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apparmor.vim - vim syntax highlighting file for AppArmor profiles


Your system may be configured to automatically use syntax highlighting for installed AppArmor policies. If not, you can enable syntax highlighting in a specific vim session by performing:

\& :set syntax=apparmor


\&apparmor.vim provides syntax highlighting rules for the vim\|(1) text editor; the rules provide an easy visual method to inspect AppArmor profiles for syntax correctness and semantics.

The colors indicate the relative severity of granting a specific set of privileges. Ranking access with colors is necessarily generic and vague, but it may help you understand your profiles better.


\&apparmor.vim does not properly detect dark versus light backgrounds. Patches accepted. If you find any bugs, please report them at <>.

See Also

\&vim\|(1), apparmor\|(7), apparmor.d\|(5), aa_change_hat\|(2), and <>.