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networkctl - Query the status of network links


networkctl [OPTIONS...] COMMAND [LINK...]


networkctl may be used to introspect the state of the network links as seen by systemd-networkd. Please refer to systemd-networkd.service(8) for an introduction to the basic concepts, functionality, and configuration syntax.


The following commands are understood:

list [PATTERN...] Show a list of existing links and their status. If one or more PATTERNs are specified, only links matching one of them are shown. If no further arguments are specified shows all links, otherwise just the specified links. Produces output similar to:

  1 lo           loopback carrier     unmanaged
  2 eth0         ether    routable    configured
  3 virbr0       ether    no-carrier  unmanaged
  4 virbr0-nic   ether    off         unmanaged

4 links listed.
The operational status is one of the following:

missing the device is missing

off the device is powered down

no-carrier the device is powered up, but it does not yet have a carrier

dormant the device has a carrier, but is not yet ready for normal traffic

degraded-carrier for bond or bridge master, one of the bonding or bridge slave network interfaces is in off, no-carrier, or dormant state

carrier the link has a carrier, or for bond or bridge master, all bonding or bridge slave network interfaces are enslaved to the master

degraded the link has carrier and addresses valid on the local link configured

enslaved the link has carrier and is enslaved to bond or bridge master network interface

routable the link has carrier and routable address configured The setup status is one of the following:

pending udev is still processing the link, we don\*(Aqt yet know if we will manage it

initialized udev has processed the link, but we don\*(Aqt yet know if we will manage it

configuring in the process of retrieving configuration or configuring the link

configured link configured successfully

unmanaged networkd is not handling the link

failed networkd failed to manage the link

linger the link is gone, but has not yet been dropped by networkd

status [PATTERN...] Show information about the specified links: type, state, kernel module driver, hardware and IP address, configured DNS servers, etc. If one or more PATTERNs are specified, only links matching one of them are shown. When no links are specified, an overall network status is shown. Also see the option --all. Produces output similar to:

●        State: routable
  Online state: online
       Address: on eth0
       on virbr0
       on eth0
                fe80::5054:aa:bbbb:cccc on eth0
       Gateway: (CISCO SYSTEMS, INC.) on eth0
In the overall network status, the online state depends on the individual online state of all required links. Managed links are required for online by default. In this case, the online state is one of the following:

unknown all links have unknown online status (i.e. there are no required links)

offline all required links are offline

partial some, but not all, required links are online

online all required links are online

lldp [PATTERN...] Show discovered LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) neighbors. If one or more PATTERNs are specified only neighbors on those interfaces are shown. Otherwise shows discovered neighbors on all interfaces. Note that for this feature to work, LLDP= must be turned on for the specific interface, see for details. Produces output similar to:

LINK             CHASSIS ID        SYSTEM NAME      CAPS        PORT ID           PORT DESCRIPTION
enp0s25          00:e0:4c:00:00:00 GS1900           ..b........ 2                 Port #2

Capability Flags:
o - Other; p - Repeater;  b - Bridge; w - WLAN Access Point; r - Router;
t - Telephone; d - DOCSIS cable device; a - Station; c - Customer VLAN;
s - Service VLAN, m - Two-port MAC Relay (TPMR)

1 neighbors listed.

label Show numerical address labels that can be used for address selection. This is the same information that ip-addrlabel(8) shows. See \m[blue]RFC 3484\m[]\&\s-2\u[1]\d\s+2 for a discussion of address labels. Produces output similar to:

Prefix/Prefixlen                          Label
        ::/0                                  1
    fc00::/7                                  5
    fec0::/10                                11
    2002::/16                                 2
    3ffe::/16                                12
 2001:10::/28                                 7
    2001::/32                                 6
::ffff:                             4
        ::/96                                 3
       ::1/128                                0

delete DEVICE... Deletes virtual netdevs. Takes interface name or index number.

up DEVICE... Bring devices up. Takes interface name or index number.

down DEVICE... Bring devices down. Takes interface name or index number.

renew DEVICE... Renew dynamic configurations e.g. addresses received from DHCP server. Takes interface name or index number.

forcerenew DEVICE... Send a FORCERENEW message to all connected clients, triggering DHCP reconfiguration. Takes interface name or index number.

reconfigure DEVICE... Reconfigure network interfaces. Takes interface name or index number. Note that this does not reload .netdev or .network corresponding to the specified interface. So, if you edit config files, it is necessary to call networkctl reload first to apply new settings.

reload Reload .netdev and .network files. If a new .netdev file is found, then the corresponding netdev is created. Note that even if an existing .netdev is modified or removed, systemd-networkd does not update or remove the netdev. If a new, modified or removed .network file is found, then all interfaces which match the file are reconfigured.


The following options are understood:

-a --all Show all links with status.

-s --stats Show link statistics with status.

-l, --full Do not ellipsize the output.

-n, --lines= When used with status, controls the number of journal lines to show, counting from the most recent ones. Takes a positive integer argument. Defaults to 10.

--json=MODE Shows output formatted as JSON. Expects one of "short" (for the shortest possible output without any redundant whitespace or line breaks), "pretty" (for a pretty version of the same, with indentation and line breaks) or "off" (to turn off JSON output, the default).

-h, --help Print a short help text and exit.

--version Print a short version string and exit.

--no-legend Do not print the legend, i.e. column headers and the footer with hints.

--no-pager Do not pipe output into a pager.

Exit Status

On success, 0 is returned, a non-zero failure code otherwise.

See Also

systemd-networkd.service(8),, systemd.netdev(5), ip(8)


RFC 3484 \%