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operator - C operator precedence and order of evaluation


This manual page lists C operators and their precedence in evaluation.

lb lb lb
[] () . -> ++ --left to right[1]
++ -- & * + - \[ti] ! sizeofright to left[2]
(type)right to left
* / %left to right
+ -left to right
<< >>left to right
< > <= >=left to right
== !=left to right
&left to right
^left to right
|left to right
&&left to right
||left to right
?:right to left
= *= /= %= += -= <<= >>= &= ^= |=right to left
,left to right

The following notes provide further information to the above table:

The ++ and -- operators at this precedence level are the postfix flavors of the operators.

The ++ and -- operators at this precedence level are the prefix flavors of the operators.

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