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cloud-id - Report the canonical cloud-id for this instance


"cloud-id" " [-h] [-j] [-l] [-i <INSTANCE_DATA>]"


cloud-id is the lowercase name of the cloud datasource discovered. The cloud-id will be 'not run' when systemd generator has not run yet. The cloud-id will be 'disabled' when cloud-init is disabled or when ds-identify did not find a valid datasource. See cloud-init status --long for more information.


"-h, --help" Show help message and exit

"-j, --json" Report all standardized cloud-id information as json

"-l, --long" Report extended cloud-id information as tab-delimited string

"-i <data>, --instance-data <data>"Path to instance-data.json file. Default is /run/cloud-init/instance-data.json

Exit Status

0 On success

1 Due to an error

2 Due to cloud-init in a disabled state. See: cloud-init status --long

3 The cloud-init generator and discovery has not yet run.


Copyright (C) 2021 Canonical Ltd. License GPL-3 or Apache-2.0

See Also

    Full documentation at: <>