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erofs - the Enhanced Read-Only File System


erofs is a create-once read-only filesystem, with support for compression and a multi-device backing store.

There are two inode formats:

32-byte compact with 16-bit UID/GID, 32-bit file size, and no file times

64-byte extended with 32-bit UID/GID, 64-bit file size, and a modification time ( st_mtim ).

Mount Options

user_xattr nouser_xattr Controls whether user extended attributes are exposed. Defaults to yes.

acl noacl Controls whether POSIX acl(5)s are exposed. Defaults to yes.

cache_strategy = disabled | readahead | readaroundCache allocation for compressed files: never, if reading from start of file, regardless of position. Defaults to readaround .

dax dax = always | neverDirect Access control. If always and the source device supports DAX, uncompressed non-inlined files will be read directly, without going through the page cache. dax is a synonym for always .Defaults to unset, which is equivalent to never .

device = blobdevAdd extra device holding some of the data. Must be given as many times and in the same order as --blobdev was to mkfs.erofs(1).

domain_id = didfsid = idControl CacheFiles on-demand read support. To be documented.


erofs images are versioned through the use of feature flags; these are listed in the -E section of mkfs.erofs(1),


Linux must be configured with the CONFIG_EROFS_FS option to mount EROFS filesystems. There are sub-configuration items that restrict the availability of some of the parameters above.

See Also

  1. mkfs.erofs(1),
  2. fsck.erofs(1),
  3. dump.erofs(1)
  4. Documentation/filesystems/erofs.txt in the Linux source.