System Grab Bag

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btrfs-select-super - overwrite primary superblock with a backup copy


btrfs-select-super -s number <device>


Destructively overwrite all copies of the superblock with a specified copy. This helps in certain cases, for example when write barriers were disabled during a power failure and not all superblocks were written, or if the primary superblock is damaged, eg. accidentally overwritten. The filesystem specified by device must not be mounted. NOTE: Prior to overwriting the primary superblock, please make sure that the backup copies are valid! To dump a superblock use the btrfs inspect-internal dump-super command. Then run the check (in the non-repair mode) using the command btrfs check -s where -s specifies the superblock copy to use. Superblock copies exist in the following offsets on the device:

primary: 64KiB (65536)

1st copy: 64MiB (67108864)

2nd copy: 256GiB (274877906944) A superblock size is 4KiB (4096).


-s|--super <N> use Nth superblock copy, valid values are 0 1 or 2 if the respective superblock offset is within the device size

See Also

