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dmmp_mpath_array_get - Query all existing multipath devices.


"int" dmmp_mpath_array_get (struct dmmp_context *" ctx ",
struct dmmp_mpath ***" dmmp_mps ",
uint32_t *" dmmp_mp_count ");


Pointer of 'struct dmmp_context'. If this pointer is NULL, your program will be terminated by assert.

Output pointer array of 'struct dmmp_mpath'. If this pointer is NULL, your program will be terminated by assert.

Output pointer of uint32_t. Hold the size of 'dmmp_mps' pointer array. If this pointer is NULL, your program will be terminated by assert.


Query all existing multipath devices and store them into a pointer array. The memory of 'dmmp_mps' should be freed via dmmp_mpath_array_free.


int. Valid error codes are: * DMMP_OK * DMMP_ERR_BUG * DMMP_ERR_NO_MEMORY * DMMP_ERR_NO_DAEMON * DMMP_ERR_INCONSISTENT_DATA Error number could be converted to string by dmmp_strerror.