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gpgcompose - Generate a stream of OpenPGP packets


gpgcompose [[ OPTION [ ARGS ]] ... ] gpgcompose --help gpgcompose OPTION --help


gpgcompose generates a stream of OpenPGP packets, including some which can include other nested packets within a layer of encryption. The syntax on the command line isn't stable enough to document currently, but additional hints and examples can be found from the command line using --help .

External Dependencies

gpgcompose is not capable of performing secret key operations on its own. Creation of any OpenPGP object that requires secret key operations (e.g., --signature )will need to speak to an already-running gpg-agent .


Occasionally, gpgcompose will need to look up existing public keys for reference (e.g., --public-key ).It will do so in ~/.gnupg/keyring.kbx,or in $GNUPGHOME/keyring.kbx if that variable is set.

See Also

    RFC 4880, gpg(1), gpg-agent(1), gpg-connect-agent(1)


gpgcompose is copyright (C) 2016, g10 Code GmbH. This manpage was written by Daniel Kahn Gillmor <[email protected]>.