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null, zero - data sink


Data written to the /dev/null and /dev/zero special files is discarded.

Reads from /dev/null always return end of file (i.e., read(2) returns 0), whereas reads from /dev/zero always return bytes containing zero (\(aq\e0\(aq characters).

These devices are typically created by:

mknod -m 666 /dev/null c 1 3
mknod -m 666 /dev/zero c 1 5
chown root:root /dev/null /dev/zero


/dev/null /dev/zero


If these devices are not writable and readable for all users, many programs will act strangely.

Since Linux 2.6.31, reads from /dev/zero are interruptible by signals. (This change was made to help with bad latencies for large reads from /dev/zero .)

See Also

  1. chown(1),
  2. mknod(1),
  3. full(4)


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