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arc4random, arc4random_uniform, arc4random_buf - cryptographically-secure pseudorandom number generator


Standard C library ( libc ", " -lc )


#include <stdlib.h> 
uint32_t arc4random(void); 
uint32_t arc4random_uniform(uint32_t  upper_bound );
void arc4random_buf(void " buf [. n "], size_t n );


These functions give cryptographically-secure pseudorandom numbers.

arc4random() returns a uniformly-distributed value.

arc4random_uniform() returns a uniformly-distributed value less than upper_bound (see BUGS).

arc4random_buf() fills the memory pointed to by buf, with n bytes of pseudorandom data.

The rand(3) and drand48(3) families of functions should only be used where the quality of the pseudorandom numbers is not a concern and there's a need for repeatability of the results. Unless you meet both of those conditions, use the arc4random() functions.

Return Value

arc4random() returns a pseudorandom number.

arc4random_uniform() returns a pseudorandom number less than upper_bound for valid input, or 0 when upper_bound is invalid.


For an explanation of the terms used in this section, see attributes(7). allbox; lbx lb lb T{ arc4random()arc4random_uniform()arc4random_buf()
T}Thread safetyMT-Safe




OpenBSD 2.1, FreeBSD 3.0, NetBSD 1.6, DragonFly 1.0, libbsd, glibc 2.36.


An upper_bound of 0 doesn't make sense in a call to arc4random_uniform() Such a call will fail, and return 0 .Be careful, since that value is not less than upper_bound. In some cases, such as accessing an array, using that value could result in Undefined Behavior.

See Also

  1. getrandom(3),
  2. rand(3),
  3. drand48(3),
  4. random(7)