System Grab Bag


This site contains utilities and tools for system administrators and programmers across multiple operating systems. The hope is that this is useful for system administrators regardless of operating system. While the content at the moment is primarily focused around Unix and Unix-like operating systems such as Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and others, the hope that it helpful for everyone.

This site is also intended to be resource friendly and to be light so that it can run well whether you have a low-end computer from 10 years ago or a high end computer right off the factory floor. This site is also intended to be mobile friendly so that devices with smaller screens (such as phones or tablets) can also use these tools and read the reference material that is available here incredibly easily, without sacrificing the utility of these tools on desktop computers.

Tools and Utilities


  • Computer Size Converter - convert easily between bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, terabytes, petabytes, etc. This tool also provides the number of 8-bit (octets), 16-bit (hextets), 32-bit, 64-bit, and 128-bit groupings which may be useful in situations where needing to know this is needed.
  • Timestamp Converter and Parser - convert easily between different types of timestamps in use by various different computer systems today. It accepts natural input like 1999-01-01 00:03:33 so you can easily convert between timestamps without having to have any (for example if you only have log files that have human readable dates and times).
  • Base 2, 8, 10, 16, and 36 Converter - quickly convert between numbers of various bases and learn about the different numbering systems used in computing. Multiple different bases are shown on one page with quick links to some common numbers.
  • IPv4 Subnet Calculator - enter in an IP address or an IP network in CIDR notation and find out the range of IPs that are in the range, the reverse DNSes of the beginnings and ends, and which RIR or organization operates a network quickly and easily all from your browser. Lots of different stats, along with popular IP networks, are also given as suggestions.



  • Unix Permissions Calculator - or "chmod" calculator, this tool is provided to help provide both information on what access permissions are available on Unix based systems as well as being able to convert between different forms.
  • rsync Command Generator - this tool helps to assist you to generate commands for the powerful rsync utility in an easy to use, yet powerful, user interface.


  • systemd Unit Security - this tool helps to analyze systemd service files and configurations to help provide more secure services. It also can be used for generating parts of the unit file directly. It has a simple to use interface, focusing on making it incredibly easy to create secure configurations without sacrificing needed functionality.
