure An Ioam Namespace (Id = 1) With Both Data (32 Bits) And Wide Data (64 Bits)

# ip ioam namespace add 1 data 0xdeadbeef wide 0xcafec0caf00dc0de

Link An Existing Ioam Schema (Id = 7) To An Existing Ioam Namespace (Id = 1)

# ip ioam namespace set 1 schema 7

See Also

  1. ip-route(8)


Justin Iurman <[email protected]>