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devlink-region - devlink address region access


devlink "[ " OPTIONS " ]" region " { " COMMAND " | " help " }" OPTIONS " := { " -V[ersion] | -n[no-nice-names] } "devlink region show""[ " DEV/REGION " ]" "devlink region del""" DEV/REGION "" "snapshot""" SNAPSHOT_ID "" "devlink region dump""" DEV/REGION "" "snapshot""" SNAPSHOT_ID "" "devlink region read""" DEV/REGION "" "[ ""snapshot""" SNAPSHOT_ID "" "]""address""" ADDRESS " "length""" LENGTH "" devlink region help


Devlink Region Show - Show All Supported Address Regions Names, Snapshots And Sizes

"DEV/REGION" - specifies the devlink device and address-region to query.

Devlink Region Del - Delete A Snapshot Specified By Address-Region Name And Snapshot Id

"DEV/REGION" - specifies the devlink device and address-region to delete the snapshot from

snapshot "SNAPSHOT_ID" - specifies the snapshot ID to delete

Devlink Region Dump - Dump All The Available Data From A Region Or From Snapshot Of A Region

"DEV/REGION" - specifies the device and address-region to dump from.

snapshot "SNAPSHOT_ID" - specifies the snapshot-id of the region to dump.

Devlink Region Read - Read From A Specific Region Address For A Given Length

"DEV/REGION" - specifies the device and address-region to read from.

snapshot "SNAPSHOT_ID" - specifies the snapshot-id of the region to read.

address "ADDRESS" - specifies the address to read from.

length "LENGTH" - specifies the length of data to read.


devlink region show List available address regions and snapshot.

devlink region del pci/0000:00:05.0/cr-space snapshot 1 Delete snapshot id 1 from cr-space address region from device pci/0000:00:05.0.

devlink region dump pci/0000:00:05.0/cr-space snapshot 1 Dump the snapshot taken from cr-space address region with ID 1

devlink region read pci/0000:00:05.0/cr-space snapshot 1 address 0x10 legth 16 Read from address 0x10, 16 Bytes of snapshot ID 1 taken from cr-space address region

See Also

  1. devlink(8),
  2. devlink-dev(8),
  3. devlink-port(8),
  4. devlink-monitor(8),


Alex Vesker <[email protected]>