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grub-editenv - edit GRUB environment block


grub-editenv [\,OPTION\/...] \,FILENAME COMMAND\/


Tool to edit environment block.


create Create a blank environment block file.

list List the current variables.

set [NAME=VALUE ...] Set variables.

unset [NAME ...] Delete variables.


-?, --help give this help list

--usage give a short usage message

-v, --verbose print verbose messages.

-V, --version print program version

If FILENAME is `-', the default value \,/boot/grub/grubenv\/ is used.

There is no `delete' command; if you want to delete the whole environment block, use `rm /boot/grub/grubenv'.

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs to <[email protected]>.

See Also

grub-reboot(8), grub-set-default(8)

The full documentation for grub-editenv is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and grub-editenv programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info grub-editenv

should give you access to the complete manual.