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aa-enabled - test whether AppArmor is enabled


\&aa-enabled [options]


\&aa-enabled is used to determine if AppArmor is enabled.


\&aa-enabled accepts the following arguments:

Display a brief usage guide.

Do not output anything to stdout. This option is intended to be used by scripts that simply want to use the exit code to determine if AppArmor is enabled.

Require AppArmor to have exclusive access to shared \s-1LSM\s0 interfaces to be considered enabled.

Exit Status

Upon exiting, aa-enabled will set its exit status to the following values:

if AppArmor is enabled.

if AppArmor is not enabled/loaded.

intentionally not used as an aa-enabled exit status.

if the AppArmor control files aren't available under /sys/kernel/security/.

if aa-enabled doesn't have enough privileges to read the apparmor control files.

AppArmor is enabled but does not have access to shared \s-1LSM\s0 interfaces.

if any unexpected error or condition is encountered.


If you find any bugs, please report them at <>.

See Also

\&apparmor\|(7), apparmor.d\|(5), aa_is_enabled\|(2), and <>.