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era_invalidate - Provide a list of blocks that have changed since a particular era.


era_invalidate [options] {device|file}


era_invalidate examines era metadata and lists blocks that may have changed since a given era.

This tool cannot be run on live metadata unless the --metadata-snap option is used.


-h, --help Print help and exit.

-V, --version Print version information and exit.

-o {output file} Write output to a file rather than stdout.

--metadata-snapshot Use the metadata snapshot rather than the current superblock.

--written-since {era nr} Blocks written since the given era will be listed.


List the blocks that may have been written since the beginning of era 13 on the metadata device /dev/vg/metadata:

    $ era_invalidate --written-since 13 /dev/vg/metadata

The device may not be actively used by the target when running.


era_invalidate returns an exit code of 0 for success or 1 for error (eg, metadata corruption).

See Also

    era_check(8), era_dump(8), era_restore(8)


Joe Thornber <[email protected]>