System Grab Bag

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cppw, cpgr - copy with locking the given file to the password or group file


cppw [-h] [-s] password_file cpgr [-h] [-s] group_file


cppw " and " cpgrwill copy, with locking, the given file to /etc/passwd " and " /etc/group ", respectively." With the -s flag, they will copy the shadow versions of those files, /etc/shadow " and " /etc/gshadow ", respectively." With the -h flag, the commands display a short help message and exit silently.

See Also

vipw(8), vigr(8), group(5), passwd(5), shadow(5), gshadow(5)


cppw and cpgr were written by Stephen Frost, based on vipw and vigr written by Guy Maor.