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helpztags - generate the help tags file for directory


helpztags \s-1DIRS\s0...


\&helpztags scans given directories for *.txt and *.txt.gz files. Each file is scanned for tags used in vim help files. For each directory proper tags file is generated.

There should be at least one directory given. In other case program exits with error.


Written by Jakub Turski and Artur R. Czechowski based on idea contained in \f(CW\*(C`vim\*(C' sources for its \f(CW\*(C`:helptags command\*(C'.

Reporting Bugs

Please use a Debian \f(CW\*(C`reportbug\*(C' command or procedure described at \&\f(CW\*(C`\*(C'.

See Also

Read \f(CW\*(C`:help helptags\*(C' in vim for detailed information about helptags.