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plymouth - Send commands to plymouthd


plymouth [OPTION...]

plymouth COMMAND\ [OPTION...]


The plymouth sends commands to a running plymouthd. This is used during the boot process to control the display of the graphical boot splash.


The following options are understood. These options are supported for compatibility with the old rhgb-client interface, and have been replaced by the commands that are described in the next section.

--help Show summary of options.

--debug Enable verbose debug logging.

--get-splash-plugin-path Get directory where splash plugins are installed.

--newroot=[STRING] Tell plymouthd that the new root filesystem is mounted.

--quit Tell plymouthd to quit.

--ping Check if plymouthd is running.

--has-active-vt Check if plymouthd has an active vt.

--sysinit Tell plymouthd root filesystem is mounted read-write.

--show-splash Show the splash screen.

--hide-splash Hide the splash screen.

--ask-for-password Ask the user for a password.

--ignore-keystroke=[STRING] Remove sensitivity to a keystroke.

--update=[STRING] Tell plymouthd an update about boot progress.

--details Tell plymouthd there were errors during boot.

--wait Wait for plymouthd to quit.


The following commands are understood:

change-mode OPTION Change the operation mode.

--boot-up Start the system up

--shutdown Shutting the system up

--updates Applying updates

system-update OPTION Tell plymouthd about boot progress.

--progress=INTEGER The percentage progress of the updates

update OPTION Tell plymouthd about boot status changes.

--status=STRING Tell plymouthd the current boot status

update-root-fs OPTION Tell plymouthd about root filesystem changes.

--new-root-dir=STRING Root filesystem is about to change

--read-write Root filesystem is no longer read-only

show-splash Tell plymouthd to show splash screen.

hide-splash Tell plymouthd to hide splash screen.

ask-for-password OPTION Ask the user for a password.

--command=STRING Command to send password to via standard input

--prompt=STRING Message to display when asking for password

--number-of-tries=INTEGER Number of times to ask before giving up (requires --command)

--dont-pause-progress Don\*(Aqt pause boot progress bar while asking

ask-question Ask the user a question.

--command=STRING Command to send the answer to via standard input

--prompt=STRING Message to display when asking the question

--dont-pause-progress Don\*(Aqt pause boot progress bar while asking

display-message OPTION Display a message.

--text=STRING The message text

hide-message OPTION Hide a message.

--text=STRING The message text

watch-keystroke OPTION Become sensitive to a keystroke.

--command=STRING Command to send keystroke to via standard input

--keys=STRING Keys to become sensitive to

ignore-keystroke OPTION Remove sensitivity to a keystroke.

--keys=STRING Keys to remove sensitivity from

pause-progress Pause boot progress bar.

unpause-progress Unpause boot progress bar.

report-error Tell plymouthd there were errors during boot.

deactivate Tell plymouthd to deactivate.

reactivate Tell plymouthd to reactivate.

quit OPTION Tell plymouthd to quit.

--retain-splash Don\*(Aqt explicitly hide boot splash on exit

See Also

grub(8), plymouth(8), plymouthd(8), \m[blue]\m[]