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setupcon - sets up the font and the keyboard on the console


setupcon [ OPTION ]...\ [ VARIANT ]


setupcon is a program for fast and easy setup of the font and the keyboard on the console. Most of the time you invoke setupcon without arguments. The keyboard configuration is specified in ~/.keyboard or /etc/default/keyboard. The font configuration is specified in ~/.console-setup or /etc/default/console-setup. Consult keyboard(5) and console-setup(5) for instructions how to configure these two files.

If you have to switch often between different encodings, keyboards or languages, you can prepare several alternative configuration files for setupcon .Suppose that most of the time you will use Greek language with Greek keyboard layout, but sometimes you need to type in German with German keyboard layout. In this situation you should customize the main configuration files ( keyboard " and " console-setup ) for Greek. Also, create alternative configuration files for German named keyboard.german " and " console-setup.german. Then in order to configure the console for Greek you will simply run the command with no arguments: setupcon and in order to configure the console for German you will use setupcon\ german.


VARIANT Specifies which configuration file to use. With no variant, the configuration files of setupcon are named console-setup " and " keyboard. On the other hand, if you use e.g. chukchi as VARIANT then the configuration files are console-setup.chukchi " and " keyboard.chukchi. In this way you can have easy access to several different configurations - for example one for the Chukchi language and another for the default configuration.

-v ,\ --verboseBe more verbose. Use this option if something goes wrong or while experimenting with the configuration files.

-k ,\ --keyboard-onlySetup the keyboard only, do not setup the font or the terminal. On Linux it is enough to do this configuration only once.

-f ,\ --font-onlySetup the font only, do not setup the keyboard or the terminal. On Linux this configuration should be repeated each time a new console driver is activated (for example when the frame buffer becomes active).

-t ,\ --terminal-onlySetup the terminal only, do not setup the keyboard or the font.

--current-ttySetup the only the current virtual terminal.

--forceDo not check whether we are on the console. Notice that you can be forced to hard-reboot your computer if you run setupcon with this option and the screen is controlled by a X server.

--saveThis option can be useful if you want to use setupcon early in the boot process while /usr is not yet mounted and the required data are not available. This option will make setupcon copy the required files in /etc/console-setup/ in order to make them available before /usr is mounted. If you use setupcon early in the boot process, then you should run it with this option after every change of the console configuration.

--save-onlyThe same as --save, but does not setup anything. This option can be useful if you want to save the required files while the screen is controlled by a X server.

For use by initrd builders. Do not configure anything. Save an usable keyboard layout in FILE.

For use by initrd builders. Do not configure anything. Arrange in the directory DIR everything necessary in order to configure the console. The file DIR/morefiles lists all binaries the initrd builder has to install in the initrd image. All other files in DIR have to be copied unchanged in the initrd. In order to configure the console one has to run the script DIR/bin/setupcon.

-h ,\ --helpDisplay usage information.


~/.console-setup ~/.keyboard /etc/default/console-setup /etc/default/keyboard /etc/default/console-setup.VARIANT /etc/default/keyboard.VARIANT /etc/console-setup/

See Also

  1. keyboard(5),
  2. console-setup(5)